Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 38 Hidden Laboratory

Chapter 38 Hidden Laboratory

This ancillary building has only five floors, much like a primary school teaching building.

However, compared with the teaching building, the corridors and stairs here are relatively more complicated.

Murphy was on the third floor, right on the middle floor.Originally, I was able to run out with the memory of when I came in, but now I climbed up in a daze, without looking at the surrounding road at all.

Soon, Murphy could no longer hear any zombies, but she had no idea where she was now.

I vaguely remember that I took a lot of detours and forked roads, but now I want to think about it carefully, but I can't figure out where I went.

After the sound was gone, Murphy calmed down, but felt that the unusually quiet surrounding made her feel even more frightened.

She should be on the fifth floor now, in the quiet corridor, Murphy could even hear her own heartbeat.

Just as Murphy was looking for a way out, a door quietly opened at the end of the corridor.

Because there was no sound, Murphy didn't notice at all.

Murphy was still looking for a way out for himself, but at this moment, a black shadow appeared behind him.

A hand was put on Murphy's shoulder.

"Ah!" Murphy turned around while exclaiming, waving the plain spear in his hand.

"do not want!"

Before Mo Fei could see clearly behind him, a crisp female voice sounded.

Murphy stepped back quickly, and retracted the plain gun in his hand.

"Huh, I was scared to death. I thought it was a zombie." Mo Fei patted his chest, and then he saw the person clearly.

This is a girl with a very sweet appearance. The girl has big eyes, slightly curled eyelashes, and long curly hair dyed dark brown.

The girl is not tall and looks very petite, coupled with her sweet appearance and delicate demeanor, she is as cute as a doll.

"You..." Murphy was about to ask, but the girl covered Murphy's mouth.

The girl signaled Murphy not to speak, and then dragged Murphy to run deep into the corridor.

The two ran into a room deep in the corridor. The girl locked the room from the inside, and then took Murphy to a suite inside.

After running to a relatively small space, the girl stopped.

"Just now when you speak, you will be heard by those zombies. Now you are not afraid here. The sound insulation here is very good." The girl smiled at Murphy.

"Why are you here alone?" Murphy looked around, it didn't seem like a place of refuge, but more like a well-equipped place from the beginning.

"This is the inside of my laboratory. I was doing experiments here by myself. I didn't expect this to happen suddenly today. The main building has already contacted me to ask me not to run around, and then call the mobile team to rescue me. "The girl replied unhurriedly.

"Oh, then how do you know I'm outside?" Murphy still had doubts and asked the girl.

The girl points to the door that just came in

"There is a monitor in the room over there that is independently powered. You can see the positions of several major intersections on the fifth floor. I just found out that you are alone, and there are no zombies around, so I went out and couldn't shout at you. , I’ll run over and drag you back.”

Only then did Murphy nodded in understanding, and at the same time expressed his thanks.

"Don't worry, this place will definitely not be breached. It's just that my food has to be supplemented this week, and the rest is not too much. If we divide it, it may only last for three days." The girl didn't hide anything. , very generously explained his situation.

"It's okay, I still have a few packs of instant bread, which can be used in an emergency." Mo Fei said, and took out a few packs of vegetarian bread that were still left in his backpack.

"Hee hee, although this food is not tasty, it's better than nothing." The girl smiled optimistically at Mo Fei, then turned around and poured him a glass of water.

Murphy had been running just now, and he was indeed a little thirsty at the moment, so he drank the water in one gulp, and then sat down and chatted.

Through understanding, Mo Fei found out that this girl was called Lin Yixun. Although she was 17 years old like Mur Fei, she already had a PhD in Biology.

The reason why Lin Yixun is on the top floor of the auxiliary building is that he is doing some body research on zombie cells and so on.

Because she was still a girl at a young age, and some special researches are not convenient to be made public, Lin Yixun hardly stays here, and only a few people know her whereabouts.

After listening to Lin Yixun's introduction, Murphy also talked about his own situation.

When he said that he was locked up here, Lin Yixun quickly asked Murphy if he had any wounds.

After getting a negative answer, Lin Yixun said that this is not in line with common sense. Generally, only injured people will be detained, and those who are not injured will basically have no problems as long as they pass the instrument inspection.

Moreover, Lin Yixun also felt strange about the sudden appearance of zombies in the main building of the office area.

You must know that the screening at the periphery is not too strict, and the further you go to the central area, the more infection control will be strengthened.

Therefore, the chance of zombies appearing suddenly is very, very small, and many people in the central area do not need to go out, and the possibility of contacting the source of infection is also very small.

