Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 368 The Great Opportunity

Chapter 368 The Great Opportunity
Murphy quickly returned to Leisen's house from the office area of ​​the command center and changed into a new set of clothes.

Because of nervousness just now, and the weather is so hot now, Mo Fei's entire back was soaked in sweat, and it was not comfortable to wear it on his body.

Originally, I just wanted to go to the office area to explore the way, and take a look at how Dr. Wan Qiang kept his father's notebook by the way, but I didn't expect to find an excellent opportunity for myself.

But at the moment, Mo Fei was not in the mood to take care of the notes. Anyway, the notes were in his hands now, so he was not in a hurry.Now she was thinking about Leisen's affairs, and just heard from the conversation between Dr. Wan Qiang and that person that the situation of the mecha team seemed to be not good.

Before hearing them outside the window of Dr. Wan Qiang's office, they mentioned the heavy loss of the Mech Team. Murphy felt that now was not the time for him to study slowly.

And now that she has the notebook, there is no need for her to hide anymore. Although it would be easier to arouse suspicion if she appeared immediately, at least she didn't have to hide.

So after returning, Murphy didn't stay too long, she was going to help Lei Sen.

After calming down the tense and excited mood just now, the sky had completely darkened, and Murphy directly summoned the mecha and flew out towards the mountain.

It wasn't until he left the star base that Murphy turned on the lights of the mecha.

Flying with a mecha is already fast, not to mention that Mo Fei also activated the speed talisman, so it didn't take long to reach the mountain.

After reaching the mountain, Murphy slowed down, turned off the speed symbol and went straight to the valley full of giant zombies.

On the side of the valley, the number of giant zombies in the valley did not seem to have decreased much, but the heavy weapons originally transported had lost a lot.

Flying from the sky, there was a glimmer of light on the top of the mountain, and it was obvious that some heavy weapons had been scattered into the valley.

In the distance, the guards had already seen the golden mecha flying over.They had been assisted by this golden mech when they were on a mission last time, and that person hurriedly ran into the resting tent excitedly.

"Report to Captain Lei." The police found Lei Sen after entering the wounded tent.

Leisen was helping the medical staff to hold down the wounded man at this time, because there was no fixed bed, and he was worried that the staff would move too much due to the pain, which would affect the treatment, so Leisen and two other people with stronger strength held down the wounded man. wounded.

"What happened?" Lei Sen asked when the security guards came in, and secretly prayed that nothing difficult would happen at this time.

But then Lei Sen not only felt relieved, but also ignited the hope that he could successfully complete the task.

"Captain Lei, the golden mecha that helped us complete the mission last time has appeared." Seeing Lei Sen frowning, the security personnel knew that Lei Sen had misunderstood, and quickly replied.

"What? Did you read that right?" Lei Sen stood up abruptly, and the other two people quickly held down the wounded man.After all, it was still dark, so Lei Sen hurriedly confirmed with the person who notified him.

"Yes, Captain Lei, I'm sure it's the golden mech. It turned on the light, and the light reflected is golden."

After standing up, Lei Sen motioned to another person next to him to take his place, and then followed the security guards towards the outside of the tent.

Murphy had been hovering in the sky for a long time. She saw Silver Wing on the edge of a mountain, but it was obvious that Lei Sen was not inside.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her golden mecha to miss such a big target.

But not long after, Murphy saw Lei Sen coming out of a tent, and then the mecha activated and flew towards Murphy's golden mecha.

"Feifei, why are you here?" Although Lei Sen was happy that Murphy could come, he was not overly happy, instead wondering if something happened.

"I heard that you are in trouble, so I came here to help." Murphy replied with a smile.

"It won't affect your plan, right?" Lei Sen actually wanted to bring Murphy here before. After all, Murphy is the person who knows the place and the C5 zombies best, but he is worried that Murphy's plan will be exposed too early and it will be inconvenient.

"No, what I have to do has been done, and the next step is to continue the investigation, so don't worry."

After giving Lei Sen an affirmative statement, Lei Sen finally felt relieved: "It's great that you come, let's go, let's find a place, and I will tell you the details of the current situation."

"Then go to that cave!" Murphy suggested.

Lei Sen naturally understood which cave Murphy was talking about, but he had not been to this mountainous area frequently, so although he knew which cave it was, he still needed to locate it.

But Murphy was very familiar with it, so he flew towards the distance at once, and Lei Sen quickly controlled the silver wings to catch up.

Soon he arrived at the cave where he hid last time. Since he had been here not long ago, he knew what was going on inside, so he walked in without putting away his mecha.

Lei Sen also followed behind, and the two entered the cave one after the other.

Mo Fei retracted the mecha into his body, and Lei Sen also stopped the mecha and went down the stairs.

"Fatty." Murphy yelled as he walked around the cave.

