Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 396 Shimen

Chapter 396 Shimen
Raising the watch on his wrist again, Murphy took a careful look.

The time displayed on the watch is indeed [-]:[-] noon. If it's not that my watch is broken, then there is something wrong with the place I'm staying at now.

Murphy pulled out the light tube and turned it on, a beam of soft light instantly illuminated the surrounding scenery.

Looking up at the stars in the sky, Murphy couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Where are the stars above that, it is obviously a strange animal lying on it and twinkling.

Mo Fei had never seen this kind of animal before, but it seemed familiar. Seeing that the animals didn't move, and they didn't seem to be aggressive, Mo Fei temporarily calmed down and took a good look.

Where did you see it?Murphy searched hard in her memory. She was sure that she had never seen this kind of thing before, so she must have seen it in textbooks or extracurricular readings.

Murphy is studying ancient history. Although some extinct species are mentioned, they are generally more important. This thing looks like an insect, so it should not be seen in the textbook.

As for the extra-curricular readings... Mo Fei lowered his head and thought about it. At some point, a glowing insect suddenly flew down, drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air.

"By the way, I remembered." Mo Fei suddenly called softly: she remembered this insect, which disappeared a long time ago, called a firefly.

Fireflies are small beetles with light emitters at the end of their tails. Generally, the males have wings, while the females are larger and have no wings.

Because the light emitted by fireflies is cold light and has no temperature, it will not make people feel hot or dry.But I heard that this kind of insect disappeared a long time ago because of pollution and land development.

This was the first creature Murphy found after coming to this lonely mountain, and it was actually a creature that had disappeared for a long time.

Murphy remembered that it was introduced in the book that these fireflies ate meat when they were larvae, but after they transformed into adults, they only ate some dew or other juices. It seemed that they were not aggressive, so Murphy looked up more at ease. watching these fireflies.

I have to say, this firefly is really beautiful.Especially in this dark cave, groups of fireflies really look like stars.

Yes, inside the cave.After Mo Fei packed up the tent and walked forward for a long time, he finally judged his position.

This is a cave, but Mo Fei didn't know how he was in the cave.Could it be that during the period when I was asleep, someone moved me here with the tent?

It's just that Murphy has carefully checked the surroundings, and there is not a single footprint.If it is a person, it may be easy to clean it up, but obviously, if there is only one person, it is impossible to bring himself and the tent into this cave.

Although curious, Murphy didn't delve into it.Anyway, it's useless to pursue it now, it's better to think about how to get out first.

Call up the locator from the watch. Although the specific location cannot be found, at least the direction can be roughly understood.

"Huh?" Murphy couldn't help but make a noise after glancing at the position above.The location here is actually very close to the target she was looking for before.Regardless of whether it was here or not, Murphy decided to continue walking in the same direction.

Along the way, Murphy really didn't expect that there would be so many fireflies here, but the tops of the mountains here are of different heights.When the top of the mountain is too high, Murphy can only use a light tube to illuminate it, but at a lower position, those fireflies are a bright light.

Murphy felt as if he was walking through a brightly lit tunnel, and that dreamy feeling was unreal.

Moving forward like this, Mo Fei didn't know how far she had gone, only that she seemed to be getting closer to the target position.

After walking for a while, Murphy found that after arriving in this area, the fire still could not be ignited, and the compass began to spin without direction, and the direction could not be determined at all.

Mo Fei began to feel glad that he had entered this cave, because there was only one road here, and if he was in the woods above, he would probably have to detour a lot because of this.

It has been two days since she walked like this, and Murphy has already understood her situation. She fell under the forest, because when the roof of the cave was low, Murphy crossed the roof with a long gun and found that it was impossible to scratch at all. After careful study, I found that there are intertwined and intertwined tree roots lying on it.

Thinking back to the scene when he was fighting against that force, Mo Fei guessed that he must have fallen into the ground inexplicably, that's why the tent was so complete and there was no one around.

After taking a break, Murphy continued to walk forward for about an hour. At this time, the fireflies that accompanied her along the way finally disappeared, and at the end of the darkness, Murphy turned on the strong light of the light tube, and there was actually a door.

There was a circle of strange plants growing on the outer edge of the door. After looking at it for a long time, Mo Fei showed a smile on his face: "It's such a precious plant. This is something my father has been thinking about since he was alive, but his father never found it.

