Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 386 Trouble

Chapter 386 Trouble

Lei Sen only saw something flash past the door, but it disappeared all of a sudden, Lei Sen thought he was dazzled.

The exclamation of people outside became more and more miserable. In such a chaotic situation, many patients even ran out with their bottles.

Just as he was thinking about what happened, Leisen realized that something was wrong with the little nurse who was raising and lowering the bed for him.

There was an instant distortion on the originally smiling face.It's just that before any sound came out of his mouth, his chest was pierced.

A bloody heart stretched out in front of Lei Sen's eyes, and Lei Sen could even see the slight beating on it.

Blood flowed out from the hole in the little nurse's chest, and the originally clean and white hospital bed was dyed bright red all of a sudden, and the red spread little by little.

Seeing such a scene, the patient on the bed next to Lei Sen didn't care about his legs and had plaster casts, and ran out grabbing the edge of the bed.

What grabbed the little nurse's heart was an extremely slender arm. Before its hand could be retracted, Lei Sen turned around and rolled off the bed.

Although the injury was serious, his legs could move, and he couldn't just sit on the bed and wait to die at this time.

After all, Lei Sen had received professional training, and he didn't panic when he got down quickly. Instead, he walked around behind the dead nurse, and then saw that behind the nurse was a child with a big head and a thin black body.

It's just that at this time, the child was lying on the nurse's back and sucking heavily.Allowing blood, as if sucking.Allowing you to drink delicious milk is average.

Probably aware that someone was looking at him, the little zombie suddenly turned his head to look at Lei Sen, his eyes fixed on Lei Sen.

This is... Lei Sen was taken aback by the sudden look: this is a little zombie.

Why are little zombies appearing in the hospital?But Lei Sen didn't have time to think about it, because he found that Lei Sen's little zombie was about to attack him.Maybe Leisen interrupted its time to enjoy the "deliciousness", the little zombie let out an astonishing scream as soon as it grinned.

Lei Sen hurriedly backed away and was about to flash out of the ward, but he didn't expect a zombie behind him that should be bitten and mutated to attack Lei Sen.

The zombie was still wearing a hospital gown, so it was obviously a patient here.

Seeing that the big zombie was about to catch Lei Sen, Lei Sen dodged quickly.But when he is not in good shape now, how can his body that was just injured be so flexible.

Although it escaped the attack of the big zombie, the little zombie rushed over again at this moment.

A flash of light flashed, the zombie fell to the ground, and the little zombie jumped aside because of the strong light.

"Captain Lei, are you okay?" A concerned voice sounded from the door of the ward.

Lei Sen looked over again and found that he was a member of the Mecha Squadron.

The members of the Mech Team originally came to visit Lei Sen's injuries, but they didn't expect to hear the chaos in the hospital as soon as they came in.

After seeing people who mutated into zombies, they knew something was wrong in the hospital. One person was sent to the command center to notify, while the other team members rushed to the ward where Lei Sen lived.

It was also fortunate that they came here in a hurry, otherwise even if Lei Sen hadn't been bitten by a zombie, the wound would have burst open again.

Lei Sen grinned at the team members: "It's just that the wound hit a bit, nothing else, hurry up and inform the base of the matter." Lei Sen calmed down the mood of the team members and quickly arranged.

"Don't worry, Team Lei. I've been with you for so long and I still don't know this. Just before we came in, I asked Xiao Li to report first." Lu Guang, the oldest member of the mecha team, replied.

"You did a good job. I'm in the way here. Xiao Guo helped me out first. Since you have energy guns, you can help me quickly, and don't worry about me." Although Lei Sen is in pain and can't move freely, he has not forgotten In order to arrange team members to prepare.

"Understood Team Lei." The team members calmed down when they saw that Lei Sen was fine, but they were worried about Xiao Guo alone, so they gave Lei Sen a person with an energy gun, so that they could protect him in case of danger. one time.

Lei Sen couldn't hold back the team members, not to mention that if he delayed, there would be more mutated people in the hospital, so he nodded and led the two team members out of the hospital.

Outside, Xiao Guo and another team member helped Lei Sen into the car. At this moment, Xiao Minyu brought the special operations team to the hospital.

"Xiao Minyu, you came just in time, my people are inside but there are not many people, you go in quickly!" Lei Sen saw Xiao Minyu who got off the car at a glance, and shouted hastily.

Only then did Xiao Minyu see Lei Sen in the car, and first ordered Man Chengbin to take someone in, then walked to Lei Sen's car by himself: "Lei Sen, I heard you were injured, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can't die." Lei Sen panted slightly when he spoke.

"It's okay, there's blood oozing here." Xiao Minyu saw with sharp eyes that some blood had slightly leaked from Lei Sen's gauze.Everyone knows that the gauze must be wrapped thicker for such an injury, so that blood can be seen, which means that a lot of blood has seeped inside.

