Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 355 The solution is what people think

Chapter 355 The solution is what people think
Ordinary people can choose according to their own situation when they want to perform missions, so even if the mission rewards are extremely high, no one will be willing to go to such a mission with a high risk factor.

But not only the research institute, the command center also understands the importance of C5 zombies.

Except for Murphy and Leisen, no one else knows about the C5 zombies in the valley. Although Leisen believes in Murphy, it is difficult to disclose without sufficient evidence.

And the C5 zombie last time could reproduce, that is to say, while they were wasting time, perhaps new zombies had appeared in the valley.

"Lei Sen, what do you think of this mission?" Liao Hui, the supreme commander of the star base, called Lei Sen to the command center and asked.

"Commander Liao, it's not that we are timid to fight. The terrain of the valley and the number of giant zombies in the valley are really not conducive to combat. We can only draw some giant zombies out to attack, but presumably those giant zombies will also be killed because of this. The C5 zombies are well protected."

Although Liao Hui was disappointed after hearing Lei Sen's words, he also knew it was true.

"Is there no way? You must know that the harm of C5 zombies is not ordinary." Liao Hui murmured involuntarily.

"This..." Lei Sen paused, and then said, "Commander Liao, can I go back and think about it?"

Liao Hui raised his hand and waved to Lei Sen: "Okay, you go back first."

Lei Sen said goodbye to Liao Hui, then left the command center and drove straight towards the house.

He thought of Murphy, the first C5 zombie was snatched from C4 zombie by Murphy.Lei Sen wanted to ask Murphy if he had any good solutions. After all, Murphy had the most say in this matter, and this matter was originally revealed to him by Murphy.

Back home, Lei Sen found that Murphy seemed to be still in the room.You're not still sleeping in broad daylight, are you?
But even if Murphy was sleeping, he had to disturb him, because he was in a hurry to find Murphy.Lei Sen went upstairs to Murphy's door, and knocked lightly on the door.

Murphy inside the room was practicing Qi, and was startled by the sudden knock on the door.Lei Sen usually goes out to work, and only comes back for lunch when he is free. If he is busy, he will be out all day, or even come back in the middle of the night.

So during the day, Murphy was very relieved to practice Qi at home, but he couldn't go out, and his plan couldn't be implemented, so Murphy tried to use the time as much as possible to improve himself.

Lei Sen's sudden return made Murphy feel a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Murphy's psychological quality is not bad. After a moment of astonishment, he quickly calmed down, and then restrained his breath.

"Lei Sen? You're back?" Murphy said as he got up.

"Feifei, are you uncomfortable? Why are you still nesting in the house during the daytime." Lei Sen's tone was a little suspicious.

"No." Mo Fei took out an e-book from the storage amulet and threw it on the bed, then opened the door: "I'm reading a book, what's wrong?"

Lei Sen glanced at Murphy's room, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that nothing was wrong: "Come to the study, I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh, I see." After Mo Fei answered, he turned around and tidied the bed, put the e-book on the bedside, and then went out.

When he came to Lei Sen's study, Lei Sen had already brought in the drink first.

Murphy took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the sofa, and here were the only two sofas that could catch Murphy's eyes. After sitting down, Lei Sen handed the drink to Murphy.

"Lei Sen, what's the matter?" Murphy turned away his drink and asked curiously. Lei Sen would definitely not come back at this time for some boring things.

"Feifei, I actually want to ask you about the last time you caught that C5 zombie." Lei Sen said truthfully.

"Oh, what am I supposed to do? But why did you remember to ask about this?" Murphy told Lin Yixun about this last time. Although he concealed some things, the general situation is indeed the same.

"Because this time the research institute issued a mission to catch this C5 zombie, but no one took it, so the commander-in-chief assigned people from our mecha team to go." Lei Sen said helplessly, while enjoying the good conditions given by the base, They also need to contribute more to the base.

At any time, soldiers must obey orders, even if they know that it is no different from going to death.

"What? The command center sent people from your mecha team to capture the C5 zombies? Is the commander in charge okay?" Mo Fei was in a hurry, and criticized unceremoniously.

"Feifei, you can talk about it at home, but don't go out." Lei Sen hurriedly stopped Murphy from continuing.

"I know, but what I said is right. When is it now? Although the C5 zombies are very harmful, it is urgent to increase the evolution rate of the global zombies. Everyone in your mecha team is going to clean up the C5 zombies. The siege depends on what they do."

After Murphy came back, he had already heard that when the weather suddenly heated up, the zombies also seemed to be affected by the temperature rise and accelerated their speed. They just ended a round of zombie attacks, because it was the first time they were attacked, so I don’t know. Regarding the frequency of attacks, I don't know if it's a good time to send out the entire mecha team at this time.

Although Murphy's words were harsh at this time, they were indeed telling the truth.

