Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 403 The Light on Your Body

Chapter 403 The Light on Your Body
"Wow, Mo Fei, you still remember my name!" Bai Youyou almost cheered.

After hearing Mo Fei calling her name, Bai Youyou held Mo Fei's hand tightly with both hands: "Murphy, oh, can I call you Feifei? You can just call me Yoyo, I started from Cangji I admire you so much."

"Yuyou, we'll talk about what's going on later, let's take Mo Fei upstairs to tidy up." Bai Sirui said, finally saving Mo Fei from Bai Youyou's over-enthusiasm.

"Got it! I'm excited!" Bai Youyou stuck out her tongue playfully when Bai Sirui said it.

"Give that to Mo Fei later, don't quarrel with Mo Fei in the afternoon, talk about it in the evening, I have to go back to the command center." Bai Sirui quickly explained to Bai Youyou.

"okay, I get it."

After explaining to Bai Youyou, Bai Sirui explained to Mo Fei: "Since you think about it, I won't introduce it. This is my sister Bai Youyou. You have met her before. If you have any questions, you can ask her. You will stay at home for a while in the afternoon. Let's study it, I'll talk about it when I come back tonight."

Mo Fei nodded silently. The difference between the two brothers and sisters is really big. There is a brother who is calm and gloomy, and a younger sister who is out of character.However, Murphy didn't spend much energy on researching it, and now she is focusing on the thing Bai Sirui said.

After Bai Sirui left, Bai Youyou brought Mo Fei to the room where Mo Fei would live.

"This is the room with the best light among the guest rooms. Of course, these decorations are all according to my taste. If you don't like something, tell me, I can change it for you." Bai Youyou pointed at the furnishings in the room Said to Murphy.

"You don't need to change it, it's pretty good here." Mo Fei looked around. The layout here is European style. No matter from the surrounding decorations, upholstery, or even the corners of the curtains, everything is thoughtful, and the overall feeling is very luxurious.

"It's great that you like it." Bai Youyou showed a happy smile, or she had been in a state of excitement since seeing Murphy, and now she finally became quieter.

"Here is that thing. You can take a look at it slowly, or you can take a break to look at it again. If you have anything to do, you can call me or Mama Feng. She is our housekeeper." Bai Youyou continued to say to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei nodded, and reached out to take the wooden box that Bai Youyou handed over.The moment he got the wooden box, Murphy had a feeling of deja vu on the wooden box.

At the moment of surprise, Mo Fei subconsciously looked up at Bai Youyou.

Bai Youyou's eyes seemed to be dazed for a moment, and then she also looked at Mo Fei: "Mur Fei, you are indeed the successor of the runes."

Mo Fei didn't know why Bai You You made such a certain judgment, but Mo Fei became more and more curious about the contents of this box, what exactly was in it?And what kind of relationship do the Bai family brothers and sisters have with the runes?
Mo Fei felt that he had to look at the contents of the box to know all this, so he nodded to Bai Youyou, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Although Bai Youyou really wanted to see what would happen to Mo Fei after he opened the box, but Bai Sirui urged Bai Youyou not to be so curious, as long as he gave the box to Mo Fei, he would leave.

I don't know why, but since she was a child, Bai Youyou listened to her elder brother Bai Sirui the most, and Bai Sirui never did unnecessary things in her impression, so even if Bai Sirui brought Yulin back inexplicably last time, Bai Youyou didn't ask why.

So at this moment, Bai Youyou didn't say anything, and slowly exited the room and closed the door for Mo Fei.

After Bai Youyou went out, Mo Fei took a deep breath, slowly put his hand on the box, pulled the buckle off, and covered the box lid with one hand to open it gradually.And the things in the box gradually appeared in front of Murphy's eyes.

The thing here is also a book, and the two characters written in strange shapes are the two characters "fulu".

Mo Fei quickly opened the book of talismans, and found that the text inside was exactly the same as his own.

Mo Fei always thought that his talisman was unique, but he didn't expect that there was another one.

This book of talismans is a little worse than Mo Fei's, and many places behind it are a little blurry.Although this talisman also has some annotations and translations, which should be added by later generations, but this one is obviously not as clear as the annotations behind Mo Fei's talisman.

It's just that this book was probably passed down from the Bai family's ancestors, and there should be some unknown oral traditions, otherwise Bai Sirui couldn't have known so much.

Because he said before that there will be many talismans, but there will only be one heir to the talisman.These were things that Mo Fei didn't know, and they were never mentioned in the talisman.

In this way, Murphy seemed to vaguely understand who Bai Sirui was.No wonder he said before that he is Bai Sirui, as for who it is, she can understand it just by looking at something like this.

