Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 398 Missing calculation

Chapter 398 Missing calculation
No one expected that Murphy would still be able to appear in front of the crowd alive. Although he was in a bit of a mess, he looked good.

"It's great that you're fine, Feifei. We were worried to death, but how did you escape? Where did you go before? We sent many people to look for you but they couldn't find you." Qu Yingluo and Li Lin saw Murphy They couldn't help but feel happy, knowing that they invited Mo Fei this time, and if anything happened, they would feel bad about it.

"At that time, I was chased by the white mist for a long time, and then I accidentally rolled down, and then I passed out. I got lost when I fell down, and I twisted my feet. I didn't start to find my way until I could move my feet. It's okay. I found something that can satisfy my hunger, and I was lucky to have a watch, so I came out and made you worry."

Murphy found a more reasonable explanation and replied.

"It's best if you don't have anything to do. By the way, Feifei, have you found a way to other mountains down there?" Qu Yingluo hurriedly asked.

Mo Fei shook his head and looked at Qu Yingluo: "I didn't see it, but haven't you guys gone there yet? I thought you guys went there long ago. Before I came back, I thought, if I come back and you all leave, I'll be miserable."

"No, we can't find a way to go there at all."

"You can fly there. Does no one know how to fly a plane? There should be airports in the surrounding cities, right?" Murphy couldn't help but question.

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Qu Yingluo showed a wry smile: "Why didn't I look for it, but the plane couldn't fly there at all, and we even sacrificed some team members. There is really no way."

It was only then that Murphy realized that his previous guess was correct, and indeed the plane couldn't fly over.

"A plane can't even fly through it? Then there's really no way. Such a wide place will definitely not be able to pass through manpower alone." Murphy seemed to sigh regretfully.

"Yes." Li Lin replied from the side, and then pulled Mo Fei to the side: "Fei Fei, take a good rest first, I will prepare some food for you, let's think about what to do, if there is no other way, just I can go back."

Murphy smiled at Li Lin. Compared with Qu Yingluo, Murphy actually liked Li Lin more, because when Qu Yingluo encountered things, she was more concerned about her interests, while Li Lin would pay attention to it. Little things.

It was like just coming back, although Qu Yingluo cared about Mo Fei, she would only ask Mo Fei about things, but she didn't remember that Mur Fei had just returned from a near-death, so would it be unbearable to stand like this for a long time.

Although Murphy actually didn't suffer at all, and even made his physique stronger, he always felt a little neglected in his heart.But Li Lin quietly pulled Mo Fei aside to rest, and prepared food for Mo Fei.

This was one of the reasons why Murphy chose to walk the mountain road with Li Lin. In fact, Murphy could leave as long as he found an opportunity, but the mountain itself felt problematic. Murphy felt that Li Lin's ability might be more dangerous.

Sure enough, Mo Fei guessed it right. He didn't expect that there were some strange mutated animals in that mountain.

What those animals were, in fact, Mo Fei already knew in his heart.In addition to the fight, Murphy also observed some when flying over the animals to another mountain peak.

It's just that Murphy didn't come to destroy the mutant beasts, and those animals didn't affect her too much. Even because of this, Murphy was able to stay in that lonely mountain for so many days without being suspected, so Murphy wouldn't be too concerned. complain.

Just as she was thinking about it, Li Lin had already taken a bowl of hot noodle soup: "Feifei, you haven't eaten well recently. Drink some hot noodle soup, which is good for digestion and warms up your body."

"Thank you." Mo Fei sincerely thanked Li Lin. Although he wasn't hungry on the Lonely Mountain recently, because he couldn't make a fire, Mo Fei basically had nothing but storage after having a hot soup on the periphery of the Lonely Mountain two days ago. For some of the warm meals in Fuli, he spends more time nibbling on biscuits and the like.

Holding the hot noodle soup, Mo Fei picked it up with chopsticks and began to eat slowly.

Li Lin smiled when she saw Murphy like this, and the uneasiness in her heart was finally at ease.At that time, when I took Mo Fei up the mountain, I really thought that Mo Fei was better and could help more, but when Mo Fei really disappeared, and he might even die because of it, Li Lin was actually a little uneasy these days.

"I'm full." Murphy said after finishing the last mouthful of soup.

Li Lin was taken aback when she saw that Mo Fei finished eating so quickly: "Feifei, you eat too fast, it's not easy to digest."

"It's okay, it's more comfortable to drink it while it's hot, and you'll eat it if you're not careful."

"Do you still eat? There are more."

"No need, where do you put the bowl?" Murphy stood up and walked forward with the empty bowl.

"Give it to me, just sit down for a while. By the way, Feifei, you have a lot of ideas, why don't you help us figure out how to get there." Li Lin quickly took Murphy's empty bowl.

"Don't think about it anymore, we decided to go back." Li Lin had just finished speaking when Qu Yingluo's voice broke in.

