Chapter 42
The man who heard the old voice made a decision. The man wearing the gold-rimmed glasses and the burly man just looked at each other, and then stood respectfully on both sides, letting the man with the old voice leave first.

After the man with the old voice known as the commander-in-chief went out, several other people followed suit.Afterwards, the man with the gold-rimmed glasses sat down first.

"Trash, I can't even finish my sentence, and I need to explain it myself." The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses snapped at the burly man.

The burly man's face lacked the composure just now, and he hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry, I was too eager this time, please forgive my negligence."

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses raised his eyebrows: "I don't need to explain the rest, do you? You should understand what to do. I won't report this matter. Be careful next time."

The burly middle-aged man nodded hurriedly when he heard the words.

The man with the gold-rimmed glasses stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Under the arrangement of the base, Murphy was arranged to rescue point No. 3 in Area C where she lived.

After finding an open space and setting up the tent that was given to him, Murphy carried her backpack and walked towards his aerodynamic vehicle.

There is nothing else in the backpack, most of them are gold and the white zero-level smoky crystals produced by C zombies, but these are the most necessary things in the future.

If the rice and noodles are gone, you can look for them again. If you use the mecha to search, you can bring back a lot at once.But these are gone, and I have to spend a lot of time to collect them one by one.

Putting things into the car, Murphy returned to the tent.

"Residents of Building 5, Building 6, Building 7, and Building 8 in Area C come to the front." A staff member with a loudspeaker shouted towards the resettlement site.

Murphy stood up and walked forward with some people.

We waited for a while when we got to the front, and no one went forward one after another. At this time, the staff member with the loudspeaker said to the residents of these buildings: "Listen to the staff of these buildings, if there is any need at home The valuables you took can now be retrieved with the help of the staff, but you need to pay a certain fee."

There were a few people in the front row, who probably had a lot of stuff at home, and they were the first to ask, "How do I pay the fee?"

"The meritorious value in the card is deducted, calculated in kilograms, and 5 point of meritorious deduction will be deducted for every 1 catties." The staff member did not look at the few people, but said to everyone.

The few people discussed with each other in a low voice after listening, and then began to register.

After thinking about it for a while, what he had left at home were two bags of rice and one bag of flour, and a set of bedding and sleeping bags, which were not very heavy, and it would be a pity not to have rice and noodles.

Two bags of rice and one bag of noodles weighed only 15 kilograms. As long as 6 merit points were deducted, sleeping bags and bedding were also used in the tents at the resettlement site. Those things would not deduct much merit, so Mo Fei also went forward to register.

The items in the house were successfully retrieved. Since they used the official rescue ladder from the outside of the building to reach the house, Murphy moved all the remaining things out of the house.

After getting off the ladder, I weighed it as a whole. Since Murphy had already taken off the two heavy backpacks, even all the things were only 28 kilograms, and the excess was calculated as 3 meritorious value. , but only spent 1 merit points.

Dragging his own things, Murphy crossed off 12 merit points with his ID card, and then walked straight to his tent.

At this time, the people in the central area were preparing to evacuate urgently.

"What is Yin Xihui going to do with it? If it wasn't for her this time, the central control area would definitely not have been damaged so badly, and we wouldn't need to evacuate Cang base to live under the fence."

An angry voice suddenly sounded in the busy crowd.

"But, after all, Commissioner Yin's father is a member of the Earth Alliance's dragon country, should we reserve our opinion on how to deal with it?" Another voice was somewhat submissive, responding to the previous angry voice with a negotiating tone.

"So?" The angry voice suddenly calmed down and asked back.

The submissive person hurriedly approached and whispered back: "This time going to the star base, if we give Mr. Yin this big step, then it will be much easier for us to gain a firm foothold in the star base and rely on Mr. Yin's assistance."

The angry man didn't answer at this time, and bowed his head for a moment of thought: "You can sell him favors, but you can't let them go so easily. Put Yin Xihui in prison first, and we can't take the initiative to say let him go."

The submissive man nodded clearly at this moment: "I understand, I understand, I will do it right away, but the treatment is convenient, and I hope you will be merciful and try not to let her suffer too much."

"Okay, I got it, you should hurry up and handle the evacuation!" The man waved his hand, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

In the middle of the night, when everyone was resting, ten helicopters departed from the central area of ​​Cangji Base, and the top officials took the lead to drive to the Star Base.

