Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 397 Wonderland

Chapter 397 Wonderland
Murphy was secretly surprised by the changes around him, but he didn't panic, because this feeling was different from what he felt when he was stepping on the mountain and falling into the ground.

Murphy didn't feel the slightest discomfort, nor did he feel surrounded by a lot of energy, but just blended in with his surroundings.

It was as if a drop of water had fallen into the sea, and it seemed that it had finally found the organization and the embrace of its loved ones.

At the beginning, Murphy only felt that his aura fell here and he couldn't find it, but as the aura in his body circulated, Murphy only felt that the aura around him gradually became active, and he seemed to welcome Murphy as a partner very much .

Afterwards, Murphy's aura was indistinguishable from the aura outside, and he felt as if he had integrated into a big family.

After a lap, Murphy had already merged with the surroundings.

After stopping his breath, Murphy didn't feel that he was pulling away from here, he just felt very comfortable in his body, completely gone from the cold feeling just now.

Walking out of the tent, Mo Fei always felt that there was a force pulling her to touch the obstacle in front of her. When Mo Fei stretched out her hand, her whole hand disappeared in front of the stone gate, as if there was nothing in front of her.

Withdrawing his hand again, the hand was still intact, and Murphy was relieved.

Turning around and putting the tent into the storage talisman, Mo Fei walked towards the stone door. Afterwards, the place turned into an empty hall, leaving only those burning lamps, but after Mo Fei disappeared for a while, those lights also disappeared. Automatically turned off.

Mo Fei felt as if he was in a dream, because after passing through that dark place, there was actually a green hill and green grass here.

Looking up, there was a clear blue sky above his head, surrounded by fragrant flowers and plants. Mo Fei could even smell the fragrance of flowers and plants when he twitched his nose.

Murphy glanced around, it didn't look like the lonely mountain she stayed in before, so she probably didn't go out, and the time indicated on the watch, it should be night outside, no matter what It might be such a bright time now.

He lowered his head and picked a flower, and the flower withered the moment Mo Fei picked it off, which meant that everything here couldn't be taken away, and it seemed to be a space supported by some kind of energy.

After turning on the flying talisman, Murphy flew directly into the air. Looking down from the sky, Murphy saw that there were only large areas of flowers and plants, and there seemed to be a special mirror-like lake far away.

Since the only difference was there, Murphy simply flew over there.

It looked very close here, but it took Murphy a long time to fly close to the mirror-like lake.

It wasn't until Mo Fei got to the side of the lake that he discovered that the circle around the lake was actually one by one with golden glittering runes.

"Quiet, An, Ning, Ping, what does this mean?" Murphy read out the golden words.

Thinking about it carefully, he probably read it in the wrong order, so Murphy took a closer look: it should be Tranquility and Anping.But why are these words flashing around the lake?What's so special about this lake?

After releasing the flying talisman, Murphy's feet fell to the ground, but when the feet fell, Murphy's face changed slightly.

Both feet seemed to be held by an invisible force, and Mo Fei couldn't move even if he tried to move.

And the light of the four flashing runes became stronger now, and the dazzling Murphy couldn't open his eyes.

what to do?Can't move.Murphy was a little anxious. His upper body was clearly unrestricted, but he couldn't move his feet even if he took a step.

Just when Mo Fei was troubled, his storage talisman trembled uncontrollably.However, the frequency of the vibration was very weak. If it wasn't for the storage talisman attached to his wrist, Mo Fei really wouldn't have known there was a vibration.

Murphy stretched his hand in strangely, but he didn't expect something to stick to Murphy's hand immediately.

After feeling it, Mo Fei retracted his hand curiously, only to realize that the thing stuck to his hand was actually a talisman.

The first thing the talisman flew out of the storage talisman was to break away from Murphy.Mo Fei reached out to grab it, but the talisman flew to the middle of the lake at an extremely fast speed.

"No way, Fulu, are you leaving me? I still haven't learned a lot." Mo Fei stared at Feiyuan's Fulu helplessly and murmured, but he regretted running to the place recklessly. Come here, now even the talismans are about to be lost.

But Mo Fei was very curious about what the talisman was going to do, so he fixed his eyes on the talisman.

The talisman flew to the middle of the lake, and the four surrounding golden runes all reflected light, and the light shrouded the talisman.

Mo Fei was surprised to find that the talisman did not sink into the lake, but was absorbing the golden light.

As the golden light gradually weakened, Murphy felt that his feet could move.

With this movement, Mo Fei immediately activated the flying talisman. She wanted to grab the talisman back and flew towards the center of the lake without thinking.

