Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 401 Revealed a Flaw

Chapter 401 Revealed a Flaw

Facing Wu Jiajia's request, Murphy naturally did not refute.

From the day he met Wu Jiajia to now, Murphy has never slept in the same bed with Wu Jiajia.

At first, it was because Murphy was a little distrustful because Wu Jiajia was Wu Chen's daughter. Later, it was because Murphy had to practice Qi before going to bed at night, and Murphy was used to being alone, so she never slept in the same bed .

And now Wu Jiajia's request, Murphy agreed without thinking.

Seeing that Murphy agreed, Wu Jiajia jumped up, and hurriedly carried the quilt and pillow from her room, as if she was afraid that Murphy would regret it later.

The two of them lay on the bed and chatted for a while before falling asleep, and they slept until dawn.

Mo Fei got up and glanced at Wu Jiajia beside him, and silently wished her a good life after going to her aunt's side.

After secretly adding some things to Wu Jiajia's luggage, Murphy went to cook breakfast.

"Jiajia, you can go to Sister Lily's place for a day today. I'll pick up a small task. I'll take you to do a small task tomorrow." Before, Murphy promised Wu Jiajia to take her to do the task, but because of Team Spark, The task was delayed, and Murphy didn't want to regret it, so he decided to finish it within the three-day deadline.

"Really, sister? That's great, sister, I'm really good now." Wu Jiajia clapped her hands happily and said with a smile.

"Of course it's true. You explain the matter to Sister Lily and the others today. I'll take you out tomorrow. I'll ask Sister Nana if they're free the day after tomorrow. I'll hold a farewell party for you." Murphy said his plan Talk to Wu Jiajia again.

"Understood sister." Wu Jiajia happily ran towards the opposite door where Zhu Zhu and the others lived after breakfast.

After collecting the things, Mo Fei left the house and walked to the task reception area.

After picking two missions that were neither dangerous nor rewarding, Murphy was walking back when a huge shadow flitted across the sky.

Murphy looked up and saw that a mecha flying in the sky was Silver Wing.

At this time, he should be out for a routine inspection. It seems that Lei Sen's injury has recovered.

Stepping forward, Murphy quickly returned home, but unexpectedly there was a person standing at the door.The man turned his head when he heard footsteps, and Murphy was stunned for a moment. The person who came was Bai Sirui who had been here yesterday.

"Morning!" Bai Sirui greeted Murphy naturally, as if the two were familiar with each other.

"Is there anything wrong with coming to see me so early?" Murphy didn't expect Bai Sirui to come, and originally thought it would be three days later.

"I know you will definitely agree, and Wu Jiajia will definitely agree. I just want to ask you, what time do you plan to arrange for the plane to send Wu Jiajia?" Bai Sirui replied with certainty.

"Understood, but Jiajia always wants to say goodbye to the people she knows. Today she is playing across the street, and tomorrow I will take her out. It will be around noon the day after tomorrow!" Murphy is not a Moji person either. It will be arranged when the things to be done are done.

"Okay, I don't think I need to help you move, anyway, isn't there a talisman that can be stored?" Bai Sirui smiled again after speaking, leaving Murphy to turn around and go downstairs.

After Murphy opened the door and entered the room, he kept thinking about what Bai Sirui said just now. He really knew a lot, but who was he and how could he know so clearly?

No matter what, things are all arranged now, and Murphy is also very curious about what Bai Sirui asked her to interpret, not to mention that Murphy didn't think Bai Sirui could trap him, so Murphy agreed so easily.

Wu Jiajia spent a day at Zhu Zhu's house. In the evening, Mo Fei bought vegetables and asked Li Suna to cook a delicious meal. Everyone ate together. The next morning, Murphy took Wu Jiajia out to do tasks.

Since both are small tasks, Murphy basically only takes action when Wu Jiajia is in danger, and exercises Wu Jiajia's skills at other times.

Wu Jiajia also learned quickly, and now it is easy to deal with ordinary C zombies, and Wu Jiajia himself is a gold-type supernatural being, so it is also possible to deal with C1 zombies alone.

The two said they were doing tasks, but in fact it was not much different from Murphy training Wu Jiajia.

After collecting the ink crystals in the last few zombie corpses, Mo Fei looked at the time: "Jiajia, it's almost time, we should go back!"

"Okay sister, I'm hungry too, let's go back!" Wu Jiajia wiped off her sweat. She has been busy killing zombies in such hot weather. Although Murphy was watching her for safety, she was really tired. .

"Get in the car, let's go back." Murphy beckoned, and Wu Jiajia hurried over.

Along the way, Wu Jiajia was probably really tired, and fell asleep while lying sideways in the car.

Glancing at Wu Jiajia, Murphy speeded up the car.However, before entering the road leading to the star base, Murphy noticed a huge figure confronting another figure in front of him.

One of them is a C3 zombie, while the other is Silver Wing.

Seeing that it was Silver Wing, Murphy glanced at Wu Jiajia, who was sleeping next to him, without even thinking about calling out the mecha.