Early the next morning, Murphy heard noisy voices outside the tent.

"Go and have a look, I heard that something happened."

Murphy heard people outside say that something happened, and quickly got out of the tent.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered outside, blocking the passage between Area C and Area B where they were.

Not knowing what happened, Murphy stood up and tiptoed to look out.There seemed to be vehicles driving out from Area B, but people from Area C blocked the door.

Just as Murphy was looking over there, there were two people talking quietly around him, making Murphy understand what happened.

"Did you know? I heard that in the middle of the night, those executives and powerful teams in Area A have already moved out of the base."

"No wonder there are so many people blocking the passageway so early in the morning, we can't let them leave us behind!"

"What's the use of it? Those who can leave have already left, and those who haven't left are treated similarly to us."

It turns out that in the early hours of the morning, the area B where the powerful teams lived began to leave vehicles continuously, and I don’t know where to get the news. The area A where the officials and top teams lived had already moved out in the middle of the night yesterday. almost.

People in Area B have also been quietly moving out since the early morning, but most people in Area C and the outer Area D have not received any news, only a few teams seem to have received a special notice and hurried out of Area C, and The rest of the people didn't realize it until they woke up one after another in the morning.

Therefore, the remaining people in Area C where Murphy and the others were located had not received the news. After learning of this situation, they blocked the necessary exit passages from Areas A and B.

Although Area A, where officials and super-strong teams lived, has long been evacuated, and most of the teams in Area B seem to have moved out, but there are still some people in Area B who have not come out.

The people in Area C blocked the exit, and the two sides reached a deadlock.

"You can't just leave us and leave like this. If you want to retreat, everyone retreats together, otherwise you don't even think about leaving."

"Yes, we're asking for an explanation."

"Get out of the way is an order! Otherwise, you're welcome."

Some of the people in Area C have already driven their cars and moved their tents, while some of the teams in Area B that have not yet left are preparing to break out.

Murphy took a look at the current situation. It seemed that the base was about to abandon those people who were not capable enough, and it was better to rely on others than on themselves.

Murphy silently packed up the items in his tent, finally unrolled the tent, dragged his things and walked to the parking place outside.

Some calmer people, like Murphy, silently packed their bags and prepared to leave Cang base.

Just before Murphy got into the car, an eruption finally broke out in the aisle.

One of the B areas is probably the power mutant trying to rush out from a relatively weak point, but he didn't expect to knock down two people in the C area when he came out.

Unfortunately, that person had just laid nails in the back and let the car rush out. In such a collision, the two people hit the nails straight, and their entire bodies were pierced.

Seeing this situation, the original stalemate finally became uncontrollable. In the beginning, people from the two regions fought against each other, but later it turned into a scuffle.

Murphy rushed out while no one was calling, but the people in the outermost area D and the fringe areas outside the city seemed to have heard something at this time, and began to rush into the city continuously.

And most of the original guards on the outside were also evacuated, so no one intercepted them, and those people squeezed in like crazy.

Murphy had no choice but to drive her aerodynamic car to avoid the crowd as much as possible. While the people on the outside were squeezing in and the people on the inside were rushing out, she drove towards the side that was not close to the door.

Drive below the edge of the city wall. Although you can't get out here, everyone is crowded in the passage at this time, so it's better to hide for a while.

Just when the car stopped, Mo Fei got out of the car to get some air. At this time, from the place she just drove over, a beautiful black powered off-road vehicle drove towards Murphy.

Accompanied by the dazzling brand Peugeot in front of the car, the black powered off-road vehicle parked steadily in front of Murphy.

Murphy subconsciously opened the door. She didn't know if this car was dangerous to her.

The door of the black powered off-road vehicle opened, and a man as beautiful as a ghost came down from it.

The man nodded to Mo Fei with a smile on his face, and then three men with different appearances got out of the car, one of them was so ugly that Mo Fei moved his glasses slightly.

These three men plus the handsome man who came down first, and the man who drove, made a total of five people.

Murphy blinked. Among the four men she found, the burly man among them was the one who opened the door to Zhu Zhu and the others by himself last time.

Without looking at Mo Fei again, the handsome man who came down first shouted at the burly man, "Third brother, I think this position is good, why not go here!"

(End of this chapter)

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