Chapter 359
Hearing Murphy's question, Leisen looked down at himself.

Blood stains mixed with sweat stuck to his body, and the bright red flesh in the open neckline was still bloody.

A few steps forward, Murphy wanted to check Lei Sen's wound, because from the appearance alone, the wound was quite serious.

Lei Sen is not a supernatural person or a mutant, nor has he practiced Qi like Murphy. If the wound was scratched by a zombie beast, there are eight out of ten.Nine will be infected with mutations.

Murphy had long regarded Lei Sen as one of his own, so seeing Lei Sen injured, he was very anxious.

Looking down at his wound, Lei Sen laughed instead: "It's all right, I'm not injured, I'll come right after I take a shower, I've been busy all night and starved to death, please help me cook some noodles!"

Before Murphy could say anything else, Lei Sen flashed into the house, leaving only Murphy standing at the door.

Mo Fei's eye circles were a little red. Lei Sen didn't want to worry himself. Although Lei Sen said before that there was an anti-infection drug in the research institute, it was said that the drug had a very low success rate of anti-drug, but Murphy now hoped that Medicines can work.

Because Lei Sen just said that he was hungry, Murphy turned and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

After a while, a bowl of plain noodle soup appeared on the dining table in the living room, with a simple fried egg on top.

Lei Sen had already changed into clean clothes and came down, looked at the noodle soup and said with a smile, "Hey, there are also fried eggs."

"You eat first, I'll go upstairs to get the medicine box." Murphy was about to go upstairs but was grabbed by Lei Sen.

"What are you doing with the medicine box?"

"What else can I do, I'll bandage you! After eating in a while, go to the research institute to get the anti-drug." Murphy's face was full of seriousness.

"I'm not injured, really." Leisen realized that Murphy had misunderstood something, and deliberately undid two buttons to prove: "Look, I'm really not injured."

Mo Fei didn't care about the difference between men and women at the moment. After all, when Lei Sen injured his back before, this upper body was not uncommon, so it is important to pay attention to the wound at this moment.

But when Murphy looked at the original location of the wound, there was nothing there, not to mention the wound, not even a scratch.

"Uh... you, why is your wound gone?" Mo Fei asked, pointing at Lei Sen's chest in disbelief.

"What kind of wound! That's not mine." Lei Sen re-buttoned it, and then he told the story of going out all night after yesterday.

Since the star circle is the main search target, the entire star circle is very brightly lit, and the zombie sheep with the biggest target was found in a short while.

But the zombie sheep didn't cooperate. Of course, even if it wasn't a zombie sheep, ordinary sheep might not cooperate either.Later, Xiao Minyu brought the supernatural attack team of the special operations team over to clean up the zombie sheep.

The zombie sheep were dealt with, but the zombie cat and zombie mouse were still not found, and everyone searched for the remaining two zombie beasts.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that all the places in the star circle were turned over and they didn't find it, so the powerful lights on the side of the star circle were turned off.

At the same time as the Xingxin circle temporarily lifted the alarm, the personnel who went to the Xingmin circle to search finally found the trace of the zombie cat.

That zombie cat jumped onto the platform of a small team’s house. As a result, none of the team’s members were vegetarians. The zombie cat that was wiped out in a short while, when everyone rushed over, that zombie cat was already a dead body.

Lei Sen felt that the zombie cat probably followed the zombie mouse, so he searched around.

I just didn't expect that zombie rat to be very cunning, and ran into a residential house along the underground pipe.

This time the household was not so lucky, it was lived by a pair of brothers, both of them were not very capable, and there was a problem with the pipes in the recent bathroom, so there was no water in the toilet, and the zombie rat just got in. house.

When it was discovered later, the elder brother who had been bitten by the zombie mouse and mutated into a zombie was chasing his younger brother and ran out, and only then was the search team discovered.

As for the zombie mouse, because it was too small, it had been caught for a long time before it escaped under the influence of fresh meat.

But that elder brother and that younger brother were also sacrificed. When they found out, Lei Sen had wanted to save the younger brother, but unexpectedly, the zombie brother was so fast that he stabbed his claws into his younger brother's back.

Because of Lei Sen's influence in the past, that zombie brother grabbed Lei Sen again, and then got blood all over Lei Sen's body, and that piece of meat probably got on his body at that time.

Later, everyone was busy cleaning up the zombies and zombie beasts until now, so it wasn't Leisen's injury at all, but someone else's splash.

"It turned out to be like this, but that really looked like a wound, and it scared me." Murphy patted his chest.

"I'm pretty strong, and I'll be fine."

Seeing that Lei Sen was fine, Mo Fei smiled and ordered a bowl of noodles for himself to eat together.

Mo Fei didn't see Lei Sen in the next few days, because Lei Sen always left early and returned late to prepare for dealing with the giant zombies in the valley.

