Chapter 385

Murphy, who was already in Jingang City, didn't know in his sleep how miserable the situation of the star base was at the moment.

Although Murphy had seen so many giant zombies before, under the powerful attack, those zombies could not get any closer.

But it dragged on for another half an hour, and giant zombies appeared in the periphery for support.

Seeing the giant zombies falling one by one, victory was in sight, but unexpectedly another batch came.

The members of the Mecha Team were able to hold on originally, but they were also injured a lot. Now another batch came, and the members of the Mecha Team couldn't hold on anymore, especially some of the Mechas were damaged and couldn't continue to fight. Sen ordered a group of personnel to return to repair first.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, a giant zombie appeared out of nowhere, and broke through a corner of the side wall of the star base.

With the loophole, all those giant zombies surrounded him.The Star Base suddenly fell into an unprecedented disaster.

In the hospital in the Star Base Star Soul Circle, the pacing man also received the news, and he was so anxious that he wished he could return to the command center immediately.

This man is Li He, the director of the Earth Alliance Security Department, but Li He is not in front of the command at this time, but is pacing back and forth in the corridor of the Star Soul Circle Hospital.

Only his hands rubbing back and forth and his brows furrowed showed the anxiety in his heart.

Suddenly, the door of the operating room opened, and Li He hurried over when he saw this: "How is it? Have you passed the critical period?"

The doctor who came out shook his head and said with a heavy expression: "Director Li, the situation is not optimistic. Children and adults are very dangerous if this continues. Decide whether to protect the adults or the children."

That's right, the person in the operating room was Li Jiao.Before, Murphy was able to enter the jurisdiction of the star circle smoothly because he happened to meet Li Jiao who was about to leave the jurisdiction. Otherwise, Murphy and Wu Jiajia might take longer to enter the jurisdiction.

Originally, Li Jiao's due date had not yet arrived, but when the news of the zombie siege came, Li Hecai received the news that his daughter Li Jiao was sent to the hospital and was in a very dangerous condition just after leaving home.

Because the situation was temporarily controlled by members of the mecha team, Li He temporarily handed over the command to the deputy director and went straight to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiao's side could not be out of danger, and there was also very bad news from the outskirts of the star base.

At this moment, Li He was thinking about the things outside the star base, and after hearing the news from the doctor, he didn't hesitate at all: "Keep your lord."

Originally, Li He didn't want Gu Huaiyuan's child, but if Li Jiao hadn't insisted, he might have killed him long ago. He didn't expect that his daughter would be in danger now, so Li He made the decision without hesitation.

"Okay, we got it." The doctor nodded, and was about to go to the operating room again.

"Doctor, wait a minute." Li He called out to stop the doctor again.

"Director Li, what else is there?"

"You must keep your lord. Things outside the base are a bit urgent. I'll leave this to you. I'll go and see." Li He couldn't delay any longer, so he had to ask the doctor.

"We will try our best, but the chance of keeping one side is very small." The doctor reiterated again.

"No matter what, we must try our best to keep it, then I will go first." At this time, Li He didn't seem to have any other demands, just like ordinary family members of patients, he just asked the doctor repeatedly.

"Director Li, I really can't tell. I can only do my best to treat him. I really have to go in, otherwise it will be too late."

Hearing the doctor's words, Li He let go of his hand, watched the doctor return to the operating room, and then Li He left the hospital in the Star Soul Circle.

"Director Li, you are back." Seeing Li He's return, the deputy director hurriedly handed over the communicator used for command deployment to Li He.

"How's the situation ahead?" Li He asked while taking the communicator.The deputy director hurriedly told Li He about the battle situation just now and his deployment arrangement in detail.

"Very good, there is nothing wrong with it." Li He nodded approvingly, even if he was there, he would arrange it like this.

Hearing Li He's words, the deputy director secretly wiped his cold sweat.

"However, how could the periphery be breached?" Li He asked again after changing the subject.

"It was said that when the attack was about the same, the damaged mechs of the mecha team returned to the base for maintenance, and a new batch of mechas came. The mecha team didn't notice that two of the C3 zombies crashed into the side wall." The deputy director was relieved now, and his words were no longer timid as before.

"Well, now? Are you under control?"

"It's almost under control, but the human mechas of the mecha team are also seriously damaged, especially the silver wings. I heard that even Captain Lei, who was driving the silver wings, was also injured. He has been dragged back to the base by the half-flying mechas. The giant zombies have almost been dealt with, and for the few remaining, the mobile mechas of the mecha team are still holding on, and the heavy weapons have also increased their attack power."

The deputy director truthfully reported all the situation to Li He.

"Oh? Leisen is injured? I see. Hurry up and send someone to report the current battle situation. By the way, let the maintenance personnel go to repair the city wall. You need to send more people to watch the loopholes. You must not receive more attacks, otherwise the mecha team No one is dispatching the people now, and the armor is so damaged that they will definitely not be able to fight in a short time."

