Chapter 362
Seeing Lei Sen coming out of the study next door, Xiao Guo quickly pointed to the door and shouted: "Captain Lei, I told you there might be thieves in your house, this time block it."

Probably felt that he had done something for Lei Sen, Xiao Guo's face was full of excitement.He didn't notice that Lei Sen's face was getting darker and darker.

"Captain Lei, hurry up and open it with your electronic key, and don't let that thief run away." Xiao Guo knew that although the windows of this house could be opened, the second floor was built to match the high wall outside to block the mechs. is also very high.

Jumping from here is not to mention whether it will be broken or not, but it is useless even if you jump down. The outside is a courtyard wall that is higher than the outer city wall, and the thief will definitely not be able to escape.

"Captain Lei, hurry up! If the thief jumps from the window and falls to his death, he won't be able to catch him alive. What if there are any accomplices?" Xiao Guo urged Lei Sen outside.

Lei Sen couldn't explain it at this time, but Xiao Guo's words reminded Lei Sen. Murphy must have heard Xiao Guo's words, and Murphy would not stay in the room foolishly because of his intelligence.

If he doesn't show it to Xiao Guo today, he will definitely suspect that there is a problem here in the future. Lei Sen hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Understood, then you wait here, and I will get the electronic key."

After speaking, Lei Sen returned to his study.

After delaying the time as much as possible, Lei Sen walked out of the study with the electronic key in his hand.

"Captain Lei, why are you so slow! I'm so anxious." Xiao Guo, who was still holding the doorknob outside the door, looked anxious.

"What's the rush, I can't run anyway. I haven't used this key for a long time, so I just found it." Lei Sen simply handed the electronic key to Xiao Guo, but he was praying in his heart that Murphy had left.

Xiao Guo didn't stop after taking the key, he put the electronic key directly in front of the door, and pushed the door open when he heard the sound.

There was nothing inside the door, including the quilt that Mo Fei made on the bed and some small things.

Leisen was also a little surprised, how did Murphy do it in such a short period of time.

At this moment, Murphy had reached the roof and was sitting on the roof. He took out a large bag of cloth from the storage amulet, and moved things like quilts out of the storage amulet and put them on the bag.

Just now, after hearing what Xiang Xing and Xiao Guo said, Mo Fei quickly put everything into the storage talisman, then opened the window and flew out directly with the flying talisman.

Of course, Murphy didn't forget to close the window, so he flew directly to the roof.

But after a while, he couldn't go back empty-handed, so Mo Fei slowly sorted out the things he had just put away on the roof.

After Xiao Guo entered the house, he found that there was nothing, no one, nothing had been moved, and even the windows were closed.

In disbelief, I went around the house, including the cabinet and the bathroom, but there was nothing.

"Look, there's nothing, you're really making a fuss." Lei Sen heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time he didn't forget to scold Xiao Guo.

"But Captain Lei, then your room is never locked, why..." Xiao Guo asked back when he heard Lei Sen say that he felt a little wronged.

Lei Sen touched his chin: "I moved a cabinet over yesterday, and it might have been closed when I came out." Because things can be taken away, but Mo Fei can't take the cabinet, so the person who packed Mo Fei's clothes The cabinets are still inside the house.

Lei Sen just saw the cabinet and explained in this way.

In Xiao Guo's impression, there was no such wardrobe in this room before, not to mention that Lei Sen said so, and Xiao Guo could not continue to pursue it.Moreover, the room is so big, there is nothing to pursue if you want to pursue it, so you can only lower your head resentfully: "So that's the case, it turns out that my analysis was wrong, so I'll go back to Team Lei first."

"Well, rest early, tomorrow is the final preparation before departure." Lei Sen will not keep Xiao Guo any longer at this moment, he still wants to see where Murphy is hiding.

After Xiao Guo responded, he looked out of the window and found nothing unusual, so he left the room.But Xiao Guo still felt a little strange in his heart, they were about to go out soon, he decided to go back and find someone to watch for him, what if there were really some thieves hiding here in Team Lei?
After Lei Sen watched Xiao Guo go downstairs, he opened the window and looked out.

There was no Murphy in the yard below, and there would be none if he thought about it. After all, if Murphy was in the yard, Xiao Guo would have seen it just now, and would not wait for him to check.

Trying to shout out: "Feifei? Are you there?"

Afterwards, Lei Sen heard movement from above, and Murphy poked his head out from the eaves of the roof and waved to Lei Sen: "Where is this place, is someone gone?"

"Well, don't fall down from here, it's dangerous, go through the passage above, I'll unlock it for you." Lei Sen said and left the window.

There is a door leading to the roof, but it is at the end of the corridor.But don't think it's easy to get in, the door and the lock are not generally strong.

Lei Sen ran out and opened the door of the passage for Mo Fei, and then Mo Fei walked down the passage from the roof carrying a big cloth bag.

