Chapter 395
This mountain is actually higher than the previous ones, but it doesn't feel cloudy and foggy, and you can see everything below very clearly.

Mo Fei glanced back at another mountain peak, the white mist was still squatting there, it seemed that it should be impossible to get through.

Murphy, who was relieved, was now in the mood to check the terrain. Although he had analyzed it before, this map should be viewed from above.

You know, Murphy estimated that the picture itself was drawn using flying symbols, so the most correct point must be found from above.

At this time, Qu Yingluo led the people out of this mountain area. Her route was to go to the other side, but after going out, there was no road that seemed to lead to another mountain. This mountain seemed like an isolated island. There is nothing around, only to fly over.

After Qu Yingluo had been around for two days, she returned to the place disappointed with the news, only to hear the news that Murphy was eaten by a monster.

"Okay, it's okay now! Anyone who can guide the way was killed by that idiot. How can we get there now? We should have found the base and asked for a plane to come over if we knew it earlier!" Qu Yingluo looked angry.

"Why do you think the Star Base sets the mission rewards so high? I think there must have been aircrafts coming to this place before, but they couldn't. In fact, I've been thinking about what Murphy said. Maybe it's correct to go down from here." Sun Qiaofeng stopped Qu Yingluo's excitement, and pointed towards the bottomless cliff.

"But Captain, we have tried various means these past two days, but we have not been able to reach the bottom. We really have nowhere to go now." Li Lin has been here to help Sun Qiaofeng try to go down since that day, but failed. success.

"Think about it again, if it really doesn't work, we can only give up." Sun Qiaofeng was also a little troubled, it was impossible to pass here.

"By the way, what is the nearest city here? Most cities have airports. Let's get a plane to come over." Qu Yingluo rolled her eyes and thought of a good idea.

"That's a way. Aren't there a few in the team who can fly a plane? Take two of them to fly back." Sun Qiaofeng seemed to have found a breakthrough, and nodded in agreement.

While the members of Team Spark were busy with this matter, Murphy had already reached the opposite target mountain.

However, getting here is not so easy to find the correct entrance, because the mountain is much bigger than it looks from the outside.

Fortunately, Mo Fei had a storage talisman, so he wouldn't be able to freeze or go hungry in the mountains, otherwise it would be easy to get in, but it would be difficult to find the entrance alive.

After eating something, Murphy took out the sketch she had drawn.

Ever since he separated from Team Spark that day, Murphy flew over from another mountain peak.The first thing Murphy did after landing was to draw the map he had memorized in his mind.

Murphy searched slowly along the mountains and forests during the day, and explored in the dark at night, so as to prevent the Sparks outside from finding her.

It's just that this forest has probably been placed for an unknown how long after the map was drawn, and some of the previous marks have already been covered by lush leaves.

"It seems to be here, so there should be no mistake." While thinking about it, Mo Fei took out a pack of instant noodles from the storage amulet.

This forest is so strange, let's not talk about it because it is an independent location without wild animals, but Murphy has never encountered a bird or even a bug.

There are strange things everywhere, but fortunately, Murphy doesn't care too much about them. At least he has already arrived here, so he can have enough time to study.

After eating the bread, Murphy drank some water and continued walking in the direction he had determined.

There is no road here, and there are dense plants on both sides, as if no one or beast has ever reached the place, which makes it more difficult for Murphy to move forward.

But it can't fly, there are at least some gaps below, and the gap between the tree crowns above is so small that they are connected together, and they can't be distinguished from each other at all.You can't go beyond the canopy, because although it is far away from the place where the Spark team stayed, it is only because there is a gap between them, but you can still find it with a lookout.

In order to avoid trouble, Murphy still felt that he had better not use the flying talisman carelessly.

After another long detour, Mo Fei was a little tired. She has been here for the past two days, almost non-stop except for sleeping. Even if she eats, she often eats while walking, but she still hasn't found a place yet.

Taking a look at the sky, Mo Fei estimated that there was no hope of finding the target location again today, so he simply stopped to inflate the one-button tent, and lit a fire to cook by himself.

I picked up some branches, but there is nothing else here except that there are a lot of branches.Murphy was going to cook something for himself to eat. Usually at night, Murphy would cook some hot food to warm up his body.Although it's hot outside, it doesn't seem to be affected here. The temperature is moderate during the day, and it's even a little cold at night.

If it weren't for the lack of suitable places to live here, it would be nice to use this place as a summer resort.

