Chapter 394 Pig-like teammates
Either Murphy was crazy or they were crazy.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to think that they are crazy, so they all think that Murphy's idea is too crazy.

This mountain road is not narrow and not steep, but the cliff is really high.

They felt dizzy after glancing at the side, but Murphy actually let them go down from here.

But the seriousness on Murphy's face didn't seem like a joke. Everyone thought that Murphy was too crazy.

However, there is really no other way if you don't go down here, and the group can't help but worry.

"Why don't we send people out first, go around here and see if we can enter the mountain from the other side." Qu Yingluo thought for a while and suggested.

"The method Yingluo said is good. We will divide it into two parts, one part goes from the other side, and the other part goes up the mountain behind. Maybe the mountain part is connected." Others also echoed.

Sun Qiaofeng did not speak the whole time, but glanced at Murphy with a relaxed face from time to time.

The last few people had several opinions, and Sun Qiaofeng finally said, "Murphy, is there any basis for you to leave here?"

Murphy didn't expect that Sun Qiaofeng would actually accept his opinion, but he replied truthfully: "This picture gives the answer."

After speaking, Murphy pointed to several paths.

"This entire map is based on the entire layout of the Dragon Kingdom. That is to say, no matter who obtains this map from anywhere, they can find it. But after arriving here, it is gone, that is to say, from other places. The location can’t be reached at all.” Murphy pointed out the route on the map to everyone.

Sun Qiaofeng nodded to show that Murphy's statement was reasonable, but it didn't mean he fully agreed with it: "Even so, how can you be sure you can get there from here?"

Originally, Sun Qiaofeng thought that Murphy would give some profound answer, but unexpectedly, Murphy answered him directly: It's because you can see the other side from here, and you can get to the opposite mountain from here.

The others rolled their eyes. Murphy really couldn't tell whether she was too simple or too direct, and that was the reason.

After hearing Murphy's reasons, everyone no longer considered Murphy's opinion and started discussing with each other.

Mo Fei touched her nose. She really didn't lie. This road is a shortcut specially reserved for the descendants of the talisman. If you understand the talismans, you will not be able to pass.

It is clearly written on the picture that only descendants of the runes can reach it.

Mo Fei didn't understand what it meant when he saw this line of words at the beginning, but he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence until here. Those who really don't understand the talisman will not be able to reach their destination.

But Mo Fei was not in a hurry. When the place arrived, he raised his own opinion. Whether they accepted it or not had nothing to do with Mo Fei. Anyway, Mo Fei came for the runes on the map.

The members of Team Spark were discussing seriously, while Murphy was sitting on the side poking the dirt on the ground.

After a while, the result came out. Some people went around to the outer circle to find the way, some walked from the mountain here to see if they could find the connecting position, and some people used climbing tools to try to climb from the cliff. Go down and see if you can go to the end, and if you can't, climb up again.

After such a discussion, Mo Fei naturally chose to walk along the mountain road with Li Lin and his party.

Murphy naturally knows what is the shortcut for her, but Murphy also knows that she can't show this in front of others, so Murphy can only follow the people up the mountain and look for opportunities to fly over.

Li Lin led the team towards the nearby mountain, while Murphy followed behind, looking around from time to time.

In fact, this mountain is also a bit special. Murphy is now in the fifth stage of the mind training period, which is the last stage of the state of mind integration, so Murphy's sense of the surroundings has also been greatly improved. unusual.

But I couldn't tell the difference, and Murphy could only be vigilant and couldn't remind anyone, because no one would believe him, and he would only think that Murphy was suspicious.

Walking all the way to the mountains like this, Murphy felt more and more something was wrong.

But the road was unimpeded, and nothing was encountered, and the members of the Spark team gradually lost their initial vigilance.

After a detour, the mountain ahead was getting higher and higher, and there was a feeling of lack of oxygen. The team members couldn't climb anymore, and they either squatted or stood and stopped to rest.

Looking into the distance, Mo Fei saw a cloud of white mist covering the top of the mountain, just like a fairyland.

But no matter how he looked at it, Mo Fei felt that the fairyland-like place was actually more like a huge trap.

"Li Lin, let's not go any further. I always think there is something wrong with that cloud of white mist." Mo Fei pulled Li Lin, because this team was led by Li Lin.

Unexpectedly, Li Lin laughed instead: "Feifei, you haven't climbed a mountain, have you? There will be fog in the foggy mountainous area, don't worry, and look at how beautiful the white fog is, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Lin walked forward as if to prove it, and stretched out her hand towards the white mist.

At this moment, a green light flashed in the white mist.Mo Fei was always on guard against the white mist, so he quickly realized something was wrong and pulled Li Lin aside, but Li Lin didn't stand firm and rolled down the hillside.

Murphy didn't have time to pull Li Lin, the spear in his hand had already reached his chest.

The other members of the firework team who came with Li Lin saw this, two of them looked for Li Lin, and the others ran to Murphy.

"Be careful, you can't see anything with white mist blocking your vision." Murphy reminded several team members in a low voice.

These team members were specially selected by the Spark team before they set out on a mission, so each of them has rich experience and their nerves are tense.

