Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 390 Getting Attention

Chapter 390 Getting Attention
When Murphy was running towards the corner, he noticed that the giant zombie seemed to have the upper hand.

Unable to think too much, Murphy directly activated the speed talisman, and ran towards a slightly hidden place like the wind.

Although it would be questioned after flying out of the corner like this, it was better than summoning the mecha in full view.

Murphy, who ran to the corner, quickly summoned the mech, because the tail of the giant C3 zombie was about to fall.

Like a flash of golden light, Murphy activated the Speed ​​Talisman and quickly arrived at Silver Wing and the giant C3 zombie.

During the movement, Murphy had already chosen his weapon, and the moment he landed, the battle ax caught the attacking bone tail.

The giant C3 zombie found that its attack was blocked, and its anger was transferred to Murphy.

Lei Sen, who originally thought that he would die this time, felt a surge of excitement when he saw the person coming, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

When Murphy came, Leisen knew that the Star Base would not be destroyed.

The people in the car who were about to flee for their lives suddenly saw a golden mech suddenly appearing, descending from the sky like a god. The original commotion seemed to be enchanted for a moment, and they all watched this scene quietly.

Sitting in the car, Wu Jiajia and Zhu Zhu also saw this scene. Wu Jiajia covered his mouth with both hands, and almost shouted out in surprise just now.

In her memory, Murphy hid the mecha somewhere, but what happened to its sudden appearance?

But Wu Jiajia didn't dare to say that since my sister didn't reveal it, she probably didn't want too many people to know, and it would be bad if she said it to ruin Murphy's plan.

So no matter how many doubts and curiosity Wu Jiajia had now, he still didn't say a word.

"Wow, what a beautiful mecha, do we still have such a mecha in Longguo? I've never seen it before!" Zhu Zhu on the side didn't know that the person in the mecha was Murphy, so he didn't shy away from it at all. shouted out.

Seeing that Wu Jiajia didn't speak but just covered his mouth with his hands, he thought the child was surprised and didn't care too much.

Murphy first blocked the giant c3 zombie's bone tail attack with the giant axe, and then the ax cut down, directly cutting off a part of the giant c3 zombie's bone tail.

The giant C3 zombie was very angry, waving its giant arms and bumping towards Murphy.

Mo Fei dodged lightly, only to find that Silver Wing was still in that position.

It was only at this time that Murphy was truly sure that Leisen was seriously injured, otherwise with Leisen's operating skills, he would have already left the danger zone by this time.

Now that he has made a move, Murphy will help to the end.Murphy, who dodged the C3 zombie attack, jumped to Leisen's Silver Wing and reached out to pull Silver Wing.

If Leisen can't take advantage of the opportunity at this moment, he will be the captain of the Mecha Team. Even though the pain from his body made Leisen faint, he still gritted his teeth and quickly manipulated the control lever of the Silver Wing. .

Seeing that the silver wings were moving, Murphy leaned closer and whispered, "Find a safe place, and use heavy-duty laser bombs to attack the vital points at the right time."

After only one sentence, before Leisen could reply, Murphy fought with the C3 zombie again.

This is not the time to show off, Lei Sen obediently controlled Silver Wing to a slightly safer position, adjusted the heavy laser bombs, and just waited for the time to come.

However, even if he only did such a small thing, Lei Sen still struggled a bit. He wanted to adjust his sitting posture but found that even his coat was stained with blood.

With a wry smile, Lei Sen had no choice but to maintain his original posture and dare not move any more, otherwise he would lose the ability to use laser bombs in a while.

Although he couldn't help him now, Leisen didn't want to drag Mo Fei down.

The golden mecha is very fast, and within a few rounds of fighting with the C3 zombie, it hit the vital parts of the C3 zombie several times.

This C3 zombie was indeed, as Lei Sen had judged before, a zombie that was fast evolving and punished into a giant armored C4. If it was an ordinary C3 zombie, it would have been killed by Murphy's golden mech long ago.

However, Murphy is not afraid of the real giant armored C4 zombies, how could he be afraid of a C4 zombie that is about to evolve into a C3 zombie?
The zombie who had been hacked several times soon had a big wound on the head. Leisen is also a person who can find the right time. Although the wounded action is not so flexible, he still found the right position quickly, and the laser cannon was fired suddenly. , caught the C3 zombie by surprise, and was pierced through the wound and penetrated the head.

The huge C3 zombie shook and fell to the ground.

Murphy didn't stop, and ran towards the gap in the city wall.

When she was fighting the C3 zombie just now, the huge body of the C3 zombie blocked the gap, and other zombies couldn't get in for a while, but they started hitting the wall in turn, and the gap in the wall was getting bigger and bigger.

So after quickly eliminating the C3 zombie, Murphy ran out from the gap.

Lei Sen switched to an ordinary laser gun and shot a few shots at the wound of the C3 zombie on the ground. After confirming that the C3 zombie was dead, he moved to the gap to help.

