Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 375 Murder Motive

Chapter 375 Murder Motive

Murphy secretly looked at all the opened grids in front of him in surprise. He thought he was dazzled, but it seemed that he could really open them.

Taking out all the items in the grid, Mo Fei put the grid back into the storage talisman for the time being.

It's not that these grids are useful, but the last few grids are too big, so Murphy can only take them back first, and then find a place to throw them away after leaving the sea base. Anyway, there are storage symbols, and these grids are also used. If not, it just takes up space to put it inside.

The grids opened at the back are relatively large, and most of them are paper books.In this age, these might not be very useful, but before the end of the world, paper books were simply scarce items.

Previous ancient books were basically kept by major libraries and museums, while ordinary books have long been replaced by electronic books, and as trees become scarcer due to weather, these paper books are no longer produced.

And the preservation of paper books in ordinary homes is not perfect, so it is difficult for ordinary people to see paper books.

Murphy didn't know that his father actually had such a batch of paper books besides the obvious books in the study.

However, after looking through it, Mo Fei realized that these books should be used to assist in viewing the talismans.

Many of them are books on the study of ancient Chinese characters, which seem to be some years old.

It seems that in order to understand the talismans before, my father and the others worked hard.Murphy felt a little ashamed when she saw this. She didn't have to make any effort, she just shed some blood to understand it, and she also inherited that mecha, otherwise she might not be able to live now.

I have to sigh: this inheritance is really a good thing.

It was like opening the box just now, because after absorbing that force, Murphy was able to see the heavy marks on the grid.

Recalling his father's habit of collecting things, Murphy tried to press it, and he unlocked the password on the grid.Now do you think you are hot-eyed?

After putting everything away, Mo Fei got up to find cleaning tools, swept up the black soil and dumped it, and then went to take a shower. He was lying on the ground all day today.

It was only when he was taking a shower that Murphy understood where the mud came from. Looking at the black muddy water flowing into the sewer, Murphy was speechless: I bathe every day, why is it still so dirty.

After taking a bath, people felt much refreshed, and Murphy sorted out the things he was going to find out from the grid.

Not too lazy to cook, Mo Fei directly took out some instant food and ate it, flipping through his father's notes while gnawing.

I don't know if I don't read it, because Mo Fei read through the materials left by his father when he was purifying the flower and plant cultivation room, and he somewhat understood some terms.

So looking at this portable notebook again, Murphy can also see some tricks.From inside, Murphy found a message that pointed to an entry in his graduate student records.

Murphy remembered that he had seen it earlier, but because it was a school record, he was excluded by Murphy.

Taking out the electronic notebook from the storage amulet, Mo Fei opened the notebook and turned to the entry recorded in his personal notes.

At this moment, Murphy knew how great his father was.

It turned out that as early as when my father graduated from graduate school, he had already mentioned the topic of air purification.

The person who was in the same group as my father at that time was Dr. Wan Qiang.

The two worked together to develop this project, but my father did not stay in the research institute due to family reasons, but returned to that small city and started the establishment of Mo's Purifying Flowers and Plants.

And Dr. Wan Qiang entered the National Research Institute in Beijing, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

There wasn't much communication between the two after that, but there seemed to be some communication.

It records in detail the causes of air pollution, as well as the conditions for air purification and the required medicament configuration.

Since Murphy has fully mastered the runes, some special information recorded by his father in his notebook is marked with runes. Although some of them are written incorrectly, Murphy can understand the meaning of these symbols.

Of course, this was also because Murphy had fully mastered the runes.

It's like a person from the Dragon Kingdom wrote a few typos in a paragraph in the language of the Dragon Kingdom, but you, as a Dragon Kingdom person, can still understand the truth.

Murphy is very clear about the meaning of these markings by his father, and combined with his own words, he can see that the concept of air purification is not empty talk, but a purification designed by his father.

It's just that this design is flawed, so my father has been looking for that balance point, so that he has never brought it out, but he has only tried it twice.But Dr. Wan Qiang didn't seem to think so. Instead, he urged his father several times, hoping that he could expose this research earlier.

Reminiscent of Dr. Wan Qiang being the main researcher of the "Sunny Project", Murphy couldn't help scoffing. It turned out that she just picked up her father's research results.

In this way, we can find out why Dr. Wan Qiang wanted to kill his parents. Probably Dr. Wan Qiang wanted to snatch this achievement, but his father disagreed because of his flaws.

Could it be said that the defect at the beginning is the problem of human variation?This point is not mentioned in the portable notes, but it is said that there are defects and more research is needed.

