Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 409 Bitter happiness

Chapter 409 Bitter happiness
None of the people downstairs expected to see such a scene when they looked up, and they all froze for a moment.

But it was only momentary to be stunned, after all, these people are not simple.

The third burly man, Meng Zhibo, was still so straightforward, and he shouted directly: "Congratulations, congratulations, Yulin, for being with our fifth child."

While speaking, he did not forget to look at Man Chengbin, and winked at Man Chengbin, which meant: How are you?I just guessed right!
Man Chengbin glared at Meng Zhibo, but looked at Xiao Minyu as if asking, but Xiao Minyu didn't respond at all.

Xiao Minyu glanced at several people, but Yulin beamed and thanked Meng Zhibo repeatedly, like a bride, her whole body was filled with happiness, and even Xiao Minyu beside her couldn't keep her straight face, let alone Yu Lin's request was not to be noticed.

Xiao Minyu didn't stop her, she just walked quietly to the dining room, Yulin quickly chased after her and stretched out her slender arms to hold Xiao Minyu's, and even leaned her head on Xiao Minyu's shoulder and walked sweetly towards the dining room.

After the two of them sat down in the dining room, several people looked away.

Meng Zhibo has always been straightforward in front of his own people, so he asked Man Chengbin beside him in a low voice: "I really didn't expect that the fifth child would really be with Yulin. Although I don't like Yulin like this, but At any rate, she is really a beauty to Lao Wu, which is quite commensurate, but I didn't expect that the two of them would actually do that in the study, tsk tsk, I really underestimated Yulin's charm, which can make Lao Wu lose control in the study .”

"Don't talk nonsense, I always feel that things are a bit strange. I didn't have any clues yesterday. Why did it suddenly happen today? I think I'll find a chance to ask the fifth child." Man Chengbin hammered Meng Zhibo. He knew that once Xiao Minyu was serious In fact, it will be a little emotional, but it will definitely not be triggered in an instant, so compared to Meng Zhibo's thoughts, Man Chengbin thinks more.

"As long as you think too much, look at Yulin holding the fifth brother just now, he didn't even frown, I won't tell you anymore, I'll talk to the fourth brother." Meng Zhibo gave Cheng Bin a blank look, turned around and grabbed the ugly man Fang Xingping chatted.

"Is this okay?" Xiao Minyu looked up at the joyful Yulin, and secretly admired her ice ability. She just applied ice along the corners of her eyes, and instantly the slightly red and swollen eyes The swelling of the eyes subsided, so no one could tell that she was the one who had just cried for about three or four hours when she came down.

"It's said to be a boyfriend, not pretending to be a boyfriend. Shouldn't you show some concern and sweetness to me? It's not enough to deal with outsiders like this. For example, what do couples do when they eat? At least you have to bring food for me. Me!" Yulin seemed dissatisfied with Xiao Minyu's performance just now.

"Okay, just don't forget your previous promise." Xiao Minyu responded, and his face changed from the previous expressionless face to a gentle smile: Isn't it just a boyfriend for a day, at worst, treat Yulin in front of her as a One day Murphy.

Thinking of this, the smile on Xiao Minyu's face became more and more real, and Yulin's heart beat faster when she saw it, but then she thought of her current situation, and her heart calmed down again.

Yulin and Xiao Minyu were eating together, but a big event happened outside.

The mountain that originally blocked the road was finally smashed away by the continuous efforts of the giant zombies. Although members of the mecha team often went to harass during this period, on the one hand, they continued to destroy the mountain to make the road more congested. On the other hand, they used weapons Attacking those giant zombies, although not many were actually eliminated, did delay for a while.

But the rain was too heavy, and the previously damaged and rolling mountain became less hard under the rain, and finally couldn't hold on under the continuous impact of the giant zombies, and couldn't continue to stop the giant zombies from advancing.

As a result, more and more giant zombies gathered and walked towards the star base one by one.

"Dear Yu, we're done eating, let's go to rest!" After wiping her mouth with a napkin, Yulin walked to Xiao Minyu's side, her hand was already stretched out to Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu originally ate very slowly, and today he ate a lot, but now he couldn't eat anymore, and there was nothing left.

Time could not be delayed any longer, Xiao Minyu had no choice but to stand up.The two went out of the dining room together again, and Yulin waved at them again: "We're going to rest first, and you should go to rest early too."

Only then did Xiao Minyu take Yulin upstairs.

Originally, Meng Zhibo was busy again because he didn't finish the work in hand, just gossiping with Fang Xingping, and now he saw Yulin and Xiao Minyu went upstairs together after they were full, talking quietly at home He turned to Man Chengbin and asked, "Old Wu is really strong. Four hours ago, he just had a meal and had to 'rest' again."

Man Chengbin didn't bother to talk to Meng Zhibo, but when he saw Yulin really followed Xiao Minyu into the room, he couldn't keep his mouth shut: Could it be that the third child really guessed right?

