Chapter 371

"It's been a day and a night, and I haven't found anything, and there's not even any information about how it was taken away. Have you really looked for it?"

Wan Qiang's office was in a mess, and there was a man standing in front of the desk. There was a wound on the man's face, and the wound was still bleeding.This is when Wan Qiang threw something on the table just now when he was venting, and it happened to scratch the man's face.

"Doctor, no matter how hard you search, you can't find any clues. You have also checked the surveillance, and they haven't been deleted for a second. There are really no suspects." The man lowered his head and replied.

"No suspects, no suspects, Wu Chen, if you say that, then you are the most suspected." Dr. Wan Qiang shouted at the man through gritted teeth.

"That's what you say, but doctor, you should also know that it's useless for me to take that kind of thing." Wu Chen still replied flatly.

"Hmph, it's useless if you take it, doesn't mean it's useless if others take it." Wan Qiang snorted coldly.

Seeing that Dr. Wan Qiang has been emphasizing that Wu Chen will not say anything more.

Now that Wu Chen didn't even explain it, Dr. Wan Qiang was more convinced that Wu Chen did it, but he didn't show it on his face: "Okay, you go out first, and continue to investigate for me."

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded, turned and left the office.

After leaving Wan Qiang's office, Wu Chen wiped the blood on his face with his hand, but there was no wavering in his eyes.

However, Wu Chen didn't go back to the laboratory, but went directly to the rest room where he lived, took some things from it, changed his clothes and left the office building.

Dr. Wan Qiang waited for Wu Chen to go out and made another phone call, and Wu Chen's actions were monitored by Dr. Wan Qiang.

"Wu Chen, if you dare to betray me, I want to see who you are betraying me for."

Murphy couldn't believe everything in front of him, and his mouth opened into an O shape, because the thing that rolled out of the C5 zombie's body was nothing but a small zombie that was not fully developed.

The little zombie didn't seem to be completely dead yet. Feeling that he had left the mother's body and came to a strange outside world, his body instinctively shrunk even tighter.

Are all C5 zombies breeding baby zombies?Even the C5 zombies that Gu Huaiyuan, who used to be a man, mutated into can breed small zombies.

However, the C5 zombie can breed small zombies, so other zombies protect it. Now why does this giant armored C4 zombie hurt the small zombies?

From Murphy's point of view, the little zombie was stabbed to death by the giant armor C4 zombie, and fell out of the body of the C5 zombie.

This is not the strangest thing, the strangest thing is that the giant armored C5 zombie, which was a bit alienated even though it was protecting the C4 zombie, is now clinging to the C4 zombie like the previous C5 zombie, and then moved towards the other surrounding zombies. The giant zombie outside roared.

After the roar, those giant zombies no longer stood still and let the members of the mecha team attack, but started to fight back.

The C5 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face is now nestled next to the giant armored C4 zombie.

The giant armor C4 zombie uses one claw to protect the C5 zombie, and the other one stabs at the ground, pinching the little zombie that rolled out and handing it to the C5 zombie.

The little zombie was pinned by the tip of its tail, and its originally shrunken body was struggling continuously, and it looked a little painful.

But the C5 zombie took the little zombie and didn't hold it in his arms, but bit it down, seeming to eat it with relish.

Murphy was dumbfounded, she really couldn't figure out why.This scene looked a little disgusting and unbelievable.

And the giant armor C4 and other C5 zombies finished eating, picked up C5 zombies at once, and then ran out towards the entrance of the cave.

Mo Fei just woke up now, this C4 zombie was going to take the C5 zombie away.

Lei Sen also noticed the intention of the giant armored C4 zombie, and immediately stopped him.

Murphy and Leisen worked together to block the path of the giant armored C4 zombie.

At this moment, the giant armor C4 zombie didn't seem to want to fight with the two of them, but rushed forward with the C5 zombie.

Murphy put away the huge battle axe, picked out a new meteor hammer, and swung the meteor hammer into a circle, trying to prevent the giant armored C4 zombies from approaching.

The huge, barbed head of the Meteor Hammer hit the body and head of the giant armored C4 zombie one after another. It was obvious that the armor was about to crack, but it didn't stop walking.

"Come and support." Regardless of the C2 and C3 zombies, Lei Sen asked all members of the mech team to come and help.

The members of the mecha team left those giant zombies and ran or flew over quickly, but the giant armored C4 zombies still rushed forward without stopping.

"The personnel at the entrance of the cave obey orders." At this moment, the giant armored C4 zombies had rushed to the entrance of the cave, and Lei Sen quickly mobilized the personnel who had been ambushing at the entrance of the cave.

A huge steel wire mesh had already been nailed to the entrance of the cave, and now people outside the cave blocked the entrance with boulders.

