Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 363 Operation Valley

Chapter 363 Operation Valley
After calming down completely, Murphy reviewed his affairs.

It is actually very difficult for a person to be free from attachments and delusions.

Taking herself as an example, Murphy doesn't think she is a greedy person, but she still wants to live well in the last days and find out the truth about her parents' accident, even though it has been so many years.

This may be a kind of obsession. If Murphy really let go, he won't think about digging things up again.This is human nature, but it is also counted among distracting thoughts.

Because Murphy learned this talisman with a purpose, can't he draw it?

Murphy stared at the talisman and the four characters in front of him, and couldn't help but ask himself silently.

Burying his head between his hands, Mo Fei felt that all his efforts after discovering this talisman seemed to be in vain.

I wanted to learn this talisman so desperately, I wanted to find out about my parents as soon as possible, and I wanted to get back my father's notebook as soon as possible, but it turned out that these were the keys to my inability to learn this talisman.

Murphy was a little discouraged, but thinking of the oath he secretly swore before, Murphy raised his head all of a sudden.

Yes, what is your original intention to learn this talisman?Don't you just want to learn to find the truth for your parents?Didn't I work so hard when I didn't know this talisman?

Then just pretend that this talisman has never appeared before. Thinking so, Mo Fei clasped his hands tightly, reached out and skipped over this talisman, and scrolled down to see what more useful talismans she can learn at this stage. .

Mo Fei, who had recovered, looked at the talismans seriously, but she had learned all the talismans that were temporarily useful.

After a short rest, Mo Fei put the talisman into the storage talisman. Since this talisman cannot be learned, her plan has to be changed.

Thinking about it, Murphy simply took out the electronic notebook, drew on it with his hand, and changed the plan a little bit.

According to the original plan, after learning this talisman, Murphy went directly to Dr. Wan Qiang's office, and then searched for his father's notebook little by little, but now it seems that it can only appear in advance.

If his previous murder was really related to Dr. Wan Qiang, then his appearance will definitely attract Dr. Wan Qiang's attention, so besides deploying, he must also be alert to the little tricks there.

The more Mo Fei thought about it, the more he felt the danger of appearing in advance this time, but he had no choice but to learn this talisman, so he had no choice but to take the risk.

But how to get close to Dr. Wan Qiang?Murphy can definitely escape with the talisman he has learned now, but the premise is to find the portable notes first, so he needs to get close first.

"I can't rely on Yixun this time. I almost hurt her last time. This time I have to find a way." Murphy just thought of Lin Yixun, but he immediately extinguished his thoughts.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't come up with a clue. Mo Fei felt upset, so he put aside all distracting thoughts and practiced quietly on the bed.

I don't know how many times the breath has traveled in the body. Murphy only knew that he finally calmed down before opening his eyes.

Mo Fei glanced at the time, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening. His mood was really fluctuating recently, and it took so long just to calm down.

Since he only had one breakfast, Murphy originally thought about going to dinner after calming down, but this is a good idea, and the lunch at noon is directly saved.

Touching Kong Kong's stomach, Mo Fei smiled bitterly. In order not to let his appetite protest, Mo Fei got up and was about to go out to get food, but he remembered that it was already dark, and what happened yesterday was just over, so it was inconvenient now.

He simply took some food from the storage amulet, and Mo Fei gnawed in the room with the water.

While eating, Mo Fei heard the sound of the door outside, and the sound of someone going upstairs after a while.

"Feifei, I'm back." Lei Sen's voice was exhausted, and he should have just returned from the final inspection.

"Yeah, go to bed early today." Murphy replied vaguely, in fact, he just took a bite of bread and couldn't speak clearly.

"What's wrong?" Lei Sen asked quickly when he heard that Murphy's voice was wrong.

After quickly swallowing the food in his mouth, Mo Fei opened the door: "It's okay, you have to go out tomorrow morning, so go to bed early today!"

Lei Sen didn't speak, but stretched out his hand towards Murphy's face: "Is it lazy to be alone? Didn't you have dinner?" His hand fell to Murphy's mouth, and wiped some bread crumbs from it.

Mo Fei smiled like a child who was caught stealing food: "I just... forgot the time when I was reading a novel, and it turned out that it was too late to turn on the light, so I will make do with it."

"Wait, I'll do it." Lei Sen didn't say anything else, turned around and was about to go downstairs.

"No, no, I'm full, really."

"I happened to have dinner too early and I'm a little hungry. I'm here now and no one will suspect anything. If you are so free, help me pack this backpack. Everything is in my room. I'll go get the food." Lei Sen Without giving Mo Fei a chance to refuse, he threw the huge action backpack in his hand to Mo Fei, and then went downstairs.

After receiving Leisen's huge backpack, Murphy was still a little dazed, but his heart was warm.

At this time, it would be hypocritical to rush down and say not to eat. Murphy took the backpack and went straight to Lei Sen's room.