The mutated little panda I met here last time was originally going to be taken by Mo Fei, but after going out, Murphy took out the car from the storage amulet and let the mutated little panda get in the car.

As a result, it ran away all of a sudden, and Mo Fei didn't chase it at that time. On the one hand, she didn't know what was going on when she returned to the star base, and it was inconvenient to take Pang Pang with her. On the other hand, perhaps Pang Pang would be more comfortable here.

This time he came to this cave again, and Mo Fei didn't know if it would return to this cave after it ran away, so he yelled around after entering.

"Anyone else?" Lei Sen asked curiously when he saw Murphy shouting into the hole after he got down.

"No, it's..." Before Mo Fei finished speaking, a round and furry thing jumped out.

"Haha, Chubby." Murphy walked forward a few steps, but the fur ball stopped, looked at Murphy and then turned around to look back.

It was only now that Mo Fei saw that there was actually a little panda behind.That little panda is obviously much smaller, and it looks like Pangpang has found a companion.

Mo Fei took out some food from his backpack and threw it to Pangpang, before he and Lei Sen sat down on the bluestone slab.Seeing that there was food, the two red pandas twisted their round bodies to surround the food.

"Eat something." Murphy took out another meal, which seemed to be taken out of the backpack, but was actually taken out of the storage amulet.

This was served by Mo Fei before eating, because it was too troublesome to cook alone, so Mo Fei simply made more, divided the rice into portions and packed them, and then put them in the storage talisman, so that it would not get cold.

I didn't expect the operation to be so smooth tonight. I just wanted to find a way, but I found an opportunity to get my father's notebook from Wan Qiang.

Besides, he also heard about Lei Sen's affairs, so Murphy simply left the meal to Lei Sen.

"Yo, it's still hot. Your box is quite insulated." Lei Sen felt a warm feeling when he took the lunch box.

"Eat quickly, and tell me about your current situation after eating." Mo Fei urged, seeing Lei Sen eating with a lunch box, Mo Fei got up and walked towards the two red pandas.

After teasing Pangpang and his friends for a while, because Mo Fei really couldn't tell the gender of the two red pandas, so it was hard to tell whether they were a couple or just friends.

After eating, Lei Sen felt much more comfortable in his stomach. Although he was not hungry these days, it was still not as comfortable as eating this hot meal.

After telling Mo Fei about the actions and battles of the past few days, Mo Fei knew that it was because Lei Sen's operation failed, and the C4 zombie brought a group of giant zombies with the C5 zombies, so here's There will be no change for giant zombies.

"The ammunition of heavy weapons is almost used up now, and many heavy weapons have been destroyed. It is impossible to use attacks to eliminate them now, so we want to retreat, but now there are seriously wounded in the team and it is not convenient to move. "

Lei Sen finished the general situation before talking about the difficulties.

"I understand. I will help you with this task, but your people must cooperate with my actions." Murphy said after a little thought.

"No problem, what are you going to do?"

Murphy rolled his eyes, whispered something in Lei Sen's ear, and then looked at Lei Sen with a smile: "What do you think?"

"It's really good, but it's too dangerous. I don't trust you to go by yourself. I'll go with you!" Lei Sen looked at Murphy seriously.

"No, if you really can do it, I don't have to make this trip. Don't worry, just cover me." Murphy patted Lei Sen on the shoulder, and then took out some food and put it on Pangpang and his little friend. before.

"You go first, cooperate with the action tomorrow morning, I will sleep here tonight." Murphy waved to Lei Sen.

It was still night at this moment, Lei Sen nodded without saying anything, he really wanted to go back, at least he needed to go back and make arrangements for what Mo Fei said just now.

"Then you have a good rest, don't come too early tomorrow morning, we still need to make arrangements. Those giant zombies are most relaxed at noon, just use this time."

"Yeah." Murphy responded to Lei Sen and filled up the tent.

Lei Sen got on the Silver Wing and strode out of the cave, leaving only Murphy and the two little pandas behind.

"Fatty come here." Mo Fei waved to the mutated red panda, and the mutated red panda approached Mo Fei.

The chubby little friend was a little scared at first, but seeing that Murphy and Pangpang were living in peace, and that Mophy had just returned him some delicious food, he also moved over.

Murphy opened the zipper of the tent, Pang Pang got in very skillfully, and then Murphy also walked in.

Another little panda wandered outside for a long time, and finally followed inside.

The two little pandas huddled together and nestled at Mo Fei's feet. It wasn't that Mo Fei was reminiscing about the old days, but that with these two little pandas, he should at least be more vigilant.

She's busy enough tonight that she doesn't want to go to sleep.Tomorrow, there is a battle to be fought.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei gradually fell into sleep. In the tent, the two red pandas and Mo Fei both slept peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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