Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 373 Ruins

Chapter 373 Ruins
Lin Yixun and Dr. Wan Qiang, who came to the living sample storage room to get acquainted with the data of the C5 zombie, were taken aback when they saw the face of the C5 zombie.

From Mo Fei, Lin Yixun knew some things about Gu Huaiyuan, especially when Mo Fei was arrested and released by Lin Yixun on bail last time, Lin Yixun also saw Gu Huaiyuan's photo.

As for Dr. Wan Qiang, when Wu Chen investigated Murphy before, he naturally would not ignore Gu Huaiyuan, so Dr. Wan Qiang also knew what Gu Huaiyuan looked like.

So the two of them were no strangers to Gu Huaiyuan's face, and they were taken aback when they suddenly saw a C5 zombie.

However, the two were only stunned for a moment, and neither of them said anything.

Although no one mentioned it, both of them had to investigate carefully after planning.

Dr. Wan Qiang wanted to know whether this mutated C5 zombie was actually Gu Huaiyuan. As for whether Gu Huaiyuan's disappearance was related to Murphy, this was out of Dr. Wan Qiang's consideration, after all, Murphy was already dead.

And Lin Yixun wanted to disclose this news to Li Jiao, so that Murphy's suspicion could be cleared, even though Murphy was dead.

"Dr. Wan, this is a live sample. I have recorded the data. Now let's go to my office!" Lin Yixun said to Wan Qiang after recording the values.

"Okay." Dr. Wan Qiang nodded to Lin Yixun without saying anything.Because Lin Yixun's office is on the side of the research institute, which is relatively close to the living sample storage room, and Wan Qiang's office is on the other side of the office area, so it is inconvenient to come and go, so it is natural to choose Lin Yixun's office.

After leaving the sample room, Lin Yixun and Wan Qiang changed into sterile clothes and walked side by side towards Lin Yixun's office.

After entering the office, Lin Yixun took out the reader card and put it in the projection port of the big screen, and the data was magnified and projected on the opposite screen for a glance.

At this moment, Murphy arrived at the traffic team of Te'an City again. The data was found here last time, but due to other delays, many things were not read.

It was considered safe after being cleaned last time, and the equipment here is also very complete, and the backup power system has not been damaged, so there is no need to worry about power supply problems.

The first thing Murphy did when he arrived was to watch the videos he selected last time and the ones he hadn't finished watching.

In order, Murphy showed his parents' car until the fire appeared, then Dr. Wan Qiang's car appeared, and then at a small intersection of a certain highway, the parents' car appeared again, and Dr. Wan Qiang's car followed.

After that, the parents' car came out of that port again, driving in the opposite direction to the original position, and Dr. Wan Qiang came out after a long time, and the fire in the rearview mirror of the car when he left.

The most important thing is that when the mysterious man, Dr. Wan Qiang, was going back and forth to the high-speed entrance and exit, the mysterious man was still in the car when he entered, but disappeared when he came out.

Murphy repeatedly watched the videos on these data cards, but unfortunately, the videos could only record these. Murphy couldn't see how his father's personal notes got into the hands of Dr. Wan Qiang.

Taking the book back from Dr. Wan Qiang, his father's personal notes were taken out of the storage amulet, and he was about to read it.

There was a strange sound outside.

Mo Fei hurriedly put away his notebook and the data card quickly, and then Mo Fei disappeared in place.

There was a passing team outside, who were also driven away by people from a small local base on the outside. Walking inside, they found this traffic team.

I walked in without seeing anyone inside, and I am currently searching from room to room to see if there are any zombies.

"Strange, there seems to be some movement here just now." A man frowned after listening carefully.

"It's also a mutation of hearing, you must have heard it wrong! Hahahaha." A man laughed bluntly.

"Okay, it's always right to be cautious, let's continue to search." Another man who seemed to be the leader of the group waved his hand and searched for other locations.

After those people left, Murphy reappeared in place completely.

That's right, Murphy just disappeared.

This is her new talisman, the one that has made her work hard for a long time: the invisibility talisman.

When Mo Fei saw this talisman on the talisman, he was surprised for a long time, and immediately thought of the plan.

The help of this talisman is indispensable for her to go to Dr. Wan Qiang to get the book back. This is why Murphy must improve in a short time even if his breath will fluctuate greatly after he tries hard to improve.

Fortunately, the rebirth of the body during the stepping mountain did not cause any major disturbance in the breath, but Mo Fei didn't know it and thought it was because of his relatively solid foundation before.

That day Mo Fei arrived outside Wan Qiang's office. Originally, she just wanted to explore the way, so that she could take back her notebook when she was fully prepared next time.

