Chapter 360
At the beginning, the two of them carried it up carefully, and after carrying it down twice, the two of them became more and more proficient.

They cooperated tacitly and found the trick. Murphy and Leisen moved faster and faster.

Just when the two of them were about to fly down the mountain for an unknown number of times, Mo Fei suddenly noticed a car approaching in the distance.

Murphy stopped in mid-air for a moment. Leisen originally flew faster than Murphy, but now he looked back and saw that Murphy stopped, so did he.

Looking forward along the road, I soon found a car driving towards this side quickly.

Lei Sen quickly flew to Murphy's mecha, and dragged Murphy to the top of the mountain.

The two landed on the top of the mountain, Murphy put the mecha into his body, and Lei Sen also walked from the operation cabin of the mecha to the platform.

"Someone is here, what should I do now? How should I explain these things that have been brought up." Leisen is now alone, and no one would believe that he could move up such things alone, and he really couldn't do it alone. .

"Don't panic, have you forgotten what I asked you to prepare? Now is the time for that thing to come in handy. You will release that first in a while, and try to move up as I said, but remember Each can only be used once, don't use it a second time in place."

Murphy didn't panic, and asked Lei Sen to use the thing she asked Lei Sen to arrange before.

"Okay, then you wait at the top of the mountain first, and I'll see who it is. If it's not important, I'll let them go as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen returned to the inside of the mecha, walked to the edge of the mountain and pulled a pulley-like Things hang down.

It took a lot of work to arrange this thing, so there weren't too many around.

After letting down the cable, Lei Sen flew down from the top of the mountain again.

At this moment, Xiao Minyu had already walked out of the car, and looked at Lei Sen who flew down with a slight smile. He had long wanted to know how Lei Sen got these heavy mechs up, but Lei Sen never said anything, so Xiao Minyu went to investigate. Take a look at Rayson's actions.

Although Lei Sen's actions were relatively secretive, after all, the mecha was too huge to hide, so Xiao Minyu, who received the news early in the morning, followed directly.

Seeing Lei Sen flying down now, Xiao Minyu waved at Silver Wing.

Seeing that it was Xiao Minyu, Lei Sen frowned slightly: How could it be Xiao Minyu?But Xiao Minyu had already said hello, so Lei Sen had no choice but to stop the mecha, and walked from the operating cabin to the platform.

"Lei Sen, how is the situation here? It seems that you have moved to many stations, now can you let us know how you got there?" Xiao Minyu asked with a smile.

Lei Sen knew that Xiao Minyu would not let it go until he figured it out, so he nodded to Xiao Minyu, and then re-entered the operation cabin of the mecha.

Walking in front of a heavy weapon, Leisen controlled Silver Wing to lift the heavy weapon up.

With Silver Wing's ability, it's not a problem to lift this heavy weapon and move forward, but he can clearly feel the weight.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, Leisen put down the heavy weapon, and then fixed the cables to the four corners of the heavy weapon respectively. This is reserved for fixing the heavy weapon on the transport vehicle or other positions.

After tying up the four cables, Leisen controlled the mech to go to the side and pulled a cable left outside. Above it was a set of pulleys, and the heavy weapon was slowly rising while being pulled.

Raising to the top, Leisen fixed the cable pulled below on a wedge with a ring, and then flew up at once, then pulled the heavy weapon to the mountain wall and untied the fixed cable.

Xiao Minyu couldn't help but nodded from below. It turned out that the heavy weapon was pulled up by using the pulley block. This ordinary person couldn't pull it up, but the mech could do it.

After dispelling the doubts, Xiao Minyu was also a little disappointed. He originally thought that Lei Sen would come up with some brilliant ideas, but it turned out to be nothing more than these.

After moving the heavy weapon, Lei Sen simply fixed the weapon on it, deliberately killing time.

Although Xiao Minyu below didn't know it, Lei Sen knew that there was no pulley that could withstand the pressure of such a heavy object and still make no sound at all.

If you want to continue to pull up the heavy weapon quietly, you can only change the pulley constantly, which is a waste of time and material.

That's why Murphy said that this can only deceive people's eyes and ears, but there is no way to only use this method to transport heavy weapons.

Lei Sen hesitated for a long time before flying down, and told Xiao Minyu about the fixed things above.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu lost his intention to detect, Lei Sen simply said to Xiao Minyu that they are dangerous here after all, this is the base camp of giant zombies, and once he is found, he can only escape.

Xiao Minyu originally came to see what kind of secret weapon Lei Sen had prepared, but now he found out that it was only using a pulley, and he also knew that this place was not safe, so he said a few more casual words and left the mountain.

When Xiao Minyu was far away, Lei Sen directly controlled Silver Wing to fly up to the top of the mountain, and found Murphy who was basking in the sun and eating snacks behind a big rock.

Seeing Murphy's leisurely look, Lei Sen directly blocked the sun, and a huge shadow blocked Murphy.

