Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 370 The Amazing Move

Chapter 370 The Amazing Move

Seeing Mo Fei controlling the mecha to stop suddenly in mid-air, it was as if it had been frozen. This kind of technique made the members of the mecha team almost stop applauding.

Not to mention them, the technique that Murphy is showing now, I'm afraid Leisen, who has the best control technique, can't complete it.

In fact, apart from the human body, mechas can't do this kind of action at all. Murphy just relies on her mecha being the same as her body. In Murphy's view, her mecha doesn't look like a Armor is more like clothes, so I dare to do this.

However, there is no way to explain this to others, and it is right to assume that she is skilled in operation.

After Murphy's golden mecha dodged the attack of the giant armored C4 zombie, there was a gap behind the C4 zombie. Lei Sen, who had originally flown up from the middle of the valley, grabbed the C4 zombie behind C5.


The giant armored C4 zombie that attacked Murphy also noticed the intention behind it, calmed down instantly and ignored Murphy's hasty retreat.

Murphy had already figured out that this giant armored C4 zombie would not give up the C5 zombie and only fought desperately with himself. While it was retreating, the huge battle ax appeared in Murphy's hand.

The sharp blade of the huge battle ax gleamed white in the sun, and with Murphy's hand raised high, the giant ax fell on the head of the giant armored C4 zombie.

The position of the head is the fatal position of all zombies, but the armor of giant armor C4 zombies is not for nothing.

The hard armor-like skin blocked the fall of the giant axe, but the hardness and strength of the golden armor in its full form should not be underestimated. This ax also damaged the place where the giant armored C4 zombie was cut.

A huge crack was cut in the head armor of the C5 zombie that originally protected the C4 zombie. Although the armor is still there, it is more convenient to attack with a weak position.

Without Murphy's gestures, Lei Sen quickly ordered the attack, and he stopped catching the C5 zombies and flew high again.

In fact, this was Murphy's plan.

She didn't want all the personnel to participate in the battle, what she wanted was to let these members buy time for her.

Because Mo Fei knew that it was okay to deal with C2 zombies, but against C3 zombies, the members of the mecha team began to struggle, let alone C4 zombies with armor.

They can't deal with C4 zombies, but Mo Fei can, her golden mecha can deal with a C4 zombie after it becomes a full form.

However, it is not as simple as just one C4 zombie, there are so many giant zombies, and these giant zombies are all intelligent, so they will definitely not watch Murphy kill the high-level C4 zombies before hitting them .

Therefore, the members of the mecha team are indispensable. They must find every opportunity to sneak attack when the zombies attack it, and when they attack, Murphy will not be idle.

As long as the C4 zombie is dealt with first, the C5 zombie is easy to catch.

In this way, the other members of the mecha team will attract the attention of the C2 and C3 zombies, and Murphy and Leisen can concentrate on dealing with the C4 zombies.


Murphy was waiting for the C4 zombie to leave by itself, turned around and dodged the collision, and directly chopped off the huge battle ax from the back of the head of the giant armored C4 zombie.

Murphy's luck was really not so good. The ax fell right on the wound just now. At this moment, most of the head armor of the giant armored C4 zombie was chopped off by Murphy's axe.

"Keep attacking the wounds of the C4 zombies, don't stop." Lei Sen's communicator hurriedly told the team members.

The team members are not fighting for the first time. Although everyone does not have too precise combat command ability, but in this situation, no one can see that this C4 zombie is hopeful to be killed, so they all appeared weak on the head. The wound attack of the giant armor C4.

But Murphy didn't leave because of this, because she knew that although the head armor of the giant armor C4 zombie was destroyed, the head inside the C4 zombie was as hard as the C3 zombie.

Murphy gripped the huge ax tightly in his hand again, using the force of his whole body on the middle of the ax, and rushed back a few steps.

The giant armored C4 zombie, who was a little dizzy from being hit by Murphy and the weapon above, finally fell to the ground when Murphy repeatedly hit the same position.

"Continue to fight until there is no movement." Lei Sen saw that the C4 zombie fell to the ground and did not relax, so he ordered the team members to continue.

At this moment, Murphy had landed to the bottom of the valley because he wanted to attack the C4 zombies, and now he was surrounded by those C3 and C2 zombies.

