Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 39 Identifying Variation

Chapter 39 Identifying Variation
Murphy looked around, but the surroundings were quiet.

I don't know what Lin Yixun saw and why he suddenly shouted in such panic.

However, Murphy didn't intend to put himself in danger, so he dragged C zombie's body and ran back quickly.Because Murphy felt that at the speed of the C zombies, they couldn't catch up with him when he ran.

However, just as Murphy speeded up, the black shadow also speeded up.

As it was approaching, Lin Yixun, who was looking at the monitor screen in the laboratory, saw what the black shadow chasing Murphy was.

It turned out to be a zombie bird.

Lin Yixun rubbed his eyes, it was unimaginable.

You must know that since the end of the world, according to current discoveries and research, only mammals will be infected and mutated into zombies or zombie beasts.

As for birds, fish and insects, no variation has been found so far.

But now I actually saw a zombie bird, what does this mean?The infection really mutates.

Lin Yixun covered his grown mouth with both hands in surprise, and Murphy outside also felt something following him behind him.

Mo Fei turned his head sharply to look behind him, but there was still nothing behind him.

Is it because I think too much?Grabbing the rope, Murphy continued to move forward, and the black shadow flashed again.

Murphy was sure that he didn't think too much, and there was indeed something following him behind him.

Raising the plain gun, Mo Fei looked around.

Just when Murphy couldn't find the target, Lin Yixun's sweet and anxious voice rang through the communicator on his ear.

"Feifei, there is a zombie bird behind you, it is on the upper left of you, don't act rashly, it is very difficult for your weapon to hit it, I will open the door right away, you just run in, there are traps in the laboratory, you can catch it That zombie bird."

After Lin Yixun calmed down a little, he quickly said to Murphy through the communicator.

Murphy nodded. She knew that Lin Yixun could see it, so she pretended not to know and dragged C zombie's body forward.

"Feifei, go ahead now!"

Lin Yixun yelled, and Murphy ran forward quickly.

And the zombie bird behind him followed Murphy closely.

Lin Yixun had already opened the door, and when Murphy stepped into the door, the zombie bird followed.

"Feifei, run this way." Lin Yixun hurriedly commanded, closing the door again with his hand.

The zombie bird slammed into the room like crazy, Lin Yixun quickly opened the trap, and a small bowl of blood gushed out of it.

Probably the smell of blood stimulated the zombie bird, and the zombie bird flew into the cage after circling in the air.

"Feifei, press the button next to the cage, I forgot to take the remote control." Lin Yixun shouted when he saw the zombie bird enter the cage.

Murphy threw away the rope that was dragging the zombie in his hand, and ran to the side of the cage in three steps and pressed the button.

Just running all the way, she forgot that the C zombie was still dragging in her hand.

When the cage was closed, the zombie bird had already pecked away the little blood. At this time, the zombie bird, which could not move freely, slammed into the cage fiercely.

Murphy took a few steps back.

"Yi Xun, won't this zombie bird break through the cage and escape?"

"No, this cage is very strong. We have imprisoned C1 zombies before." Lin Yixun replied calmly.

Hearing what Lin Yixun said, Murphy felt relieved.

"I'll take a break. Zombies and zombie birds are here. You can study them slowly!" Murphy suddenly felt very tired after being frightened and frightened just now.

After only taking two steps, Murphy stopped again.

"No, Yixun, didn't you say that only mammals mutate? Why do zombie birds appear?"

"Have you finally noticed? But I don't know. Could it be that the virus has mutated this time? If so, it would be a disaster." Lin Yixun frowned and answered Murphy.

Murphy couldn't help in this regard, so he had to wash his hands, and watched Lin Yixun start to open various instruments, and took out some bottles and cans.

After that, Lin Yixun seemed to be a different person, changing the bottles in his hands constantly, and Murphy occasionally helped pass some things.

Lin Yixun didn't stop what he was doing until Mo Fei's stomach started to growl.

"Yixun, how is it? Has the virus mutated?"

Lin Yixun wiped the crystal sweat from his forehead, and blinked his puzzled eyes: "Fortunately, no, the virus hasn't mutated. The virus in that zombie bird showed signs of mutating, but it didn't mutate when it was infected. Instead, it seems to be caused by the absorption of the incomplete virus body."

Murphy couldn't intervene, so he could only listen silently.

"Could it be..." Lin Yixun seemed to have thought of something, and then said to Mo Fei: "Feifei, please press the manual device next to me, and I will contact the research institute headquarters."

Murphy nodded, but at the position Lin Yixun pointed to, there were countless red, green, and green buttons.

