Chapter 400
In the command center of the star base, the main personnel of the Spark team, the captain Sun Qiaofeng, and the team members Qu Yingluo, Li Lin, and Zhang Lekun are all there.

The person sitting opposite the spark team is Chairman Zhan Yiran, the supreme leader of the country in Beijing, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

"So the mission failed this time?" Zhan resolutely sat there, but the aura emanating from his body faintly suppressed the members of the Spark team.

"Chairman Zhan, we really tried our best. Even the planes in the surrounding cities passed by, but we just couldn't cross the ditch like a natural moat. We even sacrificed a few team members and crashed together with the plane. "Sun Qiaofeng has a relatively strong immune system, and he took a deep breath before replying resolutely to Zhan.

"In any case, you all failed this mission. Well, I'm afraid you have to find another way to do this. Go back first!" Zhan resolutely withdrew his anger, and finally waved his hands at several people.

"Thank you, Chairman Zhan, for your understanding. Let's go back first." Sun Qiaofeng bowed slightly towards Zhan Yiran, and then left the command center with the members of the Spark team.

After the members of Team Spark left, Sun Qiaofeng sighed: "Is it really not possible? It seems that we still need to find the relevant person, but where are we going to find it?"

"Chairman, maybe he knows, you might as well get in touch." After the Spark team left, a person came out from the secret door and stood beside Zhan Yiran. Hearing Zhan Yiran's sigh, he couldn't help but speak.

Zhan resolutely nodded: "Alright, then you can handle this matter!"

"Okay Chairman Zhan." The man nodded in response, and Zhan resolutely got up.

At this moment, Murphy was sitting face to face with the man, and a series of questions were asked. The man didn't seem to be in a hurry, but instead revealed to Murphy that he knew more things.

"Since you know it so clearly, I want to hear what kind of deal it is?" Murphy felt that the man seemed unusual. At this moment, the initial shock had passed and he calmed down.

"It's actually very simple. Help me decipher something. This wooden sign can be given to you. I can tell you many other things." The man is very confident, and what he knows may surprise Mo Fei.

"I don't think there is anything else worth knowing." Although the man's tone was confident, Murphy didn't care.

"I knew you would say that. If you are confident that no one will find out that you killed Dr. Wan Qiang, then of course you have nothing more to know." The man paused, then pointed at the door: "Especially when Wu Chen's daughter Wu Jiajia is with you, it means that Wu Chen has already told you many things, but I know there is one thing you don't know."

Hearing the man talking about Dr. Wan Qiang and Wu Chen, Murphy's eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly suppressed it.But the man kept staring at Murphy, so naturally he didn't miss Murphy's expression.

"How? In fact, the transaction can't be too much, especially the thing that helps me interpret it. Maybe you can also use it. When you interpret it for me, you can see it. Isn't it good to kill two birds with one stone?"

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know this?" Murphy was even more curious about the man's origin.

"Me? My name is Bai Sirui." Bai Sirui curled his lips. He knew that Murphy would not die, so he sent people to investigate for a long time, and finally found Murphy's trace in Jingang City. It is very convenient for him to investigate as the head of the personnel management department of the base is also responsible for the preparations for the war.

"What's the matter with that wooden sign?" Murphy didn't dwell on Bai Sirui's answer to the question of who he was, and asked the next question directly.

Bai Sirui took out the wooden sign and put it on the table again, then asked Mo Fei, "Do you know this word?"

Murphy didn't answer directly, but instead looked at Bai Sirui: "Don't you know him?"

Bai Sirui smiled: "How could I know it? There are many talismans, but there is only one successor of the runes. In fact, I have long felt that you should be the successor of the runes, so I investigated you."

Bai Sirui spoke frankly to Murphy, but made Murphy wonder whether he should admit it or not.

After hesitating again and again, Murphy still asked, "Do you know about the successor of the runes?"

"Ever since I found out that your parents were killed when you were very young, I know that you must not know that you inherited the talisman after the end of the world, right?" Bai Sirui explained the key point.

No matter how strong Murphy's mentality is, he is only 17 years old after all. When Bai Sirui said this, he asked in surprise, "What do you know?"

"I said, I know a lot, how is it? This deal is not a loss, right?" Bai Sirui went around and finally returned to the original question.

Murphy thought for a while and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll make this deal with you, but what do you want to interpret?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer, and I will avenge some revenge for you, but it's inconvenient for you to stay here, I hope you can move to my house." Bai Sirui made another request.

"No, I can't go, I can't leave Wu Jiajia alone." Murphy quickly refused. In fact, Murphy was wary of Bai Sirui.

"Wu Jiajia, don't worry, she actually has an aunt in the Ya base. Wu Chen doesn't know that his sister is still alive and in the Ya base. I can send Wu Jiajia to her aunt. If you are still worried, you can ask Wu Jiajia first. I think it is better for children to live with their families." Bai Sirui seemed to have expected that Murphy would say this, and directly blocked Murphy's way out.

