Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 387 Reunited Between Samples

Chapter 387 Reunited Between Samples
It was already past nine o'clock in the morning, and Murphy and Wu Jiajia in Jingang City had just woken up.

"Sister, are you sleeping well?" Wu Jiajia looked at Murphy and asked, it was obvious that Wu Jiajia didn't sleep well, and her face was a little haggard.

"What's wrong with Jiajia? Are you uncomfortable?" Murphy looked at Wu Jiajia and handed Wu Jiajia a glass of water: "Drink first."

"Sister, the picture from last night kept appearing in my dream, and I was so scared to sleep." Wu Jiajia replied after taking a sip of water.

It was clear to Mo Fei after thinking about it. After all, Wu Jiajia was still young, so he would definitely be scared if he killed someone with his own hands yesterday.

"Jiajia, you can't think like this. You should think that he is the enemy who killed your father. If you don't kill him, he will kill you when he knows your existence. Just like my sister was known by him before, he also used various methods to kill him. The means to deal with me are the same."

At this moment, Murphy will not comfort Wu Jiajia not to be afraid, saying what kind of dreams those are, because this will be a knot in his heart, and only Wu Jiajia will not continue to be afraid if he really wants to understand.

Wu Jiajia nodded: "Sister, I know, I just couldn't get used to it for a while. I also had nightmares when I killed the zombies on the first day, and then I was fine."

Murphy patted Wu Jiajia's head: "Be brave, we will be able to return to the star base in a few days, and we don't have to worry about others harming us anymore, and we can live a more stable life."

Wu Jiajia's eyes were a little red when she heard the phrase "stable life". Her father had told her this sentence before. If it wasn't for Dr. Wan Qiang, she would still be able to live a stable life with her father as before.

But now it is no longer possible to want to live with Dad. Thinking about it this way, the guilt of killing Wan Qiang with his own hands disappeared.

Li Jiao, who had turned into a zombie, was desperately scratching her stomach.

Due to eating too much before, her body was so fat that she couldn't move at all, so although it was only a small move, the zombie Li Jiao seemed extremely difficult.

Xiao Minyu, who was watching in the monitoring room, couldn't understand such actions at all.

You must know that the zombies have no wisdom after the first mutation, even if the viscera in the stomach leaks out, they don't even notice it, so how could they behave so strangely.

There was also the thin little zombie standing on the instrument like a little monkey, staring intently at the zombie Li Jiao picking up her belly, which made Xiao Minyu very curious about what was in Li Jiao's belly.

But no matter what, such behavior is too abnormal, so Xiao Minyu decided to ask for support and asked the command center to send someone from the research institute.

Not long after, Lin Yixun brought the research team over. Hearing these unusual zombies, Lin Yixun's first reaction was: C5 zombies.

Because only C5 zombies are about the same size as ordinary C zombies, but their intelligence is almost the same as that of humans.

Thinking of this, Lin Yixun and the others rushed to the hospital in the Star Soul Circle as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the situation?" Lin Yixun went straight to the monitoring room as soon as he arrived.

"Look for yourself, I don't understand either, I just think the actions of these two zombies are too strange." Xiao Minyu said, pointing at Li Jiao, who had mutated into a zombie, and another little zombie on the screen with his hands.

Lin Yixun looked over, and saw the huge body of the zombie Li Jiao struggling to hold her belly, while another small zombie squatted aside.

Lin Yixun frowned: "It's really strange, the two mutated doctors and Director Li He are normal C zombies, but Li Jiao and that little zombie who mutated into zombies are too unbelievable. The ones look a lot like C5 zombies."

"I'm not sure. I heard that the little zombie ran out this time and killed many people, and caused many doctors and patients to mutate into zombies. If it wasn't for the people from the mecha team who just came to visit Captain Lei to control it in time. Otherwise, the spread will definitely be wider." Xiao Minyu roughly told Lin Yixun about the situation.

"Oh, then these zombies were imprisoned by members of the Mecha Team?" Lin Yixun thought things through despite his young age.

"That's right, I'm afraid you need to ask the first member of the Mech Team to find out the details, and adjust the monitoring in the corridor, which is usually not turned off, and one more thing, Lu Guang from the Mecha Team said before, That little zombie moved very nimbly, they missed with the energy gun at all, so they had to force the little zombie to retreat, otherwise the little zombie would have died long ago."

Xiao Minyu slowly added that he didn't want accidents when the talents from the research institute came.

"I understand. I will have people prepare anesthetic drugs to deal with C5 zombies. It just happened to be tested on that C5 zombie recently. I will increase the concentration of the drug in a while, and your people will wear gas masks for a while. Only slow down the movement of the zombies, and you help our research institute catch them."

Lin Yixun was good at dispensing medicine, but if he really wanted to catch those zombies, he still had to rely on the special operations team.

Xiao Minyu didn't refuse either. It was originally because the zombies were special that the people from the research institute were invited to participate. If it was an ordinary zombie, he would have ordered people to attack directly.