"What? The captain has decided?" Li Lin hurriedly looked at Qu Yingluo.If they go back now, it means that their operation has failed.

"I've tried all available methods. I can't even pass the plane here, so I have no choice but to go back." Qu Yingluo shrugged: "I can only collect more food and other things on the road and bring them back to make up for the loss. "

"Then shall we leave tomorrow?"

"Well, Team Sun has already notified everyone to pack up their things. This time, it's really too much. I didn't get anything and lost a lot of people." Qu Yingluo muttered.

Murphy paused suddenly, because she just remembered what Team Spark was looking for this time.According to the label, that thing is definitely not the one that Mo Fei took, that is to say, there is something else on the mountain.

Everyone was busy, and Murphy helped to pack, and soon everyone was almost packed, as long as they were ready to spend tonight, they would return tomorrow.

Since they will be going back tomorrow, everyone is a little gloomy at night.No wonder, manpower and material resources were spent, and in the end, many members were lost. In the end, nothing was found, and no one would be happy.

After everyone fell asleep at night, Murphy got up quietly, walked out of the tent on tiptoe, and then went around to the back mountain.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard footsteps. Mo Fei walked around behind a tree and looked out. Through the moonlight, Mo Fei saw Qu Yingluo walking towards him.

Without saying anything, Murphy squatted down behind the tree, but stood up with his pants in his hands.

When he came out from behind the tree, he happened to collide with Qu Yingluo, "Is it convenient for you to come out, Yingluo?" Mo Fei greeted Qu Yingluo relaxedly.

"Mm, um, yes." Qu Yingluo didn't seem to expect that Mo Fei would appear suddenly, so she responded quickly.

"Then you go, I'll go back to sleep first." Mo Fei waved his hand and slid down the hillside.

Qu Yingluo looked back at Murphy's back and blinked thoughtfully: Did she guess wrong?Murphy just came out to relieve him?
Gathering her mind, Qu Yingluo looked around. There were trees all around in the middle of the night. She felt a gust of cold wind blowing over her. She shivered and wrapped her clothes tightly and walked towards the tent.

Murphy didn't actually go back to the tent. At this time, she slid down the hillside where she could walk, turned around, and flew up from the roadless mountain beside her, directly onto a tree.

Seeing that Qu Yingluo went down immediately after seeing her leave, Mo Fei's eyes turned cold: Qu Yingluo didn't know why she followed her in the middle of the night, but she really couldn't let her know what she was going to do when she came out.

When Qu Yingluo returned to the tent, Murphy flew directly to the opposite lonely mountain under the cover of night.

Murphy, who fell down, recalled where she fell before. When she came out, she didn't search around at all. She wanted to leave as soon as she got the things, but Murphy completely forgot that the mission of Team Spark this time was not to go to such a magical place. , just to go to the lonely mountain.

Only the heirs of the runes can enter the things inside, but the peripheral ones, I am afraid that they can be found with similar runes.

So when Qu Yingluo and Li Lin finished talking about leaving tomorrow, Murphy was going to explore the lonely mountain at night.

Turning around on the lonely mountain, Murphy quickly determined the location when he came out before, and rushed directly towards that place.

After landing, Mo Fei remembered that he just looked around a little before, and left after making sure that he had returned to the lonely mountain from the ground. In fact, the surrounding area is different from other locations. The distribution of trees here is a bit strange, as if there is a The road leads to the depths of the dense forest.

But if you think about it carefully, this place itself is deep in the dense forest, how can it still be connected.

It seems reasonable, but when you think about it carefully, it doesn't make sense at all. This is the biggest doubt.Murphy walked along the pointed path without hesitation.

It was really different here, Murphy actually found a grave inside.

Well, it’s actually just a small dirt bag, and there’s no tombstone to prove it’s a tomb, but on this barren hill, with nothing around, it’s hard not to imagine this place as a tomb.

"Could it be something in this grave?" Mo Fei pouted, he didn't want her to dig it up, did he?In case it really is someone's grave, it would be shameful to just dig it up like this, but if it's not a grave, it's a place to bury things?
When he was so entangled, Mo Fei suddenly discovered that there was a corner of a bluestone exposed under the cover of the soil on the edge of the small earth bag that looked like a grave.

Along the corner of the bluestone, Mo Fei quickly took out a shovel and dug up the soil around the bluestone, only to find that there were runes written on the bluestone.

After careful comparison, these runes are actually some descriptions. This small soil bag is really a tomb, but it is not a tomb of a person, but a tomb built to commemorate something, and a rare treasure is buried inside.

Since it wasn't a human grave, and it was clearly introduced that it contained rare treasures, Mo Fei didn't hesitate to dig it up with a big shovel.

Murphy's speed was very fast, and the small soil bag was dug up in a short time. When Murphy's shovel poked something hard, Murphy threw the shovel aside, brushed the soil on it with his hands, and gradually revealed what was inside.

(End of this chapter)

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