Unexpectedly, Dr. Wan Qiang would suddenly open the window to look. Murphy activated the invisibility charm without thinking. Taking advantage of Dr. Wan Qiang opening the window, she flew into the house from the gap above.

It didn't take even a second for the portable note to be picked up and put into the storage talisman. After putting it away, Mo Fei didn't stop, and flew out along the open window.

Therefore, it is impossible for Dr. Wan Qiang to hear anything.

After coming out, Murphy did not leave immediately, but flew up to the roof to release the invisibility talisman.

This invisibility talisman was drawn due to the limitation of its own ability and the fact that it was not fully practiced this time, and the effect was greatly reduced, so it couldn't last for too long.

Murphy was worried that he would need it later, so he quickly dismissed it.On the roof, Murphy saw the mysterious man who had appeared in the video rush in from outside, and left after a while.

It seems that Dr. Wan Qiang has found that the notebook is missing, and asked the man to find it.

Judging that Dr. Wan Qiang must not have thought it was him, Murphy flew out again.

It seems that another team has come to the main building of the traffic team, and I can't stay here for a long time.Thinking about it, Murphy put some of the instruments used here directly into the storage talisman.

It was easy to find a place to live, but Mo Fei really didn't know where to find these instruments, so he simply brought them with him.

After moving, Murphy didn't take the stairs, and flew out along the window.

After thinking for a long time, Murphy decided to go home.

Summoning the golden mecha, Murphy flew directly towards his home.Going home with so much information, Mo Fei couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart. It was so difficult when he ran away from home, how could he think that he could go back easily now.

However, when Murphy returned to the home where he had lived for a long time, what he saw was ruins.

Her home was destroyed, seemingly by giant zombies.

Zombies are increasing very quickly now, and her area is no exception. There are four giant zombies around at a glance.

What a terrifying number this was before, but now Murphy is not afraid of these giant zombies at all.

Destroy my home and let you pay with your life.After landing, Murphy didn't stop, and rushed straight towards the C3 zombie closest to her.

Because they had just been promoted, how could these giant zombies be Murphy's opponents.

Three C2 zombies and one C3 zombie died so easily in Murphy's hands.

After digging out the smoky crystal, Mo Fei replenished one energy, and threw the rest in the bag.

Putting away the mech, Murphy walked to the ruins of his house on foot.

He squatted down and reached out to touch the familiar brick. This was the only place where Murphy could bring him warmth after the end of the world, and it was also destroyed by zombies now.

Going around to the back, Murphy saw the destroyed sun room, but the cold armory behind the sun room was still there, but the things there had been emptied by Murphy.

But seeing the cold armory, Murphy immediately thought of his father's study.The cold arsenal was not destroyed. Does that mean that the place where father and grandpa wanted to treasure things was not destroyed either?
Mo Fei quickly called out the mecha, and removed the scattered brick decoration pieces on it little by little.

Although the house was destroyed, those giant zombies would not crash into the house without incident. They must have cleaned up some of the surrounding houses because they were inconvenient to move, so the frame of the house was still there.

Murphy quickly found several important places from the ruins. Mophy still had a general impression of where these places were. Murphy found a total of five hidden compartments.

The last time Murphy opened one of them in his father's study, it was because Murphy knew the location and saw his father open it, but the other Murphys were not clear.

"I don't know if Dad's personal notes have been written." Murphy muttered while looking at the other hidden boxes.

It really lived up to expectations. Murphy did find a password in the notebook, but he didn't know if it corresponded to these hidden boxes.

Murphy tried to open these hidden compartments one by one, but unfortunately none of them matched.

"It seems not." Murphy thought for a while, sitting in a pile of ruins and experimenting like this was not a good choice, so he simply dug out the grids and took them away.

Carefully dig out all the hidden compartments. These compartments are made of special metal. Although Mo Fei thinks that the mecha may be able to open the compartments, he is worried that it will damage the contents inside.

What's more, these grids are of different sizes, the small ones are only as big as a jewelry box, and the big ones are as big as a large freezer. If it weren't for Mo Fei's storage charm to put these things away, it would be really hard to carry.

After putting away all the grids, Murphy thought about it, he really had no place to go now.

Although the home was destroyed, Murphy felt that it was not completely unhealthy, at least these hidden spaces that she didn't know before were exposed.

After putting away all the hidden compartments, Murphy picked up in the ruins again. There was nothing special to take with him. When he left before, he basically took away all the important things.

After thinking about it, there is only one place where I can go at this time, and it can be regarded as safe.Standing up and summoning the golden mech, Murphy flew directly to the south.

(End of this chapter)

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