Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 404 Candid

Chapter 404 Candid
Murphy basically asked everything he could, but Bai Sirui didn't intend to hide it, and told Murphy everything he learned from his investigation and the things that had been handed down from his family.

At the beginning, Bai Sirui mainly talked about things passed down by word of mouth in his family, which Mo Fei didn't know, so Mo Fei listened carefully and found it amazing.

But Bai Sirui said that this incident actually happens in every family, but Murphy is special, and she died before receiving the transmission in her generation. Fortunately, Murphy herself is the heir to the rune that has not appeared for a thousand years, otherwise the Mo family This rune guardian is about to disappear completely.

This talisman was not one at the beginning, there were five copies in total, and these five copies were owned by Bai Sirui's Bai Family and the Yu Family whose specific situation was not found , and the other two have no news at all.These are things that the remaining three companies are aware of, and the research results of each company are not the same.

For example, Murphy's ancestors mainly used cold weapons, so when researching, they also provided more assistance for some cold weapons, just like the mecha that Murphy accidentally obtained as an example.

However, the ancestors of the Bai family mainly studied attack symbols, so the information left is mainly attack symbols.As for what the Yu family is based on, Bai Sirui doesn't know, because only the people in the family know.

Although there are so many families holding talismans, except for the successors of the Mo family thousands of years ago, the Mo family, the Bai family, and the Yu family did not have any rune successors, but the Mo family Both the Bai family and the Bai family once had a half-blood successor, that is, the person appended at the back of the talisman.

As for the Yu family, I don't know if there have been half-blood successors before, but I have never seen anyone from the Yu family use talismans, nor did Bai Sirui mention it when he heard his father relay it.

In modern times, only the next generation of heirs of each family are qualified to know these things, so there are very few people who know these things, not to mention the secrets that are relayed.So after Murphy's parents had an accident, Murphy no longer had those oral traditions, so he had no way of knowing what his ancestors left behind, and he didn't know that other families had talismans.

Mo Fei kept nodding his head while listening, so it was like this, no wonder his grandfather said before that he would inherit many secrets when he grew up, so it was like this.

"I found out that you might be from the Mo family when I was sorting out the personnel files before, so I paid more attention to you at will, because before the end of the world, I heard from my family members that the Mo family lived in a small city near Nanshi, and you It just happened to be from the Cang base again, and I heard my sister Youyou mentioned that you killed zombies in a small space with a small dagger, I think you should have inherited part of the talismans at that time."

Bai Sirui talked about his own analysis and why he noticed Mo Fei: "At that time, I basically investigated all the people with the surname Mo. Fortunately, it was convenient for me to be in the personnel management department." Speaking of this, Bai Sirui even There was a smile on his face.

"Oh, so you accepted Sister Yulin because her surname is Yu? Is Sister Yulin from the Yu family?" Mo Fei thought quickly, and soon thought of Yulin.

"You're very smart, but not at the beginning." Bai Sirui said honestly, "I didn't know her last name when I first rescued her. I gave her surname Yu, and found out that she is very close to you, I originally wanted to take this opportunity to get to know you, but I didn't expect to be used by her instead."

"You mean sister Yulin used you to go back to Xiao Minyu's side?" Murphy asked, staring into Bai Sirui's eyes.

Bai Sirui looked back at Mo Fei, and always felt that Mo Fei was young, but his eyes seemed to see through him, so he nodded involuntarily: "Yes, and there is one more thing you must not know. Yulin knew about you at that time. It was burned, but she didn't notify Xiao Minyu."

"Oh." Murphy replied flatly.

"Aren't you surprised?" On the contrary, Bai Sirui asked Murphy strangely.

"I know how crazy Sister Yulin is to Xiao Minyu, so I'm not surprised, but I'm just a little bit chilled. I used to treat her with no shame. Even if I didn't tell her about my abilities, I never did." hurt her."

Murphy's voice was very cold, but it was very comfortable to hear.Bai Sirui couldn't help but look at Mo Fei a few more times. Originally, Mo Fei's face was only considered handsome, but now it was so dazzling that people dare not look directly at him.

Without explaining more, Mo Fei looked at Bai Sirui again: "So, except for the two talismans whose flow is unclear, the rest of you should have oral traditions?"

Bai Sirui nodded: "Anyway, that's what my father told me before. Another point is that I'm actually a half blood descendant, that's why I'm so eager to find a rune heir."

"I understand. I will slowly tell you some of the talismans in the future, but I can't guarantee whether you can use them."

From Bai Sirui's words, Murphy also understood that even if Bai Sirui could use it, he would definitely not be the successor of the rune, because there was only one successor.Even if Bai Sirui was inherited by half blood, many things cannot be learned, and he can only learn some simple talismans, so that he can count as having the same helper.