Mo Fei glanced at the talisman that Bai Sirui brought over, except for the notes on the back, it was the same as her book, so what he wanted to interpret for Bai Sirui was the talisman itself, that is to say, he wanted to reveal the secret of the talisman to Bai Sirui up?
But Mo Fei thought about it for a while. The oral traditions passed down by the ancestors in the family must also be related to these, but so many people have not been able to use them, so even if they are exposed, they must be qualified.Thinking of this, Murphy was a little relieved, not to mention that Bai Sirui took out his family's family heirloom talisman, so Bai Sirui was very sincere, so Murphy felt that he was thinking too much.

Thinking of my long-term experience, whether it is the adventures I encountered later or others, it didn't happen overnight. Since Bai Sirui wants to interpret it by himself, let him tell him.Even if he could learn the talismans, it would take a long time for him to start practicing Qi slowly. Murphy was not afraid that Bai Sirui would harm her after learning it.

After thinking about it, Murphy didn't watch it either.She doesn't need to study this stuff, as long as she tells Bai Sirui the initial learning, he can learn it before talking about it, if he can't, it's useless to talk about it.

Mo Fei stood up and walked to the window, but unexpectedly found that the window was facing the road outside, and in front of this road was the villa of Xiao Minyu's family.

Although Xiao Minyu's villa was shrunk inside and only the roof could be seen, but people could see it clearly when they came out.

Mo Fei couldn't help wondering if Yulin lived in this room before, observed Xiao Minyu's every move from here, and even lived in Xiao Minyu's house by herself.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Fei suddenly felt that the surprised expression on Yulin's face when she accidentally met her last time seemed a little too deliberate. She probably knew that she lived there long ago, but it seemed like she met her by accident, and then told herself She is doing well here and has already given up on Xiao Minyu.

Mo Fei suddenly felt a chill, and it was his fault that he didn't continue to live, otherwise what would happen?After I really considered Xiao Minyu and even accepted Xiao Minyu, what would Yulin do, then I should be the one who suffers after that.

Shaking her head, Mo Fei shook off her bad emotions. No matter what, she might not be as unguarded when facing Yulin in the future.

Leaving the window, Mo Fei fell back on the big comfortable bed. It was unknown if it was because of the talismans in the box beside him that Mo Fei quickly fell asleep.

When Bai Sirui came back, he heard Bai Youyou say that Murphy had been staying quietly in the room, wondering if he was studying something like that, and then Bai Sirui went upstairs and knocked on Murphy's door.

The door of the room was not locked by Bai Youyou before, but when Bai Sirui knocked on the door and found no answer, he turned the door open, and immediately saw Murphy sleeping soundly on the big bed.

Bai Sirui stayed where he was, because Murphy on the bed was exuding an extremely soft light, and his whole body shrouded in the light looked particularly sacred, which made Bai Sirui afraid to disturb him.

Also exuding a soft light and reflecting each other with Mo Fei was the wooden box that Bai Sirui asked Bai Youyou to hand over to Mo Fei, presumably it was the light from the things inside.

Bai Sirui was attracted by this wonderful sight and walked towards the bed. As Bai Sirui's footsteps got closer and closer, the light became weaker and fainter, and disappeared after a while.

The light disappeared, but Murphy suddenly felt the sight beside the bed wake up.

When Mo Fei opened his eyes, he saw a person standing beside the bed. When he raised his eyes and found that it was Bai Sirui, Mo Fei said unhappily, "Why did you come in casually?"

"I just knocked on the door, but you seemed to be shrouded in a ball of light and couldn't hear it at all. You woke up when the light disappeared." Bai Sirui is now very curious about what happened to Murphy, but he also knows that Murphy is asleep. It's not clear at all, so I replied exactly.

"Is there light on me?" Murphy really didn't know, she only knew that after she fell asleep, her body seemed to be in a very comfortable state, warm but not hot at all.

"Yes." Bai Sirui responded, and then told what he saw just now, and told Murphy that the wooden box also glowed.

Although Murphy was curious, it was impossible for her to test it in sleep now, and besides, she still couldn't see it even if she fell asleep.

"By the way, I can understand your book of talismans, but I want to remind you first that not everyone can learn talismans. The one handed down by my family has also gone through so long. Only one person in the middle has touched the iceberg through research. A corner, so even if I interpret it to you, it may not be useful." Seeing that Bai Sirui had been staring at him, Murphy quickly changed the subject.

"Well, I know this. It's also mentioned in our ancestral decree passed down by word of mouth, especially that the Mo family once had rune successor ancestors, and our Bai family hasn't had an official rune user for so long. , only half-blood successors have ever appeared." Murphy had already mentioned this, and Bai Sirui naturally understood that Murphy was going to help him interpret it, so he replied without any concealment.

"Actually, I still have a lot of problems. I think we need to solve these problems first." Murphy looked up at Bai Sirui, with many doubts in his eyes.

"I know you will have a lot of questions. Since we are cooperating, we need to be more honest. No problem, you can ask any questions!" Bai Sirui did not avoid Mo Fei's inquiring eyes, and opened his mouth to meet Mo Fei's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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