Seeing that the giant armor C4 zombie couldn't get out, he turned around and ran towards the other side. Murphy knew that there was no way for the giant armored zombie to leave, but with the size of a C5 zombie, it was absolutely no problem to pass.

"Lei Sen, we can't let that C5 zombie rush into the cave, or our previous efforts will be wasted." Murphy approached Lei Sen's mecha and said.

"Understood, I will find a way." Lei Sen said and flew straight out of the valley. They prepared more than one steel wire mesh this time. Although they may not be in time at this moment, they can buy more time if they can stop it for a while.

Murphy's meteor hammer danced like a wind, delaying time, but other giant zombies also moved towards this side, and it seemed that they wanted to open a way for the giant armored C4 zombie.

Lei Sen flew out of the valley, and the members of the mech team were not in command. Mo Fei couldn't care less about hiding at this time, and shouted at the members of the mecha team: "What are you doing in a daze? Stop the other giant zombies."

The members of the mecha team were all taken aback. They never thought that the voice in this mecha was actually a woman's voice.

"Oh my God, Team Lei, where have you been? Do you know? That golden mech is actually operated by a woman, I'm really ashamed." Xiao Guo turned on the communicator and said to Lei Sen in surprise.

A woman can operate the mecha so well, what face do they have to hide behind.

I don't know if it was because Murphy's voice reminded them, or because it was actually a woman who controlled the mecha that stimulated the members of the mecha team.

The members of the mecha team violently attacked the other giant zombies except for the giant armored C4 zombie as if they were on a stimulant, which reduced Murphy's pressure a lot.

Now that the voice has been exposed, Murphy has no scruples, and directly arranges the members of the mecha team in the mecha.

When Lei Sen came back with the wire mesh, he saw Murphy yelling at his team members while blocking the giant armored C4 zombies, asking them to change positions from time to time to give Murphy a stronger interception.

Lei Sen raised the corners of his mouth slightly: Murphy really has a commanding talent in this appearance.

Seeing Lei Sen's return and seeing the wire mesh in Lei Sen's hands, Murphy understood Lei Sen's subsequent actions.

Of course, Lei Sen didn't need Murphy's command, and directly called a few semi-flying mechas to help him block the wire mesh to the hole leading inside.

The giant armored C4 zombie had a chance of winning if it charged by itself, but it carried the C5 zombie and basically had to protect the C5 zombie from any damage, so it was held back by Murphy.

Seeing that the last escape hole was blocked, the giant armored C4 zombie roared, put the C5 zombie on its body, and let the C5 zombie hang on it and rush towards the hole blocked by Murphy.

Although Murphy was able to subdue the giant armor C4 zombie, he still didn't dare to be careless in the face of this violent impact.

Dodging to the side, the intercepting meteor hammer also slowed down, only waiting for the giant armored C4 zombie to rush over to fight back.

But what Mo Fei didn't expect was that the giant armored C4 zombie didn't hit Mo Fei, but directly hit the intercepting wire mesh.

Murphy didn't understand the significance of the giant armor C4 zombie's move, because the steel wire mesh was very strong, and although it couldn't completely stop the giant armor C4 zombie, it couldn't be broken in a short while.

It wasn't until the giant armored C4 zombie picked off the C5 zombie when it was close to the wire mesh that Mo Fei finally understood what it was going to do.

The gap in the netting is not too big, but it can still get through if you drill hard. This giant armored C4 zombie seems to want to use its body to hit the opening of the steel mesh to make it bigger, and then send C5 over.

Now Murphy couldn't wait any longer, the hammer head of the meteor hammer directly hit the C5 zombie, the giant armor C4 zombie had no choice but to put away the C5 zombie, but he had no time to dodge, so he had to take Murphy's hammer hard .

The hammer head of Murphy's meteor hammer hit the giant armored C4 zombie firmly with inertia, but because it was aiming at the C5 zombie at first, it didn't hit the giant armored C4 zombie's vitals.

It just broke the arm of the giant armor C4 zombie holding the C5 zombie.

The giant armor C4 zombie whose arm was broken by Murphy couldn't continue to support the C5 zombie, and the C5 zombie slid down the arm of the giant armor C4 zombie to the ground.

Just now, the C5 zombie was hugged by the giant armored C4 zombie. Murphy and the others only paid attention to the actions of the giant armored C4 zombie. Now that the C5 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face fell to the ground alone, Murphy noticed that Only C5 zombies are different.

Just now, the C5 zombie was pierced under the belly by the giant armor C4 zombie with the tip of its tail, and then the small zombie that had already formed rolled out, and there was a big hole in the original position.

But now, the holes on the C5 zombie's body were gone, and the belly became round, just like when Murphy and the others saw it before.

The recovery ability of this C5 zombie is also very good. If this is the case, apart from hurting the vitals, it seems that this C5 zombie can be regarded as immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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