"Then ask Jiajia's opinion first."

"No problem. I'll give you three days to think about it. I believe in your character. I'll keep this wooden sign with you first. As for the purpose, I decided that you should understand it after you help me decipher it." Bai Sirui also He didn't make things difficult for Mo Fei. After pushing the wooden sign in front of Mo Fei, he got up and walked towards the door.

After seeing off Bai Sirui, Murphy walked to the opposite door, and soon Zhu Zhu and Wu Jiajia came to open the door for Murphy.

"Sister, are you okay? That uncle looked scary just now." Wu Jiajia asked quickly when he saw Murphy coming.

"Of course I'm fine. Jiajia, do you want to play for a while or go back?" Murphy looked at Wu Jiajia and asked.

"I'm going back, I'll help Sister Lili clean up later." Wu Jiajia hurriedly turned and entered the room.

"Feifei, who was it just now? I heard from Jiajia that he was a handsome uncle." Zhu Zhu's gossip started again. Seeing Wu Jiajia go in to clean up, he dragged Mo Fei and asked curiously.

"I don't know him either, but he seems to know me, and even my parents." Murphy didn't say much, just picked the non-emphasis.

"Oh, so that's the case. It's not a bad thing for him to come to you, right?"

"It's nothing. It seems to be some kind of management of the base. If you find that I'm here, come and have a look. After all, you've known each other before."

"So that's the case, that's good, that's great. It will be much more convenient to have someone in charge take care of it." Hearing that what Mo Fei said was all good things, Zhu Zhu felt relieved.

"Sister, I put it away, let's go home!" Wu Jiajia came out from the back room and shouted at Murphy.

"Well, we're going back, goodbye to Sister Zhuzhu."

"Goodbye, Sister Zhuzhu."


After leaving the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, they walked towards the opposite side. After returning home, Mo Fei pulled Wu Jiajia to sit at the table: "Jiajia, my sister wants to ask you something."

"What's the matter, sister?" Wu Jiajia stared at Murphy, she always felt that things didn't seem so simple today.

"Jiajia, do you have an aunt?"

"Sister, how do you know? I do have an aunt, who is my father's sister." Wu Jiajia looked at Murphy in surprise, she never mentioned it.

"If your aunt is still alive, would you like to live with your aunt?" Murphy asked after seeing that there was indeed such a thing.

"Yes, my aunt used to love me very much. My aunt was not married, so she loved me more than my mother. She used to buy me clothes and delicious food, and helped me with my homework. But before the end of the world, my aunt happened to be on a business trip. My father said that my aunt might have... "Wu Jiajia's little face cried and mourned.

Seeing Wu Jiajia's expression, Mo Fei knew that Wu Jiajia still loved her aunt very much, so he reached out and touched Wu Jiajia's head: "Jiajia, your aunt is still alive, she is now at the Ya base, if you want to live with your aunt, my sister will send you past."

"Really? Auntie is still alive? Really?" No matter how old he was, he would be so excited to hear that his relatives were still alive. The brilliance in Wu Jiajia's eyes was something Murphy had never seen before.

Mo Fei nodded heavily: "It's true, I only found out that she is still alive. If you are willing to go, my sister will send you there to reunite with my aunt."

"Ok, ok, aunt is still alive, that's great." Wu Jiajia almost jumped up.But after dancing for a while, Wu Jiajia's face gradually wrinkled into a ball again.

Seeing that Wu Jiajia's face kept changing, Murphy quickly asked, "What's the matter, Jiajia? Didn't you just feel happy to see your aunt?"

"Sister, Jiajia went to find my aunt, what about my sister? My sister has become a person again." Wu Jiajia looked at Murphy with reluctance in his eyes.

"Gourmet Jiajia, my sister is an adult, and I have a lot of things to do, and I can take care of myself. My sister also has friends!"

"Sister, I can't bear my sister, but Jiajia really misses my aunt." Wu Jiajia threw herself on Murphy and said with her arms around Murphy's neck.

"Don't worry, the cliff base is not far from the star base, and we will meet again in the future." Mo Fei comforted Wu Jiajia, a little girl who looked a bit like her before.

"Yeah." After that, Murphy chatted with Wu Jiajia for a long time, and helped Wu Jiajia pack her luggage.

"It's very late, go to bed early, and I have to say goodbye to Sister Lily and the others tomorrow." Murphy reached out and tapped Wu Jiajia's forehead.

But Wu Jiajia didn't move, she stood straight and looked at Murphy: "Sister, can Jiajia sleep with you tonight?"

 The night of New Year's Eve is always happy, the whole family reunite, eat and drink, but the daytime of New Year's Eve is still busy, don't forget that Xiaoxiao is still working hard to update when you are busy!
(End of this chapter)

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