Chapter 406
Murphy looked at the documents in his hand, but his face was full of pain.

She finally got her revenge, and her parents who passed away because of being framed inexplicably got rid of all the participants, but she sighed more and more that family affection is nothing more than that.

Originally, he was worried that he would feel guilty because of what happened to Uncle Mo Zhengming and his cousin Mo Qisheng, so Mo Fei didn't do it directly. When someone died, Murphy suddenly felt that he didn't have any regrets, maybe it was because they hadn't really cared about him for so many years!
While Mo Fei comforted himself in this way, he also felt that he was too cold-blooded.But in this world, if she doesn't want to get rid of those two people, then in the end, maybe one day she will accidentally be discovered by those two people and may be murdered.

Looking at Murphy's expression, Bai Sirui didn't know how to comfort her, because such a young age has burdened too many things.

That's right, it was Murphy who made Mo Zhengming "go to hell".

The method that can make Dr. Wan Qiang, who has such a strong mental capacity, is on the verge of collapse, was used on Mo Zhengming and almost drove him crazy.

Mo Zhengming was not as thoughtful as Dr. Wan Qiang, and Mo Fei's father was Mo Zhengming's younger brother after all. Back then, he collaborated with Dr. Wan Qiang to murder his younger brother Mo Zhengqing, so it was impossible for Mo Zhengming to have no shadow in his heart.

So when Mo Fei flashed the image of his parents in front of Mo Zhengming's eyes, Mo Zhengming's eyes lacked the harshness in Dr. Zeng Wanqiang's eyes, and there was more regret.

It's not that Murphy never thought of letting Bobo Mo Zhengming go, but when Mo Zhengming admitted in a panic that he robbed Mo's property at the beginning, he wanted to make little Murphy unable to retaliate, and he even once set up a few boxes on the way to school for little Murphy. What wanted to kill Mo Fei, but was unexpectedly dodged by Mo Fei, Mo Fei was really angry.

No wonder when she was a child, she often encountered accidents from people around her for no reason. She didn't think of it at first, but the more times, Mo Fei thought she was unlucky, so she didn't dare to make friends. It turned out that everything was done by her uncle to harm her. .

For the sake of his parents and the innocent people who were killed or injured, Murphy would never let him go.

That's why Mo Zhengming ran to Mo Qisheng's side in a panic because of the fright in the back. As for the next thing, Mo Fei did it incognito.

She followed behind Mo Zhengming and destroyed the repaired mecha circuit, and many things that were damaged in a panic along the way were also caused by Mo Fei.

It's just that Mo Qisheng didn't investigate carefully because his father caused him to lose his dream job.

As for the rest of the matter, Bai Sirui helped Murphy handle it.

After staring at the result for a long time, Murphy directly deleted the file completely, and then let out a long breath.

"Even if this matter is over, as for my cousin Mo Qisheng's child and his wife, please settle down properly." There were no two people when the accident happened. Anyway, everyone thought that the two committed suicide, and there was no need for Murphy. If you want to kill them all, then you are also a direct descendant of the Mo family.

After handing over the matter to Bai Sirui, Murphy stopped asking questions. After some contact with him recently, Murphy realized that although Bai Sirui looked gloomy, he was actually very reliable. Once he believed in someone, he would be very reliable. teammate.

After dealing with the matter of Mo Zhengming and Mo Qisheng, all the people who were involved in the accident with his parents before seemed to have lost all entanglement in Mo Fei's heart, and he was completely empty. Unexpectedly, during the period of helping Bai Sirui to unblock, he actually broke through the practice. The stage of unity of mind and mood in the heart stage has reached the stage of spiritual training.

Although Yulin didn't report her knowledge, Mo Fei didn't want to bother her any more. Everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner, and Bai Sirui's Qi training officially started. Blood inheritance, progress is very slow.

"Murphy, something happened to the Star Base." Bai Sirui reported to Murphy after returning from get off work one day.

"what happened?"

"I heard that a large number of giant zombies have been found attacking the star base again. This time there are more than before. The star base may not be able to resist this time. The people in the command center are preparing to evacuate and partly go to the cliff base."

"So serious?" Murphy was stunned for a moment. If it wasn't for sure that the star base could not be kept, no one would give up the star base.

"The specific situation is still unclear. I brought back the news during the Silver Wing patrol in the afternoon."

"Then it shouldn't be wrong, then..." Before Murphy finished speaking, suddenly there was a sudden shaking outside.

Murphy was talking to Bai Sirui, so he quickly supported the side, but before he could stand still, there was another shake.

Murphy and Bai Sirui looked at each other. Murphy went to the window and saw many people running out of the house. It looked like an earthquake.

"It seems that it's not the zombie. It's the earthquake. Quickly pack it up." Mo Fei hurriedly asked Bai Sirui to clean it up. After all, she wanted to escape quickly. In the Bai family, Murphy didn't have to hide it. She usually puts her things in the storage talisman. Bai Sirui brought Fei's usual things, so the servants of the Bai family didn't know what was in Murphy's room.

