Chapter 364
After leaving the room, Xiao Minyu and the others got into the car and went straight to the command center.

Today, all the mecha teams were dispatched to the mountains to do the task of C5 zombies. The members of their special operations team naturally took care of the security of the star base.

Of course, it's not an ordinary security guarantee. Those who are usually on duty are responsible for the peripheral security of the entire star base and some special operations.

"Second brother, send four small teams to patrol around today." Along the way, Man Chengbin's mood calmed down a little, and then he said to Man Chengbin.

"I see, I will arrange these things." After Man Chengbin replied, he stopped talking. He actually knew that Xiao Minyu wanted to induce him to say something.

"Second brother, what do you think of the mission of the mecha team this time?" Xiao Minyu continued to ask when Man Chengbin only answered.

"It's hard. It should be said that there are eight out of ten. Nine times it will not succeed." Man Chengbin replied truthfully.

Although Leisen and the others were fully prepared, how could they not know the situation in that valley?However, even if they were unsuccessful, it would be no problem for the members of the mecha team to use those things to eliminate a large number of giant zombies before escaping.

Therefore, the possibility of the mission's success is very small, and it is not completely bad if it does not pass. At least it is a good thing for human beings to eliminate a batch of giant zombies.

"Yes, it's so difficult. I really don't know how Feifei snatched the C5 zombie from the C4 zombie last time." Xiao Minyu seemed to be talking back to Man Chengbin, and seemed to be talking to himself.

Man Chengbin's expression darkened: He knew that this was what Xiao Minyu wanted to say.It's just that he still can't answer these words, he can't stimulate him with the truth, and he can't lie to him, so Man Chengbin chose to remain silent.

Noticing Man Chengbin's continued silence, Xiao Minyu didn't blame Man Chengbin, but continued to mutter to himself: "Second brother, do you think it is possible for Feifei to escape? After all, she can escape such a dangerous place, how can she escape?" Will die in a weird fire?"

Seeing Xiao Minyu like this, Man Chengbin still couldn't hold back: "Then the evidence you found before was all proved to be false? Wake up, even though we don't want this to happen, we still have to face it."

Facing Man Chengbin's words, Xiao Minyu suddenly lost his spirit: "Yes, Feifei is really gone."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Murphy was drawing her battle plan in the room when she suddenly sneezed three times for no reason.

Rubbing his nose, Murphy muttered strangely: "It's strange, my body basically doesn't catch a cold now, so whoever is talking about me. Who could it be? Leisen? Haha, just go out and talk about me ah?"

Thinking of this, Murphy felt better again. He was sulked by his plan full of loopholes just now, but now he felt that someone would miss him, and he felt happy again.

"Okay, anyway, I still have friends, cheer up and continue." Murphy stretched his waist and continued to study.

Although he often hit a wall in his plan recently, Murphy's determination has been worn down more and more firmly.

Lei Sen brought the members of the mecha team to the mountain area. Not all the mechas in the team can fly, and after a test and modification, there are not many mechas that are suitable for refitting semi-flying mechas.So most of them are marching mechs.

Therefore, Lei Sen had to deploy the personnel first, cooperate with the members of the semi-flying mecha, and carefully drag the completely non-flying mecha to it. Of course, some of them should be left at the entrance of the cave to prevent a large number of giant zombies from escaping.

It took two days just to set it up, because the main problem was not making too much noise.

After the layout was completed, Leisen drove the Silver Wing to observe the situation below from above, which was exactly the same as what Murphy had described before.

Seeing this, Lei Sen felt a little relieved, and at the same time admired Murphy's ability to take the C5 zombie out alone.

The zombies here are particularly concentrated now, but Lei Sen knows that these zombies have a certain pattern, and there will be a period of relaxation in the evening.

Lei Sen was going to take advantage of this opportunity to make a move.

I have ordered the personnel to stand by for a long time, just waiting for the time to come.

Murphy, who was alone at home, hadn't left her room for the past two days. After her mentality was corrected, she focused on studying the next plan. Of course, Murphy didn't forget to practice Qi, which was also a daily compulsory course.

After three days in a row, Murphy's general plan has almost been revised, and it can be implemented as long as the contact person is finalized.

"Yeah, it's almost there, I can go to bed early today." Mo Fei glanced out the window, it was completely dark, and recently he basically eats when he is hungry, drinks when he is thirsty, and sleeps when he is sleepy. It's a bit confusing.

Today, things are almost sorted out, and Qi training is over. Murphy is going to take a bath and have a good rest.