However, before the target was found, screams were heard at the end of the team, and then a person struggled a few times with blood on his face and died.

"Hit his head, don't let him turn into a zombie." Murphy said hastily.It was unlucky enough for a team member to die, and now they don't even know what the murderer is. If the dead team members mutate into zombies, their situation will be even worse.

The members of Team Spark also understood this truth. Regardless of the emotions among teammates, they gave the dead player a head shot first to prevent him from mutating before standing up again.

However, there was no movement after a long stalemate, and Murphy couldn't help frowning.If that thing doesn't attack, it won't dare to go forward. If it encounters a large number of enemies and its vision is not good, there is no chance of winning at all.

Although Murphy can already walk in the fog without any problems, others cannot.

Just as he was thinking, another scream sounded from the hillside.

As soon as Mo Fei heard it, he knew that these were the two people who had just gone to find Li Lin. It was broken, and the thing had diverted its target and went down the hill.

Murphy put away the spear and ran down. Unexpectedly, there was another scream from the end of the team.

Only now did Murphy realize that they were surrounded by more than one thing, and after losing a few players, they didn't even see what that thing was.

"Help." When Murphy paused slightly due to the attack from the tail of the team, he heard Li Lin shouting below.

Murphy hurriedly slid down the hillside and saw a cloud of white mist approaching Li Lin.

Without much hesitation, Murphy threw the spear in his hand like a javelin.

Murphy's accuracy was still very good. He hit the white mist all of a sudden, and there was a strange cry in the white mist. Then he ran towards the big white mist, and there was a trail of bright red blood on the ground.

The bright red blood means it is a living thing. Although the blood of some zombies has just mutated and is not completely dry, the blood that comes out is also dark red or black. The blood of this thing is bright red, which means it is a living thing.

Probably some kind of mutant beast, Mo Fei thought quickly, but his hands didn't stop. He picked up the bloody spear and pulled Li Lin up at the same time: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's a good thing you came early." Li Lin looked scared. She was good at speed, but she couldn't really attack face to face, but she just recovered from a fall, and she didn't have time to run.

It's just that the two team members who came to rescue her had already been bitten to death.

Murphy didn't have that much sympathy to use, so he pierced the heads of two team members with a spear. Otherwise, they might mutate into zombies, which would only increase the danger to other team members.

"Can you get up? Shall we continue to move forward?" After all, Li Lin was leading the team, and Murphy asked Li Lin.

"Let's go back first, we're sure we won't be able to make it through here." Li Lin sprained her foot a bit at the moment. Although the impact on walking is not too big, but if she continues to move forward, it may have a big impact when she runs for her life.

Murphy nodded. The white mist in front of him was not small. If all the zombies were hidden in it, then they really weren't enough to look down upon.

With Li Lin's words, the Spark team ran back to where they came up from before.

But those white mist didn't seem to intend to let them go, and soon there was another sneak attack at the end of the team.

After dealing with another player, Murphy let the others go first. Murphy intercepted as much as possible with a long gun at the end of the team.

It's just that, in response to a sentence: I would rather face a god-like opponent than a pig-like teammate.

Murphy originally asked the people in front to leave quickly after the break at the back, but some pig-like man felt so sympathetic, but he insisted on running over to help.

In the end, he was too busy to help, but instead dragged Murphy who was attacking down the mountain.

"Feifei." Li Lin was about to cry. This is where Mo Fei's fighting power is the highest. Otherwise, Mo Fei wanted to team up with her, and Qu Yingluo agreed even though he was not happy.

But I didn't expect that Murphy was not killed by the monster, but was dragged down by his teammates.

He hurriedly sent people down to look for it, but Murphy couldn't find it, but the cloud of white mist chased after him.

Li Lin had no choice but to leave the mountain quickly with other teammates, and ran back along the original road.

Besides, Mo Fei, when he was pulled down, Mo Fei could actually get away, but thinking that she was worried that she would not have the chance to act alone, she slid down the slope.

When they got below, the man still held onto Mo Fei tightly.

Although when he came down, because of this man as a meat pad, Murphy saved many bumps on his body, but he didn't have the slightest patience for such a useless man.

Seeing the man's timid and frightened expression like a little daughter-in-law, Murphy knocked the man unconscious with a knife in his hand, and then activated the flying talisman to fly to the position behind the white mist.

When the man woke up again, he found that Murphy was gone, and he was left alone. He thought that Murphy was eaten by a monster, and he wanted to save his own life. The man who survived the catastrophe happily ran down the mountain, waiting to see him When Li Lin arrived, he reported the news that Murphy had been eaten by monsters.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fei would be eaten by the monster. After Li Lin heard the news, she became angry with the man who dragged Mo Fei down. She ordered the man to go and find Mo Fei's body.

When the man was about to set off again with a mournful face, he accidentally drew down a cloud of white mist, causing three team members to sacrifice, and Sun Qiaofeng directly burned him to death. This is a later story.

Besides, Murphy, at this moment, Murphy has passed through the white mist and arrived at another mountain peak.

(End of this chapter)

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