"Some of the team members stopped attacking and went to attract the attention of the C2 and C3 zombies." Seeing that Murphy was surrounded, Lei Sen hurriedly redeployed, and at this time he was looking at only one C4 zombie left from time to time. Protected C5 zombies.

On the one hand, he wanted to find an opportunity to catch the C5 zombie, and on the other hand, since Lei Sen stayed here, this C4 zombie would not easily run over, because it had to take care of the C5 zombie.

After observing for a while, Leisen found that this C4 zombie was obviously not as meticulous as the other C4 zombie, and there was a distance between the C4 zombie and the C5 zombie at this moment.

Mo Fei had already realized that she was surrounded, but she was not in a hurry. It was a bit difficult to continue killing zombies in such a dense place, but it was easy to escape.

But before Murphy could escape upwards, several semi-flying mechs flew over to help Murphy attack the giant zombies around him.

Murphy smiled but didn't leave. There was only one C4 zombie left over there at the moment, which was nothing to be afraid of.

Hacking a nearby C2 zombie with a tomahawk, Murphy actually walked out of the pile of giant zombies all the way.

Although the giant zombies were cut down all the way, the golden mecha armor was actually free of any filth, and it just walked towards another C4 zombie and C5 zombie step by step.

"Isn't this too beautiful? It really deserves to be a mysterious mecha." Xiao Guo in the semi-flying mecha praised sincerely.

"Hurry up and destroy the giant zombies." Lei Sen's cold tone made Xiao Guo startled through the communicator, but he also knew that now was not the time to think about it, so he quickly continued to enter the attack state.

The giant armored C4 zombie felt Murphy's aura and took two steps back.

The C5 zombie seemed to have noticed it, and called a few times at the giant armored C4 zombie. The giant armored C4 zombie stopped looking at Mo Fei, but stared at the C5 zombie.

Murphy didn't know what they were talking about, but he also knew that there must be some plan against him.

Lei Sen who had been waiting above raised his hand, signaling Lei Sen to be more vigilant.

Lei Sen waved to Murphy to express his understanding, and then the two of them prepared to attack together.

But at this moment, a surprising scene appeared.

The giant armored C4 zombie actually plunged into the C5 zombie with the tail behind it.


Because Murphy was standing below and was closest to the giant armor C4 and C5 zombies, those giant C2 and C3 zombies all attacked Murphy.

Murphy had no choice but to fly up, but he didn't take his eyes off the giant armored C4 and C5 zombies for a second.

What are they doing?Murphy's doubts grew bigger and bigger.

Judging from the past situation, the C4 zombies were basically the leaders before the C5 zombies appeared, and after the C5 zombies appeared, they became full-time nannies.


Of course, everyone knows that the deadly part of a zombie is only the head, so even if the C4 zombie pokes the C5 zombie with its tail, it will not be killed.

Just when Murphy, Lei Sen, and all the members of the mecha team were puzzled, the C5 zombie let out an even more tragic cry.

Shocked by the business, Lei Sen also recovered from his astonishment, and quickly ordered the members of the mecha team to continue attacking.

"All members of the mecha team obey orders and continue to attack." At this moment, these giant zombies seemed to be focusing on everyone, but they refused to leave the C4 and C5 zombies.

This is the best time to attack, isn't it okay to hit a target that doesn't move?
So the members of the mecha team came back to their senses and all attacked the vital parts of the giant zombies that refused to move.

The huge bodies of the giant zombies fell to the ground one by one, but it still did not affect the determination of the other giant zombies to never move.

Murphy didn't attack. She was curious why the giant armored C4 and C5 zombies did this?
But the giant armored C4 zombie finally moved after being quiet for half an hour, and the huge armored tail pulled back from the C5 zombie.

When Mo Fei looked at the C5 zombie again, he didn't appear to be in a dying state. On the contrary, he seemed to be in better spirits. His eyes were fixed on the attacking crowd, but his body remained motionless.

The giant armored C4 zombie is no longer what it was just now, although it seems to be protecting the C5 zombie, there is a certain distance.

At this moment, the giant armor C4 zombie approached the C5 zombie and lifted the C5 zombie from the ground.

When the C5 zombie was lifted up, a mass of dark things rolled out of the pierced wound of the C5 zombie.

Murphy didn't look carefully at first, but when he found out what this thing was, he couldn't help being surprised: Impossible, how could it be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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