Chapter 357

Sensing something approaching from behind, Murphy quickly dodged, but the distance was too close when Murphy found out.

With a "swish", although Murphy got out of the way, but because he was so focused on looking out of the window just now, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings at all, so Murphy's face was cut by a sharp object.

Blood flowed down from the wound on her cheek, and Mo Fei felt a pain in her cheek. At this moment, she had recovered her senses and turned on the speed talisman to back up a lot.

Looking carefully at the thing that attacked him just now, Mo Fei narrowed his eyes: What is this?
Yes, there is no way to distinguish what is in front of you.

It has a huge body, sharp claws, and protruding die teeth. The body stands upright, but the fur and carrion all show that it is a zombie.

However, because the body was similar to that of a human, and it had fingers, but it had fur, so Mo Fei really didn't know whether it was a zombie or a zombie beast.

Probably a zombie beast?If it is a human-sized zombie, except for the C5 zombie, and the rest are ordinary zombies, then the movement will not be so flexible.

Murphy only hesitated for a second before confirming the other party's identity.

It's just, how could zombie beasts appear here, and it's still under the jurisdiction of the Star Soul Circle.

However, that zombie beast didn't give Mo Fei any chance to think, and quickly counterattacked at Mo Fei. Probably the bloody smell on Murphy's cheek aroused its appetite, and the attack of this zombie beast, which was tall by itself, became more and more fierce. stand up.

Only then did Mo Fei give up thinking about the origin of the zombie beast, and quickly picked up the ice attack talisman and iced it at the foot of the zombie beast.

The speed of the zombie beast was very flexible, and it actually escaped the ice attack talisman that Murphy sent out while using the speed talisman.

"Okay, I have some skills." Murphy could see that this zombie beast should be good at speed, but let's see which of us is faster.

Murphy pulled out the spear from the storage talisman, and stabbed directly at the zombie beast.

Seeing that Murphy took out a long-distance weapon, the zombie beast stepped back a little, and then rushed up along the edge of the floor.

Originally, Murphy wanted to tie up the zombie beast and wait for Lei Sen to come back and take it back for research. Now he found that the zombie beast's attempt was too much, so he simply blocked it with a long spear, and at the same time, the ice attack talisman in his hand shot at the zombie beast. smashed on his body.

As the zombie beast was going down in mid-air, it hit the ice talisman, and fell to the floor all of a sudden, smashing a hole in the floor.

Murphy stuck out his tongue: Leisen, I'm sorry, I broke your floor.

But this was just a thought, and Mo Fei didn't stop, because although Mo Fei's ice attack talisman improved with the level of improvement, but the proficiency was not high, so it was better to completely freeze this zombie beast. It's a bit difficult. Murphy wants to kill the zombie beast while it can't move.Then Murphy put away the spear that had been stabbed and stabbed it out, hitting the head of the zombie beast.

The zombie beast tried its best to stretch out its sharp claws. Murphy dodged lightly, but his arm still pinned the zombie beast hard. At a place where the zombie beast's claws could not reach, Murphy stirred the spear into the zombie beast's head. After stirring, the zombie beast finally stopped moving.

Pulling out the spear, Mo Fei used the tip of the gun to take out the black crystal in the head of the zombie beast and wipe it clean, only to find that there was actually a third-level blue black crystal inside, which meant that it was a second-level zombie beast.

These zombie beasts have all mixed into the star soul circle, is it possible that the star base is going to repeat the history of the blue base?

The Zombie Beast's black crystal and Merit Value Mo Fei were taken away, and the rest of the Zombie Beast's corpse, Murphy, was left for Lei Sen to deal with.

Feeling the pain on his cheek, Murphy hurried to the bathroom.

After washing the wound with clean water, Mo Fei took out the talisman from the storage talisman.

However, after waiting for a long time, the talisman did not activate. It seems that the talisman will not care about the serious wound.

Mo Fei put away the talisman again, and took out a band-aid from the medicine box, but the wound was relatively large. Mo Fei scratched the size of the wound, and the band-aid couldn't stick at all, so Murphy had to put the band-aid back. Got medical gauze and medical tape.

First use alcohol cotton balls to endure the pain to disinfect around the wound. Although I will not mutate into a zombie, it will be troublesome if the wound becomes infected.After the treatment, Murphy folded the gauze into pieces and covered the wound, and then fixed it with adhesive tape.

After finishing it, Mo Fei looked in the mirror again, and he couldn't help laughing, but the wound was immediately involved, so he could only look at himself in the mirror expressionlessly: This look is too funny, but he can see it without bandaging the wound. It's a little shocking.

I am practicing Qi and have the talisman, although I don't need to worry about leaving scars, but I can't ignore the wound on my face.

It's just that the outside world doesn't know what's going on, and doesn't know if there are any other zombies or zombie beasts. Mo Fei doesn't dare to concentrate on practicing Qi to heal his injuries at the moment, so he can only treat the wounds first.

