Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 388 The Opposite Neighbor

Chapter 388 The Opposite Neighbor

Mo Fei looked at Wu Jiajia with a smile on his face: "Jiajia, do you think we are lucky or too much trouble?"

Yes, the first time the two of them came together, they encountered zombies attacking the city. That time they helped the two of them successfully enter the star base.

I didn't expect that when I wanted to come in openly for the second time, I encountered zombies attacking the city again.

When did zombie siege become so common?

"Sister, the two of us must be lucky, so no one will notice us when we come in!" Wu Jiajia replied with winking eyes at Murphy.

"Yes, it's better to keep a low profile. Let's go in first. You should also have an ID card, right?" Murphy looked at Wu Jiajia and asked.

"Yes, it's just Wu Jiajia's ID card, is it all right?"

"You were originally Wu Jiajia. At first, I just felt that with Dr. Wan Qiang around, it would not be safe for you to come back directly. Now I am not afraid, you will always be Wu Jiajia."

Since the two of them didn't need to apply for ID cards again, Murphy took Wu Jiajia to the house management place. She had been staying at Xiao Minyu's house before, and later lived at Lei Sen's house for a while, but Mo Fei didn't plan to come back this time. go.

"Jiajia, can you use your ID card to rent a house?" Wu Jiajia is not very impressive in the Star Base, otherwise Dr. Wan Qiang would not have seen Wu Jiajia.

But Murphy is different. Murphy is quite famous in Star Base, but it doesn't seem to have a good reputation.

Wu Jiajia is young and has a lot of eyes. He understood what it meant when he heard Mo Fei's request: "Sister, why don't you go in at all, wait for me outside, and I can handle it myself."

"Then I'll give you some ink crystals." Mo Fei patted Wu Jiajia's head, and was very satisfied with Wu Jiajia's sensible performance.

"No need, even if the amount in Jiajia's ID card doesn't increase from now on, it will definitely be enough for me and my sister to use comfortably for more than a year." Wu Jiajia took out her ID card from her arms and shook it. shaken.

Murphy is not surprised. Since Wu Chen wants to make Wu Jiajia live a stable life, it is impossible for Wu Chen to be with Wu Jiajia all the time, so Wu Jiajia needs to be independent in many things. This is one of the reasons why Wu Jiajia is more capable than Murphy imagined at such a young age. .

And if Wu Jiajia wants to live alone, money is essential, so Wu Chen will definitely prepare it for Wu Jiajia.

Mo Jing is inconvenient, even if there is not too much preparation, but the identity card is different, even if Wu Chen is gone, the money in Wu Jiajia's identity card should be enough for Wu Jiajia to use.

So now that Wu Jiajia said that there would be so much money in her identity card, Murphy was not surprised at all.

Wu Jiajia should be conservative, and if Wu Jiajia uses it himself and saves a little bit, it will not be a problem to use it for a few years just for food and lodging.At that time, Wu Jiajia will also grow up, and she can earn meritorious service points by herself. It is even said that the end of the world is over, and Wu Jiajia can live an ordinary life.

Thinking that although Wu Chen had done so many things in the past, he was able to educate Wu Jiajia well and arrange life for Wu Jiajia in advance, Murphy thought of his parents.

It wasn't for the huge sum of money left by his parents for Mo Fei, how could Mo Fei grow up without worrying about food and clothing.

Now that Dr. Wan Qiang has been eliminated, Wu Chen is dead, and there is one more person that Murphy wants to settle with.

Murphy squinted his eyes, then nodded to Wu Jiajia, drove the car aside and sat in the car to wait for Wu Jiajia.

After a while, Wu Jiajia completed the formalities, and then Murphy looked for the house according to the house number.

"Fei... Feifei? Oh my god, am I dazzled?" Murphy just stopped the car when a voice sounded from behind in surprise.

When Mo Fei turned around, he saw Zhu Zhu looking at him in surprise, and then regained his composure and rushed towards Mur Fei.

"Hahaha, it's really Feifei, Feifei, we miss you so much." Zhu Zhu hugged Mofei and laughed.

"Zhu Zhu, why are you here?" Murphy was also very happy to meet Zhu Zhu and the others here.

"We moved, the team expanded, we vacated the previous house for the new players, and we rented a better one." Zhu Zhu said and pointed upstairs: "We will live in this building."

"Oh? Coincidentally, I also live in this building now." Murphy replied with a smile.

"Really? Okay, we're going to be neighbors." Zhu Zhu shouted loudly.

"Well, then I'll move things first, what number do you live in? I'll visit you at night."

"We live in 501, what about you, Feifei?"

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? We live across the street, we seem to live in 502." Murphy looked at Wu Jiajia, who seemed to mean 502 just now.

Wu Jiajia looked at Murphy and nodded quickly: "Yes sister, we will live in room 502."

"Wow, that's great. We are neighbors. I'm so happy. I'll tell Nana and Lily." Zhu Zhu clapped her hands happily.

"Let's not talk about it, I'll bring food over there in the evening, so I can do whatever I want, give them a surprise, I'll be there around six o'clock, remember to open the door for me!" Mo Fei hurriedly grabbed Zhu Zhu.