"Murphy." After Murphy finished speaking, Bai Sirui looked at Murphy again and seemed to have something to say.

"Anything else?"

Bai Sirui seemed to be hesitant: "Actually, there is one more thing. I didn't ask you before. There are many things that Wu Chen should have told you, but there is one thing that you don't seem to know."

"Indeed, because Wu Chen died before finishing his last sentence, and Dr. Wan Qiang did the same, so I don't know at all. I just remember that what Wu Chen said at the time was: 'Be careful of Silver Wing Patrol' and I also I don’t know what Silver Wing Patrol is, does it mean Silver Wing Patrol? Is that Lei Sen?”

Bai Sirui shook his head: "It's not Silver Wing Patrol, it's..."

Afterwards, what Bai Sirui told Mo Fei made Mo Fei's heart a little cold. He didn't expect that there are really few people in the world who can rely on.

Looking at Bai Sirui with a wry smile: "Is everything you said true?"

Bai Sirui nodded: "Yes, I didn't want to say it at first, but seeing that you went to her for help before, I knew you must not know. I think it's better to tell you about it."

"I have fully understood. It seems that I really misunderstood Leisen."

Seeing that Mo Fei had already understood everything, Bai Sirui didn't say much: "I'll go downstairs first, and I'll come down to eat in a while, and you can sort out the things about teaching talismans. We will start on Saturday. I have relatively free time on Saturday, so I can concentrate on it." learn something."

"Yeah." Murphy nodded absently, then watched Bai Sirui walk out of the room.

After Bai Sirui left, Murphy frowned.

She never thought that the only Lin Yixun she could trust was the biggest accomplice in the last frame-up incident. Fortunately, she felt that she had implicated Lin Yixun at the time, and she had always felt sorry for Lin Yixun, but she never thought that Lin Yixun was the one who helped Dr. Wan Qiang frame her, but only to obtain a confidential research of Dr. Wan Qiang.

Afterwards, it was Lin Yixun who went to ask Lin Yixun for help and brought Dr. Wan Qiang's people to search her. Fortunately, she didn't tell the truth at that time, otherwise she didn't have much ability to protect herself at that time, and she might be besieged to death.

It turned out that Lin Yixun betrayed Murphy under the lure of Dr. Wan Qiang's confidential research materials, and that incident was completely handled with the help of Lin Yixun.

Otherwise, what a coincidence, Murphy would be taken to the research institute by Lin Yixun before Xiao Minyu bailed her out, and then let Murphy finish the task and come back, just so coincidentally, there would be someone when Lin Yixun went to get a breakfast came to deliver materials, but when Lin Yixun went to the meeting the next day, he didn't bring such an important data card.

It turned out to be like this, this kind of Lin Yixun got himself framed, and made himself guilty enough to be executed by shooting.

Murphy couldn't understand why the sisters she had to rescue even if she broke into the prison cell at the sea base, one was because the man knew that she might be burned to death and the other sister did not inform others, and the other was because of a research information to frame her.

No wonder Lin Yixun didn't even persuade himself at that time, and quickly told himself Dr. Wan Qiang's address.If he succeeds in the assassination, then those who know her crimes will die. If he fails, no one will know to seek her revenge in the future.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but for some reason, Murphy calmed down.

When the talisman was opened, Mo Fei took a few more glances and put it in the storage talisman. After washing his face, he walked downstairs.

Seeing Murphy walking down so calmly, Bai Sirui was very surprised. Has Murphy been able to adjust his emotions in such a short period of time?
"Bai Sirui, I have another question. Is Yulin from the Yu family?"

"I'm not sure about this, but it's very similar. Because Yulin's ability was very weak at the beginning, I used a lot of black crystals for her. Although her ability has improved now, she is still very weak compared to people who have used so many black crystals." Weak, I suspect that there is something in her body that suppresses the energy. It's a pity that before I can test it out, Yulin took advantage of your "burning to death" and moved to Xiao Minyu's side."

Speaking of this matter, Bai Sirui felt that he was stealing chickens and losing money.

"There's no need to experiment, why don't you take that talisman and ask directly."

"How can this be done? Don't you know that the existence of talismans is very secret?" Bai Sirui refused without thinking.

"What's the problem? If she understands, it means that she is from the Yu family. It also means that she is not even a half-blood heir. If she doesn't understand, it means that she is not. Anyway, no one can understand the words on the talisman. " But Murphy said indifferently, she now has enough ability to protect the talisman, and with Bai Sirui as a companion, Murphy also has less worries.

Seeing that what Mo Fei said made sense, Bai Sirui fell into deep thought for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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