Chapter 41

Hearing the words of the charming and charming man, the burly man asked in a comprehensible way: "Is that why you chose this broken room before?"

The bewitching and handsome man didn't say a word, but slightly hooked the corners of his mouth. He was already very good-looking, but such a smile was even more charming.

But the other four men around felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts for no reason.

After Mo Fei learned that Zhu Zhu and the others had left the Cang base, although they didn't know the exact reason, at least they should be safe before then, so she felt relieved.

Back at his residence, Murphy started his ordinary life again.

Because Zhu Zhu and the others left Cangji, Murphy started a life of working alone again.

During this time, Murphy was very regular every day.Go out to hunt zombies during the day, collect smoky crystals while earning meritorious service, and also collect some gold.

Although Murphy still had some smoky crystals and gold left before, the mechs often had some small damages when they went out on missions, and they needed frequent repairs, so smoky crystals and gold were essential raw materials now.Murphy would never have too much.

Murphy often drives the car to far away places, finds a relatively remote place, and then uses the mech to hunt down zombies of C1 and above.

There are many more C1s now than at the beginning of the end of the world, but C2s are still rare.As for the supernatural beings, the current research has found that supernatural beings can be promoted, but in addition to requiring a lot of energy consumption, the quality of the supernatural beings themselves is also a necessary condition.

The smoky crystals produced by C zombies cannot be absorbed by ordinary people, only those with supernatural powers can absorb them, but they can be absorbed by energy, but the effect of each absorption is very bad, so the utilization rate of the smoky crystals of C zombies is very low, that is, led to a drop in prices.

Now the exchange ratio between C Zombie Mojing and C1 Zombie Mojing is 1:30. Even so, most people are not willing to change.

However, this is very suitable for Murphy, because a red first-level black crystal produced by a C1 zombie can provide him with 10 energy, and a white zero-level black crystal produced by a C zombie can provide him with 1 energy.

In other words, according to the current exchange ratio, it is equivalent to exchanging 10 energy for 30 energy.

Although the white ink crystals of Zombie C may take up a lot of space and absorb more trouble, but Murphy uses a lot of energy, so it is more cost-effective to exchange.

So Mo Fei often exchanged the red grade 1 smoky crystals of C zombies with others for the white 1 grade smoky crystals of C zombies, sometimes even at a ratio of 50:[-].

However, Mo Fei also had a few pieces of C2 zombies and the second-level purple black crystals produced by the first-level zombie beasts.

As for the purple black crystals in Mo Fei's hands, they were prepared for the mecha, and they were stored in the carrying compartment of the mecha.Because once the mech encounters a special situation, it still needs an advanced one-time energy replenishment smoky crystal.

Murphy has been looking for higher-level zombies during this time. Although she has armor, she still wants to try to become a supernatural being. After all, it is often much more convenient to become a supernatural being.

But every ordinary person has only three chances to evolve into a supernatural person, and the higher the level of black crystals, the higher the possibility, so even though he has a lot of second-level purple black crystals in his hand, Murphy didn't intend to try , she wanted to wait and see.

What's more, the official holdings of this kind of black crystals are very rare, and it is a miracle that I have several.

Also in order not to be noticed, Murphy has no plans to sell the purple second-level smoky crystal in his hand.

After working hard from morning to night for more than two weeks, thanks to the assistance of the mecha, the merits in Mofeika are becoming more and more abundant.

Moreover, Murphy has gained a little bit from practicing qi at night recently.

With sufficient guarantees and a breakthrough in spirit, Murphy plans to stay at home in the next few days to make her first practical meta-talisman - defensive meta-talisman.

After this incident, Murphy knew that he still couldn't protect himself.

In the absence of an absolute advantage, one's own mech cannot be revealed, and relying on one's own plain tasseled gun to attack can only put oneself in danger in many cases.

So Mo Fei knew that he still had to use the talismans passed down from his ancestors to improve himself.

These days, after Mo Fei practiced the basics, he studied it carefully. The combat talisman was too complicated, and the defensive talisman was simpler. He only needed to improve his qi training by one level to be able to draw it.

Now that he has broken through the edge of the basics, Murphy is going to practice drawing a little bit during the interval.

After making up his mind, Mo Fei exchanged his merit points for some long-lasting vegetables. There is still a lot of rice and noodles at home, so there is no need to buy them specially.

After that, Mo Fei didn't inject air, and practiced drawing the defensive meta-talisman out of thin air according to the description on the talisman.

After being bored at home for five whole days, Murphy not only became very proficient in drawing the defensive Yuanfu, but also calmed down to practice Qi, which finally raised Murphy's Qi, which was on the verge of breaking through, to a level.

