Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 407 Lin Yixun's Wish

Chapter 407 Lin Yixun's Wish
At this moment, Murphy, Bai Sirui and Bai Youyou all returned to the villa in the jurisdiction.

Because the earthquake was over, the villas in the jurisdiction area were shorter and stronger than the surrounding area, so the earthquake had little impact on the villa area, but they couldn't leave after returning because of the heavy rain.

"I don't know when this rain will fall, and those giant zombies are gone now." Bai Sirui murmured anxiously.

"Don't worry, the base will make preparations. I guess those giant zombies are trapped outside because of the heavy rain, otherwise they should have attacked after so long." Murphy replied after taking a sip of hot water. In this kind of weather, Unless she uses the mech to fly out, she can only wait and see what happens.

"I always feel that the base is becoming more and more dangerous now. Look at the rain, think about yesterday's earthquake, and those giant zombies that are about to attack. Humans won't be finished like this, right?" Bai Youyou said with a sad face, Said to his elder brother Bai Sirui and Murphy beside him.

"I'm also worried, but what's the use of worrying? Judging from the current equipment, the only flying mecha that can move now is probably the silver wing." Bai Sirui frowned suddenly and looked back at himself. His younger sister, Bai Youyou.

Mo Fei stopped until he raised his eyelids with the cup on his lips, and glanced at Bai Sirui: It seems that Bai Sirui doesn't know about his mech, but only because he is from the Bai family, so he knows about the talisman, so he wants to Don't tell him the truth?

Murphy hesitated for a moment, but decided to keep silent, and wait until he really needed to speak.

The rain hadn't stopped yet, but Bai Sirui got busy.But Mo Fei knew what Bai Sirui was busy with, and Mo Fei was not worried about himself, but rather worried about Zhu Zhu and the others. He asked Bai Sirui to send someone to check on them, making sure they were all right, and Mo Fei felt relieved.

Xiao Minyu was also busy, and Yulin, who was worried that Mo Fei would be discovered by Xiao Minyu, was relieved to find that Mo Fei did not take any action after meeting Mo Fei that day.

"Yu, you seem to be very busy recently. The rain has not stopped, and the water in the base can't be drained. What should I do next?" Yulin asked after seeing Xiao Minyu's rare return today.

"The drainage outlets have been opened, and the water has been flowing out under such heavy rain. There must be no zombie rats getting in. The water level has dropped a lot in the past two days, and it is estimated that it will be drained soon." Although Xiao Minyu knew the internal troubles of the base Foreign aggression, but did not tell Yulin.

"That's good, the water in the base can be drained and we can live a little bit more normally." Yulin pretended to be happy, and then asked inadvertently: "By the way, Yu, have you noticed recently? What's going on at the Bai family?"

"The Bai family? You mean Bai Sirui? What do you want to say?" Xiao Minyu couldn't help looking at Yulin, because it was indeed Bai Sirui who acted with him recently, but how could Yulin know?Xiao Minyu suddenly felt that Yulin seemed to be taking too much control, so he couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Yulin quickly smiled softly: "No, I'm just asking casually, go to bed early." After speaking, Yulin exited the room.

In fact, Yulin wanted to test whether Xiao Minyu knew that Murphy was still alive, but Xiao Minyu thought that Yulin knew what he and Bai Sirui were busy with now.

Yulin didn't know what Xiao Minyu thought, she thought that Xiao Minyu was jealous because she asked about other men, so Yulin's face was full of joy after she came out of Xiao Minyu's room.

In the research institute of the star base, Lin Yixun had a sad expression on his face.The experiment is currently at a standstill because many plants and medicines necessary for the experiment are missing, but no one can go out now. Originally, Lin Yixun asked Mo Fei, but Mo Fei never showed up again.

Due to the lack of experimental materials, although there are four special zombies in the research institute, that is, the zombies of Gu Huaiyuan and Li Jiao's family, there is no way to conduct further experiments, and they can only speculate based on the daily data changes.

At this time, news came from the command center that all the personnel of the research institute were to retreat to the cliff base. However, only the ginkgo valley that Murphy found near the star base can provide a large amount of materials. Therefore, in many important After all the researchers left, Lin Yixun's main research project was the reason why the Ph.D. was still in the Star Base Research Institute.

"No, I have to find Feifei first and ask her to bring me a batch of ginkgo branches and leaves before I leave. At this time, it is absolutely impossible for others to ask her to go, but she will definitely go if I ask." Lin Yixun lowered his head and muttered Thinking, I have already made up my mind to find Murphy, but where can I find Murphy at this time?

I was anxious and had no choice. Before, I could use the resources in Dr. Wan Qiang's hands to understand the trend, but now... Although I don't regret getting rid of Dr. Wan Qiang with the help of Mo Fei, it's just that I'm really a little bit tied now .

"Yixun." A voice interrupted Lin Yixun's thoughts, and when he looked up, he saw his father, Lin Leshan, vice president of the research institute, standing at the door of the office.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"You still have the nerve to ask me, what do you think?" Because Lin Yixun insisted on refusing to leave, Lin Leshan had no choice but to persuade him personally.