So Lin Yixun was very puzzled, where did this zombie come from.

"Could it be a sudden mutation?" Murphy listened and asked a question.

"Although I have thought about it, I hope not, because once the virus mutates, it means that more people may suddenly become zombies. If that is the case, I am afraid that the world will really be completely destroyed."

Lin Yixun looked back at Mo Fei with a serious expression on her doll-like face.

Seeing Mo Fei looking at him, Lin Yixun suddenly showed a smile again: "But don't worry too much, I don't have a sample yet, otherwise I can try to analyze it, and it's not impossible to find some ways to crack it."

"Sample? Is it the corpse of a zombie?" Murphy asked immediately.

Lin Yixun nodded, blinking his big eyes: "Yes! As long as there are some corpse tissues from zombie corpses."

"Lin Yixun, let's see if there are any single zombies nearby, and I'll help you get the samples." Murphy was confident in dealing with C zombies.

"Yeah." Seeing that Mo Fei is full of confidence, Lin Yixun nodded, then tilted his head and said, "I will call you Feifei from now on, and you can just call me Yixun."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yixun pushed the button and opened the door of the inner room, and the two of them came to the outer room.

Just now, the two of them were in the living room where Lin Yixun lived, and the laboratory was outside, so it's no wonder that the isolation effect in the middle is so good.

Lin Yixun brought Murphy to the laboratory. Behind some bottles and cans, Lin Yixun pressed a button, and a screen appeared inside.

The screen is divided into five layers of areas.

Lin Yixun used the joystick to adjust the direction of the monitors in each area.

As the monitor turned, a zombie was quickly locked on the screen.

"Feifei, there is a lone zombie here. I found your position just now. I probably came up after hearing your shout."

Lin Yixun patted Murphy and said.

"Okay, that's it, I'll take care of it." Murphy took a look, and after confirming that it was a C zombie, she walked towards the door with her plain gun.

"Wait for Feifei." Lin Yixun stopped Murphy, and then took a round earring the size of a button.

"This is?" Murphy took the earrings and looked at Lin Yixun.

"This is a communicator. I'll help you look around for a while. If there is any danger, I will call you. Come back quickly. Don't worry about zombies. Safety is more important."

After listening to Lin Yixun's words, Murphy answered, then hung the communicator on his ear, and walked carefully to the door.

Press the button inside, and Murphy flashed out quickly.

Carrying Su Ying gun all the way forward, because Lin Yixun kept talking in Mo Fei's ear, it gave Mo Fei a lot of courage.

"Feifei, we are just ahead, be careful!" Lin Yixun's gentle voice sounded again.

Mo Fei nodded, Suying gun exchanged hands, and moved over against the wall.

Since there was no target to attack, the zombie was wandering aimlessly at this time.

"Feifei, it seems to be swaying over now. You should attack as quickly as possible, and don't give it a chance to fight back, otherwise it will be bad if it attracts other zombies." Lin Yixun still reminded Murphy softly.

Mo Fei understood what Lin Yixun meant, and she didn't want to attract more zombies.

There is no obstacle here. Once the zombies find him, he can only charge forward, so Mo Fei has already held the Suying spear in both hands, and is in a fighting posture.

As Murphy continued to approach, Lin Yixun, who was staring at the monitor screen in the laboratory, raised his heart to his throat.

Mo Fei had already aimed the Suying gun at the head of that C zombie, and when he kicked his foot, the man shot out like an arrow from Li Xuan, and the target went straight to C zombie.

Soon, the tip of Murphy's tasseled gun plunged into zombie C's head. Murphy didn't pull it out, and directly stirred the zombie's head with the tasseled gun until C zombie remained motionless.

Murphy tied up the dead zombie C with a tassel gun on a rope he had just brought out, and then dragged one end of the rope towards the laboratory.

Lin Yixun in the laboratory was also relieved to see that Murphy had successfully killed the zombie.

Just as he was about to open the door for Mo Fei, Lin Yixun suddenly noticed a black shadow flashing across the monitor screen.

Since there is no power outage in the building and there are no lights, and the time is now even later, the outside is also dark.So the current corridor is still a little dark, and Lin Yixun didn't see what it was.

But what made her feel a little ominous was that the direction of the black shadow seemed to be the location where Murphy had just eliminated zombie C.

Murphy was dragging zombie C's body back, and he was almost at the door, when Lin Yixun's urgent voice suddenly came from the communicator on his ear: "Feifei, come back quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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