Murphy continued to flip back, and when he reached the last page with the record, there was a paragraph written crookedly in runes.

There are still many typos in this passage, but Murphy cried while reading it.

This passage should have been written by my father when he was still conscious at the end, and because it was written in runes, Dr. Wan Qiang couldn't understand it at all, thinking that no clues had been destroyed.

There is also a figure drawn next to the word Crooked Niuniu. Murphy knows that the figure represents herself. This is a rebus she likes to play with her parents since she was a child.

This paragraph seems to be very difficult to write, and I can imagine the situation of my parents at that time.

Enduring the sadness and reading the whole paragraph, Murphy understood what his father meant. He knew that Dr. Wan Qiang would use his notes to promote the research on air purification, but if he was too eager for quick success and didn't make up for that defect, there would be problems. event.

The final graphic is for Murphy to protect himself.

After closing his father's notebook, Murphy closed his eyes.Tears flowed silently down the corners of his eyes.

Although he had already made psychological preparations, Murphy still felt very sad when he found out that his parents were killed.

The gentle father and the gentle mother were killed in this way, and she had to survive on her own at a young age.

Murphy found the reason why Dr. Wan Qiang framed her parents. She was no longer the little girl who was slaughtered by others. She had enough ability to protect herself and take revenge.

After tidying up her things, Murphy has no plan to stay at the sea base. She wants to go back and ask Dr. Wan Qiang for the blood debt.

In the research institute of the star base, although it was already late, the two groups of Lin Yixun and Wan Qiang did not leave.

Today, when I checked the C5 zombie with Gu Huaiyuan's face on it, I accidentally found that this C5 zombie was pregnant with a baby zombie in its stomach.

But judging from the appearance of this zombie, it should be a male when it was human.

This discovery shocked the researchers even more, that is to say, as long as they become C5 zombies, they can reproduce regardless of whether they were male or female.

So, wasn't the little zombie in the belly of C5 Gu Huaiyuan's zombie pricked out by another giant armored C4 zombie?How could there be a little zombie.

This also starts with the C5 zombies and the giant armor C4 zombies.

The main reason why the giant armor C4 zombies should protect C5 zombies is not because C5 zombies are stronger than them, but because C5 zombies can breed small zombies.

The baby zombies born by C5 zombies for the first time will directly become C5 zombies, and they can continue to breed the next generation after the baby zombies grow up.

But after the first production of C5 zombies, no matter how many times, the small zombies born will directly become giant armored C4 zombies.

After growing up, there is only a small chance to evolve into a C5 zombie.

The C5 zombie is not a parthenogenetic body, but a special body passed by the giant armored C4 zombie through the tip of its tail.Breeding with liquid.

Of course, only the giant armored C4 zombies, because Lin Yixun mentioned in his previous report that only from C4 zombies can new species be formed.

C3 zombies, including the previous zombies, still have human links in their genes.

So only C4 zombies and C5 zombies are the same species.

And in order to fight for the first breeding rights of the C5 zombie, that only passed the body with the C5 zombie.Liquid's giant armor C4 zombies took the responsibility of protecting C5 zombies and small zombies.

This is also the reason why, no matter how the outside world attacks the C4 zombies, they always protect the C5 zombies first.

After the giant armored C4 zombie died, the C5 zombie lost its protection. Although the other giant armored C4 zombie wanted to protect the C5 zombie, but because the C5 zombie Gu Huaiyuan already had another small zombie of the C4 zombie, it was not protected. negative.


That is to say, the giant armored C4 zombie protects the C5 zombie in order to breed its own offspring, so Gu Huaiyuan of C5 needs the care of another armored C4 zombie to protect himself, so he squeezed out the small zombie of the original C4 zombie and gave it to the new C4 zombie. Zombie's little zombie makes way.

If Murphy was here, he would be able to analyze something from these situations, but Lin Yixun and Wan Qiang, who don't know the original situation at this time, can only infer that the C5 zombies mutated into C5 zombies regardless of whether they were male or female. This conclusion can be reproduced afterwards.

"Let's go here today. Tomorrow we will check the situation of the little zombies in the C5 zombie body in detail." After recording all the data, Dr. Wan Qiang decided to take a break temporarily.

And at this moment, in a villa in the jurisdiction of the star base, Li Jiao, who was swollen and out of shape due to pregnancy, received the news that the newly captured C5 zombie was exactly the same as Gu Huaiyuan's.

(End of this chapter)

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