Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 358 Hunting the Running Beast

Chapter 358 Hunting the Running Beast
Lei Sen didn't understand why Murphy would ask this question, after all, he said it was only one when he received the notice from above.

However, Lei Sen also knew that Murphy would never ask useless things, and guessed that Murphy should have deduced some questions from it.

"Feifei, what do you think? Do you know something?" Lei Sen asked hurriedly.

Mo Fei squinted his eyes, analyzing the context of this matter rapidly in his mind.

It's not that Murphy likes to be paranoid, but that he has to think too much about matters involving life safety.

Murphy quickly narrated what Lei Sen had said. From the beginning, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't put it into words.

Although Murphy was not a member of the research institute, he used to go in and out of the research institute frequently because of Lin Yixun, and when providing tasks, Murphy would also participate in some things, so he still knew a little about the research institute.

After finishing speaking, Murphy stopped, grasping the clue in his mind. "That's right! There is a problem here." Murphy suddenly shouted, and glanced at Lei Sen.

"What's the problem?" Hearing Murphy said there was a problem, Lei Sen replied with a question mark on his face.

"Are you still searching?" Murphy asked instead of answering.

Lei Sen nodded without knowing it: "Yes, I just dragged the corpse of the zombie squirrel outside, and I planned to clean it up before reporting, but you just happened to ask me."

Because Leisen had already caught the zombie squirrel, he relaxed his vigilance, so he didn't rush back to the command center.

"That's right, because it's not over yet." Murphy pouted.

"You mean there are other zombie beasts?" Lei Sen also opened his eyes wide. He didn't understand what Mo Fei relied on for his judgment.

"Go to your study. Your study is probably the safest place in this house." Murphy smiled at Lei Sen, but she was right.

The two entered the study, and after Leisen closed the door, he quickly asked Murphy why.

Murphy sent his analysis to Lei Sen again.

Before, because of Lin Yixun's relationship, Murphy was always in the research institute, and Murphy often took the branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree to submit tasks.

Murphy was very aware of some of the research institute's equipment, and it was true that only one zombie or zombie beast was held in the detention facility, but it was impossible for the zombie or zombie beast to escape with those equipment.

Even when the semi-zombie Gao Qing was imprisoned last time, Gao Qing could not escape by maintaining human thinking, but he escaped because of the sample passage.

When taking a small sample, you only need to let the sample be completed in the sample machine held in custody, but if you want to collect a full-body sample, you need to transport the sample from the passage to the sample room.

Murphy had seen the sample room, where there were two human sample sampling stations, but only one animal sample sampling machine.

Zombies are usually sampled separately, that’s because small samples can be taken out by the main sample machine, but zombie animals do not have a dedicated sample storage machine, and they are all placed in the sample sampling machine.

So, if the one that escaped was a zombie or maybe one, but the one that escaped was a zombie beast, then Murphy estimated that it might be more than one zombie beast that escaped this time.

In the research institute at the moment, Lin Yixun sat in the office and yelled at his subordinates: "What did you do? You let all the important samples escape, how should you report it now? It's okay to escape one, but it's actually Six escaped, don’t you know about the accident at Cangji?”

"Dr. Lin, we really can't blame us for this. I didn't expect the zombie beast to improve so fast now. That zombie squirrel was suddenly promoted to the second-level zombie beast. We were caught off guard." The one wearing glasses below The man lowered his head and replied with an aggrieved face.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to an explanation. Find someone you can trust. If you don't get everything back, you know the consequences. I can only suppress it for the time being. If something goes wrong, I can't protect you." Lin Yi Kaoru lowered his voice.

"Yes, we understand." Several people hurriedly left Lin Yixun's office.

"My sample, I can't get it back to make you look good."

Struggling to push the documents on the table to the ground, Lin Yixun walked to the window.

Murphy's guess was right, this time there were not one zombie beast that escaped, but six.

Among the six, this zombie squirrel is not the highest level. The highest level one is a zombie sheep that has been promoted to the third level zombie beast.

It's just that this zombie squirrel is more skilled, so it turned over along the inner city wall of the Star Soul Circle and the Star Heart Circle, and fell directly into the jurisdiction of the Star Heart Circle.

The rest of the zombie beasts scattered and left. The small one, the zombie mouse, got out of the hole at the foot of the city wall, but it didn't appear in the jurisdiction.

Only this zombie squirrel entered the jurisdiction, and by coincidence, it climbed into Leisen's house along the front yard wall.

And Lei Sen happened to go out in a hurry, the door was automatically locked, so Lei Sen rushed out directly, unexpectedly, the moment the door closed, the zombie squirrel got into the house through the crack of the door.

