Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 379 Psychological Attack

Chapter 379 Psychological Attack
Does Wan Qiang think he is crazy?
But is this really an illusion?How could I have such a real hallucination?

My mind calmed down and my mood calmed down a bit.

Carefully pulling the drawer open again, Dr. Wan Qiang felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he looked closely, there was nothing in the drawer except his electronic notebook and some folders.

illusion?But why is the sense of reality so strong?

After putting the numerical analyzer into the drawer and closing the drawer, Dr. Wan Qiang always felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, and he opened the drawer again uneasy.

"Huh..." Dr. Wan Qiang let out a long breath: Sure enough, there was nothing. It seemed that I was going to go back to rest, and I had started to hallucinate after two consecutive shifts.

I can't accept my age. In the past, in the laboratory, it was common for me to stay up for a few days for a project.Now, after only two days of overtime, I have hallucinations.

After pressing the password on the drawer, Dr. Wan Qiang dragged his slightly tired body towards the resting place.

When Dr. Wan Qiang left, the password drawer that had just been locked was opened again.

Some strangely shaped pieces of plastic floated into the drawer, forming strange patterns inside the drawer.

If someone saw such a scene, they would definitely exclaim.

After the plastic sheet was placed, the drawer was closed again, only to see that the closed door was slightly opened a gap, and then closed again immediately, after which the room returned to silence.

Murphy, who came out of the office area, flew directly out of the star base, and then lifted the invisibility talisman.

Yes, everything just now was written by Murphy.

The notebook that Dr. Wan Qiang began to see on the desktop was the notebook of Murphy's father, Mo Zhengqing.

Murphy only let the portable note appear for a moment, and then retracted the storage talisman.

That's why Dr. Wan Qiang saw the notebook, but it disappeared immediately.

The moment he opened the drawer, Mo Fei placed a photo of his father Mo Zhengqing and his mother Su Chenyu inside.

When Dr. Wan Qiang opened the drawer again, he turned on the speed talisman, and took the photo back into the storage talisman again.

This is also the reason why Dr. Wan Qiang opened the drawer again but did not see the group photo again.

Murphy admitted that he was using Dr. Wan Qiang's weak heart to attack.But Mo Fei didn't feel that what he did was wrong. He was not a saint. If someone killed his parents and plotted against him, he still had to be nice and go through legal procedures.

What's more, it is the end of the world, and the law is nothing to Dr. Wan Qiang, who has made great contributions.

So Murphy wanted revenge in her own way.

After leaving the star base, Murphy did not go back directly. This is the beginning, and there is still a lot to prepare. She will avenge her parents and herself step by step. Of course, Murphy will not forget her dear "Okay" "Bobomo Zhengming.

Murphy flew back to Jingang City and found a photocopying shop.Since he was going to hit them from the weakest point, Mo Fei didn't mind using all the talismans she had learned.

Murphy was reluctant to take out the original photo of his parents and destroy it, but sometimes it was a sharp weapon.So Murphy pulled out the electronic version and made revisions in the photocopy shop before remaking it into a new electronic photo frame.

Because Murphy was not particularly proficient in these, he only made two of them in the middle of the night.

Stretching, Murphy flew towards the place where she and Wu Jiajia lived.

However, before they flew there, Murphy vaguely noticed that there was a light in the place where they lived.

Instead of changing cars and driving back as usual, Murphy put away the mech and flew over with the flying talisman.

As he approached the house, Murphy saw a group of people gathered downstairs, who seemed to be trying to climb up the window.

And Wu Jiajia, who was inside the window, leaned against the window and looked out, his eyes looked far away from time to time, as if he was waiting for him.

It turned out that when Murphy was leaving, he was discovered by those people, but Murphy's Xiaobai drove very fast, and those people couldn't stop him.

Realizing that Murphy had left, those people began to think about the house.He wanted to steal items, or food, while Murphy was away.

It turned out that there was someone in the house, and it was a little girl. Those people first coaxed Wu Jiajia to open the door.

But Wu Jiajia was very vigilant, no matter what those people said, Wu Jiajia refused to open the door.

Those people also became angry, from coaxing to threatening, and slammed on the door fiercely.

It's just that the door was reinforced, and those people didn't break it open after smashing it for a long time, and left cursing.

Originally, Wu Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief and thought that these people had given up, but he didn't expect that these people would come back after a while. This time they not only brought more people, but also brought tools.

Wu Jiajia was worried that Murphy would be surrounded by those people without knowing the situation when he came back, so he lit the lamp at night to remind Murphy to be careful.

Murphy glanced at the situation and knew the general situation in his mind.

I secretly praised Wu Jiajia for being so smart at such a young age, and at the same time was thinking about how to deal with these people.

It seems that these people are probably more than that.If it is not handled well, the days to come will be troublesome. Mo Fei is quite satisfied with this area, it is convenient to go anywhere, and there is a hidden location where she can change her car and move around in a mecha.

At this time, those people had already climbed to the window, and Wu Jiajia in the window stepped back in fright and disappeared from the window.

