Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 389 Escape

Chapter 389 Escape
"What's going on?" Li Suna asked Liang Tang, not knowing why.

Liang Tang has been training newly recruited personnel recently. He originally said that he had a big task for two days, and he would train the team members to cooperate with him tonight, so he agreed not to come back tonight. He didn’t say anything about his sudden return, but he also said something inexplicable Li Suna didn't know what happened for a while.

"Don't ask so many questions. I'll explain to you later. Go and pack your things now. I've already driven the car downstairs. I'll get down and get in the car." After Liang Tang finished speaking, he pulled Li Suna: "Go, go back to the house." , let's tidy up."

"Talk to Zhu Zhu and the others first." Li Suna took Liang Tang back to the restaurant and wanted to inform Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli.At this time, Liang Tang unexpectedly discovered that Murphy was there, but Murphy had disappeared for a long time.

"Murphy? It's great that you're here. You're here too. Go home and pack your things, and come with us later." Liang Tang said directly to Murphy without a lot of pleasantries.

"What happened? You don't make it clear that everyone has no idea, so they don't know what to bring and what not to bring." Murphy was relatively calm, and he could tell that something big had happened, and there were no outsiders here. , so Murphy asked directly.

"It's a big accident at the star base. The star base is about to be destroyed. Let's pack it up quickly and run away when we can." Liang Tang looked at Mo Fei, then looked at Li Suna and the others who looked puzzled, and then replied.

"What? The star base is going to be destroyed? How could it be? How solid the star base is!" Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli shouted in surprise.

When Liang Tang said this, Murphy thought of the zombie attack outside when she and Wu Jiajia entered the city just now.

"Are there a lot of giant zombies attacking the city this time?" Murphy asked quickly.

Liang Tang was taken aback. He didn't expect Mo Fei to ask so calmly and quickly replied: "There are not many giant zombies, but one side of the wall was destroyed during the zombie attack, and it hasn't been repaired yet."

"If the number is not large, didn't the people from the mecha team come out to deal with it? There shouldn't be a problem with the mecha team and heavy weapons!" Murphy still knew about this, so he asked curiously.

"Murphy, haven't you been at the star base recently?" Liang Tang only knew that the last time Mo Fei left, and later Mo Fei lived in the jurisdiction of Star Heart Circle, which is Xiao Minyu's place, and there was no news after that.

So they didn't know whether Murphy was at the star base, so they asked only after hearing what Murphy said.

Mo Fei felt that there was nothing to hide about this matter, and nodded: "Yes, I just came back today. The house was rented by sister Jiajia. I didn't expect to move to the opposite side of your house, so I came here for dinner."

"Oh, no wonder I said why Zhu Zhu kept mentioning moving people from the opposite side today, you have met before!" Li Suna only understood what was going on at this moment, and she didn't ask in detail just now.

Liang Tang didn't answer Li Suna's words, and nodded towards Mo Fei: "So you just came back today, no wonder you don't know that the mecha team suffered serious damage when the zombies attacked the city last time, and most of the mechas are still under repair. factory, and I heard that the captain of the mecha team was also seriously injured. There is another big event, I heard that the hospital in the star base was attacked by zombies a few mornings ago, and many patients died."

Liang Tang met a doctor on the road before, and after bringing the doctor to the star base, the doctor entered the hospital in the star and soul circle, and the doctor revealed these things to him.

"What? Leisen is injured? How serious is it?" Murphy suddenly became nervous. Last time she clearly saw how hard the Mecha Team members were resisting, but she didn't help. Now that Leisen is injured, neither can he. Know how serious it is.In fact, Murphy still believed in Lei Sen in his heart, so many things before were not in vain, but because of Wu Chen's words before he died, Murphy was more careful.

"I don't know about this, but now the city walls of the star base can't withstand giant zombies, and all members of the mecha team can't fight. Now there are a lot of giant zombies gathered outside the damaged city wall, and the few remaining ones can The mechas on the mission can't resist at all. So the star base is almost over, don't talk so much, pack up and go." Liang Tang told everyone what he knew, and repeated what he just said, urging everyone to hurry up. Click to leave.

At this moment, Zhu Zhu patted Mo Fei on the shoulder: "Feifei, go and tidy up with Jia Jia, let's get out of here quickly." After speaking, Zhu Zhu also rushed into the room.

"Sister, do we want to go back and pack our things?" Wu Jiajia asked Murphy with a glance.

"Well, go back and clean up." Murphy dragged Wu Jiajia back to the opposite residence. Fortunately, many things were moved in today and hadn't been opened yet, so the speed of cleaning up was much faster than Zhu Zhu and the others.

After putting away their things, Murphy and Wu Jiajia went downstairs. There was a car parked downstairs, which was driven by Liang Tang.

"Jiajia, wait for me in the car. I'll go upstairs to help." Murphy drove the car over and asked Wu Jiajia to sit down.

Wu Jiajia also wanted to help, but Wu Jiajia was also self-aware. He knew that his little arms and legs would not cause trouble, so he sat quietly in the car and waited for Murphy.

