Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 365 Failed 1 Hit

Chapter 365 One Strike Failed

On the valley side, the battle between the mecha team and the giant zombies is about to break out, while the personnel in the star base are organizing personnel to drain water.

The heavy rain last night was very sudden, but the amount of precipitation was a bit alarming. The star base ran out of zombie rats from the research institute and drilled into the star civilian circle along the drainage hole in the corner, so for the sake of safety in the base, it will The drainage holes around the star base are blocked.

After blocking the drainage holes, it can prevent such small zombie beasts from using these drainage holes to enter the base. Even the internal sewers are regularly opened and cleared.

As for the exposed drainage outlets on the periphery, it is planned to wait until it rains before opening them.

But last night it rained suddenly at night, and the drainage hole was flooded before it was opened. In the second half of the night, because I was worried that the lights would attract zombies, the surrounding area was relatively dark, so I had to wait for the sky to light up slightly.

The rain was heavy and the rainwater collected quickly. At this moment, the silt blocked the original plug, so now the personnel need to remove the silt first and then dredge the internal water.

All the staff were busy, only Lin Yixun, who was usually the busiest, sat on a chair in a daze.But it was only on the surface, in fact Lin Yixun was dying of anxiety, and he was always thinking about other things in his mind.

"Dr. Lin, there will be a meeting later, come here early." A certain researcher knocked on the door of Lin Yixun's office and shouted.

"Oh, I see, I'll be here soon." Lin Yixun replied listlessly, all she could think about was the C5 zombie.

Her research has encountered a bottleneck. The improved drug obviously has room for improvement in theory, but she doesn't know why it can't be achieved, and she doesn't know whether it's a problem with the preparation or a problem with the raw materials.

So Lin Yixun focused his attention on the protagonist of this mission: the C5 zombie.

But the mecha team just set off, and they don't know how the battle with the giant zombies is going, so Lin Yixun is a little bit out of his mind.

But the meeting was still going to be held, Lin Yixun pulled out his electronic notepad from the shelf, and walked towards the meeting room with the notebook in his hands.

"I'll attract the attention of those giant zombies from above. Do you know how to attack the vital points of the giant zombies as much as possible?" Lei Sen has already deployed the members of the mecha team, but the personnel in charge of operating heavy weapons are not mechs. He is not a member of the Armored Team, but a professional manipulator of heavy weapons with good aim.

This time it was specially assigned to Lei Sen's command, so that the attack ability would be further improved.

These members all came from the carrying compartment of each mecha team member, and now rely on the communicators inside their mechas to communicate well, one by one, they came to their respective responsible positions.

"I said go, and the No. 7689 mecha will fly out with me." What Lei Sen was talking about was the semi-flying mecha controlled by Xiao Guo, but he always called the fighter number directly during the battle.

"Understood." Xiao Guo replied with a serious expression, without his usual laughing and joking.

Following Lei Sen's order, the battle between the mechs and the giant zombies finally kicked off.

Murphy had considered many situations for Leisen before, and tried to tell Leisen everything he could say, so Leisen's response was smooth for the time being, but this giant zombie was not a soft persimmon. After killing two C3 zombies, the counterattack soon began.

"No. 7677 controls the altitude well, don't fall." Lei Sen quickly reminded Xiao Li's mecha control when he saw that it was too low.

However, Xiao Li's level of control was not good enough, and it would be too late to pull it up now.

The C4 zombie looked at the right time, reached out and grabbed the foot of the No. 7677 mecha, and fell hard to the stone wall.

There was a crack in that section of the stone wall, and the heavy weapon on it was also thrown off the track.

Seeing that the weapons above seemed to be controllable in this way, the C4 zombie roared to make other zombies attack the stone wall. The giant zombies that were still staring at Lei Sen and the other semi-flying mechas turned their targets one by one.

Lei Sen was a little anxious at the moment, he must not let these giant zombies destroy all the heavy weapons, otherwise they would fail, simply relying on mecha weapons to attack would not be able to kill them quickly.

But at this moment, Lei Sen could not successfully attract the attention of those giant zombies. In this case, it would be a matter of time before the heavy weapons that attacked from above were knocked loose or even fell off.

Lei Sen anxiously thought of a solution in the Silver Wing, and the battle below was increasingly focused on giant zombies.

At this moment, Lei Sen saw a familiar face.

After looking at it carefully, Lei Sen suddenly remembered: Isn't this Gu Huaiyuan?

By the way, Murphy said that the newly discovered C5 zombie this time seems to be Gu Huaiyuan. Looking at it this way, this ordinary zombie with a face similar to Gu Huaiyuan should be the C5 zombie.

Because the C4 zombie was attacking Lei Sen's Silver Wing just now, the C4 Gu Huaiyuan zombie who was originally protected by the C5 zombie was put in the corner.

Lei Sen glanced at the increasingly fierce battle, and then at the C5 Gu Huaiyuan Zombie, which was absolutely out of proportion to the size of the giant zombie but was mixed in among the giant zombies. An idea came to Lei Sen's mind.

