Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 399 Let's make a deal

Chapter 399 Let's make a deal

Murphy thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that he would find such a thing here, which made Murphy unable to figure it out.

But if you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. Murphy is not polite. He directly put the things into the storage talisman, then covered the soil bag again, and after confirming that there are no more strange places around, Murphy flew away from the lonely mountain again.

After flying from the isolated mountain to the corresponding peak, Murphy's thoughts never stopped. She was very puzzled about the connection between this thing and the rune, and why it existed in the mountain bag in the rune area of ​​the isolated mountain.

Murphy faintly felt that he seemed to have touched something terrible, but the thought was fleeting, and Murphy couldn't get in touch with any special things for the time being.

Flying to the top of another mountain, Murphy followed the back and flew back to the mountain in front of the tent.Coming down from the mountain again, Mo Fei quickly got back into the tent and took a deep breath. This matter could not be resolved in a short while. It was already very late, so Mo Fei fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Murphy was woken up by Li Lin's calling. After seeing that it was still early, he opened the chain of the tent and saw Li Lin standing outside the tent serving him hot porridge. a smile.

"Thank you, Li Lin! But you can eat first, I'll wash up before I come back." Mo Fei smiled and walked out of the tent.

After washing up and having breakfast, the members of Team Spark had already boarded the car. Mo Fei dawdled for a while, and waited for Qu Yingluo and Li Lin to get in the car before getting in.

This time, Murphy was sitting next to Li Lin by the car window, with no expression on his face, just staring at the scenery outside.

Qu Yingluo glanced at Mo Fei over Li Lin, and couldn't help but say, "Fei Fei, when did you go back to the tent last night? I saw you go back to relieve yourself, thinking you were still awake and chatting with you, but you weren't there tent."

Mo Fei actually saw Qu Yingluo walking towards her tent, but she didn't come out. She wanted to go back early, but because she was on guard, she had already thought of her words.

Hearing Qu Yingluo's question now, Mo Fei showed an embarrassing expression: "Actually, I ate too much yesterday, maybe the food I ate recently was not clean, and I had a little diarrhea after eating yesterday, I think you are over there too It was convenient to change the place.”

"Hey, what's the matter, you said earlier, I have prepared medicine to prevent diarrhea, so why not be embarrassed." Qu Yingluo looked suddenly enlightened.

In fact, Qu Yingluo didn't believe it at all, because when Mo Fei saw her last night, she didn't look like a person with diarrhea at all. Instead, she left very calmly, and Qu Yingluo looked around after finding that Murphy was not in the tent. , No trace of Murphy was found at all.

But she didn't catch any clues, so Qu Yingluo had no choice but to agree, but she thought in her heart that she should go back and tell Bai Youyou sooner.

The car drove in the direction of the star base, and on the way back, Murphy followed them to collect some supplies and bring them back.

The northwest side is relatively desolate. Although there are a lot of people here, the distribution is relatively sparse, so the supplies here are relatively complete. Although nothing was found this time, transporting these supplies back can offset a lot. At least this time it came out without loss.

In this way, Sun Qiaofeng, the captain of the Spark team, softened a little.

From that mountainous area, I rushed all the way back, because it took some time to collect supplies, so it was already the sixth day when I returned to the star base.

This time, it took as little as a month. The first thing Murphy did when he came back was to go back and see Wu Jiajia.Seeing that Wu Jiajia is doing well with Zhu Zhu, and even his face is getting fatter, he is relieved.

The Spark team didn't let Mo Fei go for nothing, and distributed a lot of supplies to Mo Fei. Mo Fei deducted some from it and Wu Jiajia, and gave the rest to Zhu Zhu and the others.

"Feifei, this is too much, you and Jiajia can just use it." Li Suna saw it when she helped Mo Fei move things before, but now Mo Fei gave them more than half, just to help take care of Wu Jiajia, let alone Wu Jiajia She herself often used merit points to rush to buy things for them. Li Suna was not going to accept anything from Murphy, let alone gave so much.

"Jiajia and I are just two of us. There are so many of you. Hurry up, you can still make money in the future." Seeing Li Suna's refusal, Murphy hurriedly said.

"That can't charge so much."

"Sister Nana, just accept it, at worst, I'll have a few more meals." Wu Jiajia said with a smile on his face.

Murphy quickly gave Wu Jiajia a complimenting expression.

"That's enough, that's enough, we won't accept it politely from you." Murphy and Wu Jiajia's actions were not sneaky, of course Li Suna saw it, she didn't get entangled when she saw that the words had already been said, and simply accepted them down.

In the evening, Murphy and Wu Jiajia ate directly with Zhu Zhu and the others.

Just after returning home from the opposite side, the door rang. When Murphy went to open the door, he saw a strange man standing outside.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Murphy secretly became vigilant.