Li He thought about this matter, and Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the command center, also thought about it, so he had already arranged personnel.Hearing what Li He said, the deputy director quickly told the matter that Commander Liao had already arranged personnel.

Li He looked at the deputy director and was a little dissatisfied: "This should be what we did. You didn't think of it at the first time. This is actually a dereliction of duty. But because you are in command instead of me, I won't do it this time." Blame you, I will go to the commander-in-chief to explain this matter myself."

"Thank you Director, I will definitely think about it more comprehensively in the future." The deputy director originally thought that there would be no problem this time, but unexpectedly he was caught in the wrong, and hurriedly apologized to Li He.

"Okay, you also go to have a rest. The command just now must have been highly nervous." Since Li He said that he would not punish the deputy director, he naturally would not continue to pursue the matter. When the deputy director heard what Li He said, he looked as if he had been amnesty With a normal appearance, he thanked Li He and left the command hall.

It has to be said that Li He is still very good at employing people.It not only makes people satisfied with their performance before, but also feels that they are still a little short. In addition, they express their gratitude and even respect for Li He's tolerance.

After dismissing the deputy director, Li He took a look at the battle report and dealt with the follow-up arrangements.

But after all these things are done, the sky is slightly brighter.

Li He didn't care about rest, and rushed towards the hospital in the Star Soul Circle, but he didn't expect that the operation was still not over.

Seeing that the lights in the operating room were still on, Li He frowned, and his heart arose again: Why hasn't the operation been over for so long?But it also proves that her daughter Li Jiao is still alive.You can't rush in here to see, Li He half-closed his eyes while sitting on the bench outside the corridor.

I didn't sleep last night, and now I'm really sleepy.

At this time, Lei Sen was also in the hospital in the Star Soul Circle. Yesterday, he was attacked by three C3 zombies together, causing Lei Sen's Silver Wing to be hit hard.

And the bone tail of one of the C3 zombies also pierced the driving position of the Silver Wing and injured Lei Sen.

Fortunately, the baffle in front of the driving position is relatively thick, and the force after the bone tail penetrates is significantly reduced, otherwise Leisen would definitely not be able to escape this catastrophe.

However, even so, the blow from the C3 zombie was definitely fierce. Due to the external compression, Leisen broke three ribs, and his internal organs were also slightly compressed. Fortunately, the protective layer popped out and the compression was not serious. , otherwise, even if you save your life, there will definitely be sequelae in the future.

Lei Sen, who was lying on the hospital bed, couldn't help but miss Mo Fei. With Mo Fei around, the mecha team would not be injured so badly anyway.It seems that in the short term, the mecha team will not be able to fight any more. We only hope that the giant zombies will not come to attack the city again in the near future.

At the same time, Leisen also hopes that Murphy can come back during this time.Since the last time Murphy helped them eliminate the giant armor C4 zombies and successfully captured the C5 zombies alive, they have gone somewhere.

He didn't come back for such a long time, but there was no way to find out where Murphy went. This also made Lei Sen more worried.

"Captain Lei, it's time to change the medicine." A nurse's voice sounded, bringing Lei Sen back to his thoughts.

Lei Sen nodded towards the nurse, and the bed was slowly raised, making Lei Sen sit up at an angle.

The nurse helped Lei Sen unbutton his clothes, removing the gauze layer by layer.The nurse took a peek at Leisen's sharp-edged face and his well-shaped figure despite being injured, lowered her eyes shyly and sniggered, and then helped Leisen apply the medicine.

This opportunity was won by myself over several other nurses on duty. It was a rare opportunity, so the little nurse's movements were very gentle, but the bandaging was very slow, and it always took more time.The little nurse was thinking while helping Lei Sen change his dressing.

It's just that Lei Sen didn't notice this, and just let the nurse remove the gauze and put on the medicine to re-bandage himself, and then put on a new bottle.

Just after hanging up the bottle, the little nurse hadn't left yet, and walked around to the bed to adjust the height of Lei Sen's bed.

Suddenly there was a shrill scream from outside the corridor, followed by the sound of running feet.The originally quiet hospital corridor suddenly exploded. People ran and shouted, and many voices seemed to be swallowed suddenly.

Lei Sen's hospital bed had just been put down, and he didn't know what happened, so he yelled at the little nurse: "Miss Nurse, can you help me raise the hospital bed again?"

Hearing Lei Sen's voice, the little nurse was so happy that she nearly passed out. Who didn't know that Captain Lei of Mecha Team rarely stayed in the hospital, and who didn't know that Captain Lei of Mecha Team seldom talked to others.

I didn't expect to be so lucky today.The little nurse nodded to Lei Sen with a sweet smile: "Okay Captain Lei, I'll raise the height, if you think it's okay, stop."

The hospital bed was gradually raised, and the little nurse's face was filled with a faint smile, but immediately, the smile froze and became more and more distorted.

Suddenly, a slender and withered hand pierced through the nurse's chest, and blood flowed down the nurse's chest, slowly staining the white bedding on the hospital bed red.

(End of this chapter)

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