After the two discussed it, Xiao Minyu took someone to prepare a gas mask, while Lin Yixun and his assistant began to prepare super-concentrated anesthetics.

Under the guidance of a doctor, the anesthetic diffused in through the usually reserved air disinfection port.After a while, those zombies fell asleep.

But even so, Li Jiao, who had mutated into a zombie, still had diarrhea from time to time, but unfortunately she couldn't exert any strength.

Seeing that the zombies were all sluggish, Xiao Minyu led someone to open the door of the operating room, and immediately caught all the zombies.

The two doctors and Director Li He were directly asked to deal with them because they were just ordinary C zombies, but Director Li He's body had to be carried out for final confirmation.

Lin Yixun brought the other two strange zombies back to the research room and placed them in the other two sample rooms adjacent to the C5 zombie Gu Huaiyuan.

Only after returning back did Lin Yixun know what Li Jiao, who had mutated into a zombie, was dragging. It turned out that Li Jiao still had a small zombie in her stomach.

Separated the two little zombies separately, Lin Yixun looked at the sample room: "It's really unpredictable. Li Jiao and Gu Huaiyuan, who were arrogant and arrogant at the beginning, and now with the addition of two children, are actually among the zombies in the Star Base Research Institute. It's kind of ironic that the samples are reunited."

But this is just to say that Lin Yixun would not have the slightest sympathy for the rare living samples of zombies, not to mention that she didn't have a good impression of these two people before.

Afterwards, Lin Yixun sent people to invite Lu Guang from the Mecha Team, and the doctors and nurses who knew the situation from the hospital, and finally called out the surveillance cameras in the corridor, only then did he know what happened that day.

It turned out that Li Jiao suddenly showed signs of giving birth, so she was sent to the hospital in the Star Soul Circle overnight.

However, for some reason, Li Jiao, who was originally fine, unexpectedly developed abnormal symptoms during childbirth.

And because Li Jiao ate too much before, her body was severely deformed, and it was very difficult to perform surgery, so the doctor quickly notified Li He to let him decide which one to keep.

Li He didn't like Gu Huaiyuan in the first place, but Li Jiao insisted on making Li He compromise, now he can only keep one, and Li He wants to keep his daughter Li Jiao without even thinking about it.

However, just as the doctor followed Li He's advice to help Li Jiao and ordered the nurse to prepare for first aid, Li Jiao, who had been in a coma for a long time, woke up unexpectedly.

After waking up, Li Jiao said that she wanted to keep the child. The doctor was a little embarrassed and planned to discuss it with Li He again.

Unexpectedly, just as the doctor walked away, Li Jiao on the operating table screamed desperately, and then a small hand stretched out from inside.

The nurse on the side thought the baby had been born naturally, so she put on gloves and went to help, but just as she stretched out her hand, she was caught by that little hand.

The nurse backed away in panic, but her little hand was tightly clutching the nurse's arm and refused to let go, so she was dragged out.

At the same time, Li Jiao's aura gradually weakened, but no one could pay attention to Li Jiao at this moment, because the nurse had already been bitten to death by the little zombie dragged out.

The little zombie jumped towards another deputy attending doctor before the nurse fell down.

The rest of the nurses ran out of the door in panic, just bumping into the doctor who just went out.

The doctor who was discussing with Li He outside heard the screams and hurried back, but was blocked by the nurses at the door and pushed the nurses in.

Li He also heard Li Jiao's voice, and couldn't help but follow him in. After the little zombie bit a few people directly, he ran out of the operating room because the door of the operating room was not closed.

Afterwards, everyone knows what happened without looking at it. The little zombies used their flexibility to bite a few doctors and patients first, and then the mutated zombies of doctors and patients infected others, so the situation spread like this open.

As for the little zombies, Lin Yixun extracted the cell analysis results from the little zombies, both of those two little zombies directly carried the C4 zombie gene in their bodies, that is to say, these two little zombies were directly C4 zombies when they grew up. It may even further evolve into C5 zombies, no wonder they are born with intelligence.

As for Li Jiao who mutated into a zombie, it probably has something to do with these two little zombies staying in her body for a long time, so although Li Jiao has a C zombie physique, she still retains her wisdom. Pull out the other little zombie that is still in the stomach.

After the situation was clarified, Lin Yixun formally studied the special zombies of this family. Perhaps because of their blood relationship, these two little zombies were very quiet every time they saw the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie.

During this period, the people who went to Dr. Wan Qiang to discuss the new C5 zombie also found Dr. Wan Qiang who had mutated into a zombie.

Because there was no trace of being attacked, everyone agreed that Dr. Wan Qiang committed suicide because of the strike of suspension.

Only one person understood that this was not the case, but said nothing.

After about a week like this, Murphy estimated that the time was almost up, and then brought Wu Jiajia back to the star base.

I don't know whether Murphy is too good at rushing or the star base has been unlucky recently. When Murphy approached the star base, he was told that a group of zombies was found in the distance, and the base personnel quickly entered the city.

(End of this chapter)

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