Chapter 380
Dr. Wan Qiang was surprised at first. He locked the drawer himself yesterday, and he knew exactly what was inside.

When it was just opened, the lock was not damaged, so how could there be these extra things?
It was not unreasonable for Dr. Wan Qiang to feel strange. Although Wu Chen hadn't been caught yet, and he didn't know where Wu Chen was hiding, there should be no way for Wu Chen to come here again.

Dr. Wan Qiang has already confessed to the center's security personnel that researcher Wu Chen has stolen some sample materials, and now Wu Chen is wanted.If Wu Chen wanted to come up here, the guards in front of him would definitely not be able to pass through, not to mention that he had already changed the combination lock of the gate.

Another point is that no one knows the combination lock combination of this drawer except himself, including Wu Chen.

So who put the white pattern in the drawer?

Thinking of the series of weird hallucinations yesterday, Dr. Wan Qiang felt a trace of panic in his heart for the first time.

Look down at the white pattern again, and that pattern is the logo of "Sunny Project", but the middle part is an electronic photo.

The person in the photo, Dr. Wan Qiang, was all too familiar, with those piercing eyes staring at him as if seeing through everything: it was Wu Chen.

Yes, after Murphy frightened Dr. Wan Qiang with his father's notes and parents' photos, the photo left in the middle of the "Sunny Project" logo was Wu Chen's photo.

This is copied from Wu Jiajia's electronic picture book.

"Wu Chen! It really is you." Dr. Wan Qiang squeezed out a few words, and what happened yesterday gave him an outlet to vent.

This is exactly what Murphy wanted, to make Dr. Wan Qiang panic first, and then reveal that it was Wu Chen's handwriting, and divert Dr. Wan Qiang's attention to Wu Chen who has passed away, so that he will not doubt As for himself, Murphy can handle the following things more freely.

Dr. Wan Qiang took out the white plastic sheets inside, but just moved, those white plastic sheets fell apart, and the electronic photo in the middle also went dark.

This was done on purpose by Mo Fei. Those plastic pieces were processed by Mo Fei and Wu Jiajia, and they would fall apart as soon as they were moved, and the lines in the middle photo were also processed.

And set a self-destruction program, as long as the power is off, the pictures will be destroyed.These are not surprising, this is a built-in program in the electronic photo album before, just need to do some tricks on the line.

So after Dr. Wan Qiang dismantled the "Project Sunny" logo made of these plastic pieces, the wire connecting the electronic photo frame was also broken. When Dr. Wan Qiang connected the wires again, the inside was already blank. up.

Throwing the photo frame and the plastic sheet to the ground, Dr. Wan Qiang dialed the communicator again and ordered his subordinates to continue to track down Wu Chen's whereabouts.

Murphy and Wu Jiajia made a lot of things in the photocopying room. In addition to photo albums and some processed paper, there are also various sound effects.

"Sister, these Kali movies are so scary. I picked out some of the voices in them. Sister, cut them out yourself!" Wu Jiajia tremblingly held a few cards and handed them to Murphy.

These cards are all horror movies. Murphy asked Wu Jiajia to help her choose the scariest sound effects in the movie, so she had to watch the movie from beginning to end.

In fact, Murphy originally wanted to do it by himself, but Wu Jiajia said that she was not afraid to help. Murphy's work here requires a knife, and it is to cut relatively strong things. If you are not careful, you may cut your hands. Let Wu Jiajia do the job of picking the sound effects.

"Are you scared? It's okay, those are all fake, don't be afraid." Not to mention children, even adults will be scared when watching horror movies.Mo Fei touched Wu Jiajia's head and felt a thin layer of sweat on Wu Jiajia's head.

"It's okay, it was scary when I first watched it, but after watching it a lot, I don't think it's so powerful." Wu Jiajia replied with a pale face.

"Don't be too pushy. You are still young. Although you can't rely on others for everything, you can still vent when you feel scared or sad." Murphy looked at Wu Jiajia and said softly.

Just like when he just lost his parents, Murphy still remembers that he was stubborn and pretended to be strong, but no one would love him more. Later, Murphy learned to cry, but he could never accept other people's care honestly. It was as if a wall had been built inside.

Although Murphy hopes that Wu Jiajia will not be a dodder that completely parasitizes others, but he also does not want her to hide all her emotions at such a young age, just like Murphy did when she was a child.

Wu Jiajia looked up at Murphy. There was no sarcasm in Murphy's eyes, but frank and soft eyes.

"Sister, if I want to avenge my father, do I have to become very strong?" Obviously, Wu Jiajia still remembered what Murphy said before.

Murphy did not respond to Wu Jiajia's words, but told her about himself. "When I was your age, my father and mother passed away on the same day because of an accident. I had no one to rely on, and I pretended to be strong. But gradually, I couldn't use my feelings wholeheartedly for others, so I always had feelings for others. Very dull. Jiajia, I don’t want you to be like me, you have to learn to be strong, but it doesn’t mean you need to wear a mask to live, no one was on my side back then, but now at least I’m on your side.”