"I really have something to do, and I'll go to the Ya base when I'm done." So far, no one has found that Murphy is still alive, so Lin Yixun doesn't plan to say it for the time being, even her father.

"What exactly do you have to deal with here?" Lin Leshan was a little puzzled.

"Oh, I have something to do anyway. By the way, Dad, can you call Xiao Minyu from the special operations team for me? I need to find him." Lin Yixun suddenly thought of Xiao Minyu. This person had a good relationship with Murphy before. Might be able to help.

"Okay, but you have to promise me to go to Ya base as soon as possible. It's not that you don't know the situation outside. It's raining now, but who knows when the rain will stop suddenly, so you have to take the opportunity to leave as soon as possible." Lin Seeing that Lin Yixun was determined, Le Shan could only do what she could do first, so she didn't know how long she would have to persist.

Lin Yixun nodded, with a smile in his eyes.

Lin Leshan was quick to do things, he finished speaking at night, and called Xiao Minyu over early the next morning.After all, he is the vice president of the research institute, so Xiao Minyu just came out of the command center and went to the research institute on the way.

"Vice President Lin, are you looking for me?" Since Lin Leshan was well-known in research before, Xiao Minyu asked politely when he saw Lin Leshan.

"It's Captain Xiao like this." Lin Leshan naturally knew Xiao Minyu's true identity: "Actually, my daughter Lin Yixun asked me to invite you over. She seems to have something to ask."

Xiao Minyu frowned after hearing this, he didn't expect that it was Lin Yixun who was looking for him, and this was a busy time, so Xiao Minyu didn't want to bother.However, if it was Lin Yixun who spoke, he would simply refuse, but this time it was Lin Yixun who asked Lin Leshan to relay the story. Even if Xiao Minyu didn't want to do it again, he would give Lin Leshan a face to meet Lin Yixun.

"Then...Okay! I'll go and ask Dr. Lin what's going on. If you can help me, I will definitely help you." Xiao Minyu answered very cleverly. If you can help, you will definitely help, but you can't help and you can't force it.

Lin Leshan nodded. He also knew that Xiao Minyu was busy now, so he didn't force him. Anyway, if Lin Yixun had any excuses, he would force Lin Yixun to go to the Ya base: "Then Thank you Captain Xiao for giving me this face." Lin Leshan replied hastily.

"It's nothing, then Vice President Lin has nothing else to do, so I went to Dr. Lin's side." Xiao Minyu said and stood up.

Lin Leshan sent Xiao Minyu away, and Xiao Minyu quickly walked towards Lin Yixun's office.The last time he came, he naturally knew his way.

Xiao Minyu soon arrived at Lin Yixun's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

"Dr. Lin, what's the matter?" Xiao Minyu entered the office and asked bluntly. He had a lot of things to deal with. He wouldn't listen to Lin Yixun's nonsense at this time, so he went straight to the point.

Lin Yixun raised her head when she heard the knock on the door and saw Xiao Minyu entered the room, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth: She didn't believe that Xiao Minyu could still be so proud after hearing the news.

"Captain Xiao, please come and sit in the room. I don't think it's suitable for too many people to know about this." Lin Yixun wrote two words on the electronic screen while speaking and held them up. Xiao Minyu didn't say anything more after seeing the words. Say something, and strode to the inner room of the office.

In fact, the total time Xiao Minyu stayed in Lin Yixun's office did not exceed half an hour, and the whole day after that, Xiao Minyu did not have any abnormalities, and directed the work of the special operations team in an orderly manner.

It's just that after Xiao Minyu arranged the work in hand today, he didn't wait for Cheng Bin and others, and returned to the villa in the Xingxin circle jurisdiction alone.

"Yu, you came back so early today!"

I heard that Xiao Minyu came back very early today, and Xiao Minyu was alone, so Yulin naturally thought that after talking with Xiao Minyu last night, Xiao Minyu might be jealous of Bai Sirui, Yulin happily ran downstairs and shouted at Xiao Minyu .

There was a smile on Xiao Minyu's face that could make a woman's expression rippling, and the charming Chao Yulin replied: "Yes, things went very smoothly today, I want to talk about something, why don't you come to my study! "

Yulin was dazed by Xiao Minyu's smile, and she nodded hastily when she heard Xiao Minyu's words. She was already imagining what kind of sweet words Xiao Minyu would say in a while, and even some ambiguous scenes unfolded accordingly.

Because Yulin knew that Xiao Minyu's study room was the place with the best sound insulation in the whole villa.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu had already walked up the stairs, Yulin quickly followed with a smile on her face.

 Today’s update is late, I accidentally fell ill during Chinese New Year, recently I went to the hospital for an infusion and there was no code word at all, and the manuscript was completely gone until yesterday, so I dragged it until now to publish another chapter, I hope everyone should pay attention to your health while celebrating the festival pay attention to rest
(End of this chapter)

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