Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 354 Hot Task

Chapter 354 Hot Task
Originally, Mo Fei thought that it would be fine for Lei Sen to put him in a relatively hidden place, but he did not expect Lei Sen to send Mur Fei into the jurisdiction of the Star Heart Circle very responsibly.

But this time Mo Fei didn't go to Xiao Minyu's villa, but Lei Sen's villa.

Lei Sen's life is very simple, and the villa is much smaller than Xiao Minyu's.

But it's no wonder, after all, Xiao Minyu lived with Man Chengbin and the others, and even if they were assigned, they would live in a larger villa.

Leisen has only Leisen himself here, because Leisen doesn't like too many people, and the militarized management since he was a child basically means that Leisen basically doesn't need others to do anything, so he doesn't even have servants.

Park the Silver Wing in the backyard of the villa, which is specially tailored for the Silver Wing, so the fence is quite high, and the size even exceeds the land area of ​​Lei Sen's house, which is why Lei Sen lives closer to the edge.

"The place I live in is very clean. I will give you the key. You stay at home, and no one will check here." Lei Sen said as he took out an electronic key from a bunch of keys and handed it to Murphy.

"Is... no problem?" Murphy hesitated to accept Leisen's key.

"Stop talking, hurry up, I won't be too polite to you if I have to go to the command center." Lei Sen simply shoved the electronic key into Mo Fei's hand, then turned around and boarded the mecha again.

The mecha jumped up, and Murphy entered Leisen's villa with the key.

The interior of Leisen's villa is very tidy, but there are few decorations, giving people a cold feeling.

It was not the first time for Murphy to come here, but when he saw the layout of Lei Sen's house without turning on the lights, it was indeed quite different from Xiao Minyu's.

"It's really a residence for the team members. It's too simple." Murphy stuck out her tongue, but she didn't have any objections. After all, it was not easy to find a place to hide in the star base. Who would? Picky here is not warm enough to decorate it.

Murphy walked upstairs quickly, and Lei Sen said that he could find it by himself, except that the second room was where he lived, and the rest were empty.

After opening several other rooms, Murphy not only sighed: It's really empty, unlike other people's guest rooms that have some simple decorations, this place is completely empty.

Of course, except for the next door to the second room, there are some simple furniture and beds in this room, but nothing is covered.

It seems that I can only live here.After taking a look, Murphy began to spread the bedding.

At this moment, Lei Sen has arrived at the command center. The commander of the star base and other leaders heard that Lei Sen was back and quickly asked about the mission. They were relieved to know that everything went well, but they were very worried about the sudden attack of zombies. .

"This is the first time our star base has encountered such a situation. Although most of them are ordinary zombies, there are also several giant zombies mixed in. If all the ordinary zombies grow up in the future, then we really have no ability to resist. gone."

"Commander, please don't worry, we will carry out the next giant zombie elimination as soon as possible. I guess they are still on the way at the moment. I will go and bring back the members of the mecha team first." Lei Sen nodded to express his understanding and said.

"Okay, then you go! Come back as soon as possible." The commander-in-chief also knew that this matter was urgent, so he quickly let Lei Sen go.

Xiao Minyu, who was on his way right now, didn't find any giant zombies along the way, but saw Lei Sen descending from above.

"Didn't Lei Sen say that he went back to the base after the inspection? Why did he come back?" Xiao Minyu was surprised, and quickly adjusted the communicator to Lei Sen's frequency band: "Lei Sen, what happened?"

"Xiao Minyu, I'll take the members of the mecha team back first, and you should come back quickly, the base is attacked by zombies." Lei Sen replied briefly.

"Zombie siege? Have you never encountered a star base?" Xiao Minyu also knew that the matter was serious, but despite having doubts, he quickly asked Man Chengbin on the side to start arranging personnel.

"Fortunately, there are not too many giant zombies. I have already checked the outer circle. There are no giant zombies. Come back as soon as possible. I will take the team members away first." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen switched back to the Mech Team channel , Immediately, all the mechas of the mecha team left the team and headed forward, rushing to the star base at their fastest speed.

"Members of the special operations team, let's speed up. Vehicles equipped with heavy weapons maintain the center of gravity and keep up without overturning. The members of the light vehicles speed up and return to the star base." Xiao Minyu finished speaking and let their heavy weapons Changed to another car, and then Geng Yunwei drove towards the distance.

After Murphy made the bed, he prepared the supplies for the bath and a change of clothes. He went to the bathroom to take a good shower, and Murphy changed into clean clothes and sat on the bed.

The beds in Leisen's house are all relatively hard, but Mo Fei doesn't pick them, it's much more comfortable than sleeping outside anyway.

