Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 378 Guilty

Chapter 378 Guilty
In the star base at this time, Dr. Wan Qiang seemed a little anxious as he paced back and forth in the office. It was no wonder that the people who had been sent out had not received any news at this time, so they didn't know what was going on.

He grabbed the communicator on the table and dialed to ask about the specific situation, but found that there was no connection at all.

"What's going on? Have these guys betrayed me?" Dr. Wan Qiang slammed the communicator in his hand to the ground.He didn't think that Wu Chen could escape far alone with a child.

After Murphy buried Wu Chen, he took Wu Jiajia to the city to find a place to live.

"Jiajia, wait for me here for a while, I have to do something."

Let Wu Jiajia rest quietly in the house, while Murphy drove the golden armor to a distance and put it away, and drove Xiaobai back to the place where Wu Jiajia was settled.

"Sister, you're back." Wu Jiajia had been uneasy during Murphy's departure. She was afraid that Murphy would leave her behind, but now that she saw Murphy came back, she hurriedly shouted.

"Are you hungry?" Murphy said as he took off the backpack behind him. When he just changed the car and came over, Murphy had already taken out some food and necessities from the storage amulet.

"Sister, I'm fine, I'm not too hungry." Wu Jiajia was actually hungry at the moment, but it's not like she didn't know the value of food after living in the last days for so long, so she didn't ask too much.

"Then wait a little longer, I'll heat things up and let's eat together." Murphy set up a fire in the corner of the room, and opened the nearby windows to allow the smoke to escape.

After the two of them ate something, Mo Fei let out the tent again. After all, he was going to spend the night here tonight, so he still had to take out what should be used.

It has to be said that Dr. Wan Qiang has a lot of people under him, and two groups of people were sent out this night.

However, when those people found their companion's car, Murphy and Wu Jiajia had already fallen asleep.

And the people who chased and killed Wu Chen and Wu Jiajia before had already been crushed into a ball together with the car, which made the people who came later puzzled. Even the mechs of the mech team may not be able to complete it.

Seeing that the inside of the car wall and the metal are completely clumped together, and the accomplices can no longer be seen in human form, no matter what, they can't imagine how this is done.

After searching around for a long time, they didn't find any traces, nor did they see Wu Chen and his daughter, so those people had no choice but to go back and report to Dr. Wan Qiang.

After waking up, Murphy made some breakfast for himself and Wu Jiajia.

For Murphy now, if he wanted to kill Dr. Wan Qiang without anyone noticing, it would be absolutely easy.

But with the matter of being framed and my parents before, I can't let Dr. Wan Qiang die so easily, that would be too cheap for him, let alone Mo Zhengming, who was her uncle in name.

She should settle this account with them anyway.

However, apart from that, Wu Chen's unfinished last sentence made Murphy very concerned.

Did Wu Chen mean to be careful with Silver Wing?Why?Could it be that Lei Sen is also with Dr. Wan Qiang?

It's no wonder that Mo Fei thought too much, but at this time Mo Fei still felt that it was better to be careful in everything.What's more, I was so careful, why did Dr. Wan Qiang still know that she was Mo Zhengqing's daughter?

Thinking of this, Murphy directly denied the idea of ​​going back to the star base first.

But where can you go if you don't go to the star base?Mo Fei rolled his eyes and immediately thought of a city near Beijing: Jingang City.

Jingang City is a port city located in the bay and adjacent to Beijing City. Mo Fei remembered hearing his mother Su Chenyu mention that it was his mother's hometown when he was a child.

The distance from Jingang City to Beijing City is only about [-] kilometers. If you live in the suburbs of Jingang City, it will probably be less than [-] kilometers to the current location of the Star Base.

It's not that Mo Fei didn't think about going to the cave in the mountain area before, but Lei Sen also knew there. Although he questioned Wu Chen's words, Mo Fei had to be on guard now.

"Jiajia, let's go after eating, but I don't want to go back to the base, I have other plans." Murphy handed Wu Jiajia a piece of bread and said.

"Okay sister, Jiajia listens to my sister." Wu Jiajia replied obediently.

"By the way, Jiajia, I don't know how old you are?"

"I'm 12 years old." Wu Jiajia quickly swallowed the bread in his mouth when he heard Murphy's question and replied.

"12 years old!" Murphy repeated. She was also 12 years old when she lost her parents: "Jiajia, we may have a hard time in the future, can you hold it back?"

"Yes." Wu Jiajia replied bluntly, and at the same time handed the remaining half of the bread to Murphy: "Sister, let's save some food."

Murphy smiled, Wu Jiajia obviously misunderstood what she meant.What Murphy meant was that they would stay outside for a period of time and would not have a stable life.

When it comes to food, Murphy has never been short of food.

"Don't worry, my sister still has a lot to eat, and she will definitely not let us go hungry, but we may need to be more vigilant in the days to come, won't my sister let you know because you are young?"