Although he lived for a long time, this was the first time Murphy entered Leisen's room.

Lei Sen's room is very tidy, but there are a lot of starting equipment piled up in one corner at the moment.

Murphy arranged these things according to size and weight, and then packed them into the huge action backpack.

The things are only more than half loaded, but Lei Sen has already finished the food.

"Feifei, let's eat first! I'll make the rest myself." Lei Sen shouted at Murphy.

"Here we come." Murphy stuffed the same into his backpack, got up and left Lei Sen's room.

The food was very simple, but Mo Fei felt that it was better than the delicacies eaten at the banquet.This is probably the psychological effect that people say. When facing people who hate people, even the best things don't have the heart to appreciate them. But when facing people who like them, eating porridge tastes good. What's more, Mo Fei didn't eat two meals. hungry.

Meals are the best when you are hungry, and Murphy once again confirmed this point. Of course, I have to say that Lei Sen's craftsmanship is really good.

After eating, Mo Fei rushed to wash the dishes and went upstairs, Lei Sen was collecting the last some.Seeing that the collection was almost done, Murphy stood at the door and did not intervene.

"Lei Sen, you must be careful in this operation, especially the C4 zombie. That C4 zombie is a new C4 zombie. Although I don't know if its mind is as flexible as the previous one, its physical fitness is definitely stronger than the previous one. , so be careful."

Mo Fei looked at Lei Sen and warned: "By the way, pay attention to zombie birds, although I don't know if there are any."

"There are zombie birds?" Lei Sen had been nodding at Murphy's words, but now he paused and turned his head to ask in surprise.

Murphy nodded: "Yes, but this zombie bird should not have been formed naturally. I met one that was killed by my mecha last time, but I don't know if there are other zombie birds. After all, there are zombie birds in the sky. The initiative would be more beneficial."

Lei Sen pondered for a while and nodded solemnly: "I understand, don't worry, I will pay attention to this."

Leisen set off early the next day, but Murphy also got up very early, and made food that was convenient to carry before Leisen’s departure, but Leisen believed that the team would have food when he went out, and it was not convenient for Murphy to be at home For the reason of going out, he insisted on leaving the food to Mo Fei.

After sending Lei Sen away, Murphy went upstairs.

She still has a lot of things to do in the future, at least she must be ready to get close to Dr. Wan Qiang before Lei Sen returns, otherwise she will not be allowed to do such a risky thing when Lei Sen returns.

Back in the room, Murphy marked down the location he had noted down when he was walking around the Star Soul Circle, and at the same time listed the symbols he knew now to see what kind of abilities he could use.

At this time, all the members of the mecha team left the star base.

The personnel of the special operations team did not go this time, because the commander-in-chief of the star base also knows what kind of situation the star base is in now. If both special teams are dispatched, then the star base can only rely purely on weapons up.

"Yu, I heard that all the members of the mecha team went to the mountains this time. There is a valley full of giant zombies over there. How could they do such a dangerous mission?" Yulin asked Xiao Minyu at the dinner table early in the morning.

She has lived in for a few days, and her relationship with Xiao Minyu has become closer.

"It's for the C5 zombies. Back then..." Xiao Minyu couldn't help but think of Murphy when he mentioned the C5 zombies, and stopped talking for a moment when he was not in the mood to continue.

Yulin saw that Xiao Minyu didn't seem to want to bring it up and didn't care. On the contrary, it was Meng Zhibo, a burly man who was bothering Yulin. When Xiao Minyu mentioned it, Meng Zhibo followed along and replied: "Feifei brought back a C5 zombie before. People from the research institute said that the C5 zombies seem to reproduce, so they paid so much attention to it."

When Meng Zhibo mentioned Murphy, Yulin's face changed. She really shouldn't have asked about this matter. Fortunately, Xiao Minyu gradually forgot about Murphy, and was drawn out by herself instead.

Yulin secretly blamed herself and hated Meng Zhibo at the same time. This thick-looking man obviously did it on purpose, picking out words that she didn't like.

But Yulin's face was full of sadness: "So it's..." She couldn't continue.

Meng Zhibo glanced at Yulin, and muttered in a low voice, "Hypocrisy."

The voice was relatively low, and only Man Chengbin who was next to Meng Zhibo heard it, and teased Meng Zhibo to signal him not to speak.Although Man Chengbin also hates Yulin, he never shows it on his face.

Meng Zhibo snorted coldly, quickly finished what he was holding, and stood up from the dining table: "I'm done eating, I'll go to the car first." After speaking, he walked out without waiting for others to respond.

When Murphy was mentioned just now, Xiao Minyu was also in a bad mood. Seeing that Meng Zhibo had gone out, he simply stopped eating and got up and left the dining table.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu had also gone out, the others hurriedly put the things in their hands into their mouths, and left the dining table one by one.

Only Yulin was left sitting there alone on the dining table.

Staring at the gate of Xiao Minyu's house, Yulin's eyes were full of hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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