Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 369 Cooperative Action

Chapter 369 Cooperative Action
Lei Sen came out of the cave and went straight to the place where their team was stationed. What Murphy just said, if you want to minimize the danger, you must prepare in advance.

Glancing at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, which was considered very late in the last days.

But for the sake of tomorrow, Lei Sen still pulled the team members out of the resting tent.

"Gather at my tent in 10 minutes." Lei Sen and the staff on duty shouted from tent to tent, and after a while, the team members shouted.

Because they had already given up, they didn't do much action in the past two days. They attacked the giant zombies in the valley from time to time, but most of the time they were resting.

"Captain Lei, what's wrong? Has something serious happened?" Xiao Guo rubbed his eyes and asked.

They haven't continued to do anything lately, Lei Sen must have something to call them up at this moment, otherwise they would definitely not gather in the middle of the night for no reason.

Lei Sen is usually strict with himself, but he is strict with his players only in formal training, and usually favors them.

So Lei Sen is by no means the kind of person who would hold training camps in the middle of the night.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Lei Sen cleared his throat and told the team members the plan that Murphy had told him.

"So tomorrow we will continue to carry out the mission. Tonight we will sleep late and arrange the things we will use tomorrow, so that we can strive for greater security."

"Yes, Team Thunder." When the team members heard that this mission might still be completed, and the mysterious mecha that had helped them before would come to help, their morale was high.

"That's all gone, prepare according to what I said just now." Lei Sen waved his hand, and the members of the mecha team left the room one by one.

Xiao Guo was at the end, and seeing that everyone had gone out, he approached Lei Sen mysteriously: "Captain Lei, do you know that mysterious mecha? It always helps us recently."

"I don't know, I should be living in the star base. I'm worried about problems with the base. Why are you so gossiping now? Go get ready." Lei Sen purposely put on a straight face.

In the past, Lei Sen had always been icy, but recently Lei Sen's aura has become softer and softer, making the players feel that their captain has finally gained some popularity.

And Xiao Guo, who was often taken care of by Lei Sen because he was the youngest, was even more daring.But at this moment, Lei Sen deliberately put on a straight face, Xiao Guo couldn't see it, but he didn't dare to ask anything else.

Responding respectfully, Xiao Guo ran out of the tent.

The members of the mecha team worked hard for half the night before throwing away what should be thrown away, and moving what should be moved to other places, leaving only the original circle around the valley.

Not only the members of the Mech Team were busy, but also Dr. Wan Qiang.

After the portable notebook was inexplicably lost, Dr. Wan Qiang quickly sent someone to look for it, and he adjusted all the surveillance cameras in the front and back of the building, even the video of entering and exiting the gate of the astral circle.

But no matter how much Dr. Wan Qiang researched, he couldn't find any doubts, and the portable notebook seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Although he has already memorized the content of that portable note by heart, but it is only the part that he can understand. Now he just doesn't understand what the incomprehensible pattern means.

"Damn it, where did it go?" The note disappeared out of thin air right under his nose. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed such a thing.

"Doctor." At some point, there was another person in the office, because Dr. Wan Qiang didn't turn on the light, and Dr. Wan Qiang didn't realize it until that person made a sound.

"Wu Chen, did you find anything?" Dr. Wan Qiang asked directly without having to see who was coming.

"Doctor, are you sure you really lost it? I checked around and found no suspicious person." Wu Chen replied helplessly. His family's doctor has become more and more neurotic recently.

"How is it possible? No one came to take it. Could it be that it really disappeared out of thin air? Check it out again." Anger burst out of Wan Qiang's eyes, and he slapped the table vigorously and roared.

"Understood." Wu Chen didn't say anything more, raised his eyebrows and left the office.

When he realized that the door had been closed quietly again, and he was left alone in the office, Dr. Wan Qiang couldn't help but think to himself: It's so quiet, and only Wu Chen can come in and out of his office at will. Could it be him?

Wu Chen went out to continue investigating the disappearance of the notebook, but he didn't know that Dr. Wan Qiang had already regarded him as the biggest suspect.

The members of Mecha Team worked half the night before going to bed, and Murphy, who slept until dawn, sat up.

Feeling that Mo Fei moved, the two balls of fur at his feet raised their heads.

Seeing the cute looks of the two cubs, Mo Fei smiled and stretched out his hand to touch the fat head: "I told you to be more vigilant, but it turned out that I slept more soundly than I did."

Pang Pang thought that Mo Fei was teasing it, and a pair of front paws scratched Mo Fei's fingers back and forth.