Judging by the degree of Wu Chen's baby Wu Jiajia and Wu Jiajia's complexion, it can be seen that Wu Jiajia was taken care of well before. Even though Wu Jiajia is very sensible, Murphy still has to say something in advance.

"I know my sister, I won't hold her back."

Speaking of this, Murphy knew that Wu Jiajia really understood.

"Hurry up and eat, we'll go after eating."

After dinner, Mo Fei went downstairs early and started the car, then let Wu Jiajia get in the car, and the two drove towards Jingang City.

Originally, Murphy met Wu Chen and his daughter only after flying in the direction of the star base, so they are not far from Jingang City at this moment.

Finding a very secluded location on the outskirts of Jingang City, Murphy and Wu Jiajia settled down.

What Murphy didn't expect was that Wu Jiajia was still a little supernatural being.It is a defensive type of gold-type supernatural power, the same type of supernatural power as Man Chengbin, and can strengthen the surrounding buildings.

It's just that Wu Jiajia's ability is not particularly high, and he can only strengthen one wall a day.

But Mo Fei was not in a hurry, anyway, the two of them only needed a firm place to rest, so Mo Fei let Wu Jiajia strengthen the walls of their room little by little.

"Jiajia, help me fold all of these and cut them according to the lines above." Murphy handed over another pile of plastic sheets to Wu Jiajia.

Since the two settled down in this house, Murphy went out from time to time and brought back a lot of materials, and then he and Wu Jiajia were doing handwork.

Wu Jiajia didn't ask too much, she would do what Murphy asked her to do.

After receiving the plastic sheet handed over by Murphy, Wu Jiajia carefully cut it.

Murphy strung the cut plastic bottles with fishing line, then made some changes, and then stuffed the stringed things into his backpack.

"Jiajia, put these food away, wait here for me to come back, I'm going out for a while." Murphy took out a bag of food and handed it to Wu Jiajia.

"Okay sister, go early and come back early!" Mo Fei has been like this for the past few days, going out suddenly and then coming back, each time bringing back some strange things.

At the beginning, Wu Jiajia was worried about whether Murphy would come back, but she gradually got used to it.

Murphy smiled and packed everything he wanted to bring.

"I'll be back late today, do you know that you go to bed early after eating?" Mo Fei reminded Wu Jiajia before going out.

"Understood, sister, the last wall of your room can be reinforced today, so you don't have to worry about safety when you come back." Wu Jiajia said to Murphy.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, I'll go out."

Murphy left the residence, first drove the aerodynamic car Xiaobai out of this area, then put away Xiaobai and summoned the mech to fly towards the star base.

Recently, Murphy has not returned to the star base. Instead, she searched for materials and came back to make things. Today is the first time she has come to the star base.

The target of the mecha is relatively large. Murphy just used it to fly to the city near the star base, then put away the mech and prepared to fly directly into the star base.

After rescuing Wu Jiajia that day, Murphy was thinking: Dr. Wan Qiang has done so many bad things, but he still pretends to be alive without shame, but Murphy feels that he has done so many things to his heart, and his heart will not be as serious as it seems on the surface. calm.

Since he could frame his good friend to death, Murphy didn't intend to make him feel better.

The preparations for the previous few days were completed, and Murphy came to test the effect for the first time today.

Dr. Wan Qiang is still in the office at the moment. I don't know if the C5 zombie this time is because of the small zombie in his body. The data is so huge that Dr. Wan Qiang and Lin Yixun have no time to rest.

And Dr. Wan Qiang is not only concerned about this, but also includes the missing Wu Chen.He still doesn't mind, because Wu Chen has done many things for him before, I don't know if Wu Chen has any flaws in his hands, and one more thing, the more Dr. Wan Qiang searches the data of C5 zombies, the more he feels That portable notebook is still useful.

Rubbing the center of his brows, Dr. Wan Qiang closed his eyes to soothe his swollen eyes from looking at a lot of values ​​just now.What happened recently really gave him a headache.

First of all, Wu Chen disappeared without a trace. How could he not find a trace of a ten-year-old girl with him, and the car of his subordinates who was huddled together? Judging from the strength, it is possible for the giant armor C4 zombie to do it, but if the zombie does it, the people in the car are not eaten alone, which is also very strange.

Dr. Wan Qiang who opened his eyes again was surprised to find a paper book lying quietly on the table.

It was the notebook that Dr. Wan Qiang thought was taken by Wu Chen, Mo Fei's father, Mo Zhengqing.

" is this possible?" Dr. Wan Qiang rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but when he looked again, the notebook disappeared.

He seemed so tired that he was starting to hallucinate.Dr. Wan Qiang sneered mockingly, turned off the numerical analyzer, and was about to lock the analyzer into a drawer.

However, Dr. Wan Qiang who opened the drawer yelled in horror, and then slammed the drawer shut again.

(End of this chapter)

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