"Yes, give the two of them a surprise, then I'll go back first, and I'll pretend not to know." Zhu Zhu covered her mouth and snickered.

After making an appointment, Murphy and Wu Jiajia moved the things up with Zhu Zhu's help.

After Zhu Zhu helped Mo Fei move the things back home, she endured the unbearable pain all the time, so she dragged Zhen Shunli and said, "Lily, I heard some movement from the opposite side, it seems that someone has moved in, and I don't know who will move across from us. "

"Really? We've finally moved here. Why don't we go and see what kind of person they are, and maybe we can help each other in the future." When Zhen Shunli heard that a new neighbor had moved in, she immediately became full of energy. Responding to Zhu Zhu.

"You two just like to join in the fun, whoever he is, as long as he doesn't bother us." Li Suna, as the most sensible person among them, looked at the two friends whose eyes were about to shine, and kindly poured a basin of cold water on them .

"Oh, Nana, don't say that. What if the neighbors are easy to get along with? In the last days, it's just more friends and more paths." Zhen Shunli retorted in disagreement.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhu quickly echoed: "That's right, maybe the neighbors are easy to get along with."

"Okay, but I must be very busy because I just moved today. It'll be another day." Li Suna expected that the freshness of the two of them would last for a while, so she just went along, just delaying the time.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow, and we can help clean up."

"I think we should give something away. It's not good to go empty-handed."

With Li Suna's approval, Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli went to the side to discuss. Li Suna looked at the two children-like friends and kept shaking their heads: When will these two grow up!

Let alone Zhu Zhu and the others, let's talk about Murphy and Wu Jiajia.

The two of them didn't prepare anything for the time being, they just moved back some simple things from the house they stayed at before.

Because Murphy's car was also very eye-catching, Murphy deliberately found a pickup truck that could transport some simple items.

Bringing things up, there is not much to organize with just two people, not to mention that most of Murphy's items are in the storage amulet.

After tidying up a bit, Murphy led Wu Jiajia out to buy groceries.It was agreed that I would go to Zhu Zhu and the others in the evening, so I couldn't go there empty-handed.

After shopping, the two of them went straight to where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, arm in arm and carrying the vegetables.

Murphy knocked on the door, and it was Zhu Zhu who had made an appointment to open the door.

Smiling at Zhu Zhu, Zhu Zhu opened the door and let Murphy and Wu Jiajia into the room.

"Zhuzhu, who's here?" Li Suna didn't leave the house, she only shouted in the room.The ones who can come to them at this time are the new players.

Zhu Zhu didn't answer, and took Murphy and Wu Jiajia all the way to the door of the house.

Pushing open the door, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli were both there, but they were sitting in different positions.

Sensing someone, Li Suna was about to scold Zhu Zhu, because it was hot, she and Zhen Shunli both wore very little clothes, only Zhu Zhu said that it was not hot today, and her clothes were neatly dressed.

When Li Suna saw Murphy, she also shouted excitedly: "It's Feifei."

"Feifei?" Zhen Shunli also turned her head, and when she saw that it was Mo Fei, she rushed over regardless of how little she was wearing.

"Haha, I brought some vegetables to eat." Because it was inconvenient for Mo Fei to carry things, he could only let a few friends circle him.

"Really, who would care about your food! I'll cook, so you sit down quickly." Li Suna put on a silk nightdress for herself, and took out the food from Mo Fei's hand.

Li Suna went out, Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli came around and asked Murphy how he was doing before.

"Wait a minute, let me introduce you to someone." Murphy pulled Wu Jiajia out from behind: "This is Jiajia, Wu Jiajia, and I will live with me from now on. Jiajia, this is Sister Zhuzhu, and this is Sister Lily , it was Sister Nana who went to cook just now."

Wu Jiajia obediently shouted at several people.

"Feifei, who is this kid?" Zhu Zhu knew Murphy best since they were in school, so he didn't hesitate to ask directly.

"It's the child of my father's old friend. I met halfway. Her parents were both killed, so she followed me from now on." Murphy replied lightly.

"Oh, it's so pitiful, so small. It's okay, Jiajia, we will be your relatives from now on." Zhen Shunli liked children at first, and when she heard Wu Jiajia being so pitiful, she pulled Wu Jiajia to talk.

Unexpectedly, the two of them spoke a lot in common. Wu Jiajia gradually got used to the few people, and began to talk more.

"Stop talking, prepare to eat." Li Suna's voice came from the kitchen, and when they heard that it was time to eat, several people rushed to help.

But just as he sat down to eat, there was a loud knock on the door.

Li Suna looked at everyone: "Our house is really lively today, but I don't know who it is."

Standing up, Li Suna went to open the door, and Liang Tang rushed in from the outside.Because he was still at the door, Liang Tang hadn't seen Mo Fei yet, but an eager voice came in: "Quick, put away all the valuables, we are going to leave."

 Today is the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!Chuangshi has launched a top-up rebate activity again. At this time, top-up is more cost-effective, and you can read more books and spend less money!I wish you all a happy reading and a happy Chinese New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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