Chapter 384

Wan Qiang yelled out in pain after being stabbed into the back of his hand by the tip of the long spear by Mo Fei.

Although he wouldn't blink his eyes when he harmed someone, even murdered his classmates and friends, after all, it wasn't Wan Qiang himself who did it himself, so when Mo Fei stabbed him with the tip of a gun, he felt really scared.

"Murphy, Murphy, please spare my life, I will tell you more things, many things that Wu Chen doesn't know. Also, don't you want to know about your father's achievements? Only I, only I can help him achieve , At that time, if you kill me again, I will definitely not have any regrets."

"Dr. Wan Qiang, isn't it too naive for you to say this at this time?" Murphy stared at Wan Qiang with cold eyes, but asked with a relaxed tone of smile.

"Murphy, if you don't kill me, you won't regret it. I can help you make arrangements with Wu Chen's daughter, and you can live the best life."

"Bah, you bad guy, we don't need it." Before Mo Fei could speak, Wu Jiajia shouted first.

"Dr. Wan Qiang, can you hear me clearly? We don't need your concern." After Murphy finished speaking, he handed the spear in his hand to Wu Jiajia: "Jiajia, I'll deal with it for you."

Wu Jiajia clenched the handle of the gun, nodded towards Murphy, and looked at Dr. Wan Qiang fiercely, as if looking at those zombies.

Feeling that his life was threatened, Dr. Wan Qiang didn't care too much, and quickly pressed his hand in the direction of the alarm button.

But Murphy would not give him this chance to freeze Dr. Wan Qiang's hand with an ice attack talisman so that he could not move.

"You..." Dr. Wan Qiang looked at Murphy in surprise again. During his investigation, Murphy was not a supernatural person. How could...

"Is there too much you don't know?" Murphy continued to ask calmly.

Knowing that he had no way out, Dr. Wan Qiang lowered his head, then raised it again: "By the way, do you know who the person who helped me frame your parents back then was? I can tell you, as long as you let me go , I promise not to tell anyone.”

Dr. Wan Qiang is already in the last struggle, he is not reconciled, his research project has not been completed yet.

"I already know, I don't need you to tell me." Murphy had lost his patience: "Jiajia, do it, if you don't do it, I will attack myself."

"No! Sister, I want to avenge my father myself." Wu Jiajia regained his composure and held the spear steady on his chest.

"No, Murphy, do you know who the person who helped me frame you is? If you spare me, I'll tell you." Seeing that Murphy was going to get serious, Dr. Wan Qiang suddenly thought of something again.

However, Wu Jiajia had already made a move at this time.She can only sprint with all her strength, and she can't move as freely as Murphy.

"Jiajia..." Murphy didn't stop shouting, Wu Jiajia had already thrust the spear into Dr. Wan Qiang's heart.

Murphy rushed over, using a trace of breath to protect Dr. Wan Qiang's blood: "Say, who is it?" Because Wu Chen couldn't tell who this person was last time, he vaguely heard that it was Silver Wing, but Mo Fei But Fei has some doubts. I am afraid that only Wan Qiang knows now.

"It's late, I don't want to say it now, it would be better to let you kill each other. Hahahaha." Dr. Wan Qiang's chest kept bleeding from the place where the spear was pierced.

"Since I can control the blood flow, I can save you, so tell me the truth." Murphy said, looking at Dr. Wan Qiang's wound.In fact, Dr. Wan Qiang's injury was similar to Wu Chen's. They both hurt internal organs, and Murphy could only delay for a while.

"Save me, and I'll tell you." Dr. Wan Qiang is not stupid, and naturally he will not compromise at this time.

"Tell me first."

As time passed, Murphy glanced at Dr. Wan Qiang: "Now the time for rescue is over, and I can't help it. Talk about it or not! Jiajia, let's go."

As he said that, he was about to turn around with Wu Jiajia.

Seeing that Murphy was about to leave, Dr. Wan Qiang became anxious and reached out to grab Murphy's feet, but his body couldn't move.

"Mo...Murphy, I...I said, help me." Dr. Wan Qiang's speech was not as smooth as before.

"Then tell me, who is it?"

"Yes..." Murphy only saw Dr. Wan Qiang's mouth opening and closing, but his voice was covered by the loud explosion outside. When he regained consciousness, Dr. Wan Qiang's head had already drooped.

"Damn it, I didn't hear it again." Murphy threw Dr. Wan Qiang's body on the ground.

"Sister, the situation outside seems to be getting worse." Wu Jiajia reminded from the side.

"I know, we need to take advantage of the chaos and leave. It's better to be in a mess outside now. Jiajia, go downstairs and watch, I'll be right there." Murphy asked Wu Jiajia to go downstairs first, and he disposed of Dr. Wan Qiang's body in the house for a moment.

A sharp knife was found from Dr. Wan Qiang's house, and he pretended to commit suicide. Then Murphy rummaged through some of Dr. Wan Qiang's belongings, picked some things and put them in storage symbols, and then used a broom to cover up Wu Jiajia's passing The place.

Because Murphy has been using the flying talisman to float a millimeter above the ground, it is impossible to see that she did not touch any place without looking carefully.