"Sister, actually, I miss Dad very much. When I watched the movie just now, I wondered if Dad would become such a scary thing like in the movie." Wu Jiajia lowered her eyes, and said in a childish voice a little hoarse .

"No, the movie is fiction after all. If there is one, it's only aimed at the bad guys. The worst guy is still there, isn't he?"

"Yes, the worst Dr. Wan Qiang." Wu Jiajia bit her lower lip.

Murphy didn't say anything else. Her plan will be implemented well, for herself and for Wu Jiajia who lost her loved one like herself.

The two of them didn't talk much after that, they were busy with the things at hand, and Wu Jiajia's eyes became much firmer, with less confusion, it seemed that she had decided on the path she was going to take.

In the next few days, Dr. Wan Qiang received inexplicable things at different times every day.

Sometimes it's some weird sounds, sometimes it's images, and sometimes it's something excerpted from the notes.It's just that these things are destroyed when touched.

The most inexplicable thing is that Dr. Wan Qiang has been very, very careful, but these things still appear, as if they flew out of nowhere.

Because of the reappearance of the contents in the portable notes, Dr. Wan Qiang is even more convinced that the portable notes were taken by Wu Chen, and the target direction is also clearer.

So, one day, when Dr. Wan Qiang's subordinates accidentally bumped into Murphy and Wu Jiajia on the road, they didn't care too much, but drove past.

But it's no wonder they didn't know Murphy and Wu Jiajia.Wu Chen single-handedly handled Murphy's matter back then, and Wu Jiajia, Wu Chen has always protected him better, and even Dr. Wan Qiang didn't know what Wu Jiajia looked like.

At the beginning, it was discovered from other sources that Wu Chen had another residence, and Dr. Wan Qiang sent someone to follow the clues to find it.

As a workaholic, Dr. Wan Qiang, how could he pay attention to Wu Chen's wife and daughter.

Under the repeated harassment, Dr. Wan Qiang's spirit was tortured to the extreme, he was in a trance all day long, and made mistakes in his research.

Originally four groups of teams were analyzing C5 zombies, but because Lin Yixun and Wan Qiang were the main research team, the other two teams assisted the two in their work.

Although it is said that Dr. Wan Qiang has not done many bad things in recent years, his mentality can be considered strong.

Murphy gave Dr. Wan Qiang more "gifts" one after another, but Dr. Wan Qiang still did not collapse.

But it is not completely ineffective, at least because these have affected Dr. Wan Qiang's energy.

Moreover, Dr. Wan Qiang not only made mistakes in many values ​​due to recent stimulations, but even made mistakes in the medicines used for research.

As a result, the C5 zombie almost died directly.

Later, Lin Yixun and the medical team worked together to rescue the C5 zombie, but the little zombie could not be kept.

This is a very serious experimental accident. You have to know how hard it was to catch this C5 zombie, let alone a C5 zombie with a small zombie.

If the results are analyzed, the situation in the future may be greatly improved.But now, the C5 zombie couldn't be tested because it was just rescued, and the little zombie also died.

As a result, the entire research institute has come to a standstill, unable to carry out follow-up research.

Whether it is the base command center or the research institute, they attach great importance to this matter. Naturally, the director and colleagues of the research institute have criticized a lot for this accident.

As a result, Dr. Wan Qiang was prohibited from participating in the follow-up research work related to C5 zombies, and even other work was temporarily suspended. Basically, except for being able to come and go freely, it was no different from confinement.

This kind of punishment made Dr. Wan Qiang unable to accept it for a while. He could participate in all the experimental subjects as long as he wanted to. Such a gap made Wan Qiang unable to accept it for a while.

Dr. Wan Qiang's decadence is exactly what Murphy likes to see, or she planned it all by herself.

Didn't Dr. Wan Qiang create an accident for the project, killing Murphy's parents?Since the matter of his parents cannot disturb Dr. Wan Qiang's conscience, and since he is enjoying everything now with peace of mind, Murphy will not be polite to him.

Since what he cares most about is his research, let him make mistakes on his favorite project!Therefore, Murphy fiddled with Dr. Wan Qiang's information, which led to a mistake.

But Murphy didn't expect that those people relied so much on Dr. Wan Qiang's data that they even made the wrong medicine.

Although the little zombie in the C5 zombie's stomach died, Murphy didn't regret it. She helped catch the C5 zombie, and it's not too much to use it by herself.

Besides, Murphy didn't do anything, but the researchers took a closer look when they were not rationed, which had nothing to do with her.

After hitting Dr. Wan Qiang, Murphy frowned. This was the first step: Dr. Wan Qiang, you have to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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