"Let's not argue about this for now. I mainly want to ask you to see how you can help us complete this task smoothly." Lei Sen first calmed down Murphy's mood, and then asked earnestly.This is a matter related to the lives of himself and all members of the mecha team, so of course he can't be careless.

"Actually, there is a way to talk about it, but the price is relatively high." Murphy lowered his head and thought for a while and said.

"What kind of solution? Let's hear it." Hearing that Murphy had a solution, Lei Sen asked quickly.

"It's just..." Murphy repeated his general thoughts.In fact, it is nothing more than the use of heavy weapons. After all, the valley is a basin, and it is always advantageous to be at a high place, but the deployment needs to be very careful, because once it is discovered by giant zombies, those zombies that are already very smart are likely to hide elsewhere.

So quietly, transport the attack weapons to the cliffs around the valley without the giant zombies being able to find them.

In addition, Murphy also mentioned one thing to pay attention to, that is, the weapons must be fixed, otherwise, like last time, due to the impact of giant zombies, many weapons fell to other places without being useful.

This matter is easy to say, but in fact it is very difficult to operate.

The transportation of those heavy weapons is a problem. To transport such heavy weapons requires larger and more stable vehicles. However, such vehicles are powerful and loud, and it is very difficult to come quietly.

Another thing is to transport these weapons to the stone walls around the valley. You must know that there are places that machines cannot reach, unless you use giant construction cranes, but the noise of these giant cranes is not generally loud.

Even if these are overcome, there is still a fixed problem.To fix such a heavy thing is not a matter of just sticking it with some tape. You must drill holes in the stone wall and then tie the instrument firmly and nail it to the stone.

Do you think it's possible to nail something into a rock without making a sound?
So it's easy to make an opinion, but it's a little impossible to do it.But since Murphy made such an opinion, he must have thought of a way, Lei Sen continued to ask Murphy for advice with an open-minded expression.

"Lei Sen, do members of your mecha team have to go?" Murphy asked instead of answering.

Lei Sen didn't understand, so he nodded: "Yes, does this have anything to do with doing this task?"

"It's okay, I'm just asking."

"Then tell me how to deal with it!" Lei Sen continued to ask.

Unexpectedly, Murphy smiled mysteriously: "How to overcome the sound brought by the transportation, think about it yourself, and I will tell you what to do next after it is shipped around."

"Okay." The lines on Lei Sen's face softened. Murphy's words meant that she was willing to help find a solution. Moreover, Lei Sen believed in Murphy, so he didn't ask any more questions, and responded directly.

"I'm going back to the Star Soul Circle first, and things need to be arranged, but are you sure you can transport things up without making too much noise?" Although Lei Sen believed in Murphy, he still couldn't help asking.

"No problem, but you will have to do the binding tools at that time. I can help you leave out the holes for fixing the nails. You have to tell me the size of the nail holes for fixing in advance." Murphy replied with certainty .

"Great, then I'll start preparing right away. I'm leaving first. I'll come back when this matter is arranged. I'll make dinner." Lei Sen's voice was full of joy, although he couldn't refuse this matter before accepting it. However, if it can be done well, it will indeed bring benefits to the base and even the whole world.

"Well, you go, then I'll make do at noon, remember to have a big dinner." Mo Fei smiled and got up, took two sips of drinks and went back to the room.

With Lei Sen's words, Murphy could practice Qi with more confidence now. Anyway, Lei Sen would come back at night, so Murphy simply didn't eat lunch.

After practicing until four o'clock in the afternoon, Lei Sen really came back with a bunch of vegetables.

Lei Sen doesn't need to move in Murphy, but it's not easy to stay in the room to practice Qi, so he tidies up the table in the living room and wipes the table.

Since Murphy moved in, Murphy has asked Leisen to bring back some things from time to time, and Murphy has remodeled a little here and moved a little there, and the villa has finally gained some popularity.

"Feifei, it's time for dinner, hurry up and wash your hands." Lei Sen called to Murphy after putting the last soup bowl on the table.

Murphy turned to look at Leisen. This was the first time Murphy saw Leisen cooking at home.

I didn't expect men to look good in aprons!Mo Fei stared at Lei Sen who was wearing an apron with bright eyes, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Why are you laughing?" Lei Sen was slightly embarrassed to be stared at by Murphy, and asked under cover.

"No, I didn't laugh, I saw something delicious." Murphy turned his gaze to the dining table, and he had to say that Lei Sen was really a good man, he went out of the battlefield and entered the kitchen.

Murphy had tasted Leisen's handicrafts in the sea base before, but at that time there were not too many seasonings, and there were no good-looking bowls and chopsticks to set off.Looking at it today, Lei Sen's presentation is really professional!

Just as he was about to wash his hands, the doorbell suddenly rang outside.

(End of this chapter)

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