Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 37 Big Event

Chapter 37 Big Event

After seeing the woman's face clearly, the man stepped back in horror, but the woman was already close at hand.Due to the trembling of his legs, the man was a little weak to support himself.

The woman quickly stepped forward, grabbed the man, and tore her hand forcefully. With a scream, the man's arm was dislocated.

With another force, the entire sleeve was torn.

Women, oh no, they can no longer be called women.

The female zombie opened her mouth wide and bit the passing man with sharp and mutated teeth.The man struggled to break free, but still did not escape the fate of being scratched.

The person who passed by before was finally bitten off his neck and fell into a pool of blood, while the mutated zombie of the woman continued to walk towards the main building of the research institute unsteadily.

Not long after, the passing man who had died on the ground also made a strange sound, roaring and walking towards the main building as well.

At this time, Murphy had just come out of the bathroom and changed his clothes, but he didn't know that the outside was already in chaos.

"It's still half a day, just bear with it." Mo Fei said to himself, he had already eaten a piece of vegetarian bread just now.

I didn't expect that I would eat this kind of thing even after I arrived at the survivor's base.

No wonder Captain Lei sent him back so kindly, it turned out he wasn't a good person.Murphy cursed secretly in his heart, he must stay away from this kind of man in the future.

After tidying up a bit, Murphy had nothing else to do. He had to save some energy without eating, so Murphy lay down on the bed again.

In the control room, the two people who were preparing to take a shift break were waiting for others to take over, but found that the faces of the two people who came in were very bad.

"What's the matter? It's all right with a frowning face. The little girl in the monitoring room is quite stable. It's not a hard job." The man who was on duty got up, thinking that the two of them were worried about this problem, and quickly explained.

"What, you two don't know when you are on duty. Our base is in a mess now. The base has urgently called for support from the Savior base. The main force of each team in the base has also entered our main command building."

The visitor spoke to his two colleagues who didn't know about it.

"What? What's the big deal?" The man who was originally on duty quickly asked, the two of them were fine when they came out on duty early in the morning, why did something big happen in only one morning.

The people who came in later told the two people on duty about the inexplicable appearance of zombies in the base.

Since the zombies attacked directly from the main building inside the Cang base, there were not too many people with supernatural powers who actually worked in the main building.

Due to the late discovery, most of the personnel who were not rescued by the security department were bitten to death and mutated into zombies.

As a result, a large number of zombies appeared in the office area of ​​the main building at the core of Cang base, which directly caused the defense of the control center to lose control, and the outermost barrier could not be closed temporarily.

At present, the outermost periphery is usually cleaned fairly clean, so there will be no major problems for a while.

But now the zombies in the office area of ​​the main building can't be completely controlled, and they are still increasing sporadically, so the situation is still very dangerous.

Once a large number of zombies appeared on the outside, or the development of the zombies could not be completely controlled inside, then Cangji would be really dangerous.

The two men on duty who were originally monitoring Murphy in the monitoring room, after listening to the description of the two men, their faces became more and more frightened.

"Let's escape quickly. If we can get out of the central office area and reach Area B, there are very powerful corpse hunting team members over there. Only there will be safer."

Just as the four of them were talking about the situation outside and discussing how to escape, unusual roars echoed in the aisle.

"Yes, it's a zombie, no way, even the annex building is infected." One of the men stammered and pointed to the door.

"I think we should stay here. If we turn off other power sources and use emergency lighting and ventilation, we can stay here for a long time. It seems dangerous outside, and we can't get out alone."

"Yes, just stay here. There is a safe here, which is connected to an external solar power supply. There is also a lot of food in it, enough for us to live for a while."

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

"Dong dong dong" suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Quick, don't just stand still, go and turn off all the power supplies that you don't need." One of the men shouted hastily.

The rest of the people ran to the instrument one by one and turned off the power switches one by one.

Murphy was lying with half-closed eyes when he suddenly felt that his eyes could no longer feel the light.

Opening his eyes, he realized that the surroundings were already pitch black.

Pressing the watch on his wrist, it was just before five o'clock.

Normally, dinner should be ready soon at this time, and it's not too late. Why did the lights suddenly turn off?And being locked up here for the past two days, even if it is sleep time, the power will not be completely turned off.

There will always be a sleep light for lighting.

Murphy didn't know what was going on, so he quickly sat up from the bed.

Hold the Suying gun in your hand first, no matter what the situation is, you must not lose your weapon.