And the members of the mecha team outside had seen this golden mecha before, and now they saw the golden mecha coming out to help, they all cheered, they knew the golden mecha's ability.

With the help of Murphy, the members of the mecha team who were still able to fight really felt a lot easier. Lei Sen was unable to move, so he put a cold gun in the gap of the collapsed wall, and the team cooperated very tacitly.

Since there were not as many giant zombies this time as before, with the help of Murphy, the turmoil was quickly calmed down.

Murphy saw that the giant zombies were almost dealt with, and the rest were some ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies. Murphy ran a few steps forward and was about to fly.

Regardless of the injury on his body, Lei Sen directly controlled Silver Wing to chase after him. Murphy felt the person behind him stop quickly.

"Feifei, where are you going?" Lei Sen asked from inside the mech.

"You're crazy, aren't you injured? Hurry up and get medical treatment." Although he helped Lei Sen, what Wu Chen said before his death still made Mo Fei a little concerned.

"Come back to the base early! By the way, Dr. Wan Qiang died. I heard that he committed suicide. Later, he mutated into a zombie and was found by the research institute and dealt with it." Lei Sen did not return as Murphy said, but Open your mouth and say.

"Really? It's a pity that I couldn't kill him with my own hands." Murphy replied lightly.

"Fly away and drive back." Lei Sen's voice was very soft at the moment, and he really couldn't hold on anymore.

"Well, you go back to heal your injuries first!" Murphy knew that he would stick to it. Lei Sen who was injured inside didn't know what would happen, so he complied first.

Lei Sen probably really reached the limit, the mecha suddenly lost power and fell down.

"Lei Sen" Murphy flew down to catch it. After thinking about it, he reluctantly sent Lei Sen's silver wings to the ground, and then flew away again without saying a word.

Realizing that Lei Sen might be in a coma, members of the mecha team quickly surrounded him, and two and a half flying mechas quickly dragged the silver wings and flew back to the base.

Afterwards, how Leisen was taken off the Silver Wing and how Murphy was treated was unknown, but the people in the star base burst into cheers.

The people who were about to leave spontaneously returned to their homes. Only Zhu Zhu asked anxiously, "Where did Fei Fei go?" Just now when Mo Fei rushed out, Zhu Zhu thought that Mo Fei had gone to the bathroom, but he didn't expect to come back after such a long time .

"Sister may come back later, it's okay, let's go home first." Wu Jiajia saw Murphy's golden mech flying away, and knew that Murphy was not injured and it was nothing serious. He should be avoiding others and would definitely come back later , so Wu Jiajia replied with certainty.

"Jiajia, did Feifei tell you?" Zhu Zhu didn't understand why Wu Jiajia was so sure, and asked with her head tilted.

"Yes, my sister said something happened, she will come to me later, let me follow sister Zhuzhu first." Wu Jiajia replied quickly.

"Oh, that's it, then Feifei should be able to find us when we go back, let's go!" Zhu Zhu didn't think too much, because she didn't like to think about complicated issues.

Wu Jiajia just followed Zhu Zhu back to the residence, unexpectedly Murphy was waiting for everyone at the door.

"Sister." Wu Jiajia jumped out of the car as soon as she saw Murphy.

"Haha, Feifei, you came back faster than us!" Zhu Zhu got out of the car and saw that Murphy was intact, so he didn't even care where Murphy went just now.

"I remembered that I forgot something, and it turned out that people were rushing back, and I didn't go at all. I just waited for you to come back here." Murphy replied seemingly casually.

"Yeah, a golden mecha rushed out just now and beat those giant zombies to pieces. I was so excited. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful mecha. Is it the secret weapon of our star base! That mecha is amazing."

Zhu Zhu said to Mo Fei excitedly: "It's a pity, you didn't see it just now, that mecha is really beautiful."

"Okay, Zhuzhu, hurry up and go upstairs, we have so many things, if you talk about it, you won't be able to collect it until midnight." Li Suna stopped Zhu Zhu from continuing to talk in a timely manner.

Zhu Zhu scratched her head in embarrassment: "Didn't I just tell Feifei, I got it, I'll come right away." After speaking, he picked up his things and walked upstairs.

Seeing Zhu Zhu go upstairs, Mo Fei patted Wu Jiajia's head: "Let's move things upstairs too!"

Wu Jiajia didn't ask any more questions, but just followed Murphy upstairs with his things.

Everyone in the entire star base is talking about the golden mecha while moving things, and everyone is very curious about the origin of this golden mecha.

The people in the command center also received a video at this moment, which clearly showed the battle process of the golden mecha.

"It's so strong. It's much stronger than our mecha in terms of defense and attack power, but where did this mecha come from?"

Because the golden mecha flew over at such a fast speed, no one noticed where the mecha came from.

"Check, we must find out this golden mech. It will be helpful to the security of the base and the future evolution of our mecha. I will tell you to find out who the owner of the mecha is!" The commander-in-chief of the base directly issued the task after watching the video.

(End of this chapter)

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