Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 381 Training

Chapter 381 Training
"Sister, don't you have to go out today?" Wu Jiajia opened his eyes and found that Murphy was still at home and was busy cooking something, so he couldn't help asking curiously.These days, Murphy basically leaves early and returns late. Even if he wants to take himself out someday, he will drag himself up early in the morning, but he still hasn't left today.

"No, the first step of the plan has been completed, let him digest and digest." Murphy seemed in a good mood, and brought Wu Jiajia a breakfast: "Go and wash up, and then eat breakfast, we will wait a while Go out and walk around."

"Okay sister." Wu Jiajia jumped up all of a sudden, quickly finished washing and sat down at the small table to have breakfast.

After the two cleaned up, Murphy drove Xiaobai and took Wu Jiajia to the downtown area of ​​Jingang City.

Since it is very close to the star base, the zombies here are fairly clean, and the two of them didn't encounter too many zombies along the way.

"Sister, you are really powerful. You killed those zombies in no time." Since Wu Jiajia followed Wu Chen to the star base after the end of the world, basically he didn't have much experience outside the world, so he had a little bit of a sense of zombies at the beginning. timid.

However, Wu Jiajia became a little more courageous after being trained by Murphy's recent continuous horror movies. After getting used to it, he began to feel that Murphy's actions were agile and handsome, and he couldn't help but envy him.

"I'll give you a long weapon, try it." This was Murphy's purpose.She didn't know if she would keep Wu Jiajia by her side for the rest of her life, but she also needed Wu Jiajia's ability to protect herself, at least not to hold her back.

Taking advantage of the matter with Dr. Wan Qiang coming to an end, Murphy decided to take Wu Jiajia out for training.

"This..." Wu Jiajia was a little embarrassed. After looking at it, it might be very difficult for him to really turn.

"What? Are you scared like this?" Murphy provoked Wu Jiajia with words.

"No, sister, I'm not afraid, give me a weapon!" Wu Jiajia stretched out his hand towards Murphy with a stalk in his neck.

A smile appeared on Murphy's face, and he handed the spear in his hand to Wu Jiajia: "This is for you, don't worry, I will watch from the side." Murphy stepped aside after speaking.

Originally, Murphy walked in front, and Wu Jiajia followed Murphy.After replacing Wu Jiajia with the spear, Murphy walked behind Wu Jiajia.

I have to say that there are really very few zombies in Jingang City. The two walked through two streets before finding a few zombies.

"Jiajia, do you see the front? The zombies that move faster are C1 zombies, and the slow ones are C zombies. You start with C zombies, and you will be responsible for the first C zombies. I will help C1 zombies. You clean it up."

Mo Fei pointed to the zombies that had found two people not far away.

Wu Jiajia nodded while holding the spear tightly. Although she was a little nervous, she still put the spear in a good position.

Some basic movements have been taught to Wu Jiajia by Murphy a long time ago, now it depends on Wu Jiajia's application ability.

Murphy was wary of the C1 zombies ahead, and she had to eliminate them before the C1 zombies attacked Wu Jiajia.

When the C1 zombie appeared in front of Murphy and Wu Jiajia, Murphy froze the C1 zombie directly with the ice attack talisman, and then slapped it hard with the bricks picked up around, the head of the C1 zombie shattered with the ice. Come on, Wu Jiajia was dumbfounded.

"Why are you in a daze? Attack quickly." Mo Fei patted Wu Jiajia's little head lightly.

"Wow, sister, you are so handsome, are you also a supernatural person? You are amazing!" Wu Jiajia shouted with admiration.

"Watch out the sides."

Wu Jiajia was too busy looking at Murphy, but didn't notice that a zombie was approaching.Murphy quickly reminded Wu Jiajia, and Wu Jiajia finally realized it. However, due to the relatively close distance, Wu Jiajia had no practice of fighting, so he didn't know what to do, and he stayed where he was.

"Back." Murphy rushed over with a shout.

Wu Jiajia quickly stepped back according to the voice, and Murphy rushed over with an ice-type attack talisman, and then the zombie's feet were frozen, but its head was not.

This was left on purpose by Murphy. It seems that Wu Jiajia is still too young, so Murphy can only let her practice with live targets first.

"Jiajia, this C zombie is frozen, but it won't be frozen for too long. The weak point of all zombies is in the head, so attack this C zombie now." Mo Fei stepped aside sideways, using words to guide With Wu Jiajia.

Wu Jiajia can be considered a brave girl. After hearing what Mo Fei said, the spear in her hand pierced the head of the C zombie.

It's just that the force was a little weaker, the spear didn't pierce through zombie C's head, but the tip of the gun had already pierced into zombie C's head.

A large hole can be seen in the head, and some inexplicable liquid flows out from time to time.

"Ouch..." Wu Jiajia saw such a scene up close for the first time, and couldn't help but leaned over and retched.