The man smiled slightly at Mo Fei: "Mur Fei, I'm looking for you, can we talk?"

Murphy froze for a moment. She really didn't know the man in front of her, but he could call her by name directly.

"Sister, who is it? Is Sister Lily looking for me?" Wu Jiajia who was inside the house came out from behind, but saw a stranger standing outside: "Sister, this is?"

"Jiajia, you go to the opposite side to play with Sister Lily, I want to talk to this uncle." Originally, Murphy wanted to drive the man away, but she was not used to dealing with strangers, not to mention that this man was a bit weird.

It's just that when Wu Jiajia was talking, the man held out a wooden sign in front of Murphy, and then put it away again.Murphy took a look before sending Wu Jiajia away.

Wu Jiajia looked at the man and then at Mo Fei. Although he didn't know why Murphy asked her to leave, Wu Jiajia knew that there must be something special about Murphy telling her to leave. As for this man, Wu Jiajia was very sure that Murphy The look in that person's eyes is strange.

A man he didn't know looked for Sister Murphy, but Sister Murphy told her to leave. Wu Jiajia walked out quickly and knocked on the door opposite.

Originally, Wu Jiajia wanted to open the door quickly so that he could see what was going on with Murphy, because in her opinion, Murphy might be in trouble.Unexpectedly, when Wu Jiajia went out, he turned around and entered the house, and the man followed him in, and the door was closed.

"Jiajia, did you forget something? Did you come to play with Lily?" When Wu Jiajia turned to look at the door of his room, Zhu Zhu opened the door and asked.

"Sister Zhuzhu, my sister is a bit strange." Wu Jiajia anxiously told Zhu Zhu what happened just now as soon as she entered the door.

"There is a strange man on the opposite side, and Feifei kicked you out?" Zhu Zhu regained his energy when he heard that, "Is he a very handsome man with slanted eyes?" Zhu Zhu was talking about Xiao Minyu , she still likes a man with that appearance.

"No." Wu Jiajia shook his head hastily.

"Isn't that also a very handsome man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and somewhat domineering?" This time it was Zhen Shunli who spoke, and she was referring to Lei Sen. Although she hadn't seen it up close, Zhen Shunli felt that such a man was called a man. .

Later, when I heard that Murphy knew Lei Sen, the captain of the mecha team, Zhen Shunli and Zhu Zhu had an argument about whether Lei Sen or Xiao Minyu was handsome.

Wu Jiajia still shook his head: "This uncle is good-looking, but he feels a little gloomy. I think it's scary." Wu Jiajia replied, recalling the look in the man's eyes just now, Wu Jiajia couldn't help but shiver slightly.

"Feifei knows so many handsome guys. I don't know who this is." Zhu Zhu was not too worried, but thought that Wu Jiajia was thinking too much.

"Sister Zhuzhu, why don't we go across to see how my sister is doing?" Wu Jiajia was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, Feifei is so good, it's fine, since you're here, go play with Lily!" Zhu Zhu patted Wu Jiajia's head, and then ran to eat the snacks that Mo Fei brought back this time.

Although Wu Jiajia was more thoughtful than ordinary children, children's moods always changed very quickly. Soon Wu Jiajia and Zhen Shunli played for a while, and when Zhen Shunli told Wu Jiajia how powerful Murphy was, she felt relieved.

However, there was indeed no danger on Murphy's side. Just now, Murphy let the man into the house because Murphy was sure that he would not be hurt, even though that man was special.

After entering the house, Murphy asked the man to sit on the stool in the living room, because there will not be any entertainment programs playing at the moment, so the general purpose of the living room is to eat. Murphy and Wu Jiajia just moved here and did not buy much furniture , or some items moved from the villa where I lived before, so there are only dining tables and chairs in the living room, and there is no sofa.

After letting the man sit down, Mo Fei symbolically poured a glass of water and put it on the table before asking, "Who the hell are you? What's your purpose in coming to me? Also, what happened to that wooden sign?" thing?"

Hearing Murphy's question, a strange smile appeared on the man's gloomy face: "Why don't you ask, why do I know you are still alive?"

"It's strange to know that I'm alive, but listening to you, you know that I've been 'dead'?" Murphy looked at the man more suspiciously now.

From the moment he saw this man, Mo Fei felt a little weird. If the man hadn't taken out the small wooden sign, she might not have let him in at all.

But he came in, he came in, and Murphy would not lose his vigilance towards the man just because of that wooden sign, and now he became more vigilant when he heard the man say such words again.

You know, apart from some internal personnel who knew that Murphy had been "burned to death" because of that fire, even Zhu Zhu and the others didn't know that Murphy was actually treated as death before.But it seems that this man knows.

Hearing Mo Fei's question, the man laughed even more strangely: "I know more than that, I can tell you everything else I know, but how about making a deal with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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