Murphy didn't care about these, he just practiced seriously every day, seeing that she was only one step away from the next promotion.


"Huh? I came back so early today." Murphy, who happened to be preparing dinner for himself in the kitchen, looked unexpectedly at Lei Sen who came back just after five o'clock.

"Well, things are almost ready. Xiao Minyu's actions are really fast. It is said that the batch of heavy weapons has already been transported to the front of the valley." Lei Sen replied, rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands under the water pipe, and was ready to accept Mo. Fei's job.

"It's okay, let me do it! You go wash up first, and we'll talk about it after dinner later." Murphy raised his hand to block Lei Sen.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lei Sen did not refuse Murphy's kindness, and turned and went upstairs after leaving the kitchen.

Murphy's meals are very simple, so it will be ready in a short time.After the food was served, the two of them sat on one side of the table and ate silently.

Although there was no conversation, both of them felt very comfortable.

After finishing the meal quietly, Mo Fei put away the bowls and chopsticks, and went directly to Lei Sen's study without saying anything. Usually, the two of them would talk about important things in the study.

After entering the study room, Lei Sen asked what he hadn't finished before: "Today Xiao Minyu said that he has transported all the heavy weapons that can cover the mountaintops around the valley, but we still don't know how to transport them to the top of the mountain. Should you tell me?"

"Actually, this matter is difficult for others, but it couldn't be easier for you!" Murphy smiled and looked at Lei Sen.

"Me? Silver Wing can't bear this heavy weapon at all, otherwise I won't keep asking you how to do it."

"I know, you can't carry it by yourself, but it's different if two people carry it!"

"Two people lift? You mean..." Lei Sen looked into Murphy's smiling eyes: "Will you help me?"

"Hey, of course, otherwise, would I give you this idea?" Seeing Lei Sen's happy look, Murphy couldn't help laughing.

"However, if this matter is known to others, then you..." Of course Lei Sen knew the main purpose of Murphy's return this time. Although he hoped that Murphy would help, he did not want to affect Murphy's plan.

"Don't worry, I've already figured out a way. When the time comes, you'll be like this..." Murphy explained his general plan, and Lei Sen couldn't stop nodding.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go get ready, and when we're ready, let's move the weapons up." Lei Sen finally felt relieved after hearing Murphy's plan.

Murphy was only responsible for providing the plan. As for what to do, Lei Sen would figure out a solution by himself, so he ignored it after finishing talking, and went back to the room to continue practicing Qi. It was the last point, and he was about to break through the shortest stage.

Lei Sen's work efficiency has to be said to be very fast. Within two days, Lei Sen said that he had prepared the things according to what Murphy said, and now he was waiting for Murphy to go with him to transport the weapons up.

"Okay, we'll start tomorrow morning, but it's better to be earlier." Murphy said to Lei Sen.

Of course, Lei Sen knew what Murphy was thinking, so he agreed immediately, and then prepared the food and so on for the two of them to go out tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Murphy sat in the carrying compartment of the Leisen mech, and the two of them flew towards the valley.

After receiving the news that Lei Sen's Silver Wing had left, Xiao Minyu led his people and rushed over to the mountain area.

Arriving at the side of the mountain valley, Leisen stopped in the open space where the weapons were placed.

Although these heavy weapons are covered with a waterproof membrane, they are not guarded. Not to mention that zombies are not interested in them, and others are interested in them and cannot be dragged away, so there is no need to keep people here to guard them.

"That's it, let's start!" Lei Sen shouted at Murphy after he came out of the carrying compartment.

"Okay!" Murphy made a good gesture to Leisen, and then called out his golden mech.

The two mechs, one gold and one silver, look very good standing together, just radiating a faint light with the rising sun.

"Began to move." Lei Sen spread his silver wings, and then walked up to a heavy weapon.

Mo Fei also controlled the golden mecha and walked over. The two stood at one end of the heavy weapon. With both arms, the heavy weapon was lifted up by the two of them tacitly.

Although they have never practiced before, the movements of the two of them are very neat at this time, without any confusion at all, as if they have practiced it many times.

The two lifted one end, and then walked forward for a while. When they reached the sixth step, the two flew to the top of the valley at the same time.

This was an agreement between the two of them in advance, and they took off after walking six steps with the heavy weapon.

When the first heavy weapon was placed firmly on the mountain above the valley, Lei Sen couldn't help feeling more at ease.

The two put their weapons away, and then flew down the mountain. What they had to do was not only this heavy weapon, but there were more heavy weapons waiting for them to carry.

However, the two of them didn't know that there were not only heavy weapons waiting for them below, but also Xiao Minyu and the others who were chasing Lei Sen.

(End of this chapter)

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