After eating something first, Mo Fei sat cross-legged on the bed to practice Qi.She wasn't too worried about the zombie siege at the star base. When she swooped down just now, Mo Fei could clearly see the situation outside. There weren't many giant zombies, which was probably due to the cleaning up by Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu these days.

If it's just ordinary zombies, it won't be too difficult to deal with after all the members of the mecha team and the special operations team come back.

After six rounds of breath practice, Murphy felt a little sleepy, held his breath in his body, and then lay down on the bed.

While Murphy was half asleep, he heard the door knocking, followed by powerful footsteps.

The footsteps stopped in front of Murphy's room, and they stopped quietly for a while before leaving. Then Murphy heard the door of the next room being pushed open.

It seems that Lei Sen is back. It is estimated that Mo Fei should be sleeping so late, so he didn't bother Mo Fei.

After confirming Lei Sen's return, Murphy also felt relieved, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Murphy originally wanted to talk to Lei Sen, but when he got up, he found a breakfast on the table, and Lei Sen had already left the house.

After having breakfast, Murphy went back to her room. The only thing she could do now was to take the opportunity to practice more. She needed the next improvement.

When Lei Sen finally came back at night, Murphy had already prepared the meal. During the meal, Murphy found a chance to talk to Lei Sen.

"Lei Sen, actually, the reason I chose to come back now is because of one more important thing."

"What's the matter?" Lei Sen knew that it was a risky thing for Murphy to come back. Murphy was assassinated under the protection of Xiao Minyu before. If it wasn't for Murphy's magical ability, he might have been murdered long ago, so this time Murphy would When he came back, Lei Sen also wondered if there was something going on outside.

"Actually, I saw Gu Huaiyuan when I was in the mountains this time."

Lei Sen was startled by Murphy's words, he would never think of Gu Huaiyuan.

"What? Gu Huaiyuan is still alive? Then why didn't he return to the star base?" Lei Sen couldn't figure it out. Everyone knew Gu Huaiyuan's support. As long as Gu Huaiyuan returned to the star base, Li Jiao would treat Gu Huaiyuan better, let alone Li Jiao's child will be born in a while.

But these are not important. The important thing is that Murphy's previous accusations have come to light.So no matter what he thought, Gu Huaiyuan had no reason to hide in the mountains.

But Murphy shook his head: "No, Gu Huaiyuan is not alive."

"Wait, Gu Huaiyuan is not alive, but you saw it? You mean Gu Huaiyuan's body? No way! It stands to reason that the body should have rotted after so long." Lei Sen first thought of something and then denied it. own ideas.

"Neither, Lei Sen. What I saw was Gu Huaiyuan, but he has already mutated into a zombie, and, most importantly, he mutated into a C5 zombie." Seeing Lei Sen's constant guessing, Murphy said, Tell him the correct answer.

"C5 zombie, impossible!" Lei Sen shouted in disbelief.

"I hope it's impossible, but it's true." I've observed it carefully, and Murphy said helplessly. If possible, she also hopes it's not true.

Afterwards, Murphy talked about the problems she found in the giant zombie valley, including how the new C4 zombies treated Gu Huaiyuan.

Lei Sen couldn't help sighing, because he knew that every point Murphy said would further confirm the fact that Gu Huaiyuan had become a C5 zombie.

"This matter is serious, but it's not convenient for you to come forward for the time being. I will take a day to go to that valley tomorrow, so that I can find out that speaking out will attract more attention from the base." Lei Sen said after thinking for a while.

This was going with Murphy's idea. Murphy knew that the C5 zombies must be eliminated, but she wanted to keep a low profile now, so it was best for Lei Sen to do this.

After eating, the two talked about some details, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Lei Sen didn't delay at all, and left early the next morning.Afterwards, he drove the Silver Wing straight to the valley in the mountains.

Although Lei Sen couldn't descend too much, he didn't see clearly whether the zombie's face was Gu Huaiyuan, but it was confirmed that it was a C5 zombie.

Lei Sen didn't delay much, and flew back to the command center directly to report the incident.

Last time, because Murphy caught the C5 zombie, it brought a great breakthrough to the research. This time, they found an absolutely rare C5 zombie. The people in the research institute didn't know whether to be happy or fearful.

After all, the reappearance of the C5 zombie further confirms the increased speed of zombie evolution this time.

But Lin Yixun didn't care so much, she only issued an arrest order, and she needed more information for reference.

However, no one dared to accept the task after it was announced. Even Lei Sen, the provider of the situation, couldn't accept the task. Everyone knew what the situation in that valley in the mountainous area was like.

Back then, soldiers were lost there, even Lei Sen's Silver Wing almost fell there, but now there are new C4 zombies, and the number of giant zombies has also increased, so no one will take their lives as a joke.

No one answered the task, and the people in the command center had no choice but to call Lei Sen.

(End of this chapter)

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