After the door was closed, it was automatically locked, and the zombie squirrel went upstairs without being able to get out.

When the zombie squirrel was walking around, there was noise outside, and Murphy ran to the room diagonally opposite to look out. When he lost his mind, the zombie squirrel came out from another place and attacked Murphy.

But Murphy's ability is strong, so he didn't let the zombie squirrel succeed. If it were someone else, he might have already entered the zombie squirrel's stomach by now.

"If it's really like your analysis, then the star base is in danger." Lei Sen couldn't help frowning after listening to Murphy's analysis. The major impact that will occur after the civil strife is gone.

"I can't go out, but please tell the person in charge of the search quickly." Murphy hurriedly urged Lei Sen.

"Okay, then you should be careful at home. If something happens, you can hide in my study." Lei Sen's study is specially made, and it shouldn't be a problem to resist other things except giant zombies.

That's why Murphy said that Leisen's study was the safest place in the family.

"Don't worry, you can go. I was careless before, but now I will be vigilant." Murphy nodded towards Leisen. She didn't want to stay in Leisen's study. After all, the reason why the building is so strong must be something What secrets are in it.

Although Murphy believed in Lei Sen, but with the lesson from last time, Murphy was still not ready to be inside.Just like she also believed in Lin Yixun, but in the end Lin Yixun couldn't explain it.

At this moment, Lei Sen was concerned about the situation of the zombie beasts outside, so he nodded without thinking too much, "Then I'm going out." He turned and left the room and went downstairs.

Murphy also left the study and returned to his room. After waiting for a while, Murphy came out and went up and down to check Lei Sen's house again.

After all the inspections, it was found that there were no loopholes, and Murphy returned to the room. She was lucky to be healed, and the wound on her face would be involved every time she talked or laughed, and it was really painful.

Sitting on the bed, Murphy slowly let his breath flow. As Murphy's breath flowed over his face, although the wound was not completely healed, it gradually healed a little.

The zombie squirrel's claws seemed to have hooks, so the wound on Mo Fei's face turned slightly outward, looking a bit hideous. Now it has healed slightly, and the flesh has also restrained.

It's okay, okay, Mo Fei saw that the wound on his face had healed up a lot, and covered it with gauze again.It can't be completely healed, otherwise it will be too weird, so at least it won't hurt when talking.

After wrapping up Mo Fei, he went out of the room and looked outside through the window just now.But this time she didn't focus on the outside, but kept vigilant all the time.

The lights outside are still bright, illuminating the jurisdiction as if it were daytime, even though it is almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Under such conditions, as long as there were zombie beasts, they would definitely be found. In this way, Murphy felt that it was safer outside.

It's just that Murphy can't go out, and he doesn't know what's going on with Lei Sen, so he can only wait quietly inside the house.

Not long after, Lei Sen returned again, this time the news Lei Sen brought was neither good nor bad.

After searching in the star soul circle, they found two zombie beasts that failed to escape, and the research institute finally admitted that not one but six zombie beasts escaped this time.

But now three of them have been found, and the research institute judges that the other three will not stay in the star-soul circle, so now the attention is temporarily placed on the star-heart circle.

"You wait at home and don't go anywhere. It is said that the remaining three, one of them is the highest level, the third-level zombie sheep, the other is a zombie cat, and the other is a zombie mouse.

However, although the zombie sheep is a level three zombie beast, it is the last thing to worry about. After all, the larger the zombie sheep, the more obvious the target will be.

Just like the two zombie beasts found in the Star Soul Circle are relatively large in size, they can be found soon.

Now the research institute is mainly worried about zombie cats and zombie rats.

The level of these two zombie beasts is not high, but their abilities are not weak. Ordinary people are not opponents at all. I just hope that they will not bump into ordinary people.

After listening to Lei Sen's words, Murphy suddenly had an idea, whispered his thoughts to Lei Sen, and Lei Sen's eyes lit up: "This is feasible, I will try it."

After speaking, he asked Mo Fei to lock the door carefully, and then ran out again.

Murphy waited for a long time but did not wait for Lei Sen to come back. He was really sleepy, so Murphy lay on the bed and squinted for a while.

But because the two zombie beasts were very flexible animals, Mo Fei didn't sleep too deeply.

So dazed until dawn, Lei Sen returned home sweaty.

Murphy got up when he heard the door ring, and opened the door to confirm that it was Leisen Murphy who came out.

"Lei Sen, how's the situation?" Seeing Lei Sen going upstairs, Murphy asked hurriedly. "Eh? Leisen, are you injured?" It was only now that Mo Fei realized that Leisen's body was covered in blood.

(End of this chapter)

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