Chapter 40
Originally, Lin Yixun heard someone shouting outside and was going to open the door directly, but other noises outside made Mo Fei feel that something was wrong.

Mo Fei cautiously stopped Lin Yixun, and signaled Lin Yixun to turn on the surveillance screen to check the situation outside before acting.

Until when the monitor screen was turned on, the two of them couldn't help feeling chills after seeing the situation outside.

Outside the gate, it was actually densely covered with mice.

And the rats outside are not ordinary rats, but a large number of zombie rats.

From the monitor screen, it can be seen that there are only two people outside, and the bodies of the two people are also covered with scars.

Just when Murphy and Lin Yixun were surprised, one of the huge mice jumped up and bit one of them by the neck.

Blood spurted out like a fountain, and the blood spread rapidly, making those zombie rats even more crazy.

"Feifei, what should we do? How can we save them." Lin Yixun's eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at Mo Fei helplessly.

"Yixun, we can't save them. There are so many zombie rats. Once we open the door, we will be swallowed up too. What's more, those two people are already seriously injured and will mutate into zombies when they come in. We still have to kill them."

While Mo Fei comforted Lin Yixun, he also warned himself that she was not cold-blooded, and Mo Fei felt very sad for the people who came to rescue them to see them die in front of the door.

But she wanted to live. Once the door was opened, four people would die.And just like what she said to Lin Yixun, the people outside are already full of wounds, and I'm afraid they won't be able to escape the fate of being infected and becoming zombies after entering.

Murphy might be able to let the mecha show up to rescue those people, but he has no other choice but to kill those people later.

And once the door is opened and the zombie rats enter the room, they will have no way out, no place to hide, and the remaining energy of Murphy's current mech may not be enough to wipe out all the zombie rats.

Then, once the mech lost its protective function, they would have absolutely no hope of surviving in front of such a large group of zombie rats.

Patting Lin Yixun who was crying in his arms, Murphy's nails dug into the palm of his hand.

In the next two days, the outside seemed to have calmed down, but the auxiliary building had become a dead building. Because of the zombies and rats, the outside rescuers couldn't get in at all.

Lin Yixun communicated with her father again. It is said that Lin Yixun's father has applied for the help of the mecha team at the capital star base.

As long as Murphy and Lin Yixun endured a little longer, people from the Mech Team would come to rescue the two from above.

At this time, in the small black room, a man with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes stared blankly at the railing that locked him.

He knew that his time was numbered, and he didn't expect that a selfish intention would cause such a big mess.

It's just that there is no regret medicine in this world, no matter how much he regrets, he can't make up for the mistakes he made, not to mention, because of his mistakes, his only sister died at the claws of zombies.

Even after mutating into a zombie, he killed her with his own hands.

While the man was remorseful, he also hated the woman. It was she who betrayed herself. If she hadn't come to him in panic because of this incident, then the zombie following her would not have come to his home.

Then his sister wouldn't...

He will definitely not make that woman feel better. The more the man thought about it, the more he hated him. He stood up abruptly, and shook the cage that held him vigorously with both hands.Eyes are red...

"Feifei, listen, is there any movement outside?" Lin Yixun asked Murphy who was leaning against him in a low voice.

The two of them ran out of food, and Lin Yixun and Murphy, who lived on Mo Fei's vegetarian bread, were a little weak.

"I seem to have heard something." Murphy also opened his eyes.

Because there is only one piece of vegetarian bread, in order to preserve their strength these days, the two of them basically only eat one piece of instant bread every day, and then fall into a semi-comatose sleep state.

It wasn't until they heard the sound of the outside glass being smashed that Mo Fei and Lin Yixun supported each other and stood up.

"Yixun, wait a moment, I'll see if someone is here to save us." Murphy supported Lin Yixun.

Because Murphy had practiced Qi after all, his body was naturally several times stronger than Lin Yixun's.

Lin Yixun grabbed Mo Fei's arm instead: "Feifei, let's watch it together, if there is anything, we will take care of you."

Seeing Lin Yixun's insistence, Murphy didn't say much, and led Lin Yixun towards the door.

Before I opened the door to take a look, there was already a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Murphy shouted with all his strength because of the sound insulation effect.

However, there are still rapid knocks on the door outside. It seems that the sound insulation effect here is surprisingly good.

"Feifei, did I press the switch?" Lin Yixun looked at Murphy nervously.

"Press it!" Mo Fei shook the plain gun in his hand and replied.

As Murphy's voice fell, Lin Yixun also pressed the switch with his hand.

The door opened with a "shua", and Mo Fei couldn't open his eyes as a ray of light shone.

Opening his eyes again, he saw a tall silver-white mech outside.

Seeing that it was a member of the Mecha Team, Murphy was relieved, but as soon as his fighting spirit relaxed, he lost his strength.

The man in the mecha saw the door open, and there were two girls below, and knew that this should be the person to be rescued in this mission.