"I won't play with you two anymore. I have business to do today, but I don't think you will go back to the base with me. Let's see you later!" Murphy got up and left the tent, followed by the two red pandas.

Mo Fei put away the tent, cooked another pot of hot porridge and ate some, and threw some food for the two little pandas, then packed up and recruited her golden mecha.

When the golden mech appeared, Pangpang, who had seen it several times before, raised his head and stared at Mo Fei, while the other little panda, seeing this huge monster for the first time, went back into the cave on the other side in fright.

Murphy ran out directly from the entrance of the cave. The success or failure of this mission depends on today. If she can't bring back the C5 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face today, then as the zombies improve faster and faster Soon, there will definitely be more and more giant zombies.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to bring the C5 zombies back.

So today we have to get rid of them, even if we can't catch the C5 zombie, we have to get rid of the two C4 zombies.

One C4 zombie is scary enough. If there are two, it's no wonder that the entire mecha team didn't shake the giant zombie valley.

Murphy is confident that the current mecha is at a full level, and under the restraint of others, she should be sure to deal with the two C4 zombies.

After leaving the cave and flying up, Murphy ran to the hill that he had agreed with Lei Sen yesterday.

On the top of the mountain, Lei Sen and the members of Mecha Team also got up.Although they slept late last night, they were all very energetic because of today's actions.

"Are you clear about today's tasks?" Lei Sen asked before the team members got on their mechas.


"That's good, all go back to the mecha and stand by." After Lei Sen finished speaking, the members of the mecha team walked towards their mechas one by one.

There are only mechas and heavy weapons that can be used here now, and the rest of the personnel and weapons that cannot be used have been transported to other places.

After all the members of the mecha team got on the mecha, Lei Sen asked each team member to rest in the mecha first, and waited for the golden mecha, that is, Murphy, to appear.

Because the appointment with Lei Sen was at noon, Mo Fei originally thought that he would come quite early, but he didn't expect that when he arrived, the members of the mecha team were already waiting.

Coming close to Lei Sen, Murphy asked in a low voice, "Didn't it say noon? Did I remember the time wrong?"

"No, I let them rest in the mecha first, so that they can adapt to the operation in the mecha first, and wait for you by the way, and attack as soon as the time is up."

"Well, your wounded should have been arranged!" Murphy looked around and found that the surroundings had been tidied up. He secretly praised Leisen for being so thoughtful at this time.

"All of them have been moved to the top of the next mountain, so they won't be disturbed there, and if anything happens, they can quickly support them." Lei Sen told Murphy all the things that had been arranged.

Seeing that everything has been deployed, Murphy doesn't care if it's the slack period for giant zombies: "Then let's start, finish the work early and call it a day."

Without waiting for Lei Sen to say anything, the Murphy's mecha leaped into the sky above the center of the valley.

The giant armored C4 zombies and C5 zombies clearly recognized Murphy and looked at the sky warily.

Mo Fei controlled the arm of the mecha to be raised high. As the arm of the mecha fell, Lei Sen's instructions were also transmitted to the communicators of all the mecha members of the mecha team.

All members of the mecha team quickly rushed down from their positions towards the valley.

However, when rushing back and forth, none of the mechas directly faced the giant zombies. Instead, they rose up immediately after rushing down, and then flew up after finding a good angle.

This kind of shuttle flight has been done long ago in training, but it is more difficult to apply it to combat, but today Lei Sen didn't ask them to attack, just do the same movements as usual training, for these mecha team members Not difficult.

The members of the semi-flying mecha started the glider, while the members who were not transformed into the half-flying mecha used the back hook and steel cable of the mecha to successfully complete the process.

For a moment, the giant zombie valley was dazzled.

At this time, Murphy and Leisen were dispatched, and the two flew side by side, but when they reached the middle of the valley, Leisen flew out from the middle of the valley, while Murphy flew close to the mountain wall.

This is how Leisen flew before to catch C5 zombies. Everyone knows that this is dangerous and technically difficult.Originally thought that only their captain, Lei Sen, could complete it, but they didn't expect that this mysterious golden mecha could also complete it, even more exquisite than Lei Sen's technique.

Murphy doesn't know what the team members are thinking now, if he knows, he will be embarrassed, Lei Sen is really excellent in technology, but she is more flexible because she directly uses her body to control her movements.

However, Murphy's attention was all on the two C4 zombies and one C5 zombie below.

Let the mecha fly close to the mountain, circle around the stone wall, and get lower and lower.

Seeing that the giant armored C4 zombie was about to try to attack his golden mecha, Murphy actually stopped his feet in the air and flew out towards the back.

(End of this chapter)

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