Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 361 Arousing suspicion

Chapter 361 Arousing suspicion

Not only was Murphy hungry, but she was anxious to go back to her room after eating to study the important talisman.Mo Fei almost felt that the time now was not enough.

What's more, sitting at the dining table and waiting, the smell of the food kept coming to his nose, making Mo Fei even more hungry.

So Mo Fei simply took the rice spoon and stood in front of the kitchen rice cooker.

Lei Sen was afraid that Murphy would wait too long, so he took a bath very quickly. After Lei Sen came out from the shower, he saw this scene.

Seeing Mo Fei pitifully standing in front of the rice cooker with a rice spoon in his hands, staring at the countdown numbers without blinking, Lei Sen couldn't help but curl his lips.

Lei Sen didn't even realize that since he got acquainted with Murphy, his long-term ice face has eased a lot.Just like his current home has gained popularity, instead of being cold and mechanical.

"You're hungry! You go and eat a few bites of food first, it will be ready soon, let me serve the food!" Lei Sen subconsciously stretched out his hand to stroke Mo Fei's head, and said in a loving tone.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll be fine." Mo Fei realized at this moment that he was indeed in a state of starvation for several days, as if he was just waiting for food, and replied a little embarrassed.

While the two were talking, the rice cooker made a "ding" sound, indicating that the rice was ready.

Mo Fei pressed the button, and the inner pot of the stewed rice popped out.Mo Fei put the rice spoon in to serve the rice, and filled two bowls full before coming out.

One bowl was handed to Lei Sen, and the other bowl was placed in front of him. Mo Fei sat down and ate it without hesitation.

After dinner, Lei Sen competed to wash the dishes, but Murphy was straightforward and went back upstairs in a hurry.

Back in the room, Murphy closed the door and took out his talisman.

This talisman has been on her mind since the last time she was promoted to the second stage of the mind training period. With this talisman, she has the confidence to find her father's notebook.

"I must dig out the secret. I want to know how my parents got into an accident." Mo Fei said as he opened the page in the talisman that recorded the talisman.

Rubbing his sore eyes, the sky outside has turned slightly white.Mo Fei held the talisman and studied it all night.

This talisman is the most complicated talisman she has seen so far, and the drawing method is very weird.

Mo Fei didn't know how to understand this talisman, so she could only copy the strokes on the talisman first.

However, even if it is a simple copy, there are often mistakes in the drawing, and there is a possibility of going astray at every turn, which makes Mo Fei feel a little bit decadent.

"What kind of talisman is this? Why is it so difficult? I really don't want to draw it anymore." Mo Fei threw the talisman on the bed and lay down.

But after all, she really needs this talisman, and she must research it no matter what.

Looking at the brightly lit sky outside, Mo Fei put the talisman away again, and then lay down. She stayed up all night to no avail. What she needs now is to catch up on sleep.

After Leisen got up in the morning, he went directly to the command center. He had already completed all the preparatory work yesterday, and he was going to report. I don't know that she didn't get up until almost noon.

After getting up, Mo Fei washed up and ate something. She didn't think about anything today. The only thing she had to do was to study this talisman.

Murphy was very careful with this talisman, but no matter how careful he was, he would always make mistakes. The existence of this talisman seemed to be for people to make mistakes.

"Ah... ah... I can't draw well, I can't draw well!" Mo Fei said upsetly, kicking the sheet on the bed.

Glancing at the time, it was past seven o'clock, and he forgot to eat dinner before Lei Sen came back.

Unable to figure it out, Mo Fei touched his already hungry stomach and decided to solve the problem of food and clothing first.

Coming downstairs, Murphy turned on the light.

I just made a fried rice in the kitchen when I heard the doorbell outside.

Mo Fei hurriedly ran upstairs, but he heard shouts from outside: "Captain Lei, I'm Xiao Guo, open the door!"

When Mo Fei heard that he was a member of the mecha team, she knew that Xiao Guo was the pilot of the half-flying mecha.

Strange, shouldn't Lei Sen be with the team members at this moment?How did you find a home.

But Mofei Kemi planned to open the door for him, but quietly went back upstairs.

Xiao Guo, who had been shouting outside for a long time, looked strangely at the slightly bright Lei Sen's house, scratched his head, and muttered strangely: "It's strange, the lights are on, why isn't Team Lei here?"

But there was no answer, Xiao Guo left Lei Sen's villa with a puzzled expression and walked towards the command center.

But when he arrived at the command center and saw Lei Sen still sitting there discussing the follow-up matters, Xiao Guo quickly walked towards Lei Sen: "Lei team, didn't you go home just now?"

"No, Team Lei has been deploying, what's the matter?" It was a team member beside Lei Sen who answered instead of Lei Sen.

"Ah? Then why is there a light in Team Lei Sen's house? Could it be a thief?" Just now, Xiao Guo was going back to pick up a forgotten spreadsheet. He originally wondered if Lei Sen also forgot to take something, so he stopped and waited. Lei Sen went back to the command center together.