Hearing Xiao Minyu's voice, Xiao Guo hurried over: "Really, there wasn't one just now. Team Lei, wait for me, I'll go in and grab a doctor out."

"Still robbing a doctor, are you a robber?" Lei Sen hurriedly stopped Xiao Guo: "It's okay, I just bumped into that zombie when I was hiding, it doesn't matter, it won't kill anyone, don't make trouble, we'll talk about it later."

"Team Lei..." Xiao Guo pouted and looked at Lei Sen aggrievedly.

"Okay, take good care of your Team Lei. I'll go in and find a doctor." Xiao Minyu patted Xiao Guo, then turned and left in front of Lei Sen's car. After all, Lei Sen ordered him not to move.

With Xiao Minyu's words, Xiao Guo was happy: "Thank you Team, Mr. Xiao." He almost shouted wrongly for a moment of happiness.

Xiao Minyu didn't blame Xiao Guo either, the special operations team had already entered the hospital, and Xiao Minyu also turned around and walked in.

Now all the people in the hospital who can run have run away, and those who can't have been moved to a safe place.

It's just that those few zombies are still wandering around, colliding with members of the Mecha Squad and the special operations team from time to time, but these newly mutated C zombies are no match for these players.

After Xiao Minyu entered the corridor of the hospital, he saw the corpses of many zombies lying here and there, and of course there were also the corpses of many patients or medical staff. These people who had not mutated were also shot in the head to prevent They mutate.

"The situation is almost under control. Fortunately, the members of the mecha team killed a lot of zombies first, and the situation did not deteriorate too seriously." Man Chengbin watched Xiao Minyu come in and nodded to Xiao Minyu, and reported the situation.

"Go and ask if there is a surgeon, Lei Sen's wound has just been opened, let someone deal with it." Xiao Minyu did not forget about Lei Sen.

Man Chengbin turned around and gave instructions to a team member, and then walked inside with Xiao Minyu.

"What's the reason for this incident?" Xiao Minyu asked as he walked in.

"I heard that this disaster started in the operating room, and..." Before they finished speaking, the two had already walked into the operating room.

All the members of the mecha team gathered here, and the door of the operating room was closed.

Lu Guang, the oldest member of the mecha team, saw Xiao Minyu and nodded at Xiao Minyu: "Mr. Xiao."

"What's going on here?" Xiao Minyu asked puzzled.

"This operating room is the source of this disaster. Now all the people in it have turned into zombies, and there is a strange little zombie with super agile movements. We can't hit them no matter what. In the end, we can only temporarily trap them inside. .” Lu Guang quickly replied.

Although they are not in the same system, Xiao Minyu's status in Star Base and Lei Sen are comparable.

"So, the zombie that caused the accident is still inside?"

Lu Guang nodded: "Yes, and..."

"What? Is there anything special?"

"Director Li He is also inside."

"Director Li He? Li He, Director of the Earth Alliance Security Department?" Xiao Minyu repeated in surprise. Li He was inside. Doesn't this mean that Li He has become a zombie?

Lu Guang nodded: "Yes, I can see clearly that it is Director Li He. According to the medical staff, the person who was rescued inside was Director Li He's daughter Li Jiao. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. .”

"Oh? You should retreat first, go back and take care of your Thunder Team. His wound has been opened again. I have already sent someone to see a doctor. You escort him to a safe place. I will take care of it here."

Hearing that Li He was inside, Xiao Minyu knew that this matter would not be resolved for a while, and it would be better to arrange all the personnel first than to waste all of it here.

Hearing that Lei Sen's wound had been knocked open, the members of the Mecha team had no intention of staying here any longer, and nodded towards Xiao Minyu and left the hospital.

And Xiao Minyu ordered the personnel in the hospital to evacuate first, and the seriously ill patients and medical staff went directly to the intensive care unit, locked the door from the inside, and photographed a group of team members with energy guns to go in for protection.

The rest of the people stared at the operating room first, and then Xiao Minyu entered the monitoring room.

It is usually not allowed to open here. After all, there are many restrictions in the hospital, but after receiving the instructions from above, Xiao Minyu directly used the key to open the monitoring equipment, and only then did he see the situation in the operating room.

Not all the people in the operating room have mutated into zombies, but those who have not mutated into zombies have also become food for zombies.

Apart from the two wearing white medical uniforms, the most conspicuous one is not Li He, the director of the Earth Alliance Security Agency who is wandering around in the form of a zombie, nor is it the thin little zombie hanging from the surgical instrument, but the one lying on the ground. Li Jiao, who was also turned into a zombie, was scratching her stomach on the operating table.

After just one glance, Xiao Minyu's expression became more serious, and he quickly took out the internal communicator, and Xiao Minyu directly dialed the communication communicator of Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base.

As the contactor was connected, Xiao Minyu said to Liao Hui in a serious tone: "Commander Liao, I feel that this matter is a bit special. I'm afraid the special operations team can't do it alone."

(End of this chapter)

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