After the branches were piled up, Murphy used the igniter to blow fire at the pile of branches.But after spraying for a full 5 minutes, those branches did not ignite.

You should know that the flame of the igniter is very sufficient. If it is normal, it may take less than half a minute to ignite the branch.

"What's the matter? The branch got wet?" Mo Fei felt a little strange, and reached out to pick up the branch on the ground.Not only did these branches not burn, they didn't even increase the temperature at all.

The branch was folded in two by hand. The branch was not damp, it was dry, and it looked like it should be easy to ignite.

"It's strange, try again." Murphy muttered and lit again, but such a dry branch still didn't ignite.

Is there something wrong with your own igniter?Surprised, Mo Fei took out something that he didn't use very much from the storage talisman, and sprayed it with the igniter. Within two seconds, the flame ignited.

If my igniter is fine, it means that the problem is with these branches.

"Could it be some kind of tree that isn't afraid of fire?" Mo Fei picked up the branches and looked carefully. They were of the same type as the branches he picked up in front of him yesterday. Those branches could be ignited, so there's no reason why these branches couldn't be ignited?

Since the fire cannot be started, there is no way to cook hot meals. Although there are many things in the storage talisman of Murphy, many of them are useful things. It is too wasteful to use them to start a fire. With the remaining packed meals, Mo Fei simply took out a plate and devoured it to solve his hunger problem.

Since there were no branches, the fire couldn't be lit, and Mo Fei didn't want to stay in the cold woods any longer, so he set up his tent and got in.

It was very cold tonight. Although Mo Fei felt that the night here was very cold a few days ago, it was a different world from the outside, but it was still acceptable.

But today, I don't know if it was because of the psychological reasons that the fire was not lit. Murphy always felt that the night was extremely cold today.

After tugging at his clothes, Murphy finally sat up.

Even though he was covered with a quilt, it was still very cold, so he simply crossed his legs and did a good job. He hadn't practiced Qi for a long time, anyway, it was so cold that he couldn't sleep, so Murphy simply sat up and practiced Qi.

The breath circulated in the body, and Murphy gradually felt his body warmed up a lot, as if after a long-distance run, his whole body was invigorated. The only difference was that he wouldn't be sweating profusely because of it.

Feeling his body warmed up, Murphy let go of his hands and feet, and the surrounding breath rushed towards Murphy's body as Murphy relaxed.

Suddenly, Murphy felt a powerful force, which was definitely not inferior to the energy after stepping on the mountain and reborn, even stronger than that energy, so strong that Murphy couldn't bear it.

It was already unbearable to restrain his breath any longer, so Murphy could only use his consciousness to resist desperately, hoping to slowly weaken this force.

What Murphy didn't expect again was that this force not only didn't weaken, but even faintly and overwhelmingly invaded Murphy's body.

How could this be?Murphy's heart trembled, she didn't know how to deal with it.In my mind, I quickly recalled the book on Qi training that I found at the foot of the mountain.

A piece of useful information was suddenly remembered by Mo Fei: It is recorded in that book that there are many hidden energies in the world. Once this energy is stimulated because of the similar energy frequency, it is best to absorb it. Resist tenaciously, this will only damage the body and mind, try to calm down to find the law, let your breath move forward with the energy, repeat this until the body no longer feels oppressed.

Murphy had never encountered such a situation before, but now she encountered exactly this situation.

Murphy didn't think any more, and quickly adjusted his breathing to adapt to the law of this energy, and then gradually relaxed himself, allowing himself to drift with this energy, like a boat in the sea.

I don't know how long it took, but Murphy was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to move his eyelids. Only then did he feel that his body seemed to have adapted to the energy fluctuations.

Fighting to regain consciousness, after Murphy took all the breath for her own use, a wave of drowsiness swept over Murphy, causing her to fall asleep on the quilt.

I didn't know that I slept for a few days. When Mo Fei woke up, he felt extremely hungry, his lips were split, and his throat was dry and smoky.

He took out water from the storage amulet and took a sip of it. The water flowed down his throat to moisten it, finally relieving the dryness and pain in his throat.

Murphy raised his wrist to glance at the time, and couldn't help being surprised: five full days had passed since the night he rested.

After such a long time, the Spark team may have found a plane and flew over, so wouldn't their plan come to nothing?
Thinking of this, Murphy hurriedly got up, tidied his clothes and got out of the tent.

However, when Mo Fei got out of the tent, he frowned suspiciously: Is it night now?How can it be so dark?

(End of this chapter)

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