Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 372 Research Rights

Chapter 372 Research Rights

Leisen saw that during the duel between Murphy and the giant armor C4 zombie, Murphy injured the arm of the giant armor C4 zombie with a weapon.

Now is the best time to attack. The rest of the mecha team are attacking C2 zombies and C3 zombies. At this moment, the C2 zombies have almost been wiped out, and the rest is the tougher C3 zombies.

Although the number of giant zombies has dropped sharply, the mechas of the members of the mecha team have also been more or less seriously damaged.

The only one who could rush over to help Murphy at this moment was Leisen's Silver Wing.

Control the Silver Wing and go straight to Murphy's side, and replace the weapon with a light-emitting nuclear bomb, because each mecha is equipped with only one light-emitting nuclear bomb, and only Lei Sen's Silver Wing is equipped with three rounds, so it will not be used easily.

Now it was the last C4 zombie. Leisen aimed the projectile launch hole at the head of the giant armored C4 zombie. Since there were only three shots, Leisen carefully aimed at the giant armored C4 zombie and prepared to attack.

At this moment, whether it was the giant armored C4 zombie or Murphy, all attention was focused on the C5 zombie that fell to the ground.

The giant armor C4 zombie found that the C5 zombie had escaped from its protection range, and hurriedly grabbed the C5 zombie again, but because the arm close to the C5 zombie could not use force, he had to find a way to turn around.Meanwhile, Murphy was amazed at the amazing recovery ability of the C5 zombies.

Although surprised, Murphy did not forget what time it was.

Sensing Lei Sen's attack, Murphy hurriedly changed weapons to attract the attention of the giant armored C4 zombie.

Murphy replaced the weapon with a long gun and pointed the tip at the C5 zombie.At this moment, the attention of the giant armor C4 zombie was on the C5 zombie. Even if Murphy attacked the C4 zombie, it probably wouldn't dodge, so Murphy directly attacked the C5 zombie.

Although Murphy's move couldn't cause any damage to the C4 and C5 zombies, but in this way, the attention of the giant armored C4 zombies would be shifted to Murphy.

Sure enough, the giant armor C4 zombie was fooled, and angrily grabbed Mo Fei, only waiting for Murphy to fight back quickly, so that the C5 zombie would be out of danger.

But he didn't want to, Murphy had no intention of attacking at all.

Taking advantage of this time, Lei Sen has already aimed at the head of the giant armored C4 zombie.Seeing that Murphy successfully attracted the attention of the C4 zombies, Leisen pressed the attack button without hesitation.

The loud noise failed to attract the attention of the giant armor C4 zombie, because at this moment it was Murphy who was a threat to the C5 zombie.

The C5 zombie had already noticed the danger behind him at this time, and desperately shouted at the giant armored C4 zombie, the eardrums of the shrill voice hurt a little.

However, it was too late. The giant armored C4 zombie has a large body and hard armor. These are its advantages, but at this moment it is its weakness.It couldn't look back at the source of the danger, it just moved its huge body with the vigilance issued by the C5 zombie.

But how could Mo Fei give it such a chance? With a spear, it swept across and hit the side where the head of the giant armored C4 zombie deviated.

Dodging subconsciously, the head of the giant armored C4 zombie hit the photonuclear bomb flying from behind.

With a muffled "boom", a hole was blown out of the head of the giant armored C4 zombie.

Mo Fei first changed his weapon to a giant axe, controlled the mech to go around behind the giant armored C4 zombie, and slashed down towards the hole.

A deep crack was filled in the terrifying hole. Murphy pulled the ax from the head of the giant armored C4 zombie, and Leisen hit another nuclear bomb.

The giant armor C4 zombie finally fell to the ground under the attack of two people in turn, leaving only a lone C5 zombie beside him.

At this time, the C5 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face showed a frightened look in its eyes, but right now it has nowhere to escape, both sides are blocked by steel wire mesh, and it cannot break through with its own ability.

The C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie let out a shrill cry, and those giant zombies fighting with other mecha team members rushed towards this side regardless of anything.

However, the members of the mecha team are not vegetarians either. Their desperate interception made it impossible for those giant zombies to run in front of the C5 zombies.

"Lei Sen, capture it alive." Mo Fei glanced at the C5 zombie with the same face as Gu Huaiyuan and said in disgust.

I already hated this person, but I hated him even more after becoming a C5 zombie.Murphy didn't even want to touch it, not to mention that this was the task of the mecha team.

"Well, I see. You go to the cave and wait for me. I'll pick you up here after I'm done." Lei Sen knew that it was midnight when Murphy came out this time, and it would be best for him to take him back if he went back.

Unexpectedly, Murphy refused.

"No, I won't go back for the time being, so just pretend it's nothing. I've got what I want. I'm going to investigate. I'll go back to the star base when things are clear. Don't worry, I'll show up when I go back. of."