"Yixun, which buttons should I press?" Murphy looked at Lin Yixun helplessly.

"Press this green button 3 times in a row, press the red button next to it once, press the green button here once, and press this button twice..."

Lin Yixun told Murphy all these without any hesitation.

Murphy secretly wrote it down in his heart, then nodded to Lin Yixun but did not dare to speak, for fear that his memory would be confused.

Lin Yixun began to press the switch, and Murphy was pressing the buttons in the order told her before.

Soon, Lin Yixun smiled and gave Mo Fei a thumbs up. After a while, the headquarters finally got online quickly.

"Xun'er, are you alright?" an older man's voice sounded.

Murphy heard the voice a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Dad, I'm fine." Lin Yixun replied with a smile.

It was only then that Mo Fei realized that Lin Yixun's father was on the opposite side, so he must not know him, probably because he was talking like someone he had known before.

"It's good that you're fine. You wait in the laboratory. We've got the situation under control. We'll send someone to pick you up later." Lin Yixun's father comforted his daughter.

"Dad, I'm really fine, but I have some special discoveries to report today."

"Oh? What discovery?" Hearing that her daughter was fine and had a new discovery, the other party immediately returned to a serious voice.

Murphy couldn't help laughing, the father and daughter really looked alike, they were both workaholics.

Afterwards, Murphy listened to Lin Yixun reporting the situation here to her father.

Lin Yixun told his father about meeting Murphy, and how Murphy went to help him get the C zombie and captured a zombie bird alive.

At first, Lin Yixun's father was also taken aback when he heard about the zombie bird, and even wanted to come over to have a look right away.

It took Lin Yixun to persuade him for a long time before giving up this idea.

"Xun'er, if, as you said, the zombie bird wasn't caused by its own mutation, could it be man-made?"

"Dad, I'm actually just guessing." Lin Yixun replied hesitantly.

"Xun'er, do you already have some ideas?"

Lin Yixun hesitated for a while, and finally told his father.

"Dad, I don't think the virus in the zombie bird's body was formed by accident. Do you remember the antidote to the virus that we failed in the experiment?" Lin Yixun pointed to his father.

"Remember, that experiment failed, and those things were used as materials and placed in the warehouse in the backyard. Those things could not cause the zombies to return to normal, and there was a lack of a synthetic substance in them." Lin Yixun's father recalled Said.

"Yes, Dad, I found this substance in the body of the zombie bird today. Moreover, I just checked the zombie bird with a perspective microscope. There are still undigested rice grains and Vegetable leaves, I suspect..."

Lin Yixun didn't continue when he said this, but even Murphy, who was an observer, understood what Lin Yixun meant, let alone Lin Yixun's father who was facing him.

"Xun'er, are you sure there are rice grains and vegetable leaves in the belly of the zombie bird?" Lin Yixun's father seemed to have grasped the point, and asked again.

"It's true, Dad, you know, poultry food is relatively quick to digest."

After hearing what Lin Yixun said, Mo Fei understood completely, because birds digest food not too slowly, so if there are still these in the abdomen, it means that the zombie bird has not been mutated for a long time.

According to this time calculation, the appearance of this zombie bird is similar to the time when zombies appeared in the main building area. It can also be judged that the appearance of this zombie in the main building and the appearance of zombie birds are both unnatural.

To put it more clearly, the appearance of these zombies and zombie birds may be man-made.

But who wants to harm the base?

"Dad, I think this matter is very important. You'd better send someone to investigate all the monitors in the backyard to see if there is anything suspicious."

"I will deal with this matter. Now you two can wait there with peace of mind. We will send someone to rescue you as soon as possible. Don't go out to catch zombies again. This kind of action is too dangerous."

After Lin Yixun's father finished his business, he gave Lin Yixun a few more instructions, and then the two cut off contact.

Lin Yixun, who put down the communicator, returned to the liveliness he had when he first saw him, and stuck out his tongue at Mo Fei: "I forgot when I was busy just now, and now I'm hungry after finishing the work, shall we have something to eat?"

Mo Fei was already hungry, so naturally he would not shirk it. The two of them washed their hands, closed the door of the laboratory and walked into the inner room.

Because of Lin Yixun's father's words, the two of them waited safely in the inner room of the laboratory for two days without taking any action.

On the morning of the third day, the long-awaited knock on the door finally sounded.

When Murphy and Lin Yixun left the inner room and were about to open the door to the outside, there was a loud noise from outside.

Murphy stopped Lin Yixun and motioned her to turn on the monitor to check.

When the monitor screen was turned on, the two of them only felt their scalps go numb.

(End of this chapter)

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