Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 366 Tokens

Chapter 366 Tokens
Lei Sen failed in one blow, and turned over to arouse the vigilance of the giant armored C4 zombie.

And the other giant zombies seem to have stopped hitting the mountain because of Leisen's attack on the C5 zombie just now, and they all surrounded the C5 zombie instead.

Lei Sen had no choice but to attack again at this moment, and there was no way to break through, not to mention that the team members were also tired, and most importantly, the ammunition of heavy weapons also needed to be replenished.

Signaling everyone to land and rest first, Lei Sen carefully stared at the circle of zombies below and worried.

At this time, Lei Sen regretted his previous impulsiveness. Before he came to the battle, Murphy had reminded him: Don't act rashly when you are not sure of winning, otherwise you will really lose hope if you want to get this C5 zombie .

Now it seems that these giant zombies really take the C5 zombies very seriously. After my actions like this, those giant zombies stare even more closely.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, so at this moment, I can only think of other ways.

Not to mention Leisen's study of a new battle plan for the giant zombies surrounded by a circle below, let's talk about the star base.

After draining the water for a day, the water level did not go down. Because of the water pressure, many plugs that blocked the drainage channels were pressed and could not be pulled out, and the mechanical auxiliary tools could not be transported for a while, so the pipes had to be removed. Workers opened the gate below to allow water to enter the sewer from the inner drain.

But what I didn't expect was that when the gate was opened, I didn't know which part was not in a good position. Not only did the entire water level not go down, but dirty water came up again.

The entire star base is now in stinky, dirty water.

Once this happens, people basically can't get out of the house unless you are not afraid of soaking in such dirty water.

But this is still secondary, and more importantly, in order to prevent the water from continuing to flow, the star base had to close the water valve, so that the entire star base was in a state of water shortage.

Murphy didn't know this, because at this time she had fallen into a state of crazily practicing drawing symbols.When I was hungry, I took some food out of the storage amulet, and when I was thirsty, I didn't go out of the room at all.

Apart from being able to know whether it was dark or day through the window, Murphy didn't care about the outside world at all.

The outer star base stopped the water for two days in a row, but the star base still didn't drain the water.

So more and more people began to need rescue. Fortunately, the weather is warmer now, even if they enter the water, they will be dirty but not frozen to death.

In the afternoon of the second day, the water supply of the star base was finally restored.The water level outside has also receded a lot, but the relatively low-lying places still have deep water.

Murphy didn't come out of her own room for two days, so she didn't know anything about the flooding of the first floor of Leisen's house.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Murphy finally memorized the talisman roughly, and there was basically not much pause in his hand before he got rid of this crazy state.

The first time he left the room, Murphy was startled.

The tables and chairs in the living room on the first floor were obviously soaked in water, the floor was also wet, and even the floor near the edge of the door was slightly warped.

"Wow, have you ever sent a flood?" Murphy blurted out unconsciously, then knocked himself on the head and smiled: I am really stupid in my research, I don't even know that I have sent a flood, thanks to Lei Sen, I let myself see it As for the house, if you look at it this way, if a thief really breaks in, as long as you don't go to her room, she probably won't find out.

He hurriedly took the mop and screwed the water in the living room into the bucket little by little to pour it out, and then wiped it clean again. Although the soaked floor probably won't recover for a while, at least it's much drier now.

After cleaning up, Murphy ran to the window diagonally opposite to his room to look out.Through the window, Murphy could clearly see that there was still a lot of stagnant water outside. It seemed that it had been flooded in the past two days.

Thinking of the heavy rain that night, Murphy was sure that there was nothing wrong with Leisen and the others.

He raised his wrist to look at the date, three days had passed, and he wondered what was going on with Lei Sen and the others.

As for Leisen, the situation at this time is indeed not optimistic.

Although the giant zombies eliminated a large number of them, they also lost the target of the C5 zombies.

Because after the number of giant zombies plummeted, the giant armor C4 zombie escaped with the C5 zombie.

Not to mention that mechas were deployed on the periphery to intercept them, those mechas were no match for the C4 zombies.

Even Leisen's Silver Wing couldn't fight against the C4 zombies alone, so the C4 zombies rushed out and destroyed two mechs before fleeing.

At that time, Lei Sen was tripped by three C3 zombies, and when he chased them out again, the C4 zombie had gone somewhere.

But no matter how much manpower and material resources were spent, Lei Sen returned to the valley and asked the outer mecha team to cooperate, trying to wipe out all the giant zombies in the valley.

But at this moment, the C4 zombie came back. Not only did it come back, but it also brought another C4 zombie and a batch of giant zombies.