Lei Sen quickly grabbed the C5 zombie who had no resistance, and then removed the wire mesh to completely wrap it up. Then he continued to say to Murphy, "Where are you going? How about I go with you?"

"It's okay, I'll take care of myself, it's fine, you go back and hand in the task, and come back after handing over the C5 zombies to the research institute. I'll help your team members deal with the remaining giant zombies first," Murphy said After that, he rushed into the giant pile of zombies.

Lei Sen opened his mouth and didn't shout out. After Murphy rushed to the middle of the team, he couldn't talk to her too much to avoid being overheard.

Looking at the C5 zombie in his hand, Lei Sen used the communicator to inform the members of the Mech Team: "All the members are now obeying the dispatch of the golden mech. I will go back to the base and hand over the C5 zombie and I will be right back."

The outstanding performance of the golden mecha just now made the members of the mecha team very new to the service, so Lei Sen immediately responded.

With Murphy's command and help, the number of giant zombies became less and less.

When there were only six left, Lei Sen flew back and quickly joined the battle.

Many of the mechs of the mecha team could not move. Fortunately, there were not many giant zombies left. With Lei Sen's help after returning, these six giant zombies were also wiped out soon.

After the giant zombies were wiped out, Mo Fei found an opportunity to approach Lei Sen and told him to save some black crystals for him, and then flew away.

"Team Lei, who is that woman in the mysterious mech? It's too powerful. The members of our mecha team can't hold on anymore. She has been rushing to the front and still keeps the fuselage intact. I admire her." Xiao Guo said when he saw the golden mech flying away.

"That's right, Team Thunder, do you know such a talent? They should be recruited to our mecha team! The safety factor will be much higher after this." Others also echoed.

Everyone knows that if the golden mecha hadn't joined in today's battle, let alone victory, they probably wouldn't even think about fighting.

Lei Sen didn't answer the team members' questions, but just stared at the direction Murphy flew away in a daze.

Sensing that Lei Sen didn't answer for a long time, the members of the Mech Team didn't ask any more questions. They guessed that their Captain Lei probably didn't know either.

The next thing is some finishing work. The wounded and the damaged and unable to move mechas need to be picked up by a trailer. Lei Sen and the other two semi-flying mechas that are still functioning normally go back and forth between the valley and the star base. They dragged the personnel and damaged mechs back to the star base.

And at this moment, news that the mecha team captured the living C5 zombies has spread throughout the star base, and all members of the research institute have gathered in the conference room, even Lin Yixun, who was locked up, also attended.

Everyone knew the importance of living C5 zombies, so they all came to the conference room of the research institute immediately.

"Everyone be quiet. This living C5 zombie is by far the most important research specimen, so all colleagues are invited here today, and we are going to study the future research plan." said the man.

"Dean Qi, I have a different opinion." Lin Yixun raised his hand at the beginning of Qi Tongfu's words.

"Oh? Xiaolin, tell me." Qi Tongfu has always treated Lin Yixun like an elder to a junior, but Lin Yixun is the youngest girl with outstanding abilities in the research institute, especially the daughter of Vice President Lin Leshan.

"Dean Qi, our laboratory has always been in charge of the zombie project. Of course, Dr. Ke and Dr. Wang's laboratory helped, as well as Dr. Wan's laboratory. Now that so many laboratories have worked together, For this research, I feel that the research lab that was originally in charge of other projects is also responsible for this research, which is simply imposed on others.”

On the surface, Lin Yixun said that he wanted to avoid burdening other research laboratories, but in fact he pointed out that the research on zombies this time should also be handed over to the several research laboratories that had been in charge of it before.

Wan Qiang listened and nodded. He had lost his notebook, and now he needed more physical research to make up for the loss, so he agreed after Lin Yixun brought it up.

The other two mentioned research laboratories naturally agreed with Lin Yixun's suggestion. Some of the other research laboratories still insisted, while the other part agreed because they were not very good at this aspect.

In this way, the majority agreed with Lin Yixun's decision, so this research was allocated to Lin Yixun's laboratory and Wan Qiang's laboratory, and the other two were used as auxiliary research.

After the matter was settled, Lin Yixun and Dr. Wan Qiang, as the heads of the two research laboratories mainly in charge of research, came to Lin Yixun's office to discuss the future division.

"Before that, let's take a look at the condition of this living C5 zombie!" Before Lin Yixun could go to the office, Dr. Wan Qiang suggested.

"Alright, let's do the basic data first, so that we can divide the research part later." Lin Yixun agreed immediately, and the two walked towards the sample room where the living C5 zombies were held.

After arriving at the sample room, after Lin Yixun and Dr. Wan Qiang uncovered the cover, Lin Yixun and Dr. Wan Qiang were stunned at the same time: Huh?Gu Huaiyuan?
(End of this chapter)

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