That day, Mo Fei finally left the room, went to the cafeteria to buy a lot of food and came back, had a good meal as a reward for herself, and then carefully drew her first defensive talisman.

Using the qi in the body as an introduction, gradually guide the energy between the heaven and the earth into the drawn and formed defensive talisman.

The continuous consumption made Murphy very tired, but she didn't dare to slack off, for fear that her previous preparations would fall short.

It wasn't until the Qi in his body was exhausted and the first defensive talisman was finally formed that Murphy relaxed his highly tense spirit.

This defensive symbol is the operating mode of the defensive symbol.

Using one's own Qi to draw an empty defensive meta-talisman, this meta-symbol is just a carrier and has no actual effect.

However, once the air between heaven and earth is correctly introduced, the defensive elemental talisman becomes a defensive talisman.

And the qi in one's body, that is, the strength of the defense depends on the number of primers that form a complete defensive talisman.

Because Murphy was only able to draw it just now, the effectiveness of the current defensive talisman should be at the lowest level.

This level of defense talisman is not enough to help the mecha, and being able to add a defense to itself is also a kind of guarantee.

So Mo Fei didn't hesitate, and sealed the formed defensive talisman in his body.

After sealing the defensive talisman, Murphy took out the knife from the side of his boots, rolled up his cuffs, and scratched his arm lightly.

The blade is very sharp, but at this moment, there is not even the slightest scratch on the delicate arm.

Murphy increased his strength, and it should have been able to draw blood, but only a light white mark was left on his arm.

Murphy nodded in satisfaction, he didn't need to try any more, he would definitely get hurt if he tried harder, but for now, the defensive effect was beyond his expectations.

Putting away the knife, he drew such a picture because he exhausted all the energy in his body. Mo Fei didn't need to do anything else for the time being. He tidied it up, took a shower and fell asleep peacefully.

However, what Murphy didn't know was that at this seemingly peaceful time, there was a danger approaching.

Early the next morning, before Murphy woke up, he felt the ground shaking and the mountains shaking.

Since the last earthquake, Murphy has been very careful. All the things in the house are packed after use, and he is almost ready to escape at any time.

Feeling the shaking, Mo Fei got up quickly, dragged his two most important bags and ran outside.

Since he came out in time this time, and the floor was a little lower, Mo Fei didn't meet the big group of people, and quickly arrived on the flat ground downstairs.

As the ground shook violently, Murphy clearly heard the sound of buildings collapsing in the outer D area.

The shaking lasted for a long time, and the buildings including Area C and even Area B suffered varying degrees of damage.

Looking at the crumbling building in front of him, Murphy raised his eyebrows.

The shock was so strong this time that Murphy felt as if a huge motor was vibrating constantly under his feet.

Judging from these, Cang base is no longer suitable for living.

While Murphy was thinking, the base command center was also discussing this.

After experiencing a major incident, the central command area has not yet fully recovered to its best condition, and now there is another earthquake.

This time the earthquake was many times stronger than the previous one. Not only did all the buildings in the outer D area collapse, but also areas C and B were basically uninhabitable.

"This time the loss of personnel and property is very serious. It seems that Cang Base is no longer suitable as a place for survivors to gather."

A man with a slightly old voice sighed, looking at the information in the newspaper and said.

"Then we transfer? Although there are heavy casualties, there are still a large number of personnel. Which base can accommodate so many of us at once?" One of the elderly personnel shook his head and asked back.

"Go to the star base, only the star base is the safest, but I'm afraid some personnel will be abandoned, the star base cannot accept all the personnel." A somewhat burly middle-aged man who was originally silent, suddenly raised his head and said.

"This... I'm afraid it's not right!" The man with an old voice at first hesitated.

The burly middle-aged man stood up quickly: "If you don't abandon it now, it will be a hidden danger when you come to the Star Base in the future. Why don't you act decisively."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he winked at a slightly younger middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses straightened his body: "Commander, maybe you can think about it the other way around, even if you don't abandon them, these people who have no fighting power will be wiped out one by one during our long journey. Although it will not affect the subsequent results, but But it will affect the speed of our progress. In the current period, if you stay outside for one more day, you will be in danger for one more day. Commander-in-Chief, please think twice."

After listening to the man with gold-rimmed glasses, the man with a slightly old voice lowered his head and thought for a while, then he seemed to have made a big decision.

"Okay, then give up! For the details, you can discuss the details and let me know the result." The old voice seemed to be much firmer, and he stood up and walked towards the meeting room.

(End of this chapter)

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