After handling everything, Murphy went downstairs and took Wu Jiajia out of the villa where Wan Qiang lived.

When I came in, I got in smoothly because of the car, but it was difficult to get out.

Murphy didn't know whose car would drive out, and waiting around might not be able to wait for the opportunity to get in the car.

While worrying, Mo Fei saw a mecha flying out of a villa in the distance like an arrow. It was Lei Sen's Silver Wing.

Seeing this, Murphy's eyes lit up: Yes!I can use the mecha to go out, especially inside that wall.

As for Wu Jiajia, Murphy glanced at Wu Jiajia: It seems that she can only sleep for a while.

"Jiajia, do you see the house over there? Let's go out from there, follow me closely, let's run to that villa." Murphy pointed to the Leisen's villa at the end and said.

"Understood, sister." Wu Jiajia was obedient and didn't ask any further questions, and followed Murphy all the way to Lei Sen's villa.

When Murphy arrived at the door, he turned his body slightly to block the door, and skillfully pressed the password. The door opened with a beep, and Wu Jiajia, who was behind him, was dumbfounded.

"Sister, how did you drive it? It's amazing."

"Um... I guessed, come in quickly, don't talk nonsense." Mo Fei quickly changed the subject, she couldn't say: I lived here for a long time, so I know the password!
Entering inside, Murphy walked slowly in front to lead the way for Wu Jiajia. When they reached the door leading to the backyard, Murphy let Wu Jiajia go in first.

"You go in first, I'll come as soon as I get something, be careful not to make too much noise." Murphy reminded Wu Jiajia, and then walked upstairs.

It's not that there is really anything to take, but that Murphy wants to separate from Wu Jiajia.

But she still had to pretend. Murphy came to the room on the second floor where she had lived before, and turned the doorknob. The door was locked.

It seems that after he left, Lei Sen did not restore the room.

Murphy's heart moved, but what Wu Chen said before was still uncomfortable like a fishbone stuck in his throat. Before he figured out the reason, Murphy didn't plan to see Lei Sen.

Guessing that it was almost time, Murphy started the invisibility charm and flew towards the backyard, and then took out the drug that was going to be used to stun the person who accidentally found them.

Covering Wu Jiajia's mouth and nose with a handkerchief sprayed with drugs, Wu Jiajia fell asleep without struggling.

Murphy flattened Wu Jiajia on the ground, wrapped her in a quilt, then summoned the mecha, and flew away from the star base with the wrapped Wu Jiajia.

When flying to the gate of the star base, Murphy turned his head and glanced at the star base at this time.

Right now the star base is fighting with a group of zombies.

The reason why Murphy and Wu Jiajia were able to easily enter the star base just now was because the personnel of the star base discovered that zombies were attacking the city, so Murphy and Wu Jiajia took advantage of the loopholes in the panic and entered the star base without swiping their ID cards .

At that time, the zombies hadn't come to the front, and the people of the star base were in a state of preparation for battle. Now the zombies had come to the front, the star base set up their weapons and attacked on the city wall, and the people of the mecha team were all blocked outside the city wall.

There were a lot of giant zombies this time, and Murphy could see from above that it was a bit difficult for the mecha team to cope with so many zombies.

But Mo Fei can't help the battle at this moment, because what he heard from Wu Chen last time, Mo Fei has guessed about Lei Sen, and Lei Sen knows that she owns the mecha, and also knows the relationship between her and Dr. Wan Qiang. For some things, now that Murphy came out to help fight, it was equivalent to telling Dr. Leisen Wanqiang that she killed her.

She couldn't trust Leisen for the time being, so even if it was Leisen, Murphy would not reveal it.

Naturally, at this time, although they saw Lei Sen and their mecha team fighting hard, they ignored it because they still had heavy weapons from the star base on the city wall.

After only looking at it from a distance, Murphy didn't intervene, and flew to Jingang City with the quilt wrapped around Wu Jiajia.

After a long time, Murphy was annoyed by this incident for a long time, but fortunately nothing major happened, otherwise Murphy would regret it for the rest of his life.

After leaving the star base and returning to Jingang City, as long as they stay here quietly for a while longer, Murphy and Wu Jiajia will be able to return to the star base openly.

Murphy put away the mecha, put the still unconscious Wu Jiajia into the car, and drove all the way back to the house where the two of them lived alone.

Because it was almost midnight, after Murphy put Wu Jiajia on the bed, he went back to his room and fell asleep quickly.

At this moment, outside the star base, the attack of giant zombies became more and more fierce, and the members of the mecha team did not dare to be careless for a moment.And in the star base, in the hospital of the star soul circle.

The medical staff were busy running back and forth, and from time to time they would send some patients who were exhausted or injured due to the attack, and it could be seen how strenuous the battle at the Star Base was this time.

In the corridor outside the emergency room, a man about 50 to [-] years old was waiting anxiously, looking up from time to time to see the lights in the operating room. In addition to worrying about the people in the operating room, the man was also thinking about the situation outside the base. .

However, there was no news of safety in the operating room for a long time, and the man couldn't leave for a while, so he could only continue to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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