The man slammed on the window glass with a tool, and Murphy rushed down.It's just that Mo Fei stopped before he could wait. He didn't expect that Wu Jiajia even strengthened the glass of the window. After these few knocks, the glass didn't even show a trace of cracking.

The man cursed a few words, then went down the ladder again, apparently wanting to switch to other tools to knock on the window.

At this time, it was impossible for Murphy to watch those people change tools to continue attacking the place where she and Wu Jiajia lived, activate the invisibility charm, and fly directly towards the group's car.

Find an awl from the storage talisman, aim at one of them and pierce it.

Feeling the tingling pain, the man yelled fiercely, but when he turned around, he found nothing.

In the same way, Murphy stabbed everyone, and then hid beside him.

"What the hell just now, I was stabbed."

"I was also stabbed."

As soon as a few people said this, others echoed.

One of them suddenly turned pale: "It's broken, we were bitten by some strange thing, right? Check it out, it's not a zombie."

Hearing what this person said, the others were also frightened and said to go back and check.

A group of people got into the car in an instant and left the place, never thinking of going to trouble the little girl in the upstairs room.

Seeing the group of people leave, Mo Fei flew a little further away, took out the white aerodynamic vehicle from the storage amulet, and drove back to his residence.

"Sister, you're back." Wu Jiajia was also relieved to see that Murphy was back.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Murphy didn't intend to reveal what happened just now. She wanted Wu Jiajia to understand that relying on her alone was not enough, and Wu Jiajia had to be able to protect herself.

"Sister..." Wu Jiajia hesitated to speak, and seemed to want to say something, but finally hesitated and changed his words: "Sister, it seems that someone outside has noticed our house just now."

After the group left, Wu Jiajia turned off the lights again, so when Murphy returned, there was no light here.

"Is that so? Then are you okay? It seems that this place is not very safe, but we will stay for a while." Murphy said with a slightly embarrassed face.

"It's okay, sister, my reinforcement ability has improved after repeated use recently, those people can't get in. I will continue to reinforce this place, but sister, you should be careful when you go in and out."

As expected, Wu Jiajia did not disappoint Mo Fei. She was not thinking about how to let Mo Fei take care of her, but her own solution.

But it really made Mo Fei care about Wu Jiajia's life and death, and Mo Fei is not that kind of person. When he got the answer he wanted, Mo Fei nodded: "Go to bed early, go out with me tomorrow, let's find some materials, and then stick to it." It will take a few days to return to a safe place."

"Okay." Although she just said that she can take care of herself, Wu Jiajia is still a 12-year-old girl after all. Hearing that Murphy said that she would bring her with her tomorrow instead of keeping her here by herself, Wu Jiajia quickly agreed.

"Then hurry up and go to bed. I'll wash my face and go to sleep." Mo Fei patted Wu Jiajia's head, stood up and walked to the room where she lived.

Because Murphy often came and went to avoid the discovery of the flying talisman, Murphy and Wu Jiajia did not live in the same room, but there was a door in the middle of the two adjacent rooms. These two rooms should be the master bedroom and children's room previously designed. suite.

Seeing Wu Jiajia go to bed and get into bed, Murphy then smoothly closed the connecting door.

Besides, those who left, when they returned to their own place, they found that each of them had a bloody hole in their body, but they couldn't see what bit them at all.

Everyone was scared, so they didn't come to harass Murphy and Wu Jiajia at night.

Waiting until dawn, a group of people with dark circles under their eyes found that there was no mutation, and they finally felt more at ease.

After tossing all night, a group of people were also tired, and fell asleep in the house one by one.

Murphy got up early in the morning to put away her things. She reckoned that the group of people found nothing wrong and might come to find fault today, so she simply put away all her things, and then took Wu Jiajia and left the house.

In fact, Mo Fei really admired the courage of the group of people. Even if they didn't mutate into zombies, everyone had a blood hole in their bodies. Those people suspected that there were some strange bugs around, and a little girl upstairs could have a blood hole. How many valuable things, so I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to come.

Today, Murphy's goal is still the photocopying room. She wants to make up for what she didn't finish yesterday.

"Sister, what are we going to do with this?" Although Mo Fei kept asking himself to do some strange crafts, Wu Jiajia couldn't help asking.

"Didn't Jiajia want to avenge your father? My sister is making some auxiliary tools." Murphy didn't explain too clearly. Even if he explained clearly, Wu Jiajia might not be able to fully understand.Even if Wu Jiajia is smart enough to understand Murphy's intentions, this matter can only be handled by Murphy himself, so there is no need to explain it so thoroughly.

"Oh." Wu Jiajia nodded half-understanding. Although she didn't understand what kind of tools these pieces of paper and plastic could be made into, but thinking of her father's tragic death, Wu Jiajia completed the task assigned by Murphy more seriously.

At the same time, in the office of Dr. Wan Qiang in the star base.The moment Dr. Wan Qiang opened the drawer, a white pattern suddenly popped up inside.

(End of this chapter)

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