Now that I heard that Lei Sen didn't go back at all, the first reaction in my heart was that a thief broke into Lei Sen's house.

When Lei Sen heard that there was a light, he thought it must be Murphy, but Murphy usually works during the day and stays in his room at night, unless Lei Sen goes back.

But looking at Xiao Guo's posture, as if he was about to go back to search, he quickly said: "Oh, I seem to have forgotten to turn it off when I came out."

Xiao Guo obviously didn't believe it. It was already dawn when Lei Sen went out, so there was no need to turn on the lights. What's more, he didn't seem to notice that the lights in Lei Sen's house were on when he first passed by.

But looking at Lei Sen's appearance, he didn't want to mention it again, so Xiao Guo swallowed the words vividly.

Lei Sen looked at the deployment again, and got up after he felt that there was no problem: "Okay, today is almost done, and we will check the equipment and mech performance again tomorrow, and we will set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, Team Thunder." The Mecha Team members replied in unison.

"Then go back and rest!" Lei Sen waved his hand, motioning everyone to go home.

"Captain Lei, I'll go with you!" Xiao Guo leaned over. Since he is the youngest in the team, everyone usually protects him.

"Okay, let's go with my car later." Without thinking too much, Lei Sen packed up his things and left the command center with Xiao Guo.

Xiao Guo lives with members of other mech battle teams, and of course they don't have a special yard to put their mechas.

However, there is a passage from the docking ground to the villas where the members of the Mecha team live, so the members of the Mecha team live in the farthest corner of the jurisdiction of the Star Base's Star Heart Circle, which is close to the Star Soul Circle.

And Leisen lives on the side of the intersection, so if he wants to go back, he will pass Leisen's house first, but it is not far from the car after getting off from Leisen's house.

At the gate of Lei Sen's house, Xiao Guo jumped down from the top but didn't go inside.

"Lei team, let's have a cup of coffee today before leaving!" Although Lei Sen didn't allow Xiao Guo to mention it again, Xiao Guo was still worried, what if something hurt their captain, so Xiao Guo decided to talk to Lei Sen. Sen went home to have a look.

Xiao Guo stared at Lei Sen earnestly. Lei Sen knew that he would not be able to hide today. He only hoped that Mo Fei would not come out when he heard the door ring, and stay upstairs.

After entering the room, the light was still on, and Lei Sen heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Murphy also noticed that someone outside had not turned off the light, otherwise the explanation would be unclear.

"Sit down, I'll make coffee." Leisen pointed to the sofa in the living room, then put the documents on the table and walked into the kitchen.

Xiao Guo sat down, but his eyes looked around.It's just that after looking around, I didn't find anything. At this moment, Lei Sen brought the coffee and put it on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Team Lei, Team Lei. During our inspection tomorrow, can you ask Minyu Xiao to take a look at my mech's flying wings? I always feel like it's a bit off." Xiao Guo quickly found a topic and said to Lei Sen .

"Oh, there's no problem, bring up anything else, we're going to have a big battle after all, we can't be careless."

"Well, by the way, Team Lei, put away your documents first, and I'll just sit here and drink slowly." Xiao Guo said, looking at the documents on the table.

"Well, then you sit down first, I'll go up for a while." Lei Sen took the documents and walked upstairs to the study.

Murphy had already heard someone coming back in the room, and originally wanted to come out, but when he heard that Lei Sen didn't go upstairs immediately, Murphy guessed that someone must have come together.

After putting her ear against the door and listening for a while, Mo Fei was sure that someone was indeed there. Of course, she would not rush out foolishly and stay in the room.

But just after Murphy heard Lei Sen's footsteps going up the stairs, the people outside seemed to be walking up the stairs slowly.

Mo Fei frowned, looked back into the room, and turned off the lamp first.

At the same time that the desk lamp was turned off, the man also walked to the door of Murphy's room.

There was a "click" sound of the door handle twisting, but the door was locked.

"Captain Lei, come quickly, there is a problem here." Xiao Guo waited for Lei Sen to go up and walked around downstairs but found nothing.

Watching Lei Sen enter the study, Xiao Guo used to come to Lei Sen's house often, so he followed up with ease.

The others are all empty rooms, only this one has some simple furniture, and these little Guos know it, because this is the place where some of the team members who come to Leisen to study things temporarily live.

Xiao Guo always felt that there was something hidden in this room today, so he walked directly to the door of this room. After all, this place is not an important place. Even if he opened it without authorization, Captain Lei would not blame himself.

But Xiao Guo reached out to twist the doorknob, only to find that the door was locked.

Except for the study room, other places in Lei Sen's house are unlocked. Xiao Guo's heart moved, and he shouted loudly.

Hearing Xiao Guo's shout, Lei Sen ran out from the study next door, seeing Xiao Guo's hand holding the doorknob of the room where Murphy lived, his face was slightly gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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