Not long after entering the bathroom, there was a burst of lightning and thunder outside, followed by heavy rain.

Murphy came out of the shower, looking at the heavy rain outside, he couldn't help worrying about Lei Sen.

In this kind of weather on the mountain, it is fine if there is no battle, but the most unfavorable time is to fight.

Although the members of the mecha team were unable to do anything due to some delays, but because many mechas were inconvenient to go back and forth, all the members could only stay on the mountain and let the rain hit.

Fortunately, they are a mecha team, and it's not too bad to have a shell.

It's a pity that Murphy's satellite communicator was lost in that house and burned, otherwise he could still contact Leisen at this moment.

The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier. Murphy had already lay down, but he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He always felt that something was wrong in his heart.

In the end, unable to bear her worry, Mo Fei got up and opened the window of the room, summoned her golden mech from the backyard and flew out.

Flying out with the mecha went smoothly and arrived at the mountain. From a distance, I saw the members of the Mecha team resting on the mountain. Although the rain was a bit heavy, it didn't have a particularly big impact on the people of the Mecha team.

Only then did Mo Fei turn back in peace, no one would pay attention to her when it was raining heavily, and it should be the safest time to go back and forth.

After returning home, Mo Fei felt relieved, lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

I don't know if it's because of the recent adjustment of breath, or the change of mentality. In his sleep, Murphy actually dreamed of the rune that he still couldn't understand the connotation and could not draw.

The talisman was disassembled one by one in Murphy's dream, and then reconnected one by one, as if explaining the relationship between all the talismans to Murphy.

Mo Fei woke up suddenly, and after waking up, the exploded diagram of the rune still lingered in his mind.

Before he forgot, Mo Fei quickly took the talisman out of the storage talisman.

"This one is disconnected from this side, and this one is connected to the back..." Murphy compared a little bit, but unexpectedly they matched completely.

"It's untied, great, it's finally untied." Mo Fei jumped up and drew the whole talisman bit by bit according to the picture on the talisman, regardless of whether it was now or in the middle of the night.

The more you draw, the smoother it becomes. Murphy memorizes every step carefully.

"Well, I've almost memorized it, so I won't forget it." Murphy memorized all the steps together and practiced in his mind, and then stretched his neck and lay down again.

This sleep lasted until noon, but Mo Fei woke up very happy.

I finally overcome this problem, and after that, as long as I draw the talisman skillfully, those problems will be solved easily.

And there is no need to change the original plan before, the reason why she wanted to change the plan was because she couldn't draw this talisman, she didn't expect to unravel it in her dream.

In fact, Murphy was thinking last night why he suddenly got a revelation.Thinking back on my performance these days, it is actually not difficult to understand.

Before, because my mind was full of thinking about this talisman, how to use this talisman to do what I want to do, so how can I keep my mind free of distractions when the expectation in my heart is there?
But after he determined that he could not draw, he only had one thought in his mind: that is to try to find a solution to find the notebook left by his father.

The purpose is simpler and more direct, and his heart is more determined. At this time, Murphy may be considered to have no distractions at the current stage.

Thinking about it this way, I can understand the root of this talisman by myself.

But no matter what, as long as the talisman is drawn skillfully, the following things will be much more convenient.

After a night of heavy rain, today's sun is particularly bright, but the temperature is not so hot. This kind of weather is the most suitable for studying.

Taking a look at the weather conditions, Murphy nodded. If there were no accidents, the members of the Mech Team would be back within three days regardless of success, and he wanted to get things done before Lei Sen came back.

Because living here already made Leisen take risks, if there is a problem later, Leisen will definitely not ignore him like last time, and even rescued himself at the risk of military discipline.

Murphy feels that she is not only capable of self-protection, she can also protect the people she wants to protect, so get things done before Lei Sen comes back, so even if there is a problem, as long as she leaves, it will be fine. involve others.

After making up his mind, Murphy got up from the bed.

After eating some food, Murphy continued to familiarize himself with the drawing of the talisman. It would be better to draw the talisman a minute earlier to get familiar with it. Murphy is actually very interested in this special talisman.

"The members of the mecha team obeyed. After the rainy day yesterday, it was beneficial to us. There were rocks and mud in many places below. At this time, the giant zombies are scattered. We are ready to act immediately."

In the mountainous area at this time, Lei Sen used the internal communicator between the mechas to give instructions to the members of the mecha team.

All the members of the mecha team stared at the giant zombie below, each with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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