Quickly took the cloth bag from Murphy's hand, Lei Sen looked at the cloth bag and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to pack it up so quickly. Those who didn't know thought you were going to It looks like someone is leaving at any time."

"Hey, it was originally, who knows who will come to your house suddenly, of course I have to prepare in advance." Murphy responded, but in Lei Sen's ears, there was a feeling that Murphy might leave at any time Prepare.

"This time it was an accident. Did you turn on the light tonight? He happened to find out. I had to bring him in to clear up my doubts. It won't happen in the future." Lei Sen said as if explaining and reassuring.

"It's okay, my ability to escape is still top-notch." Murphy stopped arguing and followed Lei Sen to the room where he lived.

After re-making the bed, Lei Sen told Mo Fei a few words, it was nothing more than that the members of their mecha team were going to the mountains to do that task, and they would be very busy tomorrow. They set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow, worried about Mo Fei Question, Lei Sen plans to find some time tomorrow to buy some vegetables.

"It's inconvenient for you to go out alone. I will prepare more vegetables tomorrow. Eat the ones that are not easy to store as soon as possible, and store the ones that are durable."

"No, you must never buy it." Murphy quickly stopped Lei Sen's thoughts.

"What? What will you eat if you don't buy it?" Lei Sen was a little puzzled, and Murphy couldn't go out. He didn't know how many days he would have to do this mission, and he would definitely not be able to take care of it when he was busy.

"You're about to go on a mission and buy so many things at home. It's no wonder that you don't arouse people's suspicions. It's not like you're calling yourself!" Murphy gave Lei Sen a blank look, and Lei Sen said he was not meticulous. , but he was very thoughtful, saying that he was meticulous but made such a low-level mistake.

In fact, Lei Sen was only concerned about it, and only thought that it would be inconvenient for Murphy to go out at home, but he forgot that it would be eye-catching instead.

After hearing what Murphy said, Lei Sen also understood, and couldn't help blaming himself for the preparations that should have started a few days earlier.

"Don't worry, I won't starve to death. Have you forgotten the food we used to have? I still have some in my mecha. You can't see mecha just summoned in your backyard. I just need to be careful, those things are enough I have been eating for a long time."

"Oh, look, I forgot about this, so be careful yourself." Lei Sen was relieved after hearing what Murphy said. Although Murphy's mech carrying capacity was not as strong as his, those should be enough for Mo Fei. It's been a long time.

After telling Mo Fei, Lei Sen returned to the room, but Murphy did not stay up late like yesterday. Anyway, Lei Sen will not be there for the next few days, so he can study the talisman openly, so he might as well take a good rest tonight.

After practicing Qi cross-legged on the bed for a while, Murphy lay down and fell asleep peacefully.

When he woke up, Lei Sen had already gone out. There was breakfast and milk on the table. The milk was specially provided by the team, but after Murphy came, Lei Sen basically left it for Murphy.

After breakfast, Murphy reckoned that Lei Sen would only be back for dinner today, tidied up the house and returned to his room.

After locking the door, Mo Fei took out the talisman from the storage talisman and spread it on the bed.

My previous thinking was wrong. Before going to sleep after Qi training last night, Mo Fei calmed down and thought for a long time. She always felt that the talisman this time should have a special meaning. way to complete.

But in order to understand the deep meaning of the talisman, Murphy said that the difficulty this time was not so great.

Although the difficulty of this talisman is so high, this comment is the least. Some sporadic introductions on it make Murphy completely confused.

"It's too simple." Murphy couldn't help muttering.

In addition to the entire rune map, other symbols will have some notes, even the flight symbol will also indicate the range of abilities of this symbol, as well as the time limit for use, and as Murphy's level increases, the above Labels will also be progressive layer by layer.

But this talisman has nothing but its ability to use, the name of the talisman, and the image of the talisman.

There is a line of small characters below the only one: no distracting thoughts.

No distracting thoughts, no distracting thoughts... Murphy repeated these four words, the only four words.

The literal meaning is obvious, but what do these distracting thoughts refer to?You know, whether it is practicing Qi or drawing talismans, you have to get rid of the messy thoughts in your mind, and you have to concentrate, so these should be regarded as having no distracting thoughts, right?

Looking at these four words, Murphy suddenly thought of the dictionary he used when he officially started studying.

The dictionaries were all directly embedded in the electronic record book, and Murphy dug out the dictionaries from inside.

Turning on the switch of the electronic dictionary, Mo Fei wrote down the words "no distracting thoughts" in the input box.Press the search button again, and in an instant, there is no distraction and the explanation of the following words on the electronic record book.

No distracting thoughts: One's own thinking is controlled independently, without any attachments and delusions, and the mind is calm without delusions.

"Don't have any attachments and delusions, don't have delusions." Mo Fei watched Ci Jie's heart move, as if a clue had been caught in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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