However, when Mo Fei reached out to grab the talisman, he felt his body sink. It seemed that the flying talisman had failed, and he fell into the center of the lake with the talisman.

The feeling of falling from the sky was very uncomfortable. Murphy closed his eyes nervously, only to hear a "boom", and Murphy fell into the lake.

Struggling to go upstream, Murphy found that he couldn't exert any strength below.Like a weight, Murphy kept sinking no matter how hard he struggled.

At first he could hold his breath, but in the end it was so uncomfortable that he couldn't hold it anymore. Murphy thought it was over for him, and he was about to drown.

Subconsciously breathing, he found that his breathing was unimpeded. Except that there was still water around him and it was still falling down, Murphy felt that he was completely the same as on land.

Being able to breathe meant that he couldn't die for the time being. Mo Fei held the talisman tightly in his hand and looked down.

I don't know what's below or how deep it is, because after falling for so long, Murphy still hasn't seen the bottom of the lake.

Even though he could see the land at the bottom of the lake from above, Mo Fei thought that the lake was not deep, but just kept falling like this, but Murphy found that she was still falling an hour later.

Fortunately, there is no difficulty in breathing due to the resistance of the water, and Mo Fei didn't think about it any more, and even let it fall slowly, she even dozed off a little.

It has to be said that Murphy's heart is very strong, and he can still fall asleep under such circumstances.

After another hour or not, Murphy finally saw a glimmer of hope, because it seemed that there was no longer chaos below, but some scenery could be vaguely seen.

Murphy cheered up, the time was coming soon, she had imagined countless possibilities just now, and now she was finally going to face it.

It's just that Mo Fei still didn't expect that Mo Fei stopped before falling to the bottom, and the scene below was not fixed, but constantly changing.

It was as if an all-round three-dimensional movie was shown here for Murphy, allowing Murphy to have a little understanding of this place.

This lake is actually not a real lake. This place is not the real world as Mophy thought, but a space supported by runes. This is why those flowers and plants will wither instantly after being picked, because they They are all illusions of rune energy, not real entities.

Of course, the only ones who can get here are the rune inheritors who own the talisman, because here is something to protect a special item. I just hope that the rune inheritor who owns the talisman can make good use of this thing and protect the talisman well, even after a long, long time There may also be more successors.

After this image disappeared, everything around Murphy gradually disappeared, and everything that was bright just now turned gray.

When he woke up again, Murphy was already standing on the lonely mountain shrouded in darkness, but he had one more thing besides the talisman in his hand.

Mo Fei doesn't know how to use this thing, but the video is sure that the successors of the runes of the talisman will understand it, so Murphy guesses that this kind of thing should be after he can learn some of the high-level talismans recorded in the talisman can only be used.

Anyway, this thing should be very important, and Murphy quickly put the talisman in his hand and that thing into the storage talisman.

Although the things I found in the end can't be used, the harvest this time is still not small.The energy that Murphy absorbed before and the integration with this rune environment later made Murphy always feel that there was a faint breakthrough in the realm of unity of mind and state.

"As long as I break through this layer again, maybe I'll know how to use those things." Murphy muttered, and looked up at the starry sky: "After all, I'm back to the real world, so I'd better go to bed early and go tomorrow morning." Find Team Spark."

Murphy put down the tent again with a mutter, then got in and fell asleep comfortably.

At this moment, the members of the Spark team are still far away from another mountain, and at this moment Qu Yingluo has also come back from the front. There is really no way to reach that lonely mountain, but before they drove the plane to come here It was found that the plane could not fly over here at all.

That canyon is very evil, as long as the plane flies over the top, you will feel that the instrument is not normal, and if you don't return quickly, you will fall down.

It was the same after several attempts. They suspected that there was some magnetic field that interfered with the flight instruments nearby. Because of the loss of two pilots, the rest did not dare to try again.

After a good night's sleep, Mo Fei woke up in good spirits. After eating a little something, he went around to the other side and flew back towards the next mountain.

After going around and around in the mountains many times, and scratching his clothes with the branches, he looked a bit embarrassed, and then ran towards the direction where Team Spark stayed before in satisfaction.

From a distance, Murphy saw Sun Qiaofeng, the leader of Team Spark with a black face, facing the lonely mountain and was silent. There should be some support staff left.

But they didn't expect that when Murphy came back from there, they hadn't arrived yet.

But then Mo Fei thought of the reason. He had to know that his compass couldn't be used when he was nearby, and he couldn't even light a fire in the mountains, and he couldn't even have heat. How could he allow such a mechanical thing to fly over.

After thinking it over, Murphy straightened his back and slid down the hillside.

(End of this chapter)

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