Murphy didn't blame Wu Jiajia, and walked over to pat Wu Jiajia's back with his hand.She was also very embarrassed when she started killing zombies, not even because of the talisman, she would have died under the claws of that zombie cat long ago.

Feeling the hand on his back, Wu Jiajia spat twice, then clenched the handle of the spear tightly.

At this time, the C zombie was gradually able to move, and he would definitely not let the person who hurt him go, rushing towards Wu Jiajia with his teeth and claws.

But because of the distance of the spear, you can't get close.

"Jiajia, think about it, what is your supernatural ability? Since you are a supernatural person, how do you use your ability?" At this time, although Wu Jiajia was working hard, his life was not in danger, and Murphy did not help, Just pointing to the side.

Because, only those who have experienced it will remember it deeply. Murphy can't help her at this time, otherwise Wu Jiajia will not be able to understand her ability.As long as Murphy helps Wu Jiajia when she encounters a crisis, it's fine, and she should let her try it herself at other times.

Murphy's words awakened Wu Jiajia, yes, she is a supernatural being.Seeing Murphy's ability just now, Wu Jiajia was very envious, but she is not an ice-type superhuman, she is a metal-type superhuman, so what else can she do besides strengthening things?

While continuing to use the long gun to withstand the C zombie, Wu Jiajia's mind was also spinning rapidly.

Soon, Murphy saw that the spear in Wu Jiajia's hand was continuously piercing the head of zombie C. With a "poof", the tip of the spear finally penetrated the head of zombie C, and he could even see to the filth hanging from the gun point.

"Not bad, but the shot was too slow. If you were the only one just now, you would have died several times." Mo Fei pointed to the zombie corpses around him that Mo Fei had already dealt with.

"Sister, I already know how to use my abilities, and I will definitely not be so far behind next time." Wu Jiajia raised her chin confidently, and smiled at Mo Fei, her sweet smile was shining brightly in the sun.

"Okay, then you find the black crystal on the head of this zombie C." In fact, when this zombie C fell down just now, Mo Fei saw the black crystal flashing by the reflection of the sun, but since Murphy wanted to To teach is to teach to the end, she will not help Wu Jiajia deal with it just because she just learned how to kill zombies.

"Of order, Sister Feifei." Wu Jiajia mischievously stood at attention and saluted Murphy, then walked towards C zombie's head.

However, Wu Jiajia, who was full of confidence just now, couldn't help but vomited when he really saw the zombie's head.

Murphy glanced at Wu Jiajia sympathetically, but she was only sympathetic. She never thought of helping Wu Jiajia deal with it.

After vomiting for a long time, Wu Jiajia looked at Murphy who was slapping himself on the back in embarrassment: "Sister, I'm used to vomiting, I'll take care of it right away."

Knowing that he had wasted a lot of time, Wu Jiajia wrinkled his face, and flipped the zombie's head twice with the tip of his gun.

Although it was just two strokes, it made Wu Jiajia feel sick again.

But thinking of what Mo Fei did just now, Wu Jiajia turned his head and took two deep breaths, and then only focused on the tip of the gun, checking with the tip of the gun, ignoring the things around the tip of the gun as much as possible.

"Found it." Wu Jiajia's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he picked out the black crystal with the tip of his spear.

But because of too much force, Mo Jing popped up far away.

This time, Murphy didn't make it difficult for Wu Jiajia anymore. He ran over quickly, picked up the black crystal with a small cloth, wiped it clean, turned around and handed it to Wu Jiajia: "Here, you keep this as a souvenir! This is The first smoky crystal you got after killing the first zombie."

What ordinary C zombies pry out are only white zero-grade smoky crystals, but they are still very beautiful, just like uncut diamonds.

Wu Jiajia took the zero-order ink crystal from Mo Fei's hand and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help sighing: "Wow, sister, this ink crystal is so beautiful! I can't imagine that such a beautiful ink crystal can be so terrifying and disgusting." It was dug out from the zombies."

"This is probably the two sides of the matter! Just like this zombie, no one can imagine that there is such a beautiful thing in the body of these zombies."

"For example, Dr. Wan Qiang." Wu Jiajia interrupted suddenly: "Who would have thought that such a doctor who researches advanced subjects would be so ugly in his heart, and would kill people just to snatch other people's subjects, and would chase me down because of a small doubt?" and dad."

"Yes, what you said is absolutely right." Murphy was a little surprised and a little sad, such a young child actually started to think about such things.

"Sister, train me well! I want to become stronger. When I get revenge, sister, you must take me with you." Wu Jiajia said as if she had made up her mind.

"Okay, I will definitely take you with me, so let's move on! I won't warn you about the next zombie!"

"Of course, maybe I will be better than my sister."

On the deserted street, the figures of two people, one big and one small, were left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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