Mo Fei almost didn't jump up, and didn't bother to study what was behind the door. He quickly took out the digging tool from the storage amulet, and carefully dug the plants along the edge, even without damaging the surrounding soil too much. dug it down.

Taking out the storage bag from the storage amulet, Murphy put the plants in.Carefully dug a few plants and put them away separately.

This kind of plant grows very special, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a flower or a grass.The leaves below are very sparse, only two to three leaves, and one or two stems connected to the top are very clean and have no thorns, but if you look closely, there are some very fine and dense layers of fluff, and the top is as smooth as pearls but a little Translucent sphere.

Mo Fei remembered the name of this plant clearly, it was called Glazed Grass Bead.Mo Fei thinks its name is very appropriate, because the colors of this kind of grass beads are different, they are all light and slightly translucent colors, and when gathered together, they look like brilliant glass.

Before he knew it, Murphy collected a few more plants, at least two of each color.

Fortunately, this door is very big, otherwise the glazed grass beads here would have been collected by Mo Fei long ago.Murphy remembered what his father said before, no matter what he digs, don't kill it all, and always keep some to let it continue to grow and breed.

So Mo Fei stopped after receiving two copies of each color, and was about to study the door, but Mo Fei found a colorful glazed grass bead growing on the top of the door.

The gorgeous color gave Mo Fei an illusion for a moment, and he turned on the flying talisman and flew towards the glazed grass bead without thinking.

The moment Mo Fei touched the glass grass bead, the gorgeous glass grass bead fell into Murphy's hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye.And the door below slowly opened by itself.

This is a stone door that looks very heavy at first glance, but unexpectedly it opened automatically.

"Is this glazed grass bead a switch?" Mo Fei shook his hand, where one of the most beautiful glazed grass beads just disappeared, and now it feels a little cold to the touch, just like touching glass. The same as above, but with the eyes there is nothing.

Coming down from above, Murphy flew directly into the gate without turning off the flying talisman.

There were no fireflies inside the gate, and the surrounding area was pitch black. Murphy widened the range of the light tube to shine it around.

"Puff, puff, puff." After a few slight noises, the surrounding became brighter.It was only then that Mo Fei realized that there was a row of lights around, and under the lamps were pasted the flame talismans in the talisman, and those waiting were lit by these flame talismans.

"Could this be the target location?" Murphy looked at the talismans he was familiar with and couldn't help muttering to himself.Now seeing familiar things in strange places, there will always be some intimacy.

The lights were lit, and the road became clear. Murphy released the flying talisman and stepped on the road. Walking along the road, the lights will be automatically lit wherever he goes.

But this is not surprising to Murphy. The flame talisman is also introduced in her book of talismans, and it can be turned into an instant type with a little modification.

All the way forward, there is only one passage here and there is no choice, but when I reached the end of the road, I encountered a flashing door again.

There was nothing around this door, and Murphy began to hesitate how to open this door.

Feeling the door up and down, looking at the door that was several times cleaner than before, Murphy felt a little helpless.The door was clean and still not open.

If the previous door was opened unintentionally, then this door should also have some trick to open it.It's just that no matter what Murphy touched around, the door remained the same.

Mo Fei was also hungry after all this trouble, so he just sat down and ate.

However, since approaching here, there is no way to ignite the flame. Even if the flame talisman can be ignited here, it still cannot burn anything.

Because the flame talisman can't be used at all, the fire of the flame talisman is basically cold, that is to say, there can't be any temperature here.

Fortunately, Murphy's storage talisman kept warm. Many of the things he had prepared before came in handy, but he couldn't make a fire, and this place is underground. If it wasn't for Murphy's constant activities and prepared a lot of thick clothes to wear, he would definitely be wearing it now. Frost sick.

After eating, I glanced at the time, it was already night.Although it was impossible to distinguish day and night in this dark underground, Murphy still insisted on working and resting to save himself the discomfort when going out.

Simply put the tent in front of the door, Mo Fei spread the quilt and sat in the tent to practice Qi, and was going to sleep after practicing Qi.

After waking up this time, Murphy felt an unusual change in his body. Although his level seemed to be still at the fifth stage of the mind training period, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

So recently Mo Fei has been a little more diligent in practicing qi, and will always set aside some time to practice qi for three rounds before going to bed before resting.

But today, when Murphy's aura became active along his body, the cold atmosphere around him also became warm.

 The Chinese New Year is approaching, and Xiaoxiao is also a little busy. Today is even later, I am really sorry everyone
(End of this chapter)

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