After Mo Fei went upstairs, he helped Zhu Zhu collect things. Zhu Zhu had always liked all kinds of small things, so Zhu Zhu always had the most things.

After helping Zhu Zhu put away his things, he went downstairs with big bags and small bags.

Because Liang Tang only drove one car, and there was no room for his things, Zhu Zhu stuffed his things into Murphy's car, and then sat in Murphy's car as well.

The car started and followed Liang Tang's car forward.

At this moment, a loud "bang" broke the silence.

The dust was flying in the distance, and it seemed that the leaky city wall had finally collapsed under the weight.

Falling down a city wall is not just a matter of one side of the city wall.

The four walls interact with each other, and the collapse of one wall means that the load-bearing capacity of the other walls is also greatly reduced.

Just when people were panicking because the city wall fell, a silver-white light flew from the sky.

"It's Silver Wing." Someone yelled, and then everyone watched Silver Wing fly towards the collapsed city wall, and both feet landed on the ground to block the gap.

The people below couldn't help cheering, and Murphy also heaved a sigh of relief. The silver wings came, and the giant zombies outside should not rush in.

However, what surprised people was that Silver Wing was pushed back without resisting for too long.

The zombie that destroyed the city wall crashed in along the collapsed position.

"It's over, the star base is over." The exclamation reminded others, and many people who had stopped because of Silver Wing frantically drove towards the city gate again.

The giant zombie that crashed into the base kicked towards Silver Wing, and Silver Wing quickly turned around to avoid it, but the bone tail of the giant zombie had already stabbed it.

Zhu Zhu shook her head: "It seems that the silver wing is dead. I heard that the silver wing was also seriously damaged. Otherwise, it wouldn't hurt the people inside. I guess it won't last long."

Murphy's face paled, and the car that had restarted stopped again.

"Feifei, hurry up, Liang Tang and the others' cars are rushing ahead." Seeing that Murphy's car stopped again, Zhu Zhu hurriedly urged.

Mo Fei turned to look at Zhu Zhu: "Zhuzhu, you drive my car and take Jiajia out first, and I'll come find you later."

"Where are you going, Feifei?" Seeing this, Zhu Zhu stretched out his hand to grab Murphy, but Murphy was faster and jumped out of the car.

"Feifei..." Zhu Zhu called Mo Fei again, but Mo Fei had already rushed out.

"Sister Zhuzhu, let's drive. My sister will be fine. She will come to us later." Compared to Zhu Zhu, Wu Jiajia was calmer.

Zhu Zhu couldn't help blushing when she was persuaded by such a child, she touched her head and changed to the cab.

As the car started, Zhu Zhu and Wu Jiajia accelerated and caught up with Liang Tang and the others.It's just that at this moment, many people were relieved and ran out, so the door was tightly blocked.

After Murphy ran out, he activated the speed talisman, rushed to the corner at the fastest speed, and directly summoned the golden mech.

Because at this moment Mo Fei had already seen that the Silver Wing was at a disadvantage, and the giant mech was about to attack the vital part of the Silver Wing, which was the control cabin.

Regardless of whether he will be questioned or not, Murphy flew out directly, and the giant ax in his hand suddenly blocked the front of Silver Wing, abruptly blocking the attack of the giant zombie.

People were stunned. This is the first time Murphy has shown mechas in front of the public. Before that, he only helped out when the mecha team was fighting, and most of the time he used them in places where no one was around. Mech combat.

At this time, Lei Sen's condition in the Silver Wing was really not very good. The Silver Wing went through overtime repairs, but it was not back to its best condition.

However, some of the other mechas were more seriously damaged, and even the main part of the most serious mecha was completely damaged, and it could not be repaired within half a year.

At such a critical moment, Silver Wing could still act, so he could only send Silver Wing to fight.

Leisen rehabilitated the wound yesterday and fixed the wound. Originally, Leisen could not play, but after trying several people, they could not fully control the Silver Wing. In the end, Leisen still drove the Silver Wing to fight at Leisen's insistence.

It's just that Lei Sen was one step too late. When Silver Wing arrived, the city wall of the star base had already been broken.

There is no way, there is no barrier, and I can only bite the bullet. At this time, there is no other way.

It's just that this giant C3 zombie seems to have a faint tendency to evolve into a giant armored C4 zombie. It's not so easy to stop this time, and Lei Sen, who was already injured, was involved in the wound because of too much movement.

Accidentally, Lei Sen's mecha was pushed back, before the next attack was ready, the giant zombie's attack rushed down.

Lei Sen sighed, but he couldn't hide after all, and found that his clothes had been stained red by the blood from the re-opened wound. Lei Sen frowned, as if he had reached his limit, and he really shouldn't push himself out.

Readjust the mecha, even if it is dead, pull this zombie up.

But just when Lei Sen had already conceived the idea of ​​perishing with the giant zombie, the attack was stopped by a huge axe.

(End of this chapter)

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