So, when Lei Sen came back, he saw Murphy with a large gauze wrapped around his face, the damaged floor and the corpse of the zombie beast.

"Feifei, are you alright? Why are you injured?" Lei Sen was a little anxious. Who doesn't know that after being attacked by a zombie, there is a high chance that he will mutate into a zombie.

"I'm fine. I don't know what that zombie beast is. It just appeared in the house suddenly, and I was attacked unprepared." Murphy replied indifferently.

"It's all right! Show me the wound, have you treated it? Just make sure it doesn't get infected." Lei Sen said and was going to get the gauze on Murphy's face.

"Oh, it's really okay. You can deal with the zombie's body first. It's not convenient for me to go out, and the stairs and the floor are a bit damaged. You can find someone to fix it later." Murphy pushed Lei Sen and let him Don't make a fuss.

"What do you care about the floors and stairs now? No, cut me a wound. I'll go get anti-virus medicine." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen turned and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"It's all right, I..." Mo Fei only paused for a moment and replied simply: "I'm actually a supernatural being, but my ability is too weak, and I have armor, so I don't use it much."

Everyone knows that supernatural beings will not directly mutate into zombies, unless after death, but Murphy's small injury will never cause death. Murphy really has no way to explain his practice of Qi and talismans. It can only be said that he is a supernatural being.

Turning on the ice attack talisman, Mo Fei controlled the appearance of a small, crystal clear ice flower in his hand.

"Look, that's all I can do, so I never use it." A little sweat was already dripping from Mo Fei's forehead at this moment. Of course, this was the effect Mo Fei made on purpose, so that we could see how hard she worked. .

In fact, Murphy worked hard to suppress his original ability to such a weak level while still holding his breath, which made it seem a bit difficult.

There was surprise in Lei Sen's eyes: "Feifei, you are a supernatural being. No wonder you say you are fine, so I am relieved, but do you want to improve? Otherwise, I will help you collect black crystals."

Seeing that Murphy is the supernatural being Leisen, she is relieved. At the same time, she also hopes that Murphy will become stronger so that she will not be injured again.

"No need, my mecha already has enough energy. If I use the energy myself, it's such a huge project. What's more, as you have seen, my foundation is so weak, I don't know how much black crystals it takes to achieve The primary standard of ordinary people, so don't waste it, you know I won't mutate, just fine."

"That's right." Lei Sen quickly agreed with Murphy's explanation. Murphy's own spear skills are very good, and with the mech, if it weren't for today's accident, no one would have noticed her. It's still a supernatural being.However, Lei Sen was very happy to know about Murphy again. Murphy had too many secrets.

"Why are you right? Why don't you pick up the corpses of zombie beasts?" Seeing that Lei Sen agreed, Murphy asked with a different tone.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Lei Sen walked into the house, and after a while, he put on his gloves and dragged the corpse of the zombie beast out of the room.

When Lei Sen came back after disposing of the corpse of the zombie beast, Mo Fei had already cleaned the corridor without any dirt.

"Lei Sen, what happened today? Why did zombies come into the security zone?" Murphy only had time to ask Lei Sen what happened.

Mo Fei knew that Lei Sen must know, because Lei Sen received the notification before he found the zombie beast, but it was probably because of outsiders that he couldn't notify Murphy, and Lei Sen probably would not have thought that there would be a zombie beast. Get into your own home.

Lei Sen knew that Murphy must be wondering why, so he explained the whole story.

It turned out that this was the fault of the research institute.

The personnel of the research institute have also captured many zombie beasts in addition to zombies due to the problem of the recent increase in the evolution speed of zombies.

And the zombie beast that Murphy killed just now was actually based on a cute squirrel.

Ok!The squirrel after mutating into a zombie beast has absolutely nothing to do with being cute.

This zombie squirrel accidentally ran out during the experiment to collect samples today. Someone at the research institute was scratched and mutated into a zombie, so the command center was in chaos.

In fact, no one knows where this zombie squirrel went, so for safety, first evacuate the people in the warning area of ​​the star heart circle closest to the star soul circle, and then search carefully.

Just now Leisen didn't come back from a mission, but sneaked back to inform Murphy to pay attention. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that this zombie squirrel attacked Murphy in Leisen's villa.

As I said before, Leisen’s house is located in the inner part of the security zone, because Leisen’s mechs sometimes park in the backyard of the villa, so the backyard needs to be divided into a large location. Leisen’s villa is It belongs to the relatively outer area.

It is estimated that this zombie squirrel ran out along the star soul circle and went directly to the warning area of ​​the star heart circle, and then entered the villa from the front yard.Because the backyard wall is higher than the city wall, it is absolutely impossible to enter.

"Lei Sen, are you sure there is only one zombie beast running out?" Murphy originally listened quietly to Lei Sen's explanation, but after hearing this, Murphy suddenly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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