Murphy once said that although there are great differences in body size and abilities, the division of ranks among zombies is particularly obvious.

No matter how powerful this C4 zombie is, it will sacrifice itself to protect the C5 zombie, so can this C5 zombie be used by itself?

In particular, their goal this time was the C5 zombies. If the C5 zombies were caught, the remaining giant zombies could return regardless of whether they had been wiped out or not.

Obtaining C5 zombies in the base will be a big boost, and losing a C5 zombie in the zombie group means losing an opportunity to increase the number of zombies.

Thinking of this, Lei Sen ordered everyone to increase their firepower, while Lei Sen controlled the Silver Wing and flew towards the cliff above the C4.

After calculating the distance, Lei Sen controlled the mecha to fall to the front, only waiting for the opportunity of the C4 zombie to move forward.

But the C4 zombie has always remained in a similar position. Even if the semi-flying mecha above has hit it, or the heavy weapon has hit it, it will not attack forward.

Lei Sen was even more sure that what Murphy said was right, the C4 zombie would do everything in its power to protect the C5 zombie.

"Every member of the mechs listens clearly. Now we are focusing on attacking the C4 zombie. It is best to provoke it and move it away from its original location. Leave the other zombies alone for the time being." Lei Sen's words were conveyed to all members along the communicator.

Afterwards, except for the heavy weapons, the rest of the team members aimed at the armored C4 zombies.

Although the C4 zombie has a layer of hard armor, because of the need to protect the C5 zombie, this C4 zombie has become a living target if it does not dare to move around. If the weapon continuously attacks on the same position of the armor, the chance of penetration is still very high.

If we say that starting from ordinary C zombies, these zombies lose their senses, even if they are killed, they will not feel pain, but that only reaches C3 zombies.

Lin Yixun once told Murphy that the C4 zombies could not find the same gene in the human body since the beginning, but evolved into another species.

In other words, starting from the C4 zombies, what they lost is gradually regaining.

Being attacked by so many weapons, the C4 zombie is getting more and more uncomfortable. After all, this C4 zombie is a new C4 zombie, unlike the previous one that only became a C4 zombie for a long time before appearing as a C5 zombie.

So this C4 zombie didn't have that much patience. Finally, the C5 zombie moved forward two steps along the mountain roaring, and grabbed the nearest mecha.

The half-flying mech was shaken by the giant armored C4 zombie, but fortunately the operator of the half-flying mech was of good mental quality, so he dodged quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, Lei Sen's silver wings cling to the mountain and rushed down quickly.

This is Lei Sen. It is difficult to control the mech itself, and it is even more difficult to rush down backwards, not to mention sticking to the mountain.

You know, diving close to the mountain is actually a very dangerous action.Anyone who has taken a mecha course knows that when the instructor first started training, the most reminded thing was to stay as far away from obstacles as possible.

You must know that the armor body of the mecha is not flat, but uneven in height.Then, when the mecha sticks to the ground, you must first understand your mecha very, very well, and you must remember even a little bit of corners and corners.

Another point is that there should not be a little deviation when controlling, and it must change with the angle of the mountain.

These must be very precise, otherwise the machine will be destroyed.So in this case, the only way to stay away from flying is as far as possible.

But at this moment, the opportunity is only for such a period of time, and it will be too late to fly out and descend again.

Lei Sen can also be regarded as a bold man with high skills. Relying on his superb control skills and precise positioning, he suddenly rushed from the top to the bottom of the valley, seeing that the mechanical arm was about to grab the one with Gu Huaiyuan's face. The exact same C5 zombie.

But at this moment, the giant armored C4 zombie actually reacted.Immediately turned around and gave Lei Sen a blow.

Originally it was necessary to control and locate this flight, Lei Sen couldn't spare any more energy to pay attention to the giant armored C4 zombie, this time he was firmly drawn by the giant armored C4 zombie, and the silver wing directly hit the mountain behind .

Thanks to Lei Sen, he didn't panic in such a situation, but immediately adjusted the mode and flew up.

However, after Leisen attacked them, how could the giant armored C4 zombie give Leisen a chance to escape, and the huge tail with a hard backstab drew towards Leisen.

It was too late for Lei Sen to hide. At this time, on the other side, a member of the mecha team cooperated with another mecha, hung it down with a chain, and quickly intercepted the tail of the giant armored C4 zombie.

But how could a single chain be able to stop the attack of the giant armored C4 zombie? The chain was pulled and broken due to the huge attack power and the hard outer armor.

Seeing that the chain was broken, the two mechs didn't want to fight, and flew back directly.

Although he failed to stop the giant armored C4 zombie, Lei Sen was able to escape with this sudden interception. It was only because Lei Sen's attack failed this time, but the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie was not able to catch it.

And after the giant armored C4 zombie, no matter how everyone attacked, it refused to take half a step away from the C5 zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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