In this way, even if Mo Fei came up with something, he would not be suspected. At worst, the servants would talk about how much the master loved Mo Fei in private.

"I still have a few important documents, I'll go get them and leave." Bai Sirui has handed over many important items to Murphy since he let Murphy get through the blocked position of his body, so there is nothing that must be taken except for some work things. of.

Soon they all ran out of the room, unexpectedly running out when they met Yulin.

Yulin looked at Mo Fei and Bai Sirui standing next to Mo Fei with eyes full of surprise: "You, you, you..."

Murphy didn't say much, just smiled at Yulin, then got into Bai Sirui's car and left the jurisdiction quickly.

"Yu Lin already knows that you are still alive, what are you going to do?" Bai Sirui asked while driving, they were going to the star soul circle to pick up Bai Youyou.

"It's nothing. I'm not afraid that she will hide. It's just that it was troublesome if things were not done properly before. Now I know it." Murphy replied nonchalantly.

"That's right, I'm going to pick up Yoyo now, and then we'll find a place to take refuge."

When the car arrived at the command center, Bai Sirui got out of the car to look for Bai Youyou, while Mo Fei sat in the car and waited, but now he saw a silver-white mecha landing not far away.

Lei Sen originally went out to inspect and found a large number of giant zombies. After taking a break, he was sent out to check the speed and location of the giant zombies. Unexpectedly, after going out for a while, he found that something was wrong below. The boulders rolled down from many places on the mountain blocked it. The road, of course, also blocked the progress of the giant zombies.

He hurried back to the base and prepared to send personnel to clean up some of the giant zombies. He didn't expect to see the chaos of the base from above when he came back. Only then did he realize that it was an earthquake.

The earthquake came suddenly, and Lei Sen hurriedly flew back to the command center.

The base is very chaotic, the command center is already busy, and has been dispatching personnel to maintain order.

People in the star circle and the outer circle have been injured and injured, and the number of casualties is still increasing.Unexpectedly, after half an hour, it disappeared inexplicably just like the sudden strong earthquake before.

But even if the earthquake disappeared, many houses could no longer be lived in. The command center hurriedly prepared for the disaster, and also prepared an escape plan because of the unexpected giant zombie group outside.

However, misfortunes never come singly. Originally, many homeless people were homeless due to the earthquake, but on that night, it rained heavily for a long time.

Since the weather suddenly became hot last time, it has rarely rained in the urban area. The rare rain is what everyone looks forward to. After all, it can be cooler after raining, but this time the rain has made people homeless. Many people are worried about death, which also makes the Star Base fall into a passive state.

Due to the heavy rain, the plane could not fly, and the wish to move from the star base to the cliff base came to nothing, and now the star base has damaged their homes due to the earthquake, and the people who can only live in tents have been killed miserably. The submerged water can swim, and the higher position can't accommodate so many people.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, became so sad that his hair turned gray. If this continues, the whole star base will be over.

Even if the members of the mecha team can resist the attack of giant zombies, what should they do with the heavy rain?Now the entire star base seems to be placed on the edge of a foot-wide cliff in a dilemma.

"Commander Liao, for the time being, the giant zombies can't come over due to the heavy rain. At least we can lose one enemy, but the heavy rain is really helpless. The only ones who can fly now are the Silver Wings of the Mech Team. Why don't the Silver Wings take the lead?" Should a small number of personnel in the command center be evacuated to the Ya base first?" One of the officials suggested.

"How can we do that? Wouldn't it be that we voluntarily abandoned the star base and the base personnel? After doing so, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold our heads up even in the Ya base!" Liao Hui, the commander of the star base, replied.

"No matter what, the heavy rain outside doesn't allow us to think too much, and with the carrying capacity of Silver Wings, we can't transport a lot of people at once, why don't we send some researchers away first?" Hao Jingqi, deputy commander of the Star Base Seeing that the commander-in-chief Liao Hui insisted, he asked tentatively.

"That's fine, but which personnel should leave first?" Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, did not refuse this time. After all, he will rely on these personnel for research in the future.

"The personnel of the research institute! Let's start with the transfer of weapons technology researchers. After all, if you want to be able to fight in the future, you still need weapons." Deputy Commander Hao Jingqi said hastily.

"Okay, that's it. Send someone to call Lei Sen back to arrange this task for him, and let the people from the half-flying mech team keep an eye on the zombie's situation." Commander-in-Chief Liao Hui agreed without too much hesitation.

Hao Jingqi, the deputy commander in chief, nodded in response, and then went out to make follow-up arrangements.

Although the Star Base has already been settled at this time, due to internal and external troubles, everything is still in a mess, and the busiest among them is the only Silver Wing that can move freely.

When Silver Wing flew into the sky with the first group of personnel, the rain outside also became heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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