Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 374 Amethyst Necklace

Chapter 374 Amethyst Necklace

After turning on the mecha and using the speed symbol to accelerate, Murphy quickly reached the location she wanted to go.Although this place is not usually far from the star base.

Yes, Murphy came to the sea base again.

It's not too close to the star base here, unless the Silver Wing is dispatched, it is possible to rush over in a short time.Using other means of transportation, after thinking about it, Murphy basically didn't pose any threat to her.

However, the driver of the silver wing is Lei Sen, so if he goes to the sea base, he should be very safe.

What's more, Murphy has another identity.

Taking Gu Yifei's identity card to the gate and swiping it, Murphy entered the sea base smoothly.

It's just that it is impossible to hide this from Shao Qing from anyone, and Shao Qing provided her with this convenience.

So on the night after checking in that day, Shao Qing drove here.This is not surprising to Murphy at all. If Shao Qing comes after many days, Murphy will remind Shao Qing: The system of your sea base is too bad.

"Feifei, it's really you. I heard that someone used this card. I thought you lost the card and someone picked it up." After receiving the news, Shao Qing came here directly after get off work. It was really Murphy, Shao Qing said happily.

Looking at Shao Qing's appearance, Murphy knew that the news of his "death" probably never came.But think about it, no one except Lei Sen knows that he knows Shao Qing from the sea base, and Lei Sen is the one who knows that he is still alive.And I'm not a celebrity myself, who would come to the sea base to inform me.

"Something happened recently, so I'm going to bother you for a while." Murphy didn't explain why he came, and directly told Shao Qing that he would stay for a while.

"No problem, but is it just you this time? Leisen didn't come?" Shao Qing was actually a little concerned about Leisen's mecha. You must know that the speed of zombies' improvement has doubled now, and there are more and more giant zombies. Their sea base Even if there are many walls, it cannot be parried.

Of course Mo Fei understood what Shao Qing meant: "No, no one will know that I'm here this time, please help me keep it a secret!"

Seeing that Lei Sen would not come, Shao Qing no longer treated Murphy like a person with a working relationship, and resumed his status as a friend: "Understood, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay, just tell me what you need."

"Well, but I don't really need anything myself, and I brought food." The first thing Murphy did after landing was to find a car, and then he dug out some food and stuff in the car. moved upstairs.

Shao Qinghuan took a look at the things placed in the room, said nothing more, left an internal contactor for Mo Fei, and left Mo Fei's house.

After Shao Qing left, only Mo Fei was left. Because it was late, Mo Fei cooked some food, took a shower, made the bed and went to sleep.

In the jurisdictional villa in the star base, Lei Sen also returned home from the command center, subconsciously looked up at the room where Murphy lived before, and walked towards the room.

Pushing open the door, the furnishings inside were as usual, as if Murphy was still living here.

Because Murphy was in a hurry to help Leisen before, many things were confiscated.

Lei Sen didn't put the things away either, but just took out the key and locked the door, reserving a room for Murphy.

"Yu, I heard that the mecha team defeated the giant zombie this time, and even captured the C5 zombie alive." In Xiao Minyu's villa, Yulin asked Xiao Minyu after holding a chopstick dish.

"Well, that's true, but this time the mecha team has also suffered a lot of damage. I will be busy recently, and I may have to live at the Mechanical Research Institute." Because of Yulin's carefulness and initiative, Xiao Minyu is also in the Trying to accept it, the tone of speech became much more gentle.

"Well, let me collect some clothes for you."

Seeing Xiao Minyu like this, Yulin was very happy in her heart, she finally got her wish, Mo Fei really did not die in vain, otherwise how could she get Xiao Minyu so quickly.

The next morning, Murphy got up very early.Adequate sleep keeps her refreshed.

After getting up and filling his stomach first, Murphy first took out the grid that he brought from home.

"What are these hidden compartments?" Murphy was fiddling with the smallest compartment in his hand. It was inferred from the place where it was dug out that it should be in the parents' bedroom.

Bedroom, secret compartment... Murphy thought over and over, what kind of password would be used for the secret compartment in the bedroom?

Suddenly, Murphy thought of a gift her mother gave her when she was a child, and that gift was put away by her mother not long after, saying that she would give it to her later, as if it was kept in a hidden compartment in the bedroom.

"What did Mom say the password was?" Murphy lowered his head and thought hard, but couldn't remember it after thinking for a long time.But the corner of his eyes suddenly swept to the edge of the bed, and a plant on the bed sheet made Mo Fei's mind suddenly open.

"By the way, it seems to be..." Murphy pushed the electronic lock in front of the grid based on his impression, and then pressed a series of numbers and letters on it.