The mecha stretched out its huge mechanical hand, installed the backpack and some instruments in the room, and lifted up Murphy and Lin Yixun respectively, and finally lifted up the cage containing the zombie bird, and then opened the large hole by the window that was broken before. flew out.

The moment the silver mecha flew out, dozens of incendiary bombs hit the annex building, and the flames engulfed the entire annex building, burning and disappearing together with the zombie mice inside.

And this huge turmoil caused by jealousy has come to an end, and the central area is also busy rebuilding.

When Murphy woke up again, he was lying on a white hospital bed.Judging from the surrounding environment, she should have been rescued.

Seeing the clothes on his body, Mo Fei was shocked and thought of his talisman.

Struggling with both hands, he touched his chest, but the talisman was not there.Murphy panicked, looking around for the clothes he was wearing before.

At this moment, a nurse in snow-white clothes walked in from the door.

"You're awake, is there something uncomfortable?" the nurse asked Murphy with a smile.

"I'm fine. May I ask the nurse, did you see the clothes I was wearing before?" Murphy asked anxiously.

"The clothes are all dirty, they have already been washed." The nurse replied gently.

"Then, where's the book in my arms? And my ID card."

"Oh, those things are all in the cabinet over there, including your backpack. There will be nothing missing." The nurse thought that Mo Fei was in such a hurry because he wanted to ask her about the gold, and replied with a smile.

Hearing what the nurse said, Murphy felt relieved.Then he asked about Lin Yixun's situation.

When she learned that Lin Yixun was taken home by her father and was taken care of by a private doctor, Murphy felt at ease.

"Thank you, Miss Nurse, I'm fine, can I be discharged?"

"Well, yes, but you have to pay for the treatment fee." The nurse continued to show her unchanged smile.

Mo Fei changed his clothes, put away the talisman, and carried his backpack. Then he took his ID card to pay the bill, and then walked towards the place where the housing was arranged.

Although the residence and the items in the residence can be kept for 3 to 5 months after a person disappears, but I still owe a lot of rent for not coming back for so long.

After coming to the registration place to pay the room fee, Murphy returned to Room 6, Building 602, Area C where he originally lived.

After entering the room, the inside is still the same, the difference is that there is a thick layer of dust inside.

After cleaning the room a little, Mo Fei cooked a pot of rice in the room.

He hasn't had a formal meal since he went out, so even if he was too lazy to go shopping, Mo Fei ate two bowls of rice.

After eating, he fell directly on the bed, and Mo Fei got up after being a little lazy for a while.

First took a shower, and then Murphy fell into a deep sleep.

It was already evening when he woke up again. After returning after such a long time, Mo Fei felt that it was necessary to meet Zhu Zhu and the others.

Since I hadn't shown up for so long, they must have thought they were dead.

Thinking of this, Murphy kept packing his hands, dropped his backpack, changed his clothes, and left the room.

When they came to the Lightspeed team where Zhu Zhu and the others were before, Murphy knocked for a long time before a burly man opened the door.

The burly man looked at Murphy, and asked in a rough voice, "Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, do members of the Lightspeed team live here?" Murphy looked in through the gap on the side.

"Light Speed ​​Squad? Never heard of it." The burly man shook his huge head and replied.

"It's the team that lived here before." Murphy immediately added.

"I said I don't know anymore, let's go!" The burly man impatiently closed the door.

Just when Murphy was about to leave in disappointment, a clear and gentle voice came from inside: "I know that team, they are said to have left Cang base for another base, and I don't know exactly where they are going."

Hearing the answer from the man inside, Mo Fei finally knew the whereabouts of Zhu Zhu and the others, as long as they were fine, so he thanked the inside of the door before leaving.

The burly man closed the door and entered the house.There are several people sitting in the room.

Each of these men has its own characteristics, the kind that people can remember at a glance.

Not to mention the burly man, the unusually burly figure and the height of nearly two meters made people notice him immediately.

And the other four men inside.

One of them was very clean, with a plain shirt, gray trousers, and a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He looked very elegant and resourceful.

There is also a man who looks ugly, with swollen eyes, turned nostrils, buck teeth, thick lips, and pimples all over his face.Just one look can make a day sick.

The third man was very dark, in contrast to the fair man.If the face smeared with ash from the bottom of the pot was compared to this man's face, I'm afraid it would not be much different.

And the last man was the man who just answered Murphy's words.

This man can be described as a "demon".

She looks like a man and a woman, but she is not a man or a woman. There is a hint of charm in her gestures and gestures, and her appearance is unusually handsome.I'm afraid no matter men or women, there is no way to look directly into his captivating eyes.

The burly man walked into the room and glanced at the charming and charming man: "Fifth, this is not like your style. Why do you answer her words? It's rare for a woman to chase you after you. Today, you don't even have a face." I said a lot without seeing it.”

The charming and beautiful man smiled slightly: "Don't you guys know her? The big event this time is related to her. I'm curious, what's so special about the woman that Lei Sen will personally send back with the silver wings."

(End of this chapter)

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