After returning to the room, Xiao Minyu looked at Yulin coldly: "Boyfriends and boyfriends don't have to live together, do they?"

"But I only have one day to spare, don't worry, I just need to hold your arm." Yulin blinked her eyes after speaking, begging in her eyes.

Xiao Minyu thought of Yulin's one-day boyfriend's request. In fact, it is only tonight, because tomorrow morning at most, he will have breakfast and then he will go to the command center. The work in the command center is very trivial, and it can be delayed until the end of time. Come back again, so the only thing that can be used is tonight.

"But don't go too far, or you will know." Xiao Minyu vaccinated Yulin again.

"I understand." Seeing that Xiao Minyu agreed in this way, Yulin's eyes were full of smiles: "Don't lock the door, I'll go to the room to get pajamas, or would you like to lend me one of your clothes?"

"Go quickly." Xiao Minyu quickly turned his face away, then took his change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Coming out of Xiao Minyu's room, Yulin took a deep breath: success or failure is just this time, she didn't expect that one day she would really use it.

Yulin returned to her room, took out something from a close-fitting clothing, and then stuck that thing to the inner thigh, then stuffed the pajamas and other things into the backpack, and walked into Xiao Minyu's room with the backpack.

Xiao Minyu was still taking a shower, while Yulin threw her backpack to the corner of the door, took out her pajamas and put them on the bed.

When Xiao Minyu came out of the bathroom, Yulin smiled shyly at Xiao Minyu, and walked into the bathroom holding her pajamas.

Xiao Minyu found a set of pajamas with strong buttons and the clothes and trousers were connected together, which was inconvenient to put on and take off. Then he lay down, thinking in his heart that he should not sleep too soundly at night.

Yulin came out of the shower, lifted the quilt and looked at Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu stretched out an arm, and was hugged tightly by Yulin, as if he would lose it if he let go.

"Okay, go to sleep."

"En." Yulin nodded hard, and looked at Xiao Minyu nostalgicly at the moment Xiao Minyu turned off the light, and then the surroundings became dark.

Because it was still raining outside, it was very dark at night. In this darkness, Yulin hugged Xiao Minyu's arm tightly, and tried hard to smell the faint scent of his body after bathing.

Xiao Minyu's arm was a little uncomfortable being held by Yulin, and he twisted it a little and couldn't help saying: "Loosen a little, it's too uncomfortable."

"Okay." Yulin let go of her hand a little while responding.

"Yu, I'm sorry for asking you to do this. I really hope that all this is true, but unfortunately I also understand that your heart is not here, so I want to apologize for everything you will do for me." Yulin's voice was very soft, But in this quiet room, especially next to the pillow, Xiao Minyu also felt a little emotional.

"Okay, don't talk so much, take a good rest, and I will make breakfast for you tomorrow morning." Xiao Minyu replied as if it was true and comforting.

"Yeah." Yulin's voice was joyful, but there was a sigh in her eyes: I'm afraid she won't be able to enjoy the breakfast that Xiao Minyu personally cooked for her, although she hoped so much that she could really receive this gift.

The two lay quietly, time passed by, Yulin didn't make any more movements, which made Xiao Minyu relax a lot.

Xiao Minyu couldn't see Yulin's eyes, took a deep breath, and relaxed a little.Because Yulin held her arms in her arms, she could also feel the rise and fall of Yulin's chest when she breathed.

Because Yulin didn't move or make a sound, Xiao Minyu thought that Yulin was asleep, and after waiting for a while, Yulin still didn't move, so slowly, Xiao Minyu, who was busy all day and thought about it all day, unknowingly slowly Fell asleep.

Listening to Xiao Minyu's breathing becoming more and more stable, Yulin moved slightly, but Xiao Minyu didn't wake up, so Yulin reached out and took out the thing she had just pasted from one side of her thigh.

The icy cold feeling in her hand is the same as her own. Yulin knows that Xiao Minyu's arm has no feeling at a certain point, because when Xiao Minyu's arm is hugged tightly by her, Yulin sticks to it at a certain point. There was a piece of thin ice, but Xiao Minyu couldn't feel it at all because of the tight hug, he would only think it was because of the tight hug.

And after getting used to it, Xiao Minyu couldn't feel it even more, as long as he didn't turn on the light, he wouldn't be noticed.

The thing was firmly held in Yulin's hand. Yulin calmed down, felt the warm body beside her, and said silently in her heart: Yu, since you know everything, I'm afraid you won't know about this matter in the future. Really forgive me, even if you forgive me, we can't be together anymore, so I want to do this, this is the only chance in my life, Yu, I really love you.

Thinking in her heart, Yulin's hand had already touched the place where Xiao Minyu's body had just been frozen, and the sharp point at the front of the thing pierced into the place where Xiao Minyu's arm was frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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