"Beep, beep, beep..." The box actually opened.

"Haha, it seems that childhood memories are also reliable!" Mo Fei opened the box with a smile, and when he saw what was inside, Mo Fei's eyes became moist.

It was a deep purple gemstone necklace, and the faint purple was mysterious. Mo Fei still vaguely remembered that when his mother gave it to him, he said that this necklace was his mother.His mother, that is, Murphy's grandmother, can even be traced back further.

It can be regarded as a gemstone handed down from the mother's family and only passed down to the daughter.

On Murphy's tenth birthday, her mother took it out, and after wearing it for only one day, it was taken back, saying that it was too expensive, and it would be officially handed over to her after Murphy was 16 years old.

Afterwards, Murphy completely forgot about it. If the house hadn't collapsed this time, Murphy might not have remembered it.

Mo Fei took the purple gemstone necklace out of the box, and when his finger touched the cut surface of the purple gemstone, an indescribable force surged through his finger into Murphy's body.

Although this power is huge, it is gentle, and it merges with the power stored in Murphy's body before.

The energy that was stored in Murphy's body after stepping on the mountain after re-refining his body, but because his physique was not yet strong, the energy that had been inactive for a long time was finally stimulated at this time.

The two kinds of energies originally intersected and fused together. As the energy in the purple gemstone necklace became larger and larger, the energy in Murphy's body also emerged even more massively.

The sense of balance disappeared, and Murphy felt that his consciousness was gradually fading.

Murphy, can't sleep!Murphy secretly reminded himself in his heart, who knows what's going on, whether he will wake up after sleeping like this.

Murphy didn't have such a strong desire to survive before.But after knowing that his parents' car accident was not simple, Murphy didn't want to disappear so easily at all.

Although his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, he survived wave after wave of shocks under Murphy's hard support.

It wasn't until Murphy felt that the two forces in his body were completely fused, that he would be fine, and Murphy, who could no longer hold on, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already dark outside.Fortunately, the temperature is relatively hot now, even if you sleep on the ground, you won't catch cold.

After Murphy got up, the ground was a mess, with black soil everywhere, and he didn't know where it came from, but Murphy felt that it was a bit similar to the outer layer of the eggshell when he was walking on the mountain.

Regardless of the dirt, Murphy first checked his body.

If Mo Fei didn't feel it without checking, but after Mo Fei checked his body, he found something unbelievable.

That is, she has improved again.

It took a long time to go from the stage of peace of mind to the stage of sincerity, but it was unprecedentedly fast from the stage of sincerity to the stage of spiritual wisdom.

In addition to Murphy's desperate efforts to learn the invisibility talisman, the second stage of sincerity is indeed the shortest stage.

However, it is very difficult to improve in the spiritual wisdom period, even as difficult as the last stage of the mind training period, but Murphy improved again within a few days after just improving.

And to Murphy's surprise, this promotion did not have any sequelae.

The most important point is that the promotion this time is not a step up, but from the third stage of spiritual wisdom to the fourth stage of relaxation and joy, and directly promoted to the fifth stage of the heart training stage, which is the final stage. One stage: the stage of unity of mind and state.

Murphy didn't know whether it was good or bad, after all, no one taught her, and all she had were two books.

Hurriedly flipping through the books he brought back from stepping on the mountain, Mo Fei slowly comprehended the key points of breath in the phase of mind-mind integration, and felt relieved when he realized that there was nothing unusual in his body.

Although it is a good thing to be able to improve quickly, if it is not good for the body, Murphy would rather improve slowly.

At this time, the purple gemstone necklace was still in Mo Fei's hands, but the shiny purple gemstone on the gemstone necklace at this moment had lost its mysterious luster. No matter how you looked at it, it was just a beautiful purple gemstone. Just gems.

It seems that there must be something special in this jewel necklace that has been handed down, which is why I have improved a lot.Thinking to himself, Murphy took out a small box from the storage talisman and put the necklace in it.

Although the necklace has no power now, it is something given to him by his mother, and Murphy is not willing to throw it away.

After putting away the necklace, Mo Fei looked at other items, but let out a surprised "Huh".

Stretching out his hand from the black soil, he took out another grid about the size of a lunch box. Mo Fei directly opened the cover of the code device, and then quickly pressed his finger on the code disk of the grid.

Finally, Murphy pressed the confirmation button, and the grid was opened at once.

Without rushing to look at the things in the grid, Murphy opened the remaining two grids along the way.

Without any effort, Murphy unexpectedly opened the remaining three grids at once.

(End of this chapter)

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