Relying on memory, he groped towards the wall and took off the light source flashlight from a power socket.

In addition to using light energy, the way to store electricity in this light source torch can also be directly powered by a socket.So Murphy charged the light source flashlight early in the morning and kept it as a backup when he went out.

It wasn't until the light source torch was turned on that a not too strong light appeared in the room.

Mo Fei straightened up, shone a circle with the light source flashlight, and then walked towards the gate.

Putting his ear to the door, Murphy listened, but there was no movement outside.But this made Murphy's heart even more uncertain.

I used to put something in the food to hurt myself, what's the situation now?Murphy wasn't sure, but he was also very passive.

Murphy angrily and helplessly kicked the closed door.

Just when the door was kicked, Mo Fei suddenly discovered that the doors that were tightly closed before shook each other.

Could it be that the door switch system was broken because of the power outage?
With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Murphy stuck the point of the Suying gun into the gap, and pressed back little by little, and the door was slowly pried open a finger-wide gap.

Murphy was a little surprised. He quickly found out his backpack and carried it on his back. Then he grabbed the gap with his hands, put his shoulder against the door at one end, and pushed it open with great effort.

As the gap in the door got bigger and bigger, Murphy kicked his whole body and legs to the sides, and finally opened the door to a gap big enough for people to get out sideways.

Following the gap, Murphy squeezed out of the monitoring room, and because there were windows outside the monitoring room, although there were no lights, it was not completely dark.

"Strange, why is there no one here?" Murphy muttered to himself.

When she came that day, although there were not many people here, there were always sporadic people walking around in the corridor, but now there were not even a single person.

As soon as the words fell, Murphy knew what it meant to be obsessed.

I just said that there is no half person, and now there is a "half person" in front of my eyes.

With the help of the light, it was obvious that a zombie dangled not far in front of Murphy's eyes.Probably because half of the body was eaten, the other half of the broken corpse wobbled towards it, dragging its internal organs.

For this kind of C zombie, especially such a broken and incomplete C zombie, Mo Fei didn't have the slightest sense of fear. He raised the tip of the plain tassel gun in his hand and pierced it precisely into the zombie's head.

The Suying Spear turned twice in his hand, and the half zombie fell to the ground.

Mo Fei picked it up with the tip of the gun, but Mo Jing was not found inside. He took out the hunting recorder from his backpack, stabbed the zombie, and then stood up.

Mo Fei frowned, why are there zombies in the building?What happened outside?

I only came in for more than a day, and there was no problem outside when I came in before, why did it suddenly become like this after only a day or so.

Murphy was worried that he would encounter other zombies in a while, so he laid the Suying gun vigilantly across his chest, and moved his body tentatively forward step by step.

After passing through the corridor, Murphy came to the stairs.

This road is the one she came up the last time she came, and she still vaguely remembers it.

After exiting the intricate corridor, Murphy went down a flight of stairs, and heard a sound like a drop of water falling downstairs in a place where there was no light.

Murphy didn't dare to go down to look directly, so he took out the flashlight that had just been stored in the side pocket on his back. Murphy turned to the faintest light and shone it down the stairs.

The moment the light arrived, Mo Fei gasped, and at the same time quickly extinguished the flashlight, and tiptoed back.

Just as Murphy was about to turn the corner, the long handle of the tasseled gun in his hand suddenly hit the corner, and there was a crisp and loud noise in the empty corridor.

"Gulu, Gulu..." "Ho, ho..."

One roar louder than the other was uploaded from the position where the flashlight of Mophy's light source was illuminated just now.

After a commotion, Murphy heard heavy footsteps behind him.

There were more than [-] zombies. Just now Mo Fei used light to draw across them and didn't count them carefully, but there were about [-] of them.

The wall at the corner of the staircase was covered with blood. It seemed that someone was trying to run down from it. Unexpectedly, they encountered zombies. After they died, the smell of blood attracted more zombies.

It's no wonder that after Murphy ran out of the monitoring room, he didn't meet any other zombies except for the one with the broken body. They all gathered in the stairwell on the second floor.

Originally, Murphy wanted to find another way out, but the handle of the Suying gun accidentally touched the wall.

Zombies are very sensitive to sound.

Although they were all C zombies, they couldn't stand the large number. As long as one accidentally surrounded him, Murphy would be completely finished.

It was too late to think about it at this time, and in a panic, Murphy ran upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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