As soon as the golden mech came out, Murphy flew towards Silver Wing, and then summoned the giant ax in his hand and chopped it down at the head of the C3 zombie who was controlled by Silver Wing but couldn't attack.

Seeing this, the C3 zombie shifted its target, and Silver Wing also quickly called out its weapon to attack, but it was always inaccurate, and even almost hit Murphy with a few shots.

Murphy quickly gestured towards Silver Wing to tell him to stop, and then hit the head of the C3 zombie with the giant ax again, smashing the C3 zombie to the ground with a few strokes.

After killing the C3 zombie, Murphy flew to Silver Wing: "Lei Sen, what's the matter with you? Why is the accuracy of the injury so poor?"

At this time, Silver Wing had just put the weapon in, and then a strange voice came from inside: "Do you know our Thunder Team?"

As soon as he heard that it wasn't Leisen's voice, Murphy flew away without saying a word.Murphy's speed, even Lei Sen, who is skilled in operation, can't catch up, let alone this mecha team member who is not familiar with Silver Wing operation at all.

Before the player could fly, Murphy had already disappeared.

The member of the mecha team that controlled the Silver Wing touched his head: "The controller of that mysterious golden mecha is actually a girl. This is really a major discovery, but it seems that she knows Team Lei, why Team Lei? But say you don’t know?”

After thinking about it for a long time but still not understanding, the members of the mecha team slowly flew up and started patrolling again.

However, I felt something was wrong in my heart, and I couldn't think of it for a while, and the members of the mecha team made a big circle and returned to the star base.

After returning to the star base, the member of the mecha team didn't even pay attention to greetings after he got down, and kept thinking about it over and over again.

"By the way, I know something is wrong. Where did that golden mecha come from? There is nothing around, it is impossible to block it, but it seems to appear out of nowhere, no wonder it is so strange!" The man patted his thigh , After thinking for a long time, I finally decided to ask Lei Sen, who was still on vacation.

The member of the mecha team went straight to Lei Sen's house, rang the bell in front of Lei Sen's house several times, and waited for Lei Sen to open the door. ?"

Lei Sen was taken aback by the man's question, who would have known that he would ask this question as soon as he came.

"You went into the room, what happened?" Lei Sen knew that the team members would not ask for no reason, so he asked quickly.

"Team Lei, haven't I been manipulating your Silver Wing to do inspection work recently? Today when I went to inspect, I encountered a C3 zombie. At that time, I was in a hurry and the operation was messed up. In the end, I was controlled by that C3 zombie. Stopped. At that time, I thought I was finished, the more impatient I became, the more I couldn’t move, but just when I thought I was about to be sacrificed by the zombies this time, the golden mech came out to save me..."

The team member told the whole story in one breath.

The more Lei Sen listened to the side, the more anxious he became, especially when the team member said that Murphy approached Silver Wing to talk, Lei Sen secretly complained that he should not have sustained the injury for so long, and should have controlled Silver Wing himself earlier, so that he would not Let Murphy misunderstand, and if it is exposed, it is his own responsibility.

The team member didn't know what Lei Sen was thinking, but the more he talked, the expression on Lei Sen's face became heavier. He thought it was because he missed the opportunity to track down the golden mech, so the team member's voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, he simply stopped talking and looked at Lei Sen.

"Why didn't you say it? What happened next?" Lei Sen asked anxiously.

"Later, the manipulator ran away when he heard my question, and I couldn't catch up, but I did hear that the voice coming from inside was a woman's voice."

Lei Sen nodded. It seemed that Murphy also knew that it was not him. Fortunately, he didn't say too much: "Got it, tomorrow's inspection task is still done by myself."

"Captain Lei, your injury..."

"It's almost done, not to mention that there won't be any major problems just doing patrols, but you have been patrolling with Silver Wings for almost a month, why are you still operating so badly!" Lei Sen looked at that with a straight face. players.

"Team Lei, it's not that you don't know that the Silver Wing is the most cumbersome to operate among all the mechas. I'm already the best in our team, but how can I expect to be as skilled as yours!" the member said. He curled his lips and muttered.

"Okay, I know I've worked hard on you recently, I can do the mission by myself tomorrow, you go back and rest first!"

"I know Team Lei. We are the happiest that you are recovering from your injury. I'll go back first." The team member then left, and Lei Sen was thinking about where Murphy would go after he just flew away.

But Lei Sen really didn't need to worry, because at this moment Murphy had already driven Wu Jiajia who was still sleeping back to the star base.

Just after realizing that it wasn't Leisen, Murphy flew away quickly, but she didn't dare to fly too far, because Wu Jiajia was still in the car, and You Qi was sleeping again. It would be bad if a zombie appeared.

So Mo Fei just disarmed the golden mecha after flying far away, and ran back quickly using the speed talisman.

Wu Jiajia was asked to collect the task rewards. Although there were not many, this was Wu Jiajia's first self-earned task, and the happy little guy grinned all the way.

"Jiajia, let's go grocery shopping, and we'll have a good meal at home later." Infected by Wu Jiajia's little excitement, Murphy dragged Wu Jiajia towards the vegetable market.

 Happy New Year, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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