Feeling that the sun was gone, Mo Fei opened his eyes and saw Lei Sen's silver wings in front of him.

"Going away?" Murphy asked directly.

"Let's go, let's continue!" Lei Sen didn't get out of the mech, and directly replied through the external speaker device. The shocked Murphy rubbed his ears, and gave Lei Sen a dissatisfied look.

After getting up again, Murphy summoned the mech again and followed Leisen to fly below, and the two carried heavy weapons again and again according to the previous situation.

In the afternoon, the two men moved the weapons up, but it will take some time for the weapons to be fixed.

Since it was not difficult to fix the weapon, Mo Fei was lazy. It was just before the sunset when the red sunset had yet to set, and the red sun, like salted egg yolk, reflected half of the sky like it was on fire.

Murphy closed the mecha and asked Lei Sen to fix it by himself, while he sat on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

Looking at it, Mo Fei suddenly felt that there seemed to be a clear feeling in his heart, and the trace of breath in his body was spinning around Mo Fei's body without warning.

Before he had time to react, Murphy realized that he had actually improved.

This is probably the second time she has improved so easily after re-strengthening her body in the stepping mountain last time.

Although the book said that the second stage of the mind training period was the shortest stage, Murphy was still very surprised that he could improve so naturally.

Murphy's promotion this time was so natural that even Lei Sen, who was busy fixing heavy weapons not far away, didn't notice it.

It turns out that this is the opportunity mentioned in the book. Murphy has a clue in his heart that the sudden feeling and understanding outside may be a chance.

Now Murphy has advanced to the third stage of the mind training period: the spiritual wisdom period.

However, no matter how much it will improve at this stage, Murphy doesn't care now, what she cares about now is the Dao Talisman.

If it wasn't for the Dao Talisman, Murphy wouldn't be rushing to practice Qi in order to improve. Now that the breath requirement is met, Murphy's mind will fall on the Dao Talisman.

There was no time like now, which made Murphy feel that every minute and every second passed so long.

She was looking forward to going back soon, and turned her head to look at Lei Sen. Lei Sen was still fixing his weapon, and it seemed that there was no hope for a while.

Murphy had no choice but to stand up, and asked for help so that he could go home early.He directly summoned his golden mecha and flew towards Lei Sen's other side, and then began to help fix it.

Originally, Lei Sen was busy with the work at hand, and he didn't blame Mo Fei for his refusal to help fix it. This was originally a matter for their mecha team, and it would be great if Mo Fei could help transport it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Murphy came to help, and Lei Sen couldn't help but label Murphy another kindness in his heart.

Two people work twice as fast as one person, not to mention that Mo Fei slightly activated the speed talisman. Although he didn't use the highest speed, Lei Sen's dexterity definitely couldn't match it.

After everything was fixed, Lei Sen discovered that Murphy had made almost two-thirds of it.

"I'm tired, let's go home!" Murphy didn't take credit for it either. She wasn't asked to do it in the first place, and she helped out because she couldn't wait to go back.

Lei Sen nodded, admiring Murphy's swift action, but also feeling a little ashamed.

Murphy climbed into Leisen's carrying compartment, and the two of them flew towards the star base.

It was the first time for Murphy to fly back to the star base at night. Looking at the lights of the star base below from the sky, although it was not the lights of thousands of families, it also felt alive.

Because it was already dark when flying back, Lei Sen went straight to the villa under the jurisdiction of Star Heart Circle after judging the location from above.

After parking the Silver Wing in the backyard, Murphy climbed out of the carrying cabin.Leisen also walked down from the Silver Wing's operating cabin.

"Feifei, go take a shower first, and I'll prepare dinner." Because Mo Fei had done most of the work just now, Lei Sen asked Mo Fei to rest first.

Murphy didn't shirk it either, it was hypocritical to push back and forth at this time.

After entering the house, he went straight upstairs, and Murphy went to take a shower first.He was not in a hurry to go downstairs, anyway, it would take a while for Leisen to cook.

Murphy circulated the breath in his body in a way that did not absorb the breath from the outside world. It was very smooth without any hindrance, and it also proved that his body did not change due to the sudden improvement.

Relieved, Mo Fei got up, and then went downstairs to prepare for dinner.

Lei Sen cooks neatly, from selecting ingredients to washing, and then cooking, all are very fast. The only cooking time cannot be speeded up, so the rice is not ready after the dishes and soup are ready.

"Lei Sen, I'll serve the meal in a while, so you can go up and wash it too!" Although he was not dirty in the mech today, he was still sweating in the hot weather. After Murphy came out, Lei Sen went upstairs to take a shower.

"Okay, I'll come down to eat after washing." Lei Sen responded and ran up directly.

Mo Fei sniffled, and the smell of vegetables wafted over. Mo Fei stood in front of the rice stewing pot with a rice spoon, staring at the time when the rice pot jumped over without blinking.

(End of this chapter)

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