Originally, one C4 zombie was enough to cause headaches, but now there is an extra one. The members of the mecha team can be said to be worse. In addition, a large part of heavy weapons cannot be used now. The members who control heavy weapons do not have mecha protection. At this moment, it is too much to continue fighting in the mountains, so now almost this mission will be considered a failure.

Looking at the C4 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face nestled comfortably in the arms of the giant armored C5 zombie, Lei Sen's teeth itch with hatred.

The feeling of being so close but not being able to catch them, especially the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie who looked at them with provocative eyes from time to time, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

In order to take care of the overall situation, Lei Sen was about to retreat, but at this moment, the two giant armored C4 zombies attacked at the same time.

Two C4 zombies rushed out of the valley to attack the team members who were originally arranged on the periphery. Lei Sen and the half-flying mech team members rushed out to support them.

After doing this again and again, nearly half of the heavy weapons were destroyed.

With great difficulty, Lei Sen and the half-flying mecha rescued several mechas, but the injured people inside were inconvenient to move, so the medical team that accompanied the team had to give first aid.

After everyone settled down, Lei Sen didn't wear a mecha, and sat alone on the top of the mountain staring at the giant zombie below.

The casualties this time can be regarded as the worst since the mecha team started the battle, and the giant zombies below actually merged into two groups. Now there are more giant zombies in the valley than before they came this time.

The two giant armored C4 zombies did not know what agreement they had reached, and now the two C4 zombies surrounded the C5 zombie, protecting the C5 zombie in the middle.

The protection of one C4 zombie is already very tight, and the two C4 zombies are almost watertight. This made Lei Sen completely cancel the matter of catching the C5 zombie, and only waited for the medical team to stabilize the injuries of the two seriously injured before returning .

Murphy had a good sleep after breakfast, and was already full of energy when he woke up at noon.

Although she is usually very careful to draw the talisman until she is thoroughly familiar with it, but now she doesn't have so much time, and she needs to get the father's notebook as soon as possible to be at ease, so Murphy decided to draw the talisman today. Draw it out.

After calming down, Mo Fei recalled the steps of drawing and disassembling this talisman again. When he felt that there was no problem, Mo Fei took a deep breath and gradually mobilized the atmosphere around him.

Probably because it was raised to another level, Murphy was like a black hole, trying to suck in everything around him, and those breaths rushed towards Murphy's body continuously.

Feeling the majesty of the breath, Murphy's breath stagnated, and he waved his hand into the air.

Dots and brushes are like writing calligraphy and dancing, the breath follows the sliding of the hand, and a smoke-like painting appears in mid-air.

This painting is shown little by little, and finally the whole breath is filled into the whole painting, giving life to this painting.

With a flash of light, the painting condensed into a thin piece of paper and fell down.

Murphy reached out to catch it, and the piece of paper fell into his hand.

Looking at the dragon-flying runes above, Mo Fei smiled slightly: Sure enough, if you want to keep your mind free of distractions, you usually pay attention to whether the runes are drawn wrong while drawing, but today you didn't think about anything. better.

Holding the talisman, Mo Fei carefully looked at it again and again. This is the key to her plan this time, and she must not make any mistakes.

Putting the whole talisman into the storage talisman, Murphy glanced out the window.

It's daytime now, and Mo Fei usually draws talismans at night because it is quieter at night, but Mo Fei finds that it seems to be stronger when drawing during the day.

The last time I painted during the day was in the purification room of flowers and plants. Mo Fei thought it was just the effect of purifying flowers and plants. Now it seems that it has something to do with the time. In ancient times, it happened to be noon, so it seems that there is something to do with it. .

The talisman was put away, and Murphy was going to tidy up the whole house. It had been three days, and Lei Sen should be back, so he had to clean it anyway.

Although the downstairs was soaked in water, even if he pays attention, it doesn't mean that he won't be soaked, and it seems that the entire star base has been soaked, so the downstairs is still in the past, but upstairs, Murphy took a look. The dusty corners really need to be cleaned.

After solving the biggest problem at present, Murphy was in a very good mood, humming a song and started cleaning up and down.

Except for the locked study room, all of Murphy's rooms were tidied up, but it didn't take too much time because the speed talisman was turned on to clean it up.

After cleaning, Mo Fei went to the kitchen to cook a decent meal for himself, but he was actually afraid that Lei Sen would find that she hadn't touched anything when he came back.

After eating and drinking, Murphy went back to his room to take a shower, and changed into a neat dark gray dress, a color that was easily overlooked by others.

She sorted out all the talismans prepared before, and made some special preparations, because she decided